I have finally caught up!
And now I have a few points to bring up. None of these are priorities, consider the current situation, but they've been bothering me.
1. Torroar, Vermintide canon is apparently all the characters going through their first classes and then becoming their fourth class at some point. Example: Sienna is a Battle Wizard until she confronts her sister again and turns to Necromancy.
2. Anna invented a pressure based trigger for the mines. Any chance we can repurpose those for triggering cannons or something? I know Torroar doesn't want to introduce flintlocks too quickly but I think that Anna of all people would have looked into it.
3. I know Frederick doesn't know it in universe, but plenty of exercise, outdoor exposure, and a good diet could help Wolfila grow up big and strong. Maybe a Priestess of Rhya would know that? I'm not sure what the mental effects of his birth were, but Ostland regularly deals with Ogres so helping him mentally should be something they're aware of. I know it's not a priority or anything, but I would like to help Wolfila more.
4. The whole thing with Karola has really been kicked down the road but someone needs to ask her what she wants to do at some point. Maybe she'd be better off as a Sister of Shallya or wants to take on a Stewardship role instead of being the Elector-Countess. Something to look into.
Have you read the canon sidestories by torroar and the front page (page one of this quest)?
1. I do not understand what you are trying to say here. Can you be clearer?
2. No comment to add to the discussion
3. Wolfila's thing is that he was born different. Like being born with respiratory issues, or being born tall. Wolfila got hit with a double whammy of his brain being different and his physical body flat out is in it's natural state of being weaker than average. The stat number of 10 represents average ability in the stat category. With anything higher than 10 representing above average, and anything below ten representing below average. Wolfila is currently still a child (Will not have access to his full stat until he reaches 16), so his total martial stat bonus is cut in half twice for roll purposes (once because that's how things are, and once more for being a child).
There isn't anything Freddy can do. Magnus and Sabine are working on taking care of Wolfila, or doing what they can to give Wolfila a life, in the background rolls we don't see. That's one benefit of Freddy being the Elector Count of Ostland so long, that Magnus and Sabine have time to do things that don't need them running the province like Natasha and Freddy. If Wolfila would be put on a specialized diet and physical workout, that's on Magnus and Sabine to set up.
It should be possible for Wolfila to make some physical gains so he can get above 10 in his martial stat, but that takes a while for a 9 year old. As children doing physical gain workouts too early in their development is bad, but I don't recall why.
And I probably don't need to say it, but to cover all possible options to help Wolfila I'm saying it. Magic is not a option. There is always risk, but this is more on the lines of even if we take the magic option there is likely not going to be a fix for Wolfila's mind. It is Wolfila's mind that was hit the hardest by his birth, rather than his physical ability.
4. Karola is about 12 in 2344 IC. Ori is about 11 in 2344 IC. Stephanie, Freya, and Wolfila are about 9 in 2344 IC. Talgris and Arthur are about 5 in 2344 IC. Assuming Magnus's kids live through the current 'event'. We won't be able to address the Karola issue for four more years in quest. Maybe a bit earlier depending on how the current 'event' ends, but yeah, when Karola turns 16 is likely going to be when we address Karola's opinion on what she wants to do.
Tasha is about 14 in 2344 IC. Karl is about 4 in 2344 IC. Trudi is about 12 in 2344 IC. Arthur's son Frederick is about 18 in 2344 IC.
Logan von Hohenzolern is about 17 in 2344 IC.
Adelaide Hertwig (Daughter of Frederica Hertwig nee von Kessel) is about 18 in 2344 IC
Marius Hertwig (Son of Frederica Hertwig nee von Kessel) is about 12 in 2344 IC.
Albert Hertwig - (Son of Bermudo) is about 14 in 2344 IC
Angelika Hertwig - (Daughter of Bermudo) is about 11 in 2344 IC
Alric Hertwig (Son of Ortrud Hertwig) is about 10 in 2344 IC
Stephan von Kessel, II (Son of Mena von Kessel) is about 16 in 2344 IC
Helmut von Kessel (Son of Mena von Kessel) is about 13 in 2344 IC
Wolfram von Kessel (Son of Mena von Kessel) is about 11 in 2344 IC
Hedwig von Kessel (Daughter of Stephan von Kessel) is about 19 in 2344 IC