"Oh?" The other sat up as well. "Oh right. Falcons and freedom," she said, a tiny giggle that came from nowhere but childish innocence bubbling out of her. "But eagles are bigger and stronger."
Nice little bit of symbolism here. Even before they were taken, their priorities could be seen. It also symbolizes Hultressa remembering the connection to her homeland, while Alyssa's focus on power leads her deeper into Druchii culture and eventually the Cult of Pleasure.
I do want to reassure folks, I am still grinding away at the update. This week was a rougher one in terms of mental health, for various reasons, so I didn't get nearly done all I wanted. But progress was nonetheless made, and will continue being made for better or for worse. I appreciate y'all's patience very much, and I apologize for the length of the delay. Just wanted to say that before I went to bed.
They were both placed into the Naggarothi environment, but they reacted or chose or grew in different ways. Even for all their similarities in upbringing or circumstances or luck.

Heh. Perhaps it's impossible to tell how much comes down to "I was different and thus turned out differently, despite the same situation we were in" versus "I am not that different from my sister; I could have been, could have turned out, just like her. Only a few things went differently." In the end, they wound up in different spots. Probably because they were different people and reacted differently and/or chose differently too.

By the time that Alyssa doesn't present the reward to Screamtaker from the both of them, they're separated. One views things more transactionally or as less of a team. Does not immediately or innately include her sister as part of the unit. But just as another person to gauge where they stand and how much to give them or use them or what.

It's not even that simple. My sibling has a similarly transactional attitude to interacting with people, but they did not in fact ever stop loving me in their own way even as they've excluded me from counting as part of the unit. Alyssa doesn't love her sister and hasn't for a good chunk of a millennium at this point.

Otherwise she would have at least kept in touch with Hultressa more than a few private conversations in half-a-century at a time.

Alyssa didn't simply choose to never get hurt again and be the one hurting people, she chose to only care about herself always. It's why she's still going on about how Gwendolyn is her daughter where someone less self-centered would be at least faking a different argument.
I wonder how many of the 40,000 druchi prisoners we got after the battle are children or did the wood elves decide to take them leaving us only adults

This has not yet been resolved by the thread. I wonder if Magnus has handled. @torroar would this be too spoilery to answer? Are we gonna have a decision to make at some point, or do Anna, Magnus, Arthur, already know what happened?

I appreciate y'all's patience very much, and I apologize for the length of the delay. Just wanted to say that before I went to bed.

You're good! You got this omake out, was a great appetizer.
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Alyssa seemed motivated by fear and self-interest and desire to not be powerless, to not be wounded by words or lash. While Hultressa seemed to be averse and withdrawn.

The bit where Alyssa laughs over the actions of the humans taking shelter being futile... that seems like it was pretty obviously her reflecting on, and thinking about, how "futile" her and her sister's actions in the Druchii raid that captured them were, no?

"Run away and get captured anyway. Go back for your sister who fell, get captured anyway. Leave your sister behind and run for yourself, and you still get captured anyway."

The only conclusion that you can come to after that? Is probably along the lines of "The only way out is through."
.... You've summarised the situation fairly concisely.

Once we wrest fredrick and her library from her, she would be vulnerable to therapy no jutsu. Just need to throughly depower her and remove all hope for reacceptance back into Malekith graces. (sure death)

She's not part of the Cult of Khaine, she's self interested and will soon have no power base.
Such a mindset is vulnerable to subversion by whatever she recognises as "powerful".
Which Isha, and the Everqueen count as.

Whatever. Voter base is not interested in her redemption.
Only Hultressa can secure her and make the argument... And I think she's even less interested.
I really hope that most of the 40,000 prisoners are children young enough to be deprogramed , we could integrate the like we did the ogres and bring about a whole new phenomena the Ostland elf also called the imperial elf , really turn Ostland into a cultural and racial melting pot as we have humans , dwarfs , ogres and halflings so why not add elves
Huh, if Hultressa/Tanrala survive this and manage that meeting with the Everqueen there may be a future where Tanrala is a Handmaiden.

Sadrina: I shall bring these two to the Everqueen
Freddie: Goodbye Hultressa, goodbye Gwendolyn.
Hultressa: Goodbye Frederick.
Gwen: Bye


Sadrina: Let me introduce you to the Court's newest apprentice handmaiden and her daughter. The Everqueen believed it would be better for her training to see more of the world, albeit with a less... violent lens this time.
Tanrala: NOT. A. WORD.
she is proper full on demons summoning chaos cultist , the only redemption for her now is the pyre
She's a slaaneshi cultist and we are in a do or die situation. Not a lot of examples of people coming back from that.
That's the thing, daemon summoning chaos cultist isn't her main powerset.

Drucii sorceresses with an expanded skill set is.
At her core she is a narcissist psycopath, not a follower or a worshiper.

She is irredeemable but as an arrogant power tripper who thinks she's hot shit.

She also happens to have the correct skill set necessary to keep herself safe from the full chaos fuckery that corrupts souls.

I have no doubt that she's going to be killed one way or another. I'm just pointing out that she's vulnerable to being talked down.

.... If we can convince her she's got an out.

And if anyone can do this, it's up to the ice witch's coldblooded vengeance saying all the right words, making all the right noises.
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She also happens to have the correct skill set necessary to keep herself safe from the full chaos fuckery that corrupts souls.

I don't think I agree. Joining a cult to me suggests going too far.

She does not even straighten, but instead bends in the opposite direction so that she is bent forward past ninety degrees, at which point a terrible multi-colored purple light spills forth from her eyes sockets like ink which crawls down the length of her.
"Enough with falsehoods…enough with weakness…," Alyssa continues, shaking her head while a bubble of hideous laughter escapes her. "I promise you, Druchii, that all the pain we have suffered will be returned a thousand-fold, and through that pain…," she pauses and practically bites the next word as it escapes between her gleaming white teeth. "Pleasure."

I have some empathy for her, but I think she's lost. She's plugged into slaanesh
So the more I read about dark elves in this story, the more I wonder about their afterlife the dark elves go to. Do they have something like the Greek fields of punishment. Do they have the realms if reincarnation like Buddhist where they live a life of a pain to cleanse them of bad karma. Or do they go somewhere like Dantes inferno, to suffer forever.
So the more I read about dark elves in this story, the more I wonder about their afterlife the dark elves go to. Do they have something like the Greek fields of punishment. Do they have the realms if reincarnation like Buddhist where they live a life of a pain to cleanse them of bad karma. Or do they go somewhere like Dantes inferno, to suffer forever.
they go to the after lives of their half of the elven pantheon based on their preferred god provided said god was impressed/entertained/pleased by them in life otherwise they get nomed by chaos as punishment