The last person to try that did so when the Empire wasnt united to smash our face in.
There are, generally speaking, issues necromancers have
1. Difficult Learning Curve
2. The necromancer is still squishy
3. Dhar is very corruptive
1. Generally speaking, most necromancers don't know that much. Either they learn by themselves, or their teachers were stingy with knowledge (potentially the stinginess actually came several steps up the teaching ladder instead, but it's the same result). We, on the other hand, are a fully educated lady magister who has the Liber Mortis. There are necromancers who know more, but damn few of them.
2. is an issue because if you can just kill the necromancers, you don't need to outfight their army of the dead. We don't blow away most of the field like we do in 1, since a decent portion of necromancers are vampires, but our personal combat skills are definitely up there, especially with our gear counted. We're not quite as good as, say, Alkaseltzer, but we were close enough that we ended up beating him, and we're also very well equipped to avoid fights since, you know, grey magister with one of the fastest transportations around.
3. We know the Dhar secrets, which helps a lot here, and have Kraggs belt, which does most of the rest of the work of bringing us up to vampire level. If for whatever reason that's not an option, we could definitely become a vampire.
We also have some miscellaneous advantages, like knowledge of the colleges countermeasures and the empire's readiness, the 4 faced coin (potentially dependent on why we wanted to conquer the empire, more useful if we went EG black hat against the chaos dwarves or skaven), and potentially the lore of stealth.
It's hardly a sure thing that we could take the empire, but if we went full black hat we could definitely give it a go. Most likely, we would be able to give it several goes, since many potential failure states would leave room for us to try again later.