"Egh," he sniffs disdainfully, "Of course not. Beardlings running about, making a muck of things like always. But now I've got Runelords from the Old Holds lugging their old Gronti-Duraz in, asking me to help teach them how to wake them up again," he grumbles as only a dwarf can, pitching his voice for his next words. "'Oh Kragg, please, explain to me the runic activation sequence one more time, will liquid moonlight from the second month of the year work the same as liquid moonlight from the first when I strike this rune, help me first because I really really want you to," he says mockingly as he shakes his head. "Honestly! And they call themselves Runelords! Why, in my day, you showed them the striking sequence for a runic array's activation once, and that was all they needed!"
Considering that 'his day' was over a thousand years ago, and even then, they didn't have any functioning gronti. You think he's more just annoyed at having his time taken up than anything else, especially given that he's helping the other Runelords.