I don't understand why everyone is so willing to throw away our best naval asset. Those great ships could get sent to the other side of the Empire leaving our own shore vulnerable.
Curious, does anyone have any guesses on what is in the aquarium when the Matriarch channeled Manann heavily?

I guessed either a dragon turtle or a merwyrm based on fact it was described as having forelimbs and reptile-like appearance. Any other guesses?

If either of them makes me wonder how they convinced it to live inside it and if they can bring it out as a warbeast at any point.
I thought it was supposed to be a more bigger eyed version of this
Well I hope our shipbuilders can handle building 5 Greatships at once. I am also not happy about the Reputation that Freddie has to be earning about him being Masochistic.
I don't understand why everyone is so willing to throw away our best naval asset. Those great ships could get sent to the other side of the Empire leaving our own shore vulnerable.
Vote is over my friend, please let it go. Plenty of other votes to argue about in the future.
I thought it was supposed to be a more bigger eyed version of this
That is a Merwyrm, yes.
Well I hope our shipbuilders can handle building 5 Greatships at once. I am also not happy about the Reputation that Freddie has to be earning about him being Masochistic.
What reputation? As far as I know literally no one thinks that about him.

Also, pretty sure in WHF masochitics tend to be followers of Slaanesh.
I don't regret my vote, come what may, and I stand by my arguments. I'm confident we'll be alright.

But I'm still going to buckle up, knock on wood, cross my fingers, and clench my sphincter.
I don't understand why everyone is so willing to throw away our best naval asset. Those great ships could get sent to the other side of the Empire leaving our own shore vulnerable.
Well I hope our shipbuilders can handle building 5 Greatships at once. I am also not happy about the Reputation that Freddie has to be earning about him being Masochistic.
Vote's over guys, pack it in. There have been plenty of arguments earlier in thread.
Let's not pile on people too much guys, it's easy to miss this sort of thing. I've done it twice -- and that was when I wasn't posting from a dozen pages behind! (At least back then, I took a sanguine "Ah well, since I'm literally quoting older posts and reacting to obviously-older posts, everyone will probably know or notice that I'm way behind things anyway. That's much more forgiveable, if I wind up rehashing things unknowingly.") ((If I refrain until I catch up, I would literally never be able to post in DL, Rhunrikki, or DoDA. :V Some threads move too fast, or I don't keep up with them well enough, or etc.))
So anybody what to speculate on how Maghda will react to Freddy's decision?
Freddy's going to squint, scowl, then drink an entire flask of Bugman's before his eyes. Then possibly offer her one of the flasks he has. Then be dismayed at her ending up picking a Bugman's. "Are you dismayed because it's hard alcohol and warning me off from it?" "No, because it's the best quality drink. D:"

That's how I think it'll go.

More realistically/less-humorously, I think she'll keep a poker face. Or... not quite poker face, because she's more straightforward, but make a "... Huh. So you did go for it, like that."
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"Yes. A lot of it," Adira shudders. "It…almost reminds me of when a traveling magician lost control of his Djinn, out in the desert before I was…taken," she quiets considerably with the last word, squirming where she sits. "But many, many times over."

"'Lost control of his Djinn'," you repeat. "Is that…I don't actually know much about how magic works in Araby."

"Very different," Adira says promptly, "And somewhat similar as well. Wisewomen and wisemen in the tribes of the desert, magicians and sorcerers…it depends. Djinn are…," she trails off for a moment. "My education tells me that they are beings of the Warp, but not quite the same as the daemons we know. My life tells me that they are beings of elemental force, given life and mind and will."

The Arabyan waggles a hand in the air.

"I suspect the truth is a mixture of both. The sand was blasted into glass, and shattered again besides, the air itself curdled into a toxic liquid cloud, the very light of the sun became a spiked, physical thing," she shivers. "This…reminds me of that, for all that it looks so different."
Djinn, huh...interesting.

Perhaps the case of the Wasteland is similar to why Albion is as it is today.
Djinn, huh...interesting.

Perhaps the case of the Wasteland is similar to why Albion is as it is today.
I assume that Araby magic users are like the older WHF Elementalist and Elementalism, binding Elementals to use their power to do magic and therefore not corrupt yourself.

As for Albion, I thought the whole misting/swamp effects was a side effect from importance it has in the waystone network.
Perhaps the Wastelands are/were another artificial convergence point of the Winds on the way to the Vortex at Ulthuan, with Albion taking the north and the Wastelands the south?

There are any number of things that could have wrecked it, the Sundering, the War of Vengeance as the elves and dwarves fought over this area (Marienburg sits on the site of a former Elven colony).

