Voted best in category in the Users' Choice awards.
Voting is open
I'll go with:
[X] Plan Redshirt v2 with AV

Though as long as the AV is included I'm fine. Also have slight preference for mushroom book.
With regards to books and the conspiracy it is worth keeping in mind that books in general are rare, the ability and inclination to read a lot of them even rarer. Like just because something is in a book does not make it common knowledge unless it is the holy book of a major cult, in which case it might be known by most of their adepts.
Well, apparently the Conspiracy of Silence also entails discrediting academics who publish claims about intelligent Rat-people in their research papers. So I assume that books about the accurate adventures of Mandred Skavenslayer with his old historical nom de guerre are not available in the library. In any case, it goes beyond just keeping the stuff away from the barely literate.
The most populous nation in Warhammer is Cathay,
No. It's the Under-Empire and you're either being humanocentric or surface-centric.
Last time I argued that there would be more forestborn than cityborn these figures were used:

And this is referring to a single city for an area equalling 2/3rds the size of Nordland.

You know how Warhammer has abysmal population figures? Last time I posted about it, Boney gave me a rough multiplication figure of x100 to get the actual population. That was an offhand mention, but he did say that at the current time period hundreds of thousands of people can in fact live in a city if it's big enough. So, I'm going to give you the canon population figures of the four most major Empire cities, then to make them more realistic, because we know Warhammer sucks at population figures, I'll multiply them by 10. Not 100, because the figures would be absurd otherwise:

Nuln: 120,000/1.2 million
Altdorf: 105,000/1.05 million
Middenheim: 95,000/ 950k
Talabheim: 72,000/ 720k

I should mention that in canon, the average village has around 50 or less people. A large town has around a 1000. A city has 10,000.

If we take the modified values of only the four most major cities of the Empire, and then compare them to the rough 15mil figure, you find that those four cities account for 3.92million.

Roughly 38% of the Empire's population lives in only four cities. I don't know about you, but that figure makes sense to me. Now if you include every urban population center in the Empire, accounting for cities and towns (which are urban), your figure would almost certainly come about to see that the majority of the Empire's population is in fact urban.
That seems off. Every two rural citizen would have to be able to feed a third mouth. And that's if you ignore all the rural non-farmers and the soldiers and nobles who eat more than a normal share.
I really do not want to deal with a group that hates Laurelorn's major human contact, and I do not think we have anything to do with banishing daemons, the point of Waystones is not to banish the daemons, it is to keep the magic level low enough that they can't manifest.
We can choose Hedgewise that aren't from Middenland.
However what we really need to start thinking about is when we want to do this action:
My preference is that we first recruit at least the Jade, one or two Elven Houses and, if possible, Ice Witches.
Dragon Children start quarelling and causing warring states to pop up and the Monkey King takes over the Celestial Court and names a Clan Eshin dude as his advisor or something.
Hoo boy. Openly Skaven advisor in a non-Skaven court. That sure is special.

Do we know whether there is only one immortal Monkey King or whether that's just a title?

Also weird that they consider Hysh to be more corrupting than Azyr.
Also, the distinction between worshipping gods and worshipping a combination of ancestors and dragons feels a bit odd for the time period. The focus on precise taxonomy is very modern, especially given that a lot of the gods in question actually are ancestors of living people.
Remember that the Dragons themselves (and especially the Emperor) are not "of the time period". I'm not even sure if he's born on the planet, but he definitely will have memories of the Old Ones still being around. Those guys might have quite liked precise taxonomy.

And if such a creature shapes your culture and proclaims that it dislikes being worshipped, then you will definitely not worship it. No, instead you'll perform your daily rituals of respect in your special Imperial Respect-Paying Room, using the appropriately respectful incense and hand sings. No worshipping here. No siree.
So, instead of my normal threadmark reread, or abridged reread starting somewhere around the Purge, I'm going to try to do a full read or at least skim of every post.

If I don't post again in about three months, Avenge My Death!

Edit of editty editness: First moment of hilarity, going from a newly graduated barely wizard dreading the ominous letter in our baggage, straight to the character sheet of the level 25 epic archmage with 8 Mythic levels and six dots in Prime and Mind.
Keep us posted on the highlights of your journey.

