Naieth the Prophetess is old school lore, which I revamped into the 'modern' era and added some bits to make a more complete character. She was featured in the 4th Edition Wood Elf Armybook, and here is her
short wiki entry.
She's specced into the foresight portion of magic extensively, but has specifically bound it to Athel Loren. It lets her, therefore, see the potential futures of Athel Loren with considerable completeness and clarity compared to how most future sight prediction stuff can be, but only when it comes to the Wood Elves and Athel Loren proper. Outside of it, she is a not-inconsiderable mage in her own right, but nothing compared to her foresight for Athel Loren.
In the End Times, she tried to scry/spy on Archaon and got turned into a screaming fleshy hellportal into the warp for daring to gaze upon him in such a manner, or so I've heard.
She is not the High Spellweaver of any one realm, but I run her as coming from Talsyn, aka the 'biggest/bestest/Reikland of Athel Loren' Realm. And, for funsies, I altered her a bit so that she's related to Morai-Wen. Both of them are examples of diverging paths of the depths of plumbed magic and attempting to see the future. With good reasons behind it, sure, but good intentions and all that. Naieth is unparalleled in predictions and foresight so long as it pertains to the environs of Athel Loren, and is the reason why so many beastherds, greenskin WAAAAGHS!, dwarf raiding parties, skaven diggings, etc. find themselves full of holes almost the minute they get within bow range of the tree line. But she is far less capable outside of Athel Loren, and her skills as a mage elsewhere are closer to human mastery than what should be expected of an elf of her age. Also, her predictions are sometimes wrong, unclear, etc, because that is usually the nature of prophecy. Sometimes she interprets wrong. Plus, it's taken her all these thousands and thousands of years to get as good at it as she has. Her sister, Morai-Wen, said nuts to that, and went and made a direct deal with the Crone Goddess Morai-heg for more immediate prophetic power rather than take the time to learn all that. She sold her soul to the Goddess, and in return the very Runes of Fate flipped on themselves. Her previous name was utterly rewritten out of reality, to the point that even her sister Naieth literally can't remember her old name, and she gained considerable prophetic abilities - specifically, she can at times channel Morai-heg Herself.
Only problem is, that level of prophetic power is not meant for mortals, and so Morai-Wen doesn't really consciously remember making the prophecies, and trying to interact with them afterwards occasionally ends very badly. She can't always interpret the prophecies that come out of her correctly, few can until it is already done, and some never seemed to come true at all. Still, her power over the Wind of Azyr shot up considerably, too much some might say, and so she turned to Ghur, the Beast Wind, to try and ground herself a bit more from the tendency to get lost in prophecy and contemplations of the heavens. For some reason, Chamon, another possible choice, is a Wind she struggles with a tad. Her mind and soul feel a bit eroded every time she is forced into giving out a prophecy, it's not something she can control, and she slips a little more every year. Sometimes she claws back a bit, sometimes a lot, of her mind, but she is, undeniably, unstable. For all that, however, Naieth still cares for her, and deeply regrets letting her sister storm off after they'd initially disagreed on how to go about protecting their people with the power of foresight, to try and read the runes and signs to aid the Asrai. Morai-Wen cares for her sister, when she can remember who she is, but usually stays away from Athel Loren after a few unfortunate incidents. She eventually ended up being recruited by Naraiel Dawnstone's father, the previous Glade Lord of Laurelorn, and so she became the equivalent master of their aerial forces and beasts, war hawks and forest dragons and the like, while also occasionally managing to channel her own foresight magics to aid Laurelorn.
Well, you know. Before she found herself trapped in Doomfire Dragon Form after Lovely Laurelorn.
For some reason, after the events that went down at the Oak of Ages, Morai-Wen's mind/soul can't quite seem to grasp Ghur in the right manner with which to allow her to reverse her transformation. Might have to due with the overcasting of the spell, being exhausted, and twisting in enough Aqshy to influence the transformation properly and suddenly in the spell without any prior preparation.
NOTE: This is significantly OOC information, just, you know. So you know. Frederick only has small suppositions and inklings based on the interactions he's had with Morai-Wen and Naieth, he knows they're sisters and that Morai-Wen did something bad, something about her name being lost or whatever, and general observations on the relative skills and sanity of both.