Nope! Sorry man.

Just look up Magnus the Pious on google and search images and you will see what I mean.
:mad: :mad: :mad:

I really hate fandom at this point. The first link is a link to a wiki page for that image and the second link takes you to the section with the image.

Magnus the Pious

"I can see in your eyes that you fear this enemy. I can see in your eyes that you wonder how we can fight such terrible monsters. Men of the Empire, I have the answer: We fight them with our steel, we fight them with our courage, but above all we fight them with our faith in Sigmar!" —Magnus the...

Magnus the Pious

"I can see in your eyes that you fear this enemy. I can see in your eyes that you wonder how we can fight such terrible monsters. Men of the Empire, I have the answer: We fight them with our steel, we fight them with our courage, but above all we fight them with our faith in Sigmar!" —Magnus the...
He's the savior of the Empire and possibly the world, he doesn't have to be handsome in modern views.
But it would be nice wouldn't it? Imagine being a painter and having to look at that for hours or days to make a portrait of him.

Imagine having to look at said portrait too....
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Somebody remind me if I'm misremembering -- are Yhanna and Morai-Wen sisters, or was that somebody else? Who was Morai-Wen's sister?

Thinking about it some more... I wonder if Morai-Wen is tracking the movements of Malagor?

I wonder if we can help her somehow. If nothing else, it'd suck if she is hunting him... and loses. Malagor is a terrible threat and has terrible sorceries. What if he binds her or kills her. Also, if she is hunting him, then maybe if we can help, we can help take out Malagor! Or uncover his machinations.

Yeah, definitely hoping we can contact her and team up, now.

Exceptional seers are typically driven by more than getting at the root of the problem. They act and strike in ways to affect the greater whole, induce a desired ending via the domino effect on various other points.

Otherwise, she wouldn't have bothered with the Border Princes.

I'm convinced it's her, obviously, but she's not foolish enough to attack Malagor on her own.

The only pretty people in the official art of Warhammer fantasy are occasional Elves, Slaneshi and lamhians, everyone else is hit with uglyhammer.
Karl Franz is quite handsome, and Sigmar has got the noble-barbarian thing going on.
Damn I'm glad that Frederick married Alternate-Elsa! Over the other women.

Those genes are really proving themselves with how all their kids turned out to be handsome lads and beautiful gals.

Frederick could be called roguishly handsome as well, and Natasha is the picture perfect Blonde Icy Beauty.
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Sorry. I blame the recent Twisted and the Twilight putting it on the forefront compared to Naieth.
Her title is Naieth the Prophetess, so you remembered more than I did, haha. In fact, I hadn't remembered fully what her title was at the time (just remembered that there was a title involved, "But it's not Sunweaver, right, that's the Laurelorn thing and... So what name or position or title am I trying to remember...?")

Naieth the Prophetess was... urk, I can't remember her political position. The Highweaver of Athel Loren? A Highweaver of Athel Loren? Yhanna Sunweaver was the one that was pulled in with Freddy and Eldyra, trying to keep them safe in the Worldroots, when Freddy pursued Drycha... I know that Naieth was the one that foresaw Eldyra and Frederick tumbling into Athel Loren (and she greeted us when we showed up) and stuff. And at the end, we fought alongside her and Eldyra against Drycha's dryads, but some of her words or actions blur together with Sunweaver at times. (For instance, while Naieth was the one who went with Freddy and Eldyra to rescue Ariel/kill Drycha, it was Sunweaver who ranted at us for drinking all that berry wine to survive that venture.)
Naieth the Prophetess is old school lore, which I revamped into the 'modern' era and added some bits to make a more complete character. She was featured in the 4th Edition Wood Elf Armybook, and here is her short wiki entry.

She's specced into the foresight portion of magic extensively, but has specifically bound it to Athel Loren. It lets her, therefore, see the potential futures of Athel Loren with considerable completeness and clarity compared to how most future sight prediction stuff can be, but only when it comes to the Wood Elves and Athel Loren proper. Outside of it, she is a not-inconsiderable mage in her own right, but nothing compared to her foresight for Athel Loren.

In the End Times, she tried to scry/spy on Archaon and got turned into a screaming fleshy hellportal into the warp for daring to gaze upon him in such a manner, or so I've heard.

