Not to ignite anything in here, but I find is quite amusing and hilarious that Mannan considers Freddy as a "Normal Mortal"

Although that might be because a literal Sea God is not really interested in Frederick's life biography...But still I'm baffled that he has not heard of us. :V

Should Freddy pick a fight a school of Sharks later and challenge them in a fisticuff boxing match? I'm pretty sure that we would gain the title "Shark Punching Pugilist"
Heh, while the odds aren't great it would be awesome if doing all this would make Triton come up from the deep sometime in the future and spear a Black Ark. Who needs dragons, armies, and high magic when you got a really angry demigod! :D
At last! As it was foretold by the Scrolls!

Finally, a short story is made,
of the mixing of "Ferment"
and "Taste of Fire"!

Long have we known this day would come, and yet long have we awaited its coming still.

And at last, as all knew it must, it happened in the thread it must:
in the Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism.

Now is the time. Two titans meet - as it was written. Legends collide.

could preform or worse.
And while Boris was not privy too the spells
Most Ostlanders might be willingly to do it since alcohol was involved
So it became that each day that they would be given some work in kitchen storage area to convert kegs of less than decent water and empower the result or natural brews.
Not sure what about this sentence... maybe it should be "and empower the results of natural brews"?
"Hey Boris, you think the other colleges can do this to?" Luthor asked his friend as he focused his magic on a keg of ostka, empowering the drink to even greater levels of alcoholic content and giving it a underlying spicy taste.

"Do what exactly?" Boris asked curiously as he turned a tub's worth of dirty dish water into kvas.

"You know, use magic to turn stuff into alcohol. I mean, if the Jade and Bright Order can do it, although in different ways, I'm sure the others could as well," Luthor explained as he empowered the newly transformed kvas to make it stronger.
"too" "an" ((I think "an" instead of "a" is correct anyway))

And, interesting (if natural) question. Touching more on it below too....
"Heh, maybe the Golds can make boring bases for their alchemy and potion making, and not for drinking," Luthor laughed.

"It could very well be, and mayhaps the Amber Brotherhood can only make drinks similar to naturally fermenting things found in nature that beasts are known to eat. We will never no unless asked, and both are not the most socially inclined."

So, here's my thought -- maybe it's not alcohol-making specifically exactly... I don't think this is like Aethyric Armor or Lock or Sound; a cantrip or least magic that anybody can cast. Even priests! Not merely wizards, but priests too.

But. I think there's some possibility to it -- especially after you suggested that interesting idea of Golds making bases for alchemy and potion-making! Because I think that's the way to go about it! :D

This isn't a "Can every Wind make alcohol?" angle to approach, but rather a... "If we wanted to make or do something with liquid or drinks, how would each Wind go about it?"

And I got some ideas. For instance -- perhaps Shyish could create a draught that kills pain, or turn things into poisons or painless poisons of some sort? Or create a draught that removes memories; to play on some mythological things like the River Lethe. Though that may be more Ulgu -- Ulgu even has a spell that removes memories to begin with, so.

Gold would have acids and bases. But also perhaps a form of oil -- for polishing or for burning as fuel!

I'm... not sure what other Winds might have. Maybe Light can make or empower coffee? Something that makes you clearheaded. Or perhaps outright Knurd, if the coffee was strong enough. :p

Maybe Ghur could have something to do with milk (though that may be Ghyran again) or naturally fermented things. Or maybe it'd have something with venom... eh. Dunno. Nothing really comes to mind. ... Ah, actually, something comes to mind: a spell that clears up and purifies water... but only in natural watering/drinking holes. As in, the kind that animals use. Not all 'alcohol-or-liquid-related-spells' have to be as "make alcohol!" as possible. Sometimes it could just be something that is related to drinking. Not every Wind could, or should, be able to do this.

I think this is something that should be kept at the level of "Gold Wizards can maybe make or do something to or with acids or bases, for alchemy or potions?" ((It's especially appropriate because Gold Wizards do, indeed, descend from alchemists in part. So hey, that's neat!)) or "Hysh and Light Wizards can brew Coffee that will make you Knurd."

Something that is about the Wind, rather than trying to squeeze alcohol into every Wind's spell list. (Though, admittedly, if it would be appropriate in any quest? It would be in this one: Dynasty of Dynamic Alcoholism, after all. It's sort of... well, I wouldn't say no if it happened due to being appropriate or fitting in with the quest's aesthetics or things, yeah? Like, it almost becomes a manner of thread history and theming and culture, really. It's neat.)

EDIT: This post now has an appropriate prelude added to it. Very crucially important. Also, sadly, copy-pasted URL links no longer adds a green color to it (it's all blue now) so I had to eyeball and manually find an appropriate-ish green color.

Behold. My sig-quote used for justice. ((This is all because I caught sight of my own sig, laughed, and said "Actually hey wait, wouldn't it be funny..." And so it goes.))
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I'm hyped for the update. This will be so, so true to form for Frederick. I voted for the other option but presuming we don't die this could play out really well for us. Or it could play out horribly. Either way the ride will be epic.