I'll read the actual chapter tonight I guess
Well, I'll throw in some alternate stuff into the race:

[X] Plan: Mixed Stew: 2x recruit, mushrooms, AV and Gong farmers
-[X] MAX: Use kitting out his workshop as a pretext to get to know House Miriel and the local Cult of Vaul
-[X] EGRIMM: Attempt to bring the Light Order into the Waystone Project
-[X] JOHANN: Train with and study the freshly-attached golden arm
-[X] Furnish the research spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (specify how much: 2000gc for Laurelorn-grade)
-[X] Attempt to bring an organisation into the Waystone Project (The Jade Order)
--[X] The Gambler: Attempt to bring the Jade Order into the Waystone Project
-[X] Investigate how the Vitae reacts with Divine Magic
-[X] EIC: Expand the Gong Farmers and Niter production. Bring in dwarven experts as needed.
-[X] Seek official recognition of Kron-Azril-Ungol as an affiliated library of the Colleges of Magic
-[X] Write a paper: The Windsoak Mushrooms book, Part 1

[x] Plan Mixed Stew Alternate: Looking at Waystones instead of AV
-[X] MAX: Use kitting out his workshop as a pretext to get to know House Miriel and the local Cult of Vaul
-[X] JOHANN: Train with and study the freshly-attached golden arm
-[X] EGRIMM: Attempt to bring the Light Order into the Waystone Project
-[x] Attempt to bring the Jade Order into the Waystone Project
--[X] The Gambler: Attempt to bring the Jade Order into the Waystone Project
-[X] Personally scrutinize a Waystone as thoroughly as you possibly can.
-[x] Furnish the research spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (Laurelorn-grade)
-[X] SERENITY: Windsoak Mushrooms Book (1/2)
-[X] EIC: Expand the Gong Farmers and Niter production. Bring in dwarven experts as needed.
-[x] KAU: Seek official recognition of Kron-Azril-Ungol as an affiliated library of the Colleges of Magic

I think not getting the EIC to make more saltpeter, if possible, is a waste at this point. I get people want to see what Alaric is up to, but I'd rather reinforce our position than try to fight a fight that isn't ours to fight. Don't interfere in other Colledge squabbles. Especially ones that concern their Patriarch position. From the Greys, with what our task is, that would be taken... poorly. As for books, I'm a fan of shrooms over more dreary Chaos Waste stuff. The shrooms are a lot more practical than more :"Here's exactly how fucked you are, if you are stupid enough to go to the wastes."
On the other hand, it would allow us to pull the Grey Patriarch into this...

Alric's a Patriarch of a College of Magic. He could just say, someone was spying on me, the leader of the Empire's prime magical anti-corruption agency, so I killed them, and all his peers would happily accept that as being completely reasonable, and then turn around and make a big deal about the Grey College not staying in their lane and taking unprovoked aggressive action against one of the institutions that should be a check on it. Unless we can prove that he's a chaos cultist, whatever Alric does is not our business.
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I think not getting the EIC to make more saltpeter, if possible, is a waste at this point. I get people want to see what Alaric is up to, but I'd rather reinforce our position than try to fight a fight that isn't ours to fight. Don't interfere in other Colledge squabbles. Especially ones that concern their Patriarch position. From the Greys, with what our task is, that would be taken... poorly. As for books, I'm a fan of shrooms over more dreary Chaos Waste stuff. The shrooms are a lot more practical than more :"Here's exactly how fucked you are, if you are stupid enough to go to the wastes."
Keeping track of Alric might be useful in case he is one of the candidates for Everchosen.
six dots in Prime and Mind.
Wouldn't Mathilde have high dots in Space instead of Prime? With the teleport and going through walls.

Keeping track of Alric might be useful in case he is one of the candidates for Everchosen.
Literally anyone we met (or don't met) could be a potential Everchosen. Archaon was a random witchhunter. We have better things to do with our AP than spy on a guy who hasn't done anything even remotely Choatic or even criminal.

I voted to check on him for this turn because I wanna know what he was doing to be sure there won't be waves in the Light Order, but checking him more regularly for Everchoseny activities would be as useful as checking a random soldier or witch-hunter.
Even if we don't learn exactly what's going on with Alric, what I'm most interested in is what's going on in Talabecland. There's something going on that has caused Alric to stay there for whatever reason, and both the Light and Grey Order don't know what it is. It would be helpful to know, and it's not like having informants in the administration of Talabecland is a bad thing. Reminder that a few of their traders were buying peat from the Vampires of Sylvania and they almost got grudged by Karak Kadrin for trying to mess with a canal that would improve the Empire's lot because it would undermine their control over the Talabec. They're not exactly a font of good decisions, and keeping track of them doesn't hurt.
Literally anyone we met (or don't met) could be a potential Everchosen. Archaon was a random witchhunter. We have better things to do with our AP than spy on a guy who hasn't done anything even remotely Choatic or even criminal.
Well yeah... but you have to admit, he'd be quite the catch for Tzeentch, and after having lost a lot of prestige and gotten his ass kicked by Dragomas in a rather humiliating way.
Well yeah... but you have to admit, he'd be quite the catch for Tzeentch, and after having lost a lot of prestige and gotten his ass kicked by Dragomas in a rather humiliating way.

