"Gosh, that Thorgrim is a heck of a guy, to reopen a wonder from the Golden Age" -- Belegar's brother-kings and sister-queenWowser. The Wonders of the Ancestors, powered once more.
What a time to have set down a post at the Council of a King.
>Thorgrim just became Big BrotherI wonder if Belegar will find himself guilty about thinking this after this pronouncement or is still suspicious of Thorgrim's intentions.
Sarcasm?No-one else is annoyed at how that f*$& Thorgrim slighted Karak Eight Peaks? Again?
Not a mention when it came to Vlag? Whose Loremaster did what the entire Karaz Ankor failed to do for 180 years?
The Eyes are a massive advantage to any attempt to do so, because of the near-perfect surveillance they grant over the Pass. It's a very promising start, and also a sign that the Karaz Ankor's energy reserves have risen to the point where the High King feels safe switching the Eyes on for extended periods of time.Karaz Ankor is doing 2 major rebuilding efforts (K8P and KV) and one major expansion along Mad Dog Pass. Can't help to think about this fourth project as overstretching.
I mean.Well, Thorgrim did (Presuming he was able to pick what got powered) choose to activate the one that was most directly useful to KaK, so I'd say the grounds for suspicion are maybe even reinforced in Belegar's mind. It probably depends on how he takes the rest of the speech, which was basically an admission that Thorgrim had been moving in the wrong direction previously.
Deadly serious.Sarcasm?
Seriously, am i meant to take this as sarcastic or serious?
Seriously, am i meant to take this as sarcastic or serious?
Silver Pinnacle is taken by Neferata. Mount Silverspear was taken over by Bloody Spear Goblins. Two different mountains.To clear something up: is Silver Pinnacuthe Neferatas homebase? I remember that being the case and was confused when goblins were mentioned as having taken it.
I don't see it as a big deal.No-one else is annoyed at how that f*$& Thorgrim slighted Karak Eight Peaks? Again?
Not a mention when it came to Vlag? Whose Loremaster did what the entire Karaz Ankor failed to do for 180 years?
It is normal being sad that we are no longer loremaster of eight peaks when this is happening?
I sounds like something awesome, something interesting that we have no way of being part of...
There was the confusion, I thought both were the same because both start with silver.Silver Pinnacle is taken by Neferata. Mount Silverspear was taken over by Bloody Spear Goblins. Two different mountains.
Seriously, am i meant to take this as sarcastic or serious?
Okay, so here's the plan: If we learn that the Dawi are about to be in great trouble, we immediately saddle up and ride out to do a Big Damn Heroes moment.It is normal being sad that we are no longer loremaster of eight peaks when this is happening?
I sounds like something awesome, something interesting that we have no way of being part of...
Sure, but no matter what happened or was said Belegar wouldn't be happy. That's just his state of being with Thorgrim right now.To attribute the success of saving Vlag to Zhufbhar is clearly a snub to K8Ps the important part of why Vlag was saved had nothing to do with the landships, Belegar will not be impressed.
Quickly got to de threadmark that one with him hitting the grudge resolving button. Character growth!I act as Grimnir striking out alone into the northern wastes, when I should be Grungni leading his people into a golden future!
I hope he's got a good explanation for the kings about why no High King has done this before."But now..." High King Thorgrim Grudgebearer spreads his arms, and each of the jewels inset on the walls begins to glow. "The Eyes of Grimnir will open once more."
Sure, but no matter what happened or was said Belegar wouldn't be happy. That's just his state of being with Thorgrim right now.
We never would have saved Vlag if we hadn't been on the expedition to Karag Dum, which was only made possible by Zhufbar's landships. Kinda difficult to deny that we wouldn't have saved Vlag if it hadn't been for Zhufbar, since they were the entire reason we happened to be passing nearby in the first place and we only decided to investigate on a whim while we were in the area. Or did I miss the part where Belegar sent us to go and muck around at a site where everybody thought the already knew what had happened?To attribute the success of saving Vlag to Zhufbhar is clearly a snub to K8Ps the important part of why Vlag was saved had nothing to do with the landships, Belegar will not be impressed.
I'd rather hang out with the sexy forest for the next decade.Buyers remorse rising.
Princesses Mathy would have been soooo fun.