- Pronouns
- She/Her
That's true. In later maps, they populated both the north and south of that region with more and more Dark Elf and Lizardmen stuff respectively... It felt like they really wanted to make those parts of the world homogenized to simplify the setting. By 8th edition, you have stuff like Hexoatl as far north as the Lustrian isthmus.The Bleak Hold Fortress and Doom Glades are right next to the Colony to the north, so I doubt they have much of a hold over the area. Sure it's a great place for staging military operations and keeping an eye on Naggaroth, but I'm not sure if they'd have enough presence there for large scale resource extraction.
I think the reason there isn't an Old Worlder presence is there is that Arnheim is a defensive colony, and not one focused on trade and prosperity. Their focus seems to me to be keeping any eye of the Druchii and and stifle their navy, not colonise the continent. The Old Worlders have even less reason to keep an eye on the Dark Elves.
It's a pity, IMO. Lustria was concieved as a really diverse setting where all the factions could interact in the same way as the Old World, but by the end, it feels like the writers sorta lost interest in it beyond the idea of "Lizardmen Homeland".
edit: Oh, just saw your edit. I didn't know about that - I guess it probably wasn't what they meant in Sold Down the River, then.
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