We know it was this way before men came at least, given the Jutonnes drove the Fimir and others into the swamps.

If anyone has any spare roll "+#" could they please use some of them for this roll?
That is not a thing in this quest.
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Perhaps the Wastelands are/were another artificial convergence point of the Winds on the way to the Vortex at Ulthuan, with Albion taking the north and the Wastelands the south?

There are any number of things that could have wrecked it, the Sundering, the War of Vengeance as the elves and dwarves fought over this area (Marienburg sits on the site of a former Elven colony)
Actually according to the wiki the place was untouched by War of Vengeance.
Pre-Human Times
Once the Wasteland didn't deserve that name. Long before Man had come to the Old World, the lands around the mouth of the Reik were the home of lush grasslands and bountiful woods, the trees of which produced abundant fruit in endless variety. Elf loremasters tell how this virgin country was filled with animals that provided meat for their new port. Herds of thousands of wild cattle, the aurochs now so rare in the Old World, roamed peacefully among the grasses. There were so many that, according to folklore of the Elves, a blind man couldn't shoot an arrow into the sky in those days without bringing down a feast for a hundred.[1a]

The Dwarfs loved this land, too, and called it Tiwaz-Katalbuyk, 'Rest at Journey's End'. These were the days of their friendship with the Elves. They mined the mountains and panned the streams for precious metals and gems, trading these with the Elves for works of exquisite craftsmanship and rare raw materials from beyond the sea. Even after both had gone, in the wake of their disastrous war, this was a really a land of plenty.[1a]

But sometime after the departure of the Elves and the Dwarfs and before the arrival of Man, Chaos and evil came, spreading like a cancer from the north and the south. The Skaven, digging their tunnels like cracks meant to undermine the continent, burst forth from the abandoned mines and ravaged the surface. Within a few decades, the land was a ruin: the herds were slaughtered, the waters poisoned and the groves cut down. Marching like vermin into the north of this realm, they found the Fimir, a race of reptilian giants who themselves were remaking the land in their own blasphemous image.[1a]

War was inevitable. For how long it raged, only the Fimir and the Skaven know, and certainly no one is asking them. The Skaven built great castles to hold their conquests, and slowly they pushed the Fimir back. In the end, there came a cataclysm that decimated both sides. Whether it was a last desperate effort by the Fimir, an attempt at final victory by the Skaven, or even a rebellion by the earth itself doesn't matter. Great waves of magic washed over the land and the earth convulsed and cracked. In a night, the castles of the Skaven and the holds of the Fimir were thrown down as the very bedrock heaved, broke and sank. Their armies were destroyed and their minions crushed or swallowed whole. By dawn the next day, only the land itself remained, nearly empty of life and hiding its wounds under a thick blanket of fog.[1a]

Now it is a grim place where only the hardiest souls can hope to make a living, let alone prosper.[1a]
According to this it was the fault of the skaven and fimir fighting that destroyed the place.
[CANON] Fermenting Fire - Massgamer
Fermenting Fire

It was not without good reason that the wizards of the Empire even after years of leal service in the name of the Empire and its people, remaining sane and pure where past human practitioners of magic fell to madness and corruption, still inspired fear and distrust in many people, especially the Witch Hunters. Those fears weren't totally unfounded either since even trusted wizards can be overcome by their powers if they aren't careful or reached beyond their abilities to control. Therefore many would find it concerning the consistent mingling between two journeymen wizards of two different colleges behind closed doors, thinking they might be up to dark things such as foolishly attempting to mix their magics in a foolhardy attempt of High Magic like their elven founders could perform or worse.

Thankfully they had permission to meet regularly beforehand and they only closed the doors to keep the overly curious kitchen staff away.

Luthor Feuerstag happily patted Boris on the back as usual, his keys jiggling in the air from the motion. The Bright Wizard, like most of his kind, was quite hyperactive and one easily given to his emotions in general, and while that would bother Boris most of the time he found it oddly endearing in Luthor. Mayhaps it was because he was the first wizard outside of his own college Boris had ever interacted with and found it went better than he expected, especially when it was the wizard in general that approached him with their current joint activity.

Namely, magically brewing strong spirits.

Ever since the Count learned of the Aqshy spell, Taste of Fire, which not only made food spicy but also turn regular water alcoholic and normal heavy drinks even heavier he had been eager to ask if other wizards had similar spells. And while Boris was not privy to the spells of the other colleges, and for good reason, he did know of the Jade Order's Ferment spell which could turn even the most unfit liquid into a mildly alcoholic drink of his choice.

