We're cool with Magnus now by the way, right? Just wanna make sure we're not gonna get scolded by the Best Bald Brother after the next Elector Meet.
Probably not particularly happy with the way we handled things initially but Frederick'd our way to an acceptable outcome will mean Magnus will probably just frown at us lightly the next time he see's us but not overtly scold us
I think the reason for the disconnect between what those trials of piety mean to us and what they mean in-universe stems from the fact that in our world deities do not exist *ahem* "work in mysterious ways" (that are conveniently indistinguishable from having no detectable effect whatsoever on reality), so there isn't really any such thing as "humility before the gods but not before men" - without any undeniable signs of divine requirement for or approval of penance, there is only "humility before men who allegedly represent gods". In our world, submitting to a "trial before Manann" really would boil down to just submitting to a trial by the mortal authorities of the Cult of Manann, and it's difficult to really process how that's not what it is on Mallus because it's so far outside the perception of reality for all but the most delusional *ahem* "devout" people in our world.
Even if you personally aren't faithful, how about not insulting the people that are, ok?
We're cool with Magnus now by the way, right? Just wanna make sure we're not gonna get scolded by the Best Bald Brother after the next Elector Meet.
He was disappointed with Freddy's actions in general, even if he understood the reasoning when we sent letters to everyone, and cause him headaches since he had to burn effort to make sure the Grand Conclave went well. However, his most recent actions and approval of the Matriarch will likely please him very much since Freddy worked hard to mend bridges and that is all he really asked of him.

Basically, Magnus should be overall happy to see Freddy at the upcoming Elector's Meet.
I think the reason for the disconnect between what those trials of piety mean to us and what they mean in-universe stems from the fact that in our world deities do not exist *ahem* "work in mysterious ways" (that are conveniently indistinguishable from having no detectable effect whatsoever on reality), so there isn't really any such thing as "humility before the gods but not before men" - without any undeniable signs of divine requirement for or approval of penance, there is only "humility before men who allegedly represent gods". In our world, submitting to a "trial before Manann" really would boil down to just submitting to a trial by the mortal authorities of the Cult of Manann, and it's difficult to really process how that's not what it is on Mallus because it's so far outside the perception of reality for all but the most delusional *ahem* "devout" people in our world.
I dunno, it was immediately and innately understandable and sensible to me.

It was the "But he doesn't have gravitas or dignity" bit that made me squint and go "Watchu talkin' about Willis?"

Not to mention that it wasn't just a case of "humility before etc etc" -- it was the fact that during the course of the topic they brought up, they didn't see or understand stuff like "Our opposition literally took the Slayer Oath, and their faction was heavily damaged in standing!" or "Jung literally lost his position and took a noose" as qualifying as 'revenge' or whatever.

I actually think that it's the military prestige topic that was probably harder for some to remember? Or at least, it was easier to forget or overlook; and also easier to think "Well, that was 20 years ago, many will have forgotten that by now, right?" Everyone here will remember Karak Ungor. Not everyone will remember the Battle of Three Armies, and how everyone in the Empire viewed that accomplishment. Heck, even I had a bit of a quiet "Ooohhh..." at torroar describing killing (True Death'ing, really) a Bloodthirster as being like "stabbing a nuclear explosion to stop it." ((Also, that was some pretty cool wording or metaphor.))

EDIT: As to Magnus and his opinion on things... I think he'll probably still be sad and upset that Frederick got a ton of innocent people killed with his decision. Sure, what he did now helped placate Manann. But. Those people dead in the purges and fires are still dead. They aren't going to be coming back alive just because of what Frederick did now. And that's sad and regrettable. And not really fixable. You just have to move on.
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stems from the fact that in our world deities do not exist *ahem* "work in mysterious ways" (that are conveniently indistinguishable from having no detectable effect whatsoever on reality), so there isn't really any such thing as "humility before the gods but not before men"

It could also be attributable to the fact that some posters inevitably have a poor conception of divinity in general stemming from their real-world contempt for belief systems. I made an entire post on piety as a concept for people who were unfamiliar

Basically, Magnus should be overall happy to see Freddy at the upcoming Elector's Meet.

Is... Magnus a father figure to Frederick?
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If you take nothing else from the segments of combat and physical pain that Frederick has undertaken, please consider the sheer pain tolerance he has built up at this point. Including not just blades or bludgeoning weaponry, but more exotic things including getting shot in places and directly being struck by Ice Magic repeatedly, for many years. Like, I get that some call it 'torture porn', but I'd much rather do those segments than have to explain repeatedly about Frederick's tolerance for pain from such a myriad number of sources, his familiarity with so many weapons, etc. They are a rather important show, don't tell, as to how he has steadily improved and maintained his martial score over the years.

