Is this an actual vote or a meta look at another timeline where the Quest is Kislev-based?

Edit: NM I see the X's where choices were made. No choices or votes. Got it.
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This reminds me of a few of things Malagor mentioned on humans. If this is his work, he's learned of the danger of humans uniting and is working to keep them distracted and divided. After all, the one who wields the Shining Hammer broke the last Great Invasion alongside Kislev.
God, what is there to say? Kisliv is on fire, not as bad as if it was Chaos, but it's plenty close. There's nothing we can even do about it. After we deal with the Druchi we still have the Beastmen, not to mention the Orcs if that matter isn't taken care of by the end of the year. Helping Kisliv with their civil war would be forced to the middle of our priorities, even if we weren't asked to not help out.

Which is another galling matter, even if we could help, arguably the best thing we can do is to not help. In a way this is a war for Kisliv's identity, and we Imperials shouldn't interfere.
Is this an actual vote or a meta look at another timeline where the Quest is Kislev-based?

It's the Interlude as was voted upon a short while back, 'member? I just decided to frame it more fully as if it were Kislev Quest, i.e. instead of A Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism, its a Dynasty of Frost and Sorrow. As noted a while back, I play Kislev Quest in my head inside of DoDA already, I just don't bother writing out whole chunks of options/choices/votes/intro sections as per DoDa turn posts and what not. Most of the time, at least.

Hold on, @torroar Wouldn't Alexandria count since she's the Tzarina's niece. or will it have to be someone with more direct ties to the dynasty?

There are definite political reasons why Alexandra is Regent and not Presumptive Tzarina or anything of the like. Least of which is because she is at the very bottom of the claim barrel after all the mainline Romanovs, including potentially her own mother. Plus, there was that whole 'Ostland occupied vast swathes of Kislev once upon a time and that's not a time thought of fondly by a lot of Kislevites'.

She has very, very tenuous control over the Royalist faction at the moment, and even then its the Kislev City Royalists. If this was the start of an RTS Campaign, she's not even fully gotten control over her city, let alone anything else. There are nobles who support the Royalist Cause, but not Alexandra herself, that sort of thing.
If Katarina is dead then Kislev is FUCKED
But if Katarina is alive and Alexandra manage to get her back on her throne... I'm not sure it's going to be better
Worst case scenario ? We get Vampire Katarina
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The moment you realize the secret police is totally justified.

Glad we picked this option. Goddammit Kislev...

But Alexandra is the most competent of Frederick's children. Loved the little scenes that showed her origins. The no BS attitude, the drinking, the cursing. Just spitting facts into the face of idiocy.

Almost expected the Tzeentchian sorcerer jumping in from the window declaring himself the true mastermind. What a clusterfuck.

Please no Vampire Kattarin...
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hey norscens do you really want to miss out on this mess you to dark elves and orks you seem to be the only ones in the area not getting involved in this mess
If Katarina is dead then Kislev is FUCKED
But if Katarina is alive and Alexandra manage to get her back on her throne... I'm not sure it's going to be better
Worst case scenario ? We get Vampire Katarina

Yeah, no. Katarina has already turned down being a vampire, defying her canon fate several years ago. It's likely why the Lahmians have decided to throw in with the Civil War, revenge and control. Whatever reason, if Katarina was able to turn down their offer on the cusp of grief and loss after losing her husband, she's not going to join in on vampirism after they helped try to destroy/take over Kisliv.

Her duty to Kisliv is like the one thing Katarina cares about the most.

Really, the worst thing that can happen to her now is getting to Hellpit and being tortured/mutated by Clan Moulder, which is entirely possible. Queen Boudicca 2.0, except instead of a chaos spawn, she get's turned into an abomination.
Which is another galling matter, even if we could help, arguably the best thing we can do is to not help. In a way this is a war for Kisliv's identity, and we Imperials shouldn't interfere.
I'm not even certain we can intervene as of right now, seeing as the Empire's currently busy fighting off the Black Arks and helping defend the Everpeak- not to mention the fact that I really doubt that Malagor's not going to attempt to fuck us right now- because again, I doubt that Malagor's going to get a better time to shit on us then right now, with the Empire's attentions split towards the WAAAGH! at Everpeak and the Black Arks at Ostland and Nordland, Kislev engulfed in a civil war and the Karaz Ankor embattled with all sorts of shit.

Like, I would be tempted to intervene under most scenarios just because of how much of a shitshow things clearly are right now in Kislev- but I doubt we're going to be able to get a chance to, given, well, everything.
hey norscens do you really want to miss out on this mess you to dark elves and orks you seem to be the only ones in the area not getting involved in this mess
Please let it be the crazy Slann-worshipping Norscans and Ulha'up who show up, that'd be fucking fantastic.
we wait and if kat wins we help build it up like we did after the great war cause then it looks like we are being a good ally if we intervine it will look like foreign power interferes with our nation
Holy Shit. It's a Gambit Pileup. Or rather a Kislev nesting doll of intrigue.

Well, on the bright side, if Alexandra somehow manages to pull this off, she'll go down in history as a national hero, if not saint.
Also, Kislev will be inevitably much weaker, but the Imperial Throne will have no rivals. Because the time for negotiations and compremize is long gone.
Well... literally everything horrible is happening at once everywhere and I hate it, especially after working so hard to make things better is seems everything is being ruined so quickly that it will take years IC at best to restore things if at all.

@torroar thanks for update... but honestly you've made me real sad today.

Seriously, it seems every force in the world has come together to ruin everything everywhere all at once and it is demoralizing as hell.
I am so so so so glad we're dealing with the Druchii instead of this horror show. Hopefully the ice-wielding female Bray Shaman isn't a turnskin Kattarin that Malagor or some other Beastman managed to make. I feel like this is the kind of event that's liable to lead to Kislev actually becoming an Imperial province too, if they can't sort themselves out enough anyway.