If you want to read more material on Marienburg, there were a bunch of articles published on the Black Industries website that have mostly gone down the memory hole, but are compiled here.
I think it was released in the 2E era, given references in there to 2E books like Tome of Corruption.
An interesting character in there, for example, is 'Lukas', an ex-runesmith who accidentally rediscovered daemon binding runes, suffered a couple of minor mutations so ran away from his hold, and makes and sells temporary minor runic actions disguised as holy relics. He also collects and sells conventional magic items and magical knowledge and resorts to questioning the unaligned daemon he accidentally bound, so he'd pretty damn radical.
I think it was released in the 2E era, given references in there to 2E books like Tome of Corruption.
An interesting character in there, for example, is 'Lukas', an ex-runesmith who accidentally rediscovered daemon binding runes, suffered a couple of minor mutations so ran away from his hold, and makes and sells temporary minor runic actions disguised as holy relics. He also collects and sells conventional magic items and magical knowledge and resorts to questioning the unaligned daemon he accidentally bound, so he'd pretty damn radical.
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