On the other hand going from 'lost the Patriarch duel' to 'turning to chaos' is a bit like saying 'well he lost the CEO position, guess he is Hannibal Lecter now'. One does not follow the other with any sort of consistency.
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Well yeah... but you have to admit, he'd be quite the catch for Tzeentch, and after having lost a lot of prestige and gotten his ass kicked by Dragomas in a rather humiliating way.
Sure, but I'm sure we could say the same of any number of Magisters, or the Nordland EC, or many other people who were frustrated by life.
Alric is the perfect target for Tzeentch as an ambitious old has-been who's lost his touch and is desperately trying to cling to and restore his past glories and remain relevant, and also happens to be a powerful caster. He most likely feels trapped after losing his prestige from the duel, getting the order taken from him in all but name from Mira, being kicked out of Altdorf, then Nuln, then Stirland.

But just because someone is a good target for Chaos doesn't mean that they're going to automatically fall to Chaos or that Chaos will automatically notice them. He could be just an entirely mundane sort of annoyance rather than Chaotic evil. There's plenty of those out there.

I personally keep the two possibilities in my mind. I'm not interested in keeping track of him because I'm sure he's turned to Chaos, I just think it's likely he'll try to get Horstmann back and we would be less likely to get the Light Order's support if he's in charge.
On the other hand going from 'lost the Patriarch duel' to 'turning to chaos' is a bit like saying 'well he lost the CEO position, guess he is Hannibal Lector now'. One does not follow the other with any sort of consistency.
Grey Wizard paranoia, or Mathilde Nosiness, have your pick :V.

He wouldn't immediately go Hannibal Lector of course, but his latest misfortune and loss of authority could be the start of the long road down to chaos.

Dabbling in some forbidden art to get some more vigour in his aged limbs at first? Entirely reasonable.

Anyway... Codex's post explains my thoughts better than me, so i'll leave this at that
That seems off. Every two rural citizen would have to be able to feed a third mouth. And that's if you ignore all the rural non-farmers and the soldiers and nobles who eat more than a normal share.
That's not out of the question. Estimates for the Roman Empire have 25-30% population in urban centers.
Are there any plans that use Max's action on dictation? Seeing as we have a clutch of mostly faded papers this round it feels like it might be advisable to help winnow some of them before the malus kicks in.

We don't have precisely one Max action - we can take multiple WEB-MAT actions with the same person.

The following plan takes advantage of that fact, and the idea that Elves and Dwarves are patient, by taking 4AP for 6 WEB-MAT actions, and leaving human recruitment for later.

[X] Plan: Papers Please
-[X] MAX: Use kitting out his workshop as a pretext to get to know House Miriel and the local Cult of Vaul
-[X] MAX: Receive dictation: Comprehensive notes on possible terrain obstacles & Observations on the Chaos Wastes in the western Great Steppes
-[X] EGRIMM: Attempt a Windherder enchantment with Egrimm (Dazzling Brightness/Bewilder)
-[X] EGRIMM: Write a Paper (Observations on the Windfall north of the Dark Lands)
-[X] JOHANN: Train with and study the freshly-attached golden arm
--[X] Gambler for training with the golden arm
-[X] WEB-MAT: Attempt to recruit someone to WEB-MAT - Hugo Bann
-[X] Furnish the research spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (specify how much: 2000gc for Laurelorn-grade)
-[X] EIC: Insert agents into Talabecland administration to start gathering their secrets
-[X] Seek official recognition of Kron-Azril-Ungol as an affiliated library of the Colleges of Magic
-[X] Write a paper: Preliminary paper on Aethyric Vitae.

Hugo Bann is a great fit for the waystone project, being an enchanter with experience on multi-magic megastructure. Four members seems like a good number, most turns they'll all be able to be active in three actions and even when they can't as long as we alternate which one we leave out it'll be fine.

But here's another version without the recruitment:

[X] Plan: Maximum MAX
-[X] MAX: Use kitting out his workshop as a pretext to get to know House Miriel and the local Cult of Vaul
-[X] MAX: Learn to fly a Gyrocopter with Mathilde
-[X] MAX: Receive dictation: Comprehensive notes on possible terrain obstacles & Observations on the Chaos Wastes in the western Great Steppes
-[X] EGRIMM: Attempt a Windherder enchantment with Egrimm (Dazzling Brightness/Bewilder)
-[X] EGRIMM: Write a Paper (Observations on the Windfall north of the Dark Lands)
-[X] JOHANN: Train with and study the freshly-attached golden arm
--[X] Gambler for training with the golden arm
-[X] Furnish the research spaces of the Waystone Project HQ (specify how much: 2000gc for Laurelorn-grade)
-[X] EIC: Insert agents into Talabecland administration to start gathering their secrets
-[X] Seek official recognition of Kron-Azril-Ungol as an affiliated library of the Colleges of Magic
-[X] Write a paper: Preliminary paper on Aethyric Vitae.

I would make a version of this plan that did Divine AV, but I feel like we need to get the research spaces set up - and I can't see any way in which any of the WEB-MAT members would help with the Divine AV action.

