You fool, Vlag is the 13th Everchosen.
*promptly yoinks for the right bracket*
Yep, the entire mountain just gets up and decides it's serving Chaos from now on. The Dawi are trapped within a Chaos Realm once more!
Well that's completely terrifying. I have to imagine that this won't really become relevant for a very long time, or at least I hope it won't. Would be one hell of a final act.
On another note, since we still have some downtime, we should iron out our self-improvement priorities. I get the feeling that finishing our Master sword style is going to be the first thing we get squared away. But afterwards, I hope Mathilde can really direct attention towards Apparition binding, including the actual capture part, binding them to a device or spell or something, and then grappling with the problem of whether she's going to publicize this stuff. I absolutely want to spread the idea of apparition binding, the main reason I liked having that as our price was because I wanted to pry a secret out of this guild and spread it everywhere to maximize benefit to the field. But it ended up being a bit more politically sensitive than we thought.
I want to finish our sword style aswell, then see if we can codify a "Shadow Sword" that can do the important flickering tricks from Rune of the Unknown, so we can teach both at the Grey College. Put a even bigger stamp onto the Ulgu spellbook.
I want to finish our sword style aswell, then see if we can codify a "Shadow Sword" that can do the important flickering tricks from Rune of the Unknown, so we can teach both at the Grey College. Put a even bigger stamp onto the Ulgu spellbook.
23. That unnamed gyrocopter pilot that we never repaid properly for our dragon skull
Don't put too much faith in terminology, as something being called a rifle is no guarantee that it actually has a rifled barrel and probably just means that the writer didn't want to use 'handgun', which is more technically correct but is misleading to modern audiences because the meaning has drifted over the centuries. Hochland's 'long rifle' is technically an arquebus, formally known as Leon Todmeister's Fantabulously Far-reaching Harquebus of Unforseeable and Unperceived Bereavement, and has been around for at least five hundred years so it would have very primitive rifling if it had it at all. And if we really go down the rabbit hole, then the Reikspiel word for all of the above would probably be 'gewehr', which means something like 'long gun' and doesn't necessarily specify rifling.
This reminded me of the trade ledgers we decided to pick up. Remembering that we helped fight the vampires like that makes me feel a small but good and steady amount of warm, like a campfire.23. That unnamed gyrocopter pilot that we never repaid properly for our dragon skull
There is nothing more patient than a quester looking to a negaverse as said negaverse decides which boon to request.To be fair, the voters in Gyrocopter Quest still haven't decided on what to spend their Grey Wizard Boon on yet.
Thanks! His name is complete freebie gift for the Romance Mirrorverse, really.@Alliterate gonna get buried under THUNDERDOME talk but I'm fucking wheezing at VON HEARTSMANN
On the way back from Dum, we came very close to stealing a mammoth. This spawned a number of mammoth-related memes, including one about a Mammoth Everchosen that would've been Archaeon's mount if it hadn't turned on him.
On the way back from Dum, we came very close to stealing a mammoth. This spawned a number of mammoth-related memes, including one about a Mammoth Everchosen that would've been Archaeon's mount if it hadn't turned on him.
...Tournament Arc?!?!?A peek at something that might become significant in the long term:
There is a candidate behind each question mark. Over time you might hear about distant events that could indicate who they are and how they're going.
Vlag, Almost half a dozen gods walking up to their backyard and stealing one of their toys, Ranald punching Khorne in the face, the Dwarves getting a resurgence... all of those probably played a part.Interesting. Obviously chaos pushing things a bit early because of Vlag. Which really makes me wonder wtf Nurgle is up to. We never once saw Nurglites of any power in the chaos wastes, which is frankly weird.
the good news, such as it is, is that chaos probably does this a lot more often than they actually produce everchosen and the process is likely to be best measured in years to decades.
...That is a suspicious number. Considering, you know, there are apparently 32 candidates.If I'm reading the wiki correctly, the canon 13th Everchosen began his reign in 2519, or about 32 years in advance of the current quest date. Of course there's no guarantee that the quest will follow that timeline.
I mean, while I suspect plenty of the candidates will die, I feel I should point out that the Everchosen has a whole quest where they collect a bunch of artifacts before they get to be crowned by Be'lakor....That is a suspicious number. Considering, you know, there are apparently 32 candidates.
Grey areas like 'if Borek was killed on the Expedition, do we record it as a Grudge?' and 'does evil performed against Imperial Dwarves get recorded, and if so, by whom?' are matters which are debated and addressed by Loremasters specialized in Grudgelore.