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Mostly because the GM said as much. I need to find the quote… @Marlin do you know where it is?Why do you guys think that the Beastmen would be finished as a major faction if we win?
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Mostly because the GM said as much. I need to find the quote… @Marlin do you know where it is?Why do you guys think that the Beastmen would be finished as a major faction if we win?
No. They are going to come back. They always do. Even if you killed every last one of them more would continue to stumble fully grown out of the chaos wastes and put their cloven hooves to beast paths that take them to our doorstep.Why do you guys think that the Beastmen would be finished as a major faction if we win?
No. They are going to come back. They always do. Even if you killed every last one of them more would continue to stumble fully grown out of the chaos wastes and put their cloven hooves to beast paths that take them to our doorstep.
I wouldn't say that , they have suffered some pretty big set backs , first was their entire presence in Ostland was not only being outed but outright captured , said vampires were then handed over to the witch hunters after being presented to the rest of the elector counts both exposing the existence of their conspiracy and resulting in whatever intelligence those vampires had falling into the Witch hunter's hands (immortality is real drawback when your being interrogated), this is no small set back because a conspiracy only works effectively when no one knows about it other wise they wouldn't have bothered with the secrecy , this isn't made any better by the fact that the current crop of witch hunters are plenty experienced with hunting vampires thanks to the vampire crusade as well , so Neferata has to deal with the witch hunters , the elector counts , the grey order and the cult of Morr too ,basically everyone in empire of any ranks worth noting actively hunting for and keeping an eye out for her agents and moving against her conspiracy when ever they find itIn contrast Neferata's power base has probably been comparatively unharmed when measured against the Von Carsteins and Nechrarcs.
From the way things are shaping up Torroar might be planning a Lahmian war arc for us. Remember, Sylvannia was more the Von Carstein's turf ever since Vlad married Isabella while Zacharias was the most powerful of the Nechrarcs. In contrast Neferata's power base has probably been comparatively unharmed when measured against the Von Carsteins and Nechrarcs.
The War of Bitter Ice is not merely between the Romanovs and the Bohka. It is between the Romanovs, the Bohka, the Greenskins coming out of the eastern mountains, the Beastmen coming out of the northwestern Troll Country, the Lahmian Sisterhood, the Yellow Fang Cults of Kislev, the Humble One Ranaldian Extremist Cults, the Verenan Prosecutors of Justice Extremist Cults, the Pantheonic Traditionalists, the other Pantheonic Traditionalists, the other other Pantheonic Traditionalists, the Restored Pantheonic Royalists, Rebellous Roppsmen, Chaos-aligned Dolgans working on the whims of their masters, the skaven of Clan Moulder, the other skaven from rival clans, and so on.
Well I dunno. I think one possible worst case scenario is "Kattarin is rescued, but after seeing all that happened, decides to double down on the tyranny and heartlessness and cruelty and now with a dollop of insanity and revenge too." i.e. The experience makes Kattarin go Aerys after his abduction at Duskendale.If Katarina is dead then Kislev is FUCKED
But if Katarina is alive and Alexandra manage to get her back on her throne... I'm not sure it's going to be better
Worst case scenario ? We get Vampire Katarina
I wouldn't equate Lenin's Red Army to Ranaldans though.So nearly as many factions as the Russian civil war that brought the communists to power in our history. (I suppose the Ranaldians winning would the equivalent outcome, not that it seems likely. But then... it didn't seem that likely in 1917 either.)
With enough warpstone and blood sacrifice anything is possible!
probably after all if I recall they are the second most powerful family and disliked change of any kind. people have rebelled and done worse for less then this
... Speaking of.
What the hell happens if the entirety of Kattarin's children is dead... except the family branch of the rebelling Torus Ivan Romanov?
What the hell is Alexandra, is Kislev, going to do if Torus's family is the only branch left alive? He'd be the only one eligible, unless you bring in Natasha and as the wife of the Count of Ostland that wouldn't be so great much like Alexandra herself.
What happens if the Romanov Loyalists faction wins, but capture Torus and his family alive, and he's the only branch left? Do they put him on the throne anyway? Do they start up a Regency Council? Possibly in Torus's name, or in Torus's child's name?
This exactly. They'd kill Torus in a heartbeat, likely his oldest children too and leave only the youngest and most malleable to be propped up as puppet leaders.What usually happens when one side of a civil war captures people alive from an enemy faction that they are vehemently opposed to, and they are now totally in the faction's power, but they annoyingly have a better bloodline claim than anyone the faction has?
When you put it like that, it's not any great mystery, is it?
How the fuck is it that we are fighting 2 black arks simultaneously but things are still worse in Kislev?
They'd have resisted, but I dunno if they'd have been willing to go full blown Civil War. Some amount of "Well it's Kattarin; she doesn't take no for an answer, so if we're disagreeing with how she's doing things, we'd have to outright defeat her rather" is probably in play. Kattarin's reputation and attitude probably deters a lot of rebels or opposition, but it also probably causes any rebels that do crop up, to decide to fight to the bitter end as a result. And desperate or scared or despairing people are probably easier to hoodwink or coopt by cultists or vampire infiltrators, because they're more desperate for aid.probably after all if I recall they are the second most powerful family and disliked change of any kind. people have rebelled and done worse for less then this
What usually happens when one side of a civil war captures people alive from an enemy faction that they are vehemently opposed to, and they are now totally in the faction's power, but they annoyingly have a better bloodline claim than anyone the faction has?
When you put it like that, it's not any great mystery, is it?
Am just imagining if it didn't end even with Romanov Loyalists victory. =/This exactly. They'd kill Torus in a heartbeat, likely his oldest children too and leave only the youngest and most malleable to be propped up as puppet leaders.
They'd have resisted, but I dunno if they'd have been willing to go full blown Civil War. Some amount of "Well it's Kattarin; she doesn't take no for an answer, so if we're disagreeing with how she's doing things, we'd have to outright defeat her rather" is probably in play. Kattarin's reputation and attitude probably deters a lot of rebels or opposition, but it also probably causes any rebels that do crop up, to decide to fight to the bitter end as a result. And desperate or scared or despairing people are probably easier to hoodwink or coopt by cultists or vampire infiltrators, because they're more desperate for aid.
Kattarin might decide that the problem was that she didn't go hard and icy enough, but while it's possible that if she'd only been, say, 90% Kattarin she'd have seen an even worse rebellion because the rebels would have had more to work with? Well, if she'd only been 5% Kattarin, she might not have had a rebellion on her hands at all, so. (Though it's also possible that maybe Torus wouldn't have gone traitor at all, so.)
I'm worried this might Be very possible, if the Beastmen ambushed the Skaven moving her
I think this needs more pointing out that if katarin tried freddies approach she likely wouldn't of gotten anything done cause freddies approach was fight epic battle, kill ancient vampire, save province from chaos god, kill everyone who disagreed with him (okay that fits kats way) survive being burned alive on the other hand what freddie did is no where near as controversal as using guns cause its like asking ulfrins to sue guns, forming an army into one when kislev were having arguments about armies not working as well as small warbands, changing how their religion works (the widow being the mother) and inviting a group of people who used to worship the choas gods and have been attacking kislev for generations, taking land from nobles, inviting foregin magic users to help farm land (while freddie is using magic its not something people can go how dare u cause magnus) also she was accuesed of using money on useless projects like the road and widows temple most of this she would not of gotten away with if she went freddies route, to the traditionalist kat is changing kislev as a culture to something they cant reconise or accept