Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
My bet is variants on kudzu, thistles, brambles, poison oak, oversized pitcher plants, thorn apple (hawthorn), poison ivy, puffball mushrooms, and touch-me-nots for plants that would thrive under Dhar conditions. All of them have an aggressive response, some more active than others, that could be enhanced by Dhar and drag the plant asking with it despite the growth inhibition of generally being poisoned.
My bet is variants on kudzu, thistles, brambles, poison oak, oversized pitcher plants, thorn apple (hawthorn), poison ivy, puffball mushrooms, and touch-me-nots for plants that would thrive under Dhar conditions. All of them have an aggressive response, some more active than others, that could be enhanced by Dhar and drag the plant asking with it despite the growth inhibition of generally being poisoned.
One of the most common plants in Mousillon is the Mousillon Rose.

To quote the wiki:
The Mousillon Rose is a plant that grows in the hills of said-duchy. This bush has luxuriant evergreen leaves and vivid purple flowers that bloom most of the year. It looks out of place in the hills, but it fits right in. The stems are coated with vicious, barbed thorns, and the pollen is a deadly poison. What is more, it grows where a Human corpse has been left to rot. The sites of old battles are known to turn into thickets of the deadly plant.[1a]
Right, to break character this time, one week in, and while progress continues to accelerate on the full(ish) and (mostly) comprehensive reread, especially as the ratio of commentless votes to effort posting increases, I'm still just approaching half of the sustained rate that I ever so cockily assumed I could casually maintain as a sideline while waiting for story updates, discord conversations of note, app game action refreshes, and other fiddly inconsequential details like my actual job to draw my attention.

The main point of note is how much the thread seemed to assume that The Lahmian Conspiracy was somehow entirely legitimate in their authority over us which seemed to persist even after Regimand made not all that subtle hints, and them wanting live undead shipped to points unknown.
Right, to break character this time, one week in, and while progress continues to accelerate on the full(ish) and (mostly) comprehensive reread, especially as the ratio of commentless votes to effort posting increases, I'm still just approaching half of the sustained rate that I ever so cockily assumed I could casually maintain as a sideline while waiting for story updates, discord conversations of note, app game action refreshes, and other fiddly inconsequential details like my actual job to draw my attention.

The main point of note is how much the thread seemed to assume that The Lahmian Conspiracy was somehow entirely legitimate in their authority over us which seemed to persist even after Regimand made not all that subtle hints, and them wanting live undead shipped to points unknown.
You're still in Stirland? You'vegot along road ahead of you. That is an interesting point though, which I missed by skipping the discusion.
Would the thread be comfortable placing Mathilde's life in the hands of someone whose only qualification would be having nothing better to do and would have no way of protecting themself against magical manipulation?
I don't know about the thread, but I would be.

"Having nothing better to do" than becoming a professional pilot in service of a rich adventuring noblewoman isn't some kind of low bar that only includes layabouts IMO. In this world such a gig would be a great opportunity for any commoner not bound to inherit anything of note. So we should be able to actually audition and vet people instead of choosing the first desperate youngster looking for steady bread.

In addition, a young adult that chooses piloting as her main job and ticket to an economically secure future as something other than a farmhand is bound to improve their piloting skills faster than someone like Max, an adult trying to improve as a smith, researcher, writer and wrestler of reality itself.

As for protection against magical manipulation, isn't that already lacking with our current pilots? Or is Dwarven magic resistance that noteworthy? If it's the latter I guess we could try and get a Halfling pilot instead of a Human one. They too have some innate magic resistance IIRC.
Though to be honest, I didn't expect to fly the gyrocopter into a battle or siege anyway. That seems damn risky regardless of who is piloting.

Of course I am also aware of cons. Like, I'm not at all confident that the Colleges would cover the expenses of the pilot in their WEB-MAT budget, let alone the required education and fees. In addition someone young who is only bound to us by salary might decide to just leave one day, be it due to some scary thing they witness or because they fall in love or whatever. Still, I don't think that the overall cons outweigh the pros of having a pilot on retainer (who can also do other odd jobs while not flying).

Now if you wish to veto giving a scholarship and then hiring a random non-magical young adult that shows some talent because it would in your opinion be either boring to write or otherwise not mesh with the game layer of the Quest then I fully support your decision. But from a verisimilitude perspective it would be the choice I'd make in Mathilde's shoes, so if your only concern is that you don't think it's an ideal solution then I'll continue advocating for it.