I feel like the preliminary paper on AV is actually a good step towards doing future things with it however - at present no-one is interested in seeing the results of experiments because only a few runesmiths/runelords know there is such a thing and they're already putting it to great use.

I wasn't sure quite where to put the gambler at first, but honestly I feel like Johann could use the added luck in melding with the powerful magical artefact of unknown origin.

I'm also going to throw in some approval votes for plans that windherd.

[X] Plan: Slow and Steady with windherding.
[X] Plan: Elves first, Talabec
[X] Plan: Elves first, Ninja
Keep us posted on the highlights of your journey.
Day 2 of the Divided Loyalties Expedition:

Progress is slow, and our leader's blithe assumption as to the date of the completion of our journey already naught but a joke with the humor surgically removed1. Infuriatingly he makes excuses for bypassing that constantly evolving yet stalwart citadel, The Collection of Important Information, claiming that it has changed too much since the time of its founding to do anything but lead us astray from our holy quest to follow in the footsteps of The Path. Mutinous grumbling when we make camp is already at a level I did not expect to see for weeks hence.

We have unearthed a treasure trove of primary sources documenting the oft mythologized reasoning behind those first tentative steps, but to what benefit if none return to speak of our findings?

1: To within a few inches, and with a great deal of screaming

Wouldn't Mathilde have high dots in Space instead of Prime? With the teleport and going through walls.
Would have been Correspondence back when I was paying attention, and it didn't fit all that well. Abuse of Prime covereth a multitude of sins against the guidelines of physics.
no one that has pushed for Hugo Bann has explained why the apparently the best enchanter of the best enchanting college would want to give up his comfy spot in the hierarchy of the brights to come help with a project that hasn't yet even started.

Like, I'm not sure what we have to offer him at this point in the game? whats the 'pull factor' of the project that will overcome the 'push factor' of having to give up some other project that he is doing.
no one that has pushed for Hugo Bann has explained why the apparently the best enchanter of the best enchanting college would want to give up his comfy spot in the hierarchy of the brights to come help with a project that hasn't yet even started.

Like, I'm not sure what we have to offer him at this point in the game? whats the 'pull factor' of the project that will overcome the 'push factor' of having to give up some other project that he is doing.
When he worked with us on the tower, he enjoyed it because he was doing something novel rather than just churning out more staves, So working at the cutting edge with both waystones and windherded enchantments would be something he would likely be interested in.
Hugo is not settled into his little niche and unwilling to leave it. He was willing to travel to K8P to do something new. Dangling an entirely new field of enchanting in front of him is pretty much the best bait we can ask for.
Hugo is not settled into his little niche and unwilling to leave it. He was willing to travel to K8P to do something new. Dangling an entirely new field of enchanting in front of him is pretty much the best bait we can ask for.

Hugo was employed for, what, a single turn, using collage favour.

Permanently hiring him as an employee of WEBMAT is vastly different from bringing him in as a specialist consultant—especially when we already have two enchanters on the team.

Put yourself in Hugo's shoes. You're currently one of the most skilled enchanters in the eight collages. You regularly give classes to wizards of all eight colours. You have a commissions list a mile long.

A wizard you worked with once a few years ago comes up, and offers you a job at a recently founded branch collage. You've never heard of it before. It's charter is combing arcane and divine magic, and they are currently working with the scary wood elves that have two provinces at each others throat.

Do you take the job?

Look, please explain to me what benefit Hugo will bring to us, and what benefit we can give him. Don't say something vague like "he's a great enchanter" or "we have access to rare research". Give me something specific. For Ranald's sake, we're a great enchanter. So's Egrimm. What can he do that we can't?

If Hugo joins, what tasks will he be doing? How will we compensate him for his time and expertise? Why does he need to be a staff member of WEBMAT instead of just commissioning him via collage favour?

Max and Johann were easy to recruit because they have nothing better to do and they like us. We only got Egrimm because Mira felt he was politically inconvenient and sent him far away. Hugo is not going to be that simple at all.
Hugo was willing to spare a period of time over six months from his busy schedule to come help out with the Tower. That doesn't mean he's willing to give up his station to join WEB-MAT as a full time employee. This is an entirely different ball game to the Red Tower, and we don't know nearly enough about him to really tell how he'd react, much less if we have any actual chance of convincing him. We'd have to keep him constantly busy to justify why we're taking him away from his incredibly highly valued job turning staffs in the College that loves Staffs the most.
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I just realized that this is very in character for Mathilde. She's paranoid that Alric is up to something, but also paranoid that he'll catch her, so she's investigating him obliquely.

Also, I wonder how the Hochlander will feel being asked to investigate a Patriarch without actually investigating him.
All the options are in character for Mathilde. Simply spying on him is as in character as this indirect method being proposed.
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