The White Raven
The city of Altdorf was quite possibly one of the busiest cities in all the Empire. Its many citizens always had something to do, a job to perform, an errand to run, so much so that it rarely ever slept. People would move to and fro through the streets even in the dead of night, the Altdorf watch patrolling the streets and lamps and lanterns would be lit to provide illumination for those still partaking of the city's establishments. The sounds of raucous cheering and drunken yelling could be heard from some of the taverns that were still open, for they ran in shifts and the people of Altdorf had grown used to the noise.
It was quite impressive then, that the White Raven was capable of moving so swiftly and quietly through the rooftops of the city of Altdorf without drawing anyone's attention. Then again, very few people looked up, and few of those who do notice the shifting miasma of color that moves through the air. Not many could recall details, believing themselves to be hallucinating. Such was the favor of the Goddess of Thieves that the Raven courted.
It wasn't simply acts of athleticism that allowed the Raven to jump from roof to roof, for those skilled in the arts of perceiving magic could see the momentary flashes of Skywalk incantations allowing her to propel herself through the air from one rooftop to another. It was with astonishing swiftness that the White Raven arrived at her target, a relatively large mansion at the very edges of the richer districts of the city of Altdorf.
The White Raven stopped to take stock briefly, taking a deep breath. This was far from her first heist, but she never quite got over the nerves that would build ever since her first successful venture. It was always thrilling, exciting and equally dangerous to do what she did, but she wouldn't give it up even if it meant her death. She was that convinced of the righteousness of what she was doing. Some people didn't deserve the wealth they took from those below them, and she needed to teach them a lesson.
The Raven withdrew a cross from within the folds of her padded leather armor, tracing the lines of her silver talisman. She intoned a quiet prayer to Ranald, and placed her fortune in hands of the Goddess of Luck. She took out a tuft of cat fur from one of her pouches, and harnessed the energy of Ranald to give herself the Stealth of Ranald. She quickly analysed the points of egress into the mansion, double checked it with the information provided to her, and moved to get the job done.
It was easy. Frighteningly so, in fact. Everything was going just as planned for the Raven as she managed to successfully sneak into the bedroom of the Lord of the house, who was quite busy cavorting in a "private" party according to her intelligence. That did not help Raven's paranoia, as she kept herself alert for any traps that would be set out for her. It was unbelievably trivial to slip past what few guards were employed to guard and patrol the interior, and strangely enough there was no one guarding the room she was about to infiltrate.
Sensing a possible trap, Raven pulled out the eye of a hawk from one of her pouches. She didn't want to cast this unless it was necessary, but she wasn't an amateur who was going to fall for such an obvious trap. The White Raven went through the rather complex incantations for Trapsense and hoped Ranald was still with her.
The spell was successful, but… not quite what she expected. She felt Ranald's amused gaze turn her way to reassure her as she felt that the entirety of the corridor she was in and the room she would enter was free of traps. But there was… something. She didn't know what. Ranald's inscrutable nature was often frustrating, but Raven had long ago learnt to deal with her goddess' cryptic hints. If she wouldn't reveal what was inside to Raven, then it meant that it was a surprise that she didn't want to spoil.
Taking a deep breath beneath her White Raven mask, Raven placed one hand on the pistol she held in her side holster, taking comfort in firmly gripping it as she swiftly but quietly skittered to the door to the room she was aiming for. She opened the door only to immediately pull out and aim the gun at the figure waiting for her on the bed.
"Aw. Is that how you greet all your prospective friends? No wonder you work solo" said the insufferably smug woman lying down on the bed.
Raven recognised her. Of course she did. She silently holstered her gun and shut the door carefully behind her as she considered the Empress lying on the bed looking like a pleased cat. She was wearing skintight leathers made for comfortable movement rather than the elaborate dresses she was often seen with in her processions through the streets of Altdorf, but Raven knew better than to forget the face of one of the most influential people in the Empire.
What surprised her, but she wouldn't show in any of her mannerisms through her own suit of padded dark leathers, was that Raven could recognise the touch of Ranald on the Empress. She had never once suspected that the Protector would be a power on the throne, but apparently she didn't know her Goddess as well as she thought she did.
"Why are you here? Don't you have an Empire to run?" Raven had been practicing deepening her voice to make it distinct to her own way of speaking to separate her identities from each other, but this was perhaps the first time she's ever had to use it in a heist.
"Oh me? I'm just the Empress. Dear Luitpold is the one who does all the big stuff" Empress Heidi winked, her tone belying the truth of her words "I'm just here to look at a fellow worshipper who's been making headlines! We both have a Mutual Friend, by the transitive property, that means we're friends too!"
Heidi slowly stood up from her position on the bed, leaving it to wander the room as she spoke in a low, casual tone, as if she was sharing a secret. Raven warily kept an eye on her. She felt Ranald's presence, but she wasn't quite ready to start trusting Heidi simply because her Goddess' presence was apparent on her.
"You see, I've heard a lot about you, "White Raven". A lot that isn't so charitable from my "friends" at court, and much of which was quite impressive was relayed to me by our mutual friend. I'm quite proud to see the next generation of Ranaldites are so talented and dedicated to the Cause. Unfortunately, your efforts are starting to interfere with mine, and I can't let that go on forever." Heidi looked back from examining one of the statues in the private shrine adjoining the bed, one of which depicted a cat she held up in her hands.
"Are you telling me to stop? I'm a Ranaldite, it is my religious duty not to listen to what you have to say." Raven bristled.
"Oh no! I could not imagine telling you to stop~" Heidi smirked at her "I simply want to direct your attention to targets that would benefit not just your purposes, but mine too. I'm sure our mutual friend will find it quite fitting to reward you generously for your efforts. The last person I offered this to unfortunately declined, she's quite the busy woman. I have high hopes for you however, I've heard quite a lot of good things"
Raven shuffled uncomfortably, considering the offer. "Are you willing to offer me your resources for the subtle transfer of valuables?"
"Certainly. I would go to great lengths to secure the assistance of such a...prolific Night Prowler. I'm more of a Deciever myself."
"Then yes. There is no honor between thieves, but there is honor among Ranaldites. I will hold you to this."
The White Raven held out her gloved left hand for a handshake. Heidi's lips curved into a smile as she walked over, clasping her hand in the Raven's, sealing the deal if not in blood or paper, but in a promise between Ranaldites.
Satisfied, Heidi was about to say something…
And she's gone. Heidi blinked in surprise, confused over what happened until she looked at the open window to her left. She looked down at her left hand, which had borne one of her favorite rings. She should not have brought it with her.
"Oh that little-"
Author's Note: I got a burst of inspiration and decided to spend it writing this. For those who don't know, the White Raven is an actual character in Tome of Salvation 2E. A Ranaldite who steals from the rich under a masked alter ego and gives her proceedings to orphanages and homes of war victims, and is said to be a crackshot with a pistol. I thought it'd be neat if she interacted with a certain other Ranaldite in DL, especially since Mathilde refused Heidi's offer.
To those confused over what happened at the end, I'll spoil it for you and tell you that Raven cast a customised Bamboozle. It requires physical contact to work, but whoever gets it cast on them will be temporarily dazed and not remember what happened within the few seconds that it works.