Clanless, so can be reabsorbed into the Royal Clan where someone from another Clan couldn't. The throne staying inside the Clan isn't a rule, it's the preference of the Royal Clan.
Apparently I am quite lost when it comes to understanding Dwarven inheritance (of kingship or otherwise) in your Quest's canon. I thought that women joining their husband's Clan prevents them from being in line to inherit. Bit that's not how it works after all. How does it work?
632 IC Norscans raid and sack the city. A treaty between Westerland and Norsca is only signed in 765 IC.
How do you sign a treaty with "Norsca"?
I actually went on a quick browse over some Vampire pages, and I came across something that killed my braincells in the wiki for the Red Duke:

"By the year 1449 IC, the Duke had become known as El Syf ash-Shml, for the Arabyans had named him in the crude dialect of their nomadic tribes, the "Northern Sword", often shorted simply to "El Syf", the sword."

I'm going to ignore the "crude dialect" thing and just assume its in-universe racism, but what I will not abide is the horrific butchering of the arabic pronunciation here. What the hell is "El Syf ash-Shml"???? The words themselves are fine, but if you wanted a proper phonetic pronunciation it's "Al Saif Al-Shamal".

It's not that hard. Did the author who make the book never speak to an Arabic person to check? I'd give him a consultation for free to prevent this atrocity from touching the earth.
Honest question: How is this any worse than what they did to the Imperial "German" or Tilean "Italian"? I thought butchering the languages until they can pretend that it's a fantasy language was the point.
The problem lies inwhat happens when you actually try to pronounce it. I'm sorta fine with people changing the spelling if it still sounds right, but it doesn't. It sounds awful, like you're skipping syllables and vowels.
Now imagine my pain while keeping in mind where the world is primarily focused on.
You're still in Stirland? You'vegot along road ahead of you. That is an interesting point though, which I missed by skipping the discusion.
Oooooh, we're 5% there
Oh-oh living on a prayer
Take my hand we'll make it I swear-
(Roll to take hand-1)
I can't remember what my thought process was all the way back then. If I was even engaging with that plotline.
It's difficult to do a comprehensive check, but while you were definitely involved with the quest, your name hasn't been registering as one of those insisting that the people giving us orders definitely had to have had the rank or authority to do so legitimately.
Can we grab Adela as our pilot? She's in a good position to want to know more about dwarven gyrocopters, she can probably get Max to make her spare parts to tinker with when we are in the Tor, and I like her from the adventures we had together. I think she's straightforwardly the best wizard to bring in and leave lazing about with the elves if we are trying to get them sold on importing human guns and artillery; she'll be a pretty reliable if unknowing shill for Nuln, backing up the count's gambit with the gift.
Sometimes the way this thread turns into a general Warhammer Fantasy discussion thread really frustrates me. It's why I tend to drop reading the thread for many pages after the debate over an actual vote has faded, and I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I guess Boney finds some value in it for his own worldbuilding, so it's allowed to continue, but IMO he would be fully justified in asking moderation to shut down random discussions on Cathay or how vampires work. These are subjects that have little to nothing to do with the quest as it stands, and it means that I can never be sure whether a multi-page discussion is about something actually relevant to the quest or if it's a digression on Random Warhammer Facts. It would be possible to establish a "General Warhammer Fantasy" thread in the Creative Discussion and Worldbuilding forum where those interested could hash out Warhammer canon.

Where the line gets drawn between 'acceptable tangent' and 'completely off-topic' would be hard enough for someone who knows the lore inside and out, let alone moderators who may know nothing about the setting. Personally I'm happy to allow general setting discussion to happen as long as it isn't drowning out actual quest discussion, and since it only really happens when it's been a few days since an update it doesn't seem like that's a danger. As for a separate thread, it seems like there's not enough interest in the setting outside of the quest format to sustain one - there's a general thread in the fiction discussion subforum for the more popular 40k that's had 20 pages of discussion in the past year and a half, and an attempt to create a Fantasy one in creative discussion years back that didn't fill the first page.

On balance, some people having to scroll past a discussion they're not interested in seems like a lesser evil than forcibly ending a discussion that other people are interested in.

"Having nothing better to do" than becoming a professional pilot in service of a rich adventuring noblewoman isn't some kind of low bar that only includes layabouts IMO. In this world such a gig would be a great opportunity for any commoner not bound to inherit anything of note. So we should be able to actually audition and vet people instead of choosing the first desperate youngster looking for steady bread.

In addition, a young adult that chooses piloting as her main job and ticket to an economically secure future as something other than a farmhand is bound to improve their piloting skills faster than someone like Max, an adult trying to improve as a smith, researcher, writer and wrestler of reality itself.

