what about their second best oracle and scryer or the third best oracle and scryer ?
didn't like two or three die during the auction throwdown as well
As far as I've read, no. They only started dying afterwards
Okay, I actually hadnt accounted for that 17 benchmark, which is why I assumed the 14ish total. So our numbers more or less align here because I didnt realize you were referring to 7-8 available. Thats good.
Yeah, once we lower that 7-8 to 5-6 available, that means she'll be out as - 1-2 on containing the remaining Druchii resistance, 2+ on securing the Stadiums, 2+ on securing the remaining pyramids, and one or two acting as Alyssa's middle managers to keep everything coordinated.
At that point, the numbers no longer match up. Because even under the most generous terms, thats 1 (Resistance) +2 (Stadiums) +2 (Food Production Facilities) +1 (Coordination). Which means that she'd have most of her sorceresses dispersed on holding key ground, and any attempts to redistribute her coven to actually concentrate force against a resisting element means leaving relatively critical infrastructure relatively undefended.
Meaning a Hultressa gank. Or a rebel druchii gank. Or a Natasha warband gank would be on the table for whomever is left. And it would also give the rebel druchii factions the leverage to try and flip the Sorceresses on Anchorstone duty, given the obvious writing on the wall at that time.
I guess the best thing to happen at the anchorstone complex would be for the sorceress there to get killed and the anchorstone to get damaged somewhat, forcing Alyssa to send 1-2 sorceresses there, while also opening up more locations she needs to worry about.
However, even if the situation becomes bad enough for all remaining sorceresses to need to maintain the anchorstone Network, she'd still have some other hero units left in the form of Slaaneshi priests and champions, as well as the demon in the temple of Khaine.
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