Less amusing about haha sex things, however, is how deeply troubling it is on a fundamental level that that one of those most vital of things - tactile sensation - so immediately brings swift pain to Frederick's body. Being in Natasha's presence literally, factually, brings harm to her family members. The younger children, and grandchildren, cannot stand to hug her. The press of her lips upon their cheeks or on top of their heads do not bring giggling shrieks of childish denial at open displays of perfection. She cannot hold their hands without them shrinking away or wearing double mittens.

Where once, in bed, she and her husband could lay beneath the covers with nothing on, Frederick must literally wear winter clothing to survive the night.

And when she is happy? It gets worse.

When she is sad? It gets worse.

When she is in love? The throes of passion? The cold grows colder, radiates further.

Can you imagine how horrifying a life that could be? She can never make it go away. She can never make it 'less' beyond the 'barely alive temperature' as described before, a level reached only when she's fully relaxed or outright unconscious.

Her love hurts.

For all of that, however, Frederick has not, nor will he ever, consider setting her aside. He will bundle himself, he will put on those layers, and he will ensure his warmth is enough to continue embracing her, kissing her, and so on. Even if it does literally cause him pain. Every. Single. Time. Even if he were to lay against her for a full night bringing the danger of frostbite, of blackened and dead flesh.

And it is that acceptance of the pain she causes him which so bitterly mirrors the pain he has caused in her by leaving to battle and undertaking potentially fatal acts.

But they accept that pain, and move forward.

Because he has all her love, forever.

And she has all his love, forever.

Basically, Magnus should be overall happy to see Freddy at the upcoming Elector's Meet.
That will mostly depend if Malagor and his dudes decides to attack before or after the Elector´s Meet
If he attacks before, I don´t really think that anyone involved on the next Elector´s Meet is going to be "happy"...

I mean we may be able to destroy him and his forces, we may even be able defeat his forces in the Trident with relatively light loses, but I can´t think of any scenario in which the Empire as a whole is not going to suffer immense civilian and military casualties...
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Goodness, I knew the change wasn't pleasant but it never occurred to me just how deliberating it is since her ability to show physical affection has been nearly totally destroyed without harming others. So glad she is still surrounded by a family that loves her and Freddy is totally willingly to go to extremes to still be near her.

Having a little date day in Marienburg honestly feels more important now that I previously thought. Thanks for clarifying this whole thing torroar, really puts things in perspective all things told since I am sure many others did not understand the depth of things.

Its also a good thing we are doing the bonding ritual so Nat and Freddy can be close even without touching.
Huh, when you put it that way I'm surprised that the opinion section for Nat and Freddy is 10 for Freddy's feelings for Nat and 9.5 for Nat's feelings towards Freddy I don't even recall what caused the drop at this point but we must have really screwed up for that to happen.
If I hadn't forgotten the details of how debilitating it was I would have been much less dubious of the importance of Yhanna's gift.

Huh, when you put it that way I'm surprised the opinion section for Nat and Freddy is 10 for Freddy's feelings for Nat and 9.5 for Nat's feelings towards Freddy I don't even recall what caused the drop at this point but we must have really screwed up for that to happen.
We got it to 10, suffered some from all the wounds we took, went down significantly from choosing the Flame of Ulric for Logan for her when it should have been her choice, built it back up up by standing up to Gunthar in the middle of his own capitol for insulting her, and time and energy built it back up to where it is now.
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Holy shit, explained this way, yeah I glad we went all the way with wood elves magic shenanigans. Flex you magic your smug knife ears. flex like you are flexing for your lord/lady themselves. otherwise some smug Dawi will give them proper magical resistance gear for cold. wait a minute they are already doing that to some degree :p flex like never before then :D
would it be possible for Freddy to commission a magical artifact(a necklace for example) from the collages of magic that makes the user immune or at least resistant to the cold ? , I am pretty sure the bright collage can bull that off

pulse the collages can emphasize with her issue as they have to deal with arcane marks and there side effect too
You would think that there would be aqshy trinket or something to help negate the cold somewhat. I realize that colleges are quite new, but maybe Frederick could ask, next time he is in Altdorf?

EDIT: This is what i get for not clicking the "there have been some new posts" button
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You would think that there would be aqshy trinket or something to help negate the cold somewhat. I realize that colleges are quite new, but maybe Frederick could ask, next time he is in Altdorf?
Thats a very good idea actually. We could try and ask Odelia if that's possible next Trident Meeting.