I think you're looking at this from a viewpoint that is far more used to both Wizards and flying than pretty much anyone in-universe. They won't be thinking 'hmm, lucrative piloting career for a respected figure, this seems like a solid career path'. They'll be thinking 'flying beyond the safety of the Empire in a bizarre Dwarven contraption that shoots through the air in service to a particularly intimidating Wizard where any momentary lapse in concentration on my part would kill everyone involved'. Sheer desperation would be the least bad of the possible motivations for getting involved in this. And you'd be lucky to find someone willing with any kind of education, let alone the sort of education that would serve as a suitable foundation for learning the extremely unintuitive mechanics of aeronautics and air navigation.

As for protection against magical manipulation, isn't that already lacking with our current pilots? Or is Dwarven magic resistance that noteworthy? If it's the latter I guess we could try and get a Halfling pilot instead of a Human one. They too have some innate magic resistance IIRC.

On top of being Dwarves trained for combat and sworn to the service of Morgrim, the current pilots live in Karag Lhune, they're not wandering unescorted around whichever population centre is nearest to where Mathilde is working at the current time. And Halfling magic resistance is rather overblown in the retelling, they're only somewhat more difficult to ensorcell than a human of the equivalent willpower would be.

Apparently I am quite lost when it comes to understanding Dwarven inheritance (of kingship or otherwise) in your Quest's canon. I thought that women joining their husband's Clan prevents them from being in line to inherit. Bit that's not how it works after all. How does it work?

Eldest child for inheritable titles, according to the will for goods and wealth. Clans want to keep titles in the Clan and don't arrange marriages that would endanger that.

Can we grab Adela as our pilot? She's in a good position to want to know more about dwarven gyrocopters, she can probably get Max to make her spare parts to tinker with when we are in the Tor, and I like her from the adventures we had together. I think she's straightforwardly the best wizard to bring in and leave lazing about with the elves if we are trying to get them sold on importing human guns and artillery; she'll be a pretty reliable if unknowing shill for Nuln, backing up the count's gambit with the gift.

This would be possible.
I'd recommend turning off everything but thread op alerts in preferences, if you don't feel the need to follow thread discussion. That way you only get alerts when the QM posts over a hundred words which is generally enough to be able to discern the important information without having to sift through thousands of posts.
In light of recent developments in the quest, I felt like this highly topical meme:

-could use some adaptation.

So now this exists.

You can't fool me. That's no normal meme. You didn't "adapt" it, no no, you completely re-drew every part of it, including the book scribbles! This, dear audience, is a rare and dastardly High Quality Meme! You fiend! :mob:

(It's great and amazing and I love it.)
I generally just scroll past everything that doesn't have Boney's avatar or occasionally one of the other notables. Sometimes I skip pages too, especially if a vote just opened.
Can we grab Adela as our pilot? She's in a good position to want to know more about dwarven gyrocopters, she can probably get Max to make her spare parts to tinker with when we are in the Tor, and I like her from the adventures we had together. I think she's straightforwardly the best wizard to bring in and leave lazing about with the elves if we are trying to get them sold on importing human guns and artillery; she'll be a pretty reliable if unknowing shill for Nuln, backing up the count's gambit with the gift.
That works surprisingly well. Also isnt Adella the one with Nepotism as her thing? I think it might be amusing to see how she tries to get her family jobs in elfland lol. (i dont think she'd do anything seriously offensive so lolz over 'oh god no')
I wouldn't trust anyone other than a dwarf to pilot the thing. Given how badly modern helicopters lust for the death of everyone aboard, it's frankly a legitimate miracle that gyrocopter pilots manage to stay in the air even in perfect calm conditions with nobody shooting at them.

Plus any pilot would have to know more about how the machine works than the guild would be okay with humans knowing.
My bet is variants on kudzu, thistles, brambles, poison oak, oversized pitcher plants, thorn apple (hawthorn), poison ivy, puffball mushrooms, and touch-me-nots for plants that would thrive under Dhar conditions. All of them have an aggressive response, some more active than others, that could be enhanced by Dhar and drag the plant asking with it despite the growth inhibition of generally being poisoned.
yeah but any like, edible crops, is the question
I don't want to give up another action to employing Adela. We've have to recruit two other people on top of her to "make it pay" and then there would be four WebMAT actions a turn.
Maybe I missed something, but why would we spend an AP recruiting a pilot when we can just have Mathilde learn to pilot herself?
Maybe I missed something, but why would we spend an AP recruiting a pilot when we can just have Mathilde learn to pilot herself?
1) Because learning how to fly a gyrocopter probably takes more than 1 AP in one turn. It's a pretty specialized trade even if you're not planning to fly combat operations.

2) Because Mathilde will probably want to have her hands and mind free to do other things while riding in the gyrocopter.
Voting is open