She is not the High Spellweaver of any one realm, but I run her as coming from Talsyn, aka the 'biggest/bestest/Reikland of Athel Loren' Realm. And, for funsies, I altered her a bit so that she's related to Morai-Wen. Both of them are examples of diverging paths of the depths of plumbed magic and attempting to see the future. With good reasons behind it, sure, but good intentions and all that. Naieth is unparalleled in predictions and foresight so long as it pertains to the environs of Athel Loren, and is the reason why so many beastherds, greenskin WAAAAGHS!, dwarf raiding parties, skaven diggings, etc. find themselves full of holes almost the minute they get within bow range of the tree line. But she is far less capable outside of Athel Loren, and her skills as a mage elsewhere are closer to human mastery than what should be expected of an elf of her age. Also, her predictions are sometimes wrong, unclear, etc, because that is usually the nature of prophecy. Sometimes she interprets wrong. Plus, it's taken her all these thousands and thousands of years to get as good at it as she has. Her sister, Morai-Wen, said nuts to that, and went and made a direct deal with the Crone Goddess Morai-heg for more immediate prophetic power rather than take the time to learn all that. She sold her soul to the Goddess, and in return the very Runes of Fate flipped on themselves. Her previous name was utterly rewritten out of reality, to the point that even her sister Naieth literally can't remember her old name, and she gained considerable prophetic abilities - specifically, she can at times channel Morai-heg Herself.

Only problem is, that level of prophetic power is not meant for mortals, and so Morai-Wen doesn't really consciously remember making the prophecies, and trying to interact with them afterwards occasionally ends very badly. She can't always interpret the prophecies that come out of her correctly, few can until it is already done, and some never seemed to come true at all. Still, her power over the Wind of Azyr shot up considerably, too much some might say, and so she turned to Ghur, the Beast Wind, to try and ground herself a bit more from the tendency to get lost in prophecy and contemplations of the heavens. For some reason, Chamon, another possible choice, is a Wind she struggles with a tad. Her mind and soul feel a bit eroded every time she is forced into giving out a prophecy, it's not something she can control, and she slips a little more every year. Sometimes she claws back a bit, sometimes a lot, of her mind, but she is, undeniably, unstable. For all that, however, Naieth still cares for her, and deeply regrets letting her sister storm off after they'd initially disagreed on how to go about protecting their people with the power of foresight, to try and read the runes and signs to aid the Asrai. Morai-Wen cares for her sister, when she can remember who she is, but usually stays away from Athel Loren after a few unfortunate incidents. She eventually ended up being recruited by Naraiel Dawnstone's father, the previous Glade Lord of Laurelorn, and so she became the equivalent master of their aerial forces and beasts, war hawks and forest dragons and the like, while also occasionally managing to channel her own foresight magics to aid Laurelorn.

Well, you know. Before she found herself trapped in Doomfire Dragon Form after Lovely Laurelorn.

For some reason, after the events that went down at the Oak of Ages, Morai-Wen's mind/soul can't quite seem to grasp Ghur in the right manner with which to allow her to reverse her transformation. Might have to due with the overcasting of the spell, being exhausted, and twisting in enough Aqshy to influence the transformation properly and suddenly in the spell without any prior preparation.

NOTE: This is significantly OOC information, just, you know. So you know. Frederick only has small suppositions and inklings based on the interactions he's had with Morai-Wen and Naieth, he knows they're sisters and that Morai-Wen did something bad, something about her name being lost or whatever, and general observations on the relative skills and sanity of both.
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For all that Elves tend to do better on average, their screwups also tend to be greater.