In retrospect, we literally got shouted at by a god. Manaan seems suuuuuper pissed at our impudence, and the fact that he and Sigmar are in contest because of:


So it's totally cool to do all we can to appease him. Hopefully it's enough!! The fury of the overdeity of the waters is well worth the extra effort to abate.
Huh, I just thought of this but how do the Sea-Borne not die of scurvy and lack of other major supplies if they spend all their time at sea? A quick look up says they van get vitamin C from seaweed/kelp and the livers of sea mammals like seals so maybe that way, maybe some Manann blessings.

Its mentioned how deliver ships would send supplies to the Sea-Borne if needed or they would head to port if needed by likely not leave ship, but how would they do ship repairs and such? Maybe that can also be answered with Manann blessings and such.

I'm just saying, the logistics of apparently living on a boat from the day you are born till the day you die must be pretty insane without some kinda aid in some form or another just based on what was required for month like voyages in RL history. Having a whole cult willingly to live on land and such certainly helps, but still must be nuts in some ways normal people wouldn't understand. Especially if they are nomadic and travel the seas of the world in general instead of staying in one general area.
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Anyone else ever stop and think that for all of Freddy's accomplishments, an armybook or IC history book would have all of those same accomplishments folded into Magnus' own?

"It was a time of unparalleled change. Though like every other year before the reunification, the dangers of the world fought against him at every turn, the greatest progress since Sigmar himself was accomplished under Magnus. The Empire strengthened alliances new and old, the Asur fighting alongside Imperials against Greenskins, Greater Daemons and ancient vampire lords, while the Dwarves worked with the armies of Ostland and Ostermark to reclaim Karak Ungor, first of the lost holds of the Goblin Wars, during which the line of the Slayer Kings ended in a most glorious of dooms defeating Skulltaker. Under Magnus, the soldiers of the Empire set to work with an energy and vigor the likes not seen for centuries, slaying great and terrible Beastlords, Daemon Princes, Greater Daemons, truly terrible Orc Warlords, vampires thousands of years old and godly avatars. The isolationist Wood Elves of Athel Loren and Laurelorn treated with the Empire with more respect and lasting bonds than ever before, even during the time of the Skavenslayer; working together, Imperial and Asrai forces slew Ghorros Warhoof, the thousand-told progenitor, and Slugtongue the Famine-Fiend. The Forest of Shadows and it's dreadful inhabitant Zacharias the Everliving were extinguished of the dread taint of necromancy, while the Middle Mountains that once produced Gorthor, most horrible of Beastlords, was settled, if with ever-present danger. The Everqueen and Mage Queen, avatars of Isha separated by time, grudges, and an ocean, looked upon the works of men in this time, and never forgot. Ogres and Dwarves also thrived in the Empire, whole tribes worth taking up arms as Imperial soldiers and citizens with education and intelligence to match, while legendary Brewmaster Josef Bugman was convinced to take up his old practice once more. It was a time of knowledge and wisdom, too. Great and mighty guns were crafted, artillery pieces of power and number enough to demolish cities; some were so large they were suspected to have been based on the designs of the Ironblasters of the Ogres, but far better maintained and handled, while equivalents to the Steam Tanks were crafted, providing a new source of a weapon long lost."

That's just Frederick's and Ostland's personal accomplishments, not the others by Magnus himself or other Elector Counts (like the reclamation of Sylvania)

All you have to do is swap Frederick's name with the Empire and other synonyms, or Ostland perhaps. All we did will be largely attributed to Magnus the Pious in this hypothetical army book.

And I can't help but find that hilarious and awesome, for how it'll appear.
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How is this supposed to appear, actually? That Ostland's growth is enough to fill an army book section is pretty cool, but getting scrubbed out is just irritating.
Welcome to the history lore of an AU fantasy verse, where a lot of the small details are summarized or overlooked because of limitations.

I expect Frederick might get a mention or two in the timeline for certain events, perhaps the reclamation of Karak Ungor.

It's a hypothetical alternate Empire armybook after all. They're not gonna stick every detail in there. Might get a blurb, but you'd have to expect more detail in a dubious quality novel of the Time of Legends mega-series. A trilogy if especially lucky.
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Hm. Think some of those details might show up again in Wood Elf or Dwarf books though? In fact, that's sometimes a way they do it. Mentioning incidents from various perspectives, and giving a tiny bit more detail on them, or maybe just a different spin.

So the Empire timeline might say a few things, and then the Wood Elf book might mention the Battle at the Bone Gate or Lovely Laurelorn, and the Dwarf book might mention the Zacharias War before moving on to Karak Ungor. Probably in a very brief:
"Few were as dismayed as Pagrim, one of Prince Garagrim's compatriots, when they failed to find a death against both an Undead Emperor Dragon and an Undead Bonegrinder out on the same battlefield... but today, Valma Bronzeheart would be the one to find their Doom to a Bonegrinder -- and at the gates of Karak Ungor itself no less!
Again, an Ironfist had faced a Bonegrinder and failed to die. The shame only piled up, but that merely meant the eventual Doom would needs be the mightiest tale told of all time..."
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Curious, does anyone have any guesses on what is in the aquarium when the Matriarch channeled Manann heavily?

I guessed either a dragon turtle or a merwyrm based on fact it was described as having forelimbs and reptile-like appearance. Any other guesses?

If either of them makes me wonder how they convinced it to live inside it and if they can bring it out as a warbeast at any point.
Almost certainly a Merwyrm, they're very common in the Sea of Claws, at least comparatively.