Boris used the spell most often to freely provide himself Kvas and the rarer Koumiss whenever he wished, even if not as strong as naturally brewed alternatives and had a slight earthy flavor it still did well enough.

The Count and his family took imminent advantage of this once they found out, but the Count and Lady Sabine had been quite disappointed when he explained how undrunk spirits made this way returned to normal after a day, the same with food and drink subjected to Taste of Fire, and therefore was not capable of long-term storage or wide distribution, not that Boris thought most people would want to drink magic alcohol considering how many made a fuss about crops grown thanks to the Jade Order. Most Ostlanders might be willing to do it since alcohol was involved, but it was a moot point due to the time limit.

With the arrival of the Bright Wizards years ago they had added onto this small brewing operation with their own magic, and that was how Boris' and Luthor's friendship was born. Especially since after Boris conjured up his Kvas and Koumiss Luthor could empower it further so that it matched and sometimes even exceeded the alcoholic content of more naturally brewed drinks. So it became that each day that they would be given some space in kitchen storage area to convert kegs of less than decent water and empower the result alongside natural brews.

The only rule in all this besides the obvious ones involving not mixing magic directly? Never, ever use magic on any of the dwarf-made brews within the kitchen and cellar areas.

Boris nor Luthor or any of his fellow journeymen argued against it since while logically it should improve upon it, the last thing any of them wanted was a generational grudge placed upon them by the brewmasters or dwarfs in general for even thinking that magic could be used to improve upon their work. Morr have pity on any stupid wizard who does and they get found out.

Therefore Boris and Luthor were 'merely' restricted to human made ale, beer, wine, mead, ostka, kvas, thunderwater, etc and even the occasional high elf drink which were at least a little magic already.

"Hey Boris, you think the other colleges can do this too?" Luthor asked his friend as he focused his magic on a keg of ostka, empowering the drink to even greater levels of alcoholic content and giving it an underlying spicy taste.

"Do what exactly?" Boris asked curiously as he turned a tub's worth of dirty dish water into kvas.

"You know, use magic to turn stuff into alcohol. I mean, if the Jade and Bright Order can do it, although in different ways, I'm sure the others could as well," Luthor explained as he empowered the newly transformed kvas to make it stronger.

"I would say there are good odds at least, though what form their spells take is up for speculation since our own spells do not match up completely," Boris said as he motioned towards the now empowered kvas. "For example, the Ferment spell allows those of the Jade Order to turn any liquid, no matter how foul and brackish into a drink of our choice so long as we know what the taste is. However, the Taste of Fire spell can be used on food as well as drink, though in the latter case it works best on fresh water and already brewed drinks. It therefore stands to reason that alcoholic drink making spells of other Orders would be different as well."

"Heh, maybe the Golds can make boring bases for their alchemy and potion making, and not for drinking," Luthor laughed.

"It could very well be, and mayhaps the Amber Brotherhood can only make drinks similar to naturally fermenting things found in nature that beasts are known to eat. We will never know unless we ask, and both are not the most socially inclined."

"Ha! You got that right!" Luthor laughed. "Maybe its for the best though, make people nervous enough with only the two of us getting together and doing this. Don't need to give the Witch Hunters even more reason to kick down the door on us."

"Indeed. Now, I do believe the Count and his family are about to start sparring once more and will want plenty of drink on hand while they do it, not to mention my healing abilities as well."

"True on both counts!"

So it was another odd friendship in Ostland had been made and continues to this day, and just like most friendships made in the province it was due to alcohol.


AN: Based on fact that since Bright and Jade Winds have spells centered around alcohol making of course they would work together in Ostland of all places! Also, would surprise me if all the Winds have hooch making spells. :p
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So, Vote's over.

I am severly disappointed that Recklessness has once again won out over Reason, but it is how it is. And who knows, maybe everything will work out perfectly fine and the high Risk will pay off. Would not the first time that happened in this Quest after all. If that happens, I'll freely admit that I was wrong.

However, if everything ends up going to Hell, will reserve myself the right to say 'I told you so'.

I'd strongly advise against "I told you so" mentality or anything similar.
So, Vote's over.

I am severly disappointed that Recklessness has once again won out over Reason, but it is how it is. And who knows, maybe everything will work out perfectly fine and the high Risk will pay off. Would not the first time that happened in this Quest after all. If that happens, I'll freely admit that I was wrong.

However, if everything ends up going to Hell, will reserve myself the right to say 'I told you so'.
Dude seriously, Knock it off