"So we'll not be doing that one. And if any of them wish to make an issue of it, they can come talk in person," she grunts. "Not least of which because the averages of reported tithing for those that were in Ostland meant that they were of said charitable breed, lowballing their fees considerably and consistently, and that level of weregild is far in excess of their projected earnings."
"Well…that's good," you say grudgingly.
"Mmm," she sniffs and looks at the paper again before looking back at you.
Finally remembered that I wanted to comment on this:
The Priests of Manann in Ostland...
were the kind of people who didn't ask for much pay, and just worked hard.
They just... they just did their best and worked hard, and didn't ask for much pay. And now half of them are dead.
Y'know? That one sentence there, when I read it, really did so much to fill me in on the kind of problem we might be facing back home in Ostland. The sheer amount of problem. Just...
What happens when half of the charitable and hardworking die? What kind of new work/religious culture might spring up afterwards? How might they feel about the work they do afterwards?
How bitter -- or even just paranoid and fearful -- might the next generation feel?
That... could have terrible effects on the work and on the country. It's having your entire priesthood suddenly be filled with people who are less patriotic, more bitter and fearful, having less faith in their Count to be willing to protect them from Sigmarite Witch Hunters...
That's entirely on us.
really glad that we're going the max to try and make up for this, because
those people deserve our best.
I felt a sinking feeling upon learning about Ostland's Manannite Priests being the charitable types because, fuck, we just got half of them killed. Shit.
Its also possible to vote for someone who isn't an Elector all, just some who has enough backing for others to vote for them like it was for Magnus.
Well, what about the --
The Sword of Justice has done good work and having an Empress sounds cool.
ah. Huh. Heh. Same idea.
Though, ah, probably not for real. I don't think she'd want to become Empress would she? Though, who knows. Hmm. Hmmm... She
did travel all across the Empire doing Sword Of Justice Stuff after all. She's respected by default by Freddy, Stephan, and Ortrud. She's got a good relationship with the Dwarfs too of course.
What we really need, is somebody who can
bind the various provinces together via mutual trust. Somebody who can serve as a unifier, somebody who everybody can trust. At minimum, they need to be able to have enough trust to go "This person won't screw us over carelessly or intentionally." At best, having them actually like and/or trust the person or be convinced of their sterling reputation and integrity, would be good.
Evangeline might not be a bad choice in some respects, actually. The only question/problem is, does she have the sheer desire to do so, to rule the Empire? And does she have the talent for Statesmanship and Diplomacy? Because, getting people's trust or appreciation via doing Freddy things like killing monsters, is different from "actually having good diplomatic skills and being able to get along with or coax people." If she's kind of a stick-in-the-mud about things, it might be a bit awkward.
And, again, of course... if she has no desire to move from her position -- a position which sees her honor Verena -- then it's not happening.
... I wonder what the Elector Count of Averland or Stirland might be like, then?
That is -- I am looking at those from the perspective of "Stirland had a ton of cross-Imperial efforts and backing to help take back Sylvania. And Averland will have had the whole Empire mobilizing to defend against Black Fire Pass."
I am looking at those two, as examples of
inter-Empire coordination and unity and cooperation.
As provinces that
benefitted from everybody in the Empire coming together.
And so, therefore, maybe the person from Stirland or Averland might be a decent pick? Because they would have had everybody in the Empire help them. Which might mean that they could, um, well...
feel the importance of inter-Empire peace and cooperation?
... Let's forge stronger ties to the south half of the Empire, guys.
Let's find out who all the people are. What all the people are
Let's... let's be more proactive in doing what we can for Sigmar's Empire, eh? I mean, in terms of getting along with our fellow Kings, and understanding and knowing where everyone stands. Since we already act proactively to help defend the Empire. I meant "more proactive" in the sense of "Knowing and understand the
rest of the Empire, too."
You know, it could be cool if we had more meetings with the other Elector Counts. Not quite like the Northern Trident, which meets every year, but... Is an Elector's Meet every 6 (or was it 5? I think 6?) years enough? Or maybe it IS enough, and what we really need to do is
start using the Elector's meet more effectively, in socializing with everyone.
Maybe we should send Magnus (our son, I mean) and Arthur to meet the other people, Electors or their Heirs, in Altdorf while we go to the meet itself. Maybe we should try to get the Elector's Meet to be a little bit longer than it currently takes.
Maybe we should try to introduce some kind of friendly activity for everyone to do in the Elector's Meet. I have no idea what it is though. ... And also, worry that our attempt to do so would run into a blindspot on our player's and Freddy's part, and come off as something very awkward or insulting or something. Or maybe not, who knows.
Just... I now want to be able to get a better/stronger
feel for the rest of the Empire, you know?
... If only because I've seen some very good people in the Empire, and I want to hear more about them. And I want to find all the good people too. And start working together with them --
or at minimum making sure we do not work at cross-purposes... Because, like, in some cases? That's
all it would take in order to good; simply to be familiar with the other person, and making sure you don't accidentally work at cross-purposes. That's all it'll take for Maghda, I feel. Simply making sure we know what we are all trying to do and how, and how we can work together.
... Also... The Religious Conclave that meets every year.
@torroar who goes to that conclave? I don't mean "what Priests go there", I mean "What normal people go there"? Magnus of course. But, like... has an Elector Count or an heir every shown up there? What about our son Arthur? Has he been down there? Would it be an extremely awkward or poor idea to go to the religious conclave, or at least go to Altdorf, at a time when the religious conclave is taking place? Am I totally talking out of my ass and being a blundering bull when I talk about this, on par with Frederick's first meeting with Moro, or am I doing okay here?