Alternatively the Druchii are not that stupid.
I get it. In theory they're Druchii, and thus opposed to us. And untrustworthy.
But Chaos is a much bigger problem and one for everybody, and the Druchii know that.
I'm not really sure how this relates to what I said? We can't take on all the remaining sorceresses at once. It is unclear if we could even with the non-chaos druchii also attacking them, but we are unlikely to be able to arrange that just for practical reasons, so we need to keep Alyssa's coven divided and their attention scattered, with as many dead as possible.
If we have to fight all of them we will lose. We need to further chaos so they can't all group up.
You know what would be funny? If Sadrina managed to convert/allie with deep dwellers.
They have no loyalty to Malakith after what he had done to them. And Alyssa can chosk on a fish as far as they care, not to mention the healthy opposition towards all things chaos related. Sure they may grow used to underground living, but I'm certain they would not like to continue living under rule of others.
Of cours all of that depends on if Isha still loved them. Which she likely does.
Imagine Sadrina argument being "call her name and she will listen", followed by some rando making up a prayer in mockery that sums up as "Isha I'm open to you, grant us salveation and I will welcome all of it" . somehow follwed by Ishe being PRESENT.
so yeah, a chance.

Targeting the farm and killing the sorceress maintaining it will result in forces being diverted to secure the rest.
A matter of note. Aquafarms are fish , not farms. not as much work for sorcerres. They usually stick to piramids.

More plausible scenario, we fight at the Tor, fighting retreat to the docks, escape.
More likely scenario, we end up beachng the ark somewhat close to Dawi Drakk.
Or somehow have ark jumped by Saurian Norcans.
We are on a crash course to meeting place. It is not far.

It's a reasonable inference that she might make another move. It's not an idea we can engage with in character though.
Well. Cult of Mantlan is still around? She may end up influencing/supporting their resistance. Would be fun if she did enf up turned into his avatar so elfs would listen to her... assuming they can speak deep tounge.
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Hmm on a reread, I was wondering in the process of busting out Freddy, would we be able to bust out the other prisoners? The ogre and norscans would be on each other throats immediately, the skaven and vampire might grudgingly work but Lizardman and Liche Priest would be the best option.
Hmm on a reread, I was wondering in the process of busting out Freddy, would we be able to bust out the other prisoners? The ogre and norscans would be on each other throats immediately, the skaven and vampire might grudgingly work but Lizardman and Liche Priest would be the best option.
That is really, really up in the air. Maybe, maybe not. Who knows how things will play out?
How long do ya'll waiger till Cult of Esmeralda joins Grand Conclave of Faith?

On one hand they are quite popular in north, on the other hand do Esmeraldans really want this? Besides, I think most of their clergy isn't like Hagrid but more like that one matron high priest from Magnus' wedding. Will they even be interested in it or have any idea how to deal with it? I mean some more representation would be nice, maybe cult of Shallya can help a bit on political theater at first.

On this line of thought, is it me or is Ostland even more religiously diversive than an average Imperial province? Empire is quite polytheist usually but Ostland seems to be more on that front. Should we try to organize some micro Conclave of Faith in Ostland, to give cults there a more formal platform, so they can handle issues with each other before it escalates and carried to Fred or to Nuln?
Honestly I don't think they will. It just seems entirely against their whole 'focus on the home' deal
Are you suggesting that Empire of Sigmar is not homey enough?

Should we try to organize some micro Conclave of Faith in Ostland, to give cults there a more formal platform, so they can handle issues with each other before it escalates and carried to Fred or to Nuln?
haha! That would give Freddy quite a headache. Not to mention how funny the idea is that one of the most unpiayes electors ends up with a province so religious, that provintional conclave is a feasable idea.
Esspecially if they hold it in Kitchen of Esmeralda! Not an idea, that could be easly dismissed.
Arthur sure may be melancholic over such realisation.
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