The only pretty people in the official art of Warhammer fantasy are occasional Elves, Slaneshi and lamhians, everyone else is hit with uglyhammer.
Karl Franz is quite handsome, and Sigmar has got the noble-barbarian thing going on. Don't even get me started on Felix.
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Soo...@Torroar Here's a question, and I will apologize if things go to pants but-
How is the Empire faring in Thread Timeline versus 'canon' so to speak.
We know we Cleared the Forest of Shadows, and that's going to be a Big Deal going forward for the Empire. Karak Ungor was also a major win for the Dwarves that as I understand it, CAN lead to the Dawi being more of a thing.
But, I also recall losses, like Gruber flattening Nordland, or Tilea basically getting half-eaten by Chaos gleefully profiting off the warring houses that comprised that city-state.
...I think how I want to put it, is this:
1-10, with 5=canon path, how have the various factions been doing?
Soo...@Torroar Here's a question, and I will apologize if things go to pants but-
How is the Empire faring in Thread Timeline versus 'canon' so to speak.
We know we Cleared the Forest of Shadows, and that's going to be a Big Deal going forward for the Empire. Karak Ungor was also a major win for the Dwarves that as I understand it, CAN lead to the Dawi being more of a thing.
But, I also recall losses, like Gruber flattening Nordland, or Tilea basically getting half-eaten by Chaos gleefully profiting off the warring houses that comprised that city-state.
...I think how I want to put it, is this:
1-10, with 5=canon path, how have the various factions been doing?
In general significantly better because there's a lot more dead enemies and reclaimed territory. The main difference is that thanks to things not being in a vacuum, change can occur. On the other hand, it's probably far less peaceful than canon which was noted to be quite peaceful in Magnus' reign.

I'd say, 7. Subtractions for the losses Nordland and Ostland took and the lack of an idyllic peaceful period. Lot more development and reclamation, much less peace.
Yhanna Sunweaver, on the other hand, is the High Spellweaver of Laurelorn. This means that she is, bar none, the most adept wielder of High Magic, or Qhaysh, in the whole of the High Realm/Independent Realm of Laurelorn. That she is, in fact, the premier magical expert in the High Realm overall. She was educated in Asrai version of Saphery, aka the Most Magic of the Magical Lands of the Elves, known as the High Realm of Argwylon, but was a born Laurelorn native. It is known as a, and I directly quote here, "a realm of mages and magic, of daily deeds that would be thought miraculous in other corners of the forest. This is the only corner of Athel Loren in which many of the old traditions of Ulthuan endure and detailed historical records are maintained.' It is also known as the Most Arrogant of the High Realms, which was shown in Lovely Laurelorn pretty well, I hope. To be fair, they're considered to be regularly doing magic that makes the rest of Athel Loren, one of the most magically charged places in the world, view them as 'miraculous'. Quite a feat, yes?

She is also a Highborn of Laurelorn, and much as how Naraiel runs the Dawnstone Kindred aka the Wood Elf equivalents of 'clans/noble houses/etc.', Yhanna Sunweaver runs the Sunweaver Kindred and rules from Yn Edryrl Ladrilalilecail, a vast and powerful canopy-city of Laurelorn which is built amongst the boughs, trunk, and underground root caverns of a truly massive tree - the tree being the city and the city being in and amongst the tree. Her realm is known as the Brightgrove, and the name of her city translates to 'The/Our Glade of the Splendorous Noble Sun'. She is essentially a peer power but positionally is subordinate to the Glade Lord of Laurelorn i.e. Naraiel Dawnstone. The Eonir of Laurelorn have three major canopy-cities, but the cities can be almost ghost towns on occasion as the elves wander and nomadically move about the forest as is their inclination. At other times, the cities are flush with elven lives that would be the equal of most human cities and would engender great bitterness in certain kingdoms of Ulthuan. It depends on the season, yeah? She's turned Brightgrove into the Argywlon/Saphery of Laurelorn, and yet as seen in the Lovely Laurelorn section she absolutely despises the unbearable arrogance of Argwylon, so has engendered to not allow such behavior to fester into place. It is the premier place of magical learning in Laurelorn, and here those magically inclined in Laurelorn go to learn, as Yhanna somewhat spitefully ensures that hopefully never again will an Asrai(Eonir, now) have to go to Argywlon to learn how to do magic.

