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No-one else is annoyed at how that f*$& Thorgrim slighted Karak Eight Peaks? Again?
Not a mention when it came to Vlag? Whose Loremaster did what the entire Karaz Ankor failed to do for 180 years?
Wowser. The Wonders of the Ancestors, powered once more.

What a time to have set down a post at the Council of a King.
"Gosh, that Thorgrim is a heck of a guy, to reopen a wonder from the Golden Age" -- Belegar's brother-kings and sister-queen
I wonder if Belegar will find himself guilty about thinking this after this pronouncement or is still suspicious of Thorgrim's intentions.
>Thorgrim just became Big Brother
>Belegar: "This is probably fine"
Karaz Ankor is doing 2 major rebuilding efforts (K8P and KV) and one major expansion along Mad Dog Pass. Can't help to think about this fourth project as overstretching.
The Eyes are a massive advantage to any attempt to do so, because of the near-perfect surveillance they grant over the Pass. It's a very promising start, and also a sign that the Karaz Ankor's energy reserves have risen to the point where the High King feels safe switching the Eyes on for extended periods of time.

Well, Thorgrim did (Presuming he was able to pick what got powered) choose to activate the one that was most directly useful to KaK, so I'd say the grounds for suspicion are maybe even reinforced in Belegar's mind. It probably depends on how he takes the rest of the speech, which was basically an admission that Thorgrim had been moving in the wrong direction previously.
I mean.

Assuming Thorgrim actually explains what's going on to the kings, which is admittedly not a given...

Yes, this is a project that benefits Karaz a Karak, but it does also benefit the dwarves as a whole.

The big question is what will happen if and when the kings ask Thorgrim "So, how is this possible? This is amazing! Did Kragg or one of the other Runelords figure something out? Or...?" And whether Thorgrim answers.

If nothing else, it's Thorgrim admitting he made a mistake, praising Belegar and his undertakings, and doing something that indicates he's at least capable of benefiting the dwarven civilization as a whole, not just running it as a predatory hegemony for the benefit of his own capital.

So hopefully it'll lower Belegar's suspicions a bit, if not his long-term resentment.
To clear something up: is Silver Pinnacuthe Neferatas homebase? I remember that being the case and was confused when goblins were mentioned as having taken it.
When the reclamation of Sliver Peaks starts, I wonder how many wizards will ask to be a part of it? K8P was widely successful, especially from the colligate standpoint given that all the objectives they had going in were met and then some. Given how much information on the enemies of the empire were discovered from the wizards that went to K8P I wonder how much pressure the colleges will apply to get people to help with Sliver Peaks.
No-one else is annoyed at how that f*$& Thorgrim slighted Karak Eight Peaks? Again?
Not a mention when it came to Vlag? Whose Loremaster did what the entire Karaz Ankor failed to do for 180 years?
I don't see it as a big deal.
He was praising the kings of Karaz Ankor for seeing what he didn't, and the ramifications of their deeds, not the actual deeds themselves and how they were accomplished.
It is normal being sad that we are no longer loremaster of eight peaks when this is happening?

I sounds like something awesome, something interesting that we have no way of being part of...

I'd actually considering signposting this more back when that decision was being made, but honestly Loremaster Mathilde wouldn't have had any involvement with patrols and rebuilding done by Karaz-a-Karak and the actual attack on Silverspear is going to be quite a while off. Border Princess Mathilde would have been a bit more connected to it, but Barak Varr did drop hints about there being Dwarven plans for Mad Dog Pass.
It is normal being sad that we are no longer loremaster of eight peaks when this is happening?

I sounds like something awesome, something interesting that we have no way of being part of...
Okay, so here's the plan: If we learn that the Dawi are about to be in great trouble, we immediately saddle up and ride out to do a Big Damn Heroes moment.

You might wonder if this won't cause the Eonir and other locals to lose faith in Methilde ability to not get immediately distracted by shinies and bugger off, but here's the kicker: We know that the Protector Coin applies to assumed identities. As far as everyone knows, the mysterious savior who rescued the distraught dwarves was Gabriella von Ernachthafen!

It's the perfect scheme!
I guess Thorgrim could have spread more praise at the umgi.
But i'm really seeing this mostly as a team building excercise.
"We're doing great, and were about to be doing ever greater" type of thing.
Also a bit of "i kinda screwed up, but i have a plan to fix things".
I act as Grimnir striking out alone into the northern wastes, when I should be Grungni leading his people into a golden future!
Quickly got to de threadmark that one with him hitting the grudge resolving button. Character growth!
"But now..." High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer spreads his arms, and each of the jewels inset on the walls begins to glow. "The Eyes of Grimnir will open once more."
I hope he's got a good explanation for the kings about why no High King has done this before.
Preferably an honest explanation of the waystones for when we arrive looking for Runesmiths to recruit.
To attribute the success of saving Vlag to Zhufbhar is clearly a snub to K8Ps the important part of why Vlag was saved had nothing to do with the landships, Belegar will not be impressed.
We never would have saved Vlag if we hadn't been on the expedition to Karag Dum, which was only made possible by Zhufbar's landships. Kinda difficult to deny that we wouldn't have saved Vlag if it hadn't been for Zhufbar, since they were the entire reason we happened to be passing nearby in the first place and we only decided to investigate on a whim while we were in the area. Or did I miss the part where Belegar sent us to go and muck around at a site where everybody thought the already knew what had happened?
Huh. You know once dwarves takes over all passes no darkland army will be able to threten the old world. I imagine places like Border Princes will flourish as only enemy will come from south and even that will be less between Barak varr and Mad dog pass.

Wish we had gotten Border Prince job really. IT will be both exciting and soon Border Princes might be worth the hassle.
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