It's just really unfortunate for her image that almost every single time that Frederick has run into her, she's been running on fumes after days of sleepless fighting on little food and water, been consumed with worry and stress over possible separatism of the High Realms, being blown out by her innate connection to the Weave thanks to a Dhar-infected Ariel stomping around, been torn haphazardly through the World-Roots, and so on. Frederick has, ironically, never actually seen her at 100% until very, very recently, when she was relaxed and happy to see him and Natasha on an effective sabbatical from her duties. When she was basically able to rewrite an ancient elven magical ritual of soul binding and joining in a few moments in her head when Natasha asked her a question about it.

if it came to a straight up fight between Naieth and Yhanna, Yhanna would win hands down. Unless they were in Athel Loren, in which case Naieth would have an enormous advantage. But, on the other hand, Yhanna is not disadvantaged by the forest and its nature like every other enemy might have been. Yhanna definitely doesn't have the same predictive Celestial Wizardy/Prophetess/Etc. with the Wind Azyr things that Naieth has, but she's really good at Qhaysh and its incredible myriad uses. Hence why she was the one who created the Light of Summer, and furthermore was able to use her access to ancient records (Argwylon connections) to figure out something that might make for a nice gift for Natasha and Frederick in her own free time.
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Makes you wonder just how crazy things can be between still needing to actually defend the Forest from invaders with more bloodthirst than sense and general coordination of the economy, and of course the timey-whimey shenanigans, yet they still can afford to empty out their cities.

Of course, aside from the really odd and dubious quality circumstances of the Orion trilogy, the only invaders to truly threaten either Laurelorn or Athel Loren have been in times when one was severely depleted of forces, been attacked by fucking Morghur, or affected by reality-altering dark Magics, or been threatened by continent-affecting scale diseases. Or both. So it's not exactly impossible to have that kind of lifestyle.
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Dawi seem to be doing pretty darn well given the apparently massive increase in birth rates and josef bugman teaching and brewing again.
Eonir seem to be working hard now to make it so Laurelorn is a peer to the other high realms and be taken seriously. They might not be able to match individual high realms in their respective areas, but they can be good generalists you can do a bit of everything very well.
Soo...@Torroar Here's a question, and I will apologize if things go to pants but-
How is the Empire faring in Thread Timeline versus 'canon' so to speak.
We know we Cleared the Forest of Shadows, and that's going to be a Big Deal going forward for the Empire. Karak Ungor was also a major win for the Dwarves that as I understand it, CAN lead to the Dawi being more of a thing.
But, I also recall losses, like Gruber flattening Nordland, or Tilea basically getting half-eaten by Chaos gleefully profiting off the warring houses that comprised that city-state.
...I think how I want to put it, is this:
1-10, with 5=canon path, how have the various factions been doing?

Small note, for the @ system to work, ya gotta be case sensitive I think. So capital T Torroar doesn't actually ping me. @torroar on the other hand, would. Or something else went wrong there.

As to the numbers...I don't really know. Some major victories have been won, but the provinces have suffered as well. Talabecland, Hochland, Nordland, what happened in Estalia (I assume you are referring to Sigvald, that was in Estalia, not Tilea), and so on. On the other hand, general properity have ensured good bounce backs, as well as steely determination to reclaim lost territory. I think I did a rumor mill post about a census talking about that at some point, a short while ago (in turn numbers, at least).

It bears waiting out to see in the long run before deciding how things are going, I think. Or how they went. Because they could radically change, for certain. The dwarfs have birthed more children than they took in losses in Karak Ungor, have a positive pop growth for the first time in a long time. But they're still vulnerable, like when I think...Karak Grom, it was? Got eaten by skaven? 5,000 dwarfs gone and eaten, I believe. The King of Karak Hirn went down. In the Owl's Journey omake, Karak Hirn got savaged trying to win vengeance, and loss yet another major leader. Belegar Ironhammer lost some good people too in the purging of the skaven hold.

So...I don't really think a strictly numeric scale necessarily works.

Anyway, it's past midnight now, so I gotta get some sleep.
Small note, for the @ system to work, ya gotta be case sensitive I think. So capital T Torroar doesn't actually ping me. @torroar on the other hand, would. Or something else went wrong there.
.@torroar no space. Counts the @ as being in the middle of a word.

Preview function seems to indicate capital T gets autocorrected when posting.
I would actually say that Yhanna being super desperate makes me adore her far more compared to other Eonir/Asrai, it just feel so...understandable and human as well. It certainly helps her first impression when Freddy meets her the first time.


Also, since we just found out about it, is there a personal option that would allow us to send some Asrai/Eonir/Asur wine to Naraiel since she got remarried as a gift gesture even though it's late?