There were going to be a few things, but the whole point of that was that Marienburg was cosmopolitan, and people could have asked me about what things there are, and I was going to throw in some possibilities but let the players think about exploring - with me present to say when things would or would not be flat out impossible to do. But, again, I'm a lot more leaning towards just leaving afterwards, at the moment. I don't know. We'll find out, I guess.
That actually sounds pretty amazing, and it is a shame to lose that opportunity but I cant totally understand that you just want to get out of here ASAP...
Yeah, same here. It sounds really cool.
Say, while I assume that the Magical "College of Navigation" doesn't exist here yet -- or it might only be a thing in the other quest, I don't remember off the top of my head actually! -- could that be a thing we ask Maghda about?
That is -- we feel out what Maghda thinks about these newfangled "Colleges of Magic thing" that the Empire has recently gotten.
... Actually.
does Maghda -- and the Cult of Manann -- think of them? If she knows anything of them? Though, she knew enough to know about Jade Wizards, so.
In fact, maybe Freddy could talk about the way they've helped out in Sylvania. And they've helped with farming. So... magic could be used in various places. Magic could find a niche. But. Is it a niche that people
want magic to be in? And, when it comes to something as superstitious as the sea, is it a niche the
Gods would want?
does Manann think of, say, Azyr and Ulgu and Ghyran?
Or -- the College of Shyish are closely working with the Cult of Morr, right. Is it possible to have something like that with the Azyr Wizards (or Ghyran or Ulgu, if that would be an appropriate wind... Azyr is probably most appropriate, but Ulgu doing "mist magic" might be a thing, and Ghyran has water in it, though...) and the Cult of Manann? Actual cooperation and agreements and
faith and worship though.
Or perhaps, some Azyr Wizards might be interested in taking up religion. The magic thing doesn't all have to be one way, after all. It's not like it's just people that should get more Wizards after all. It could be Wizards becoming more religious and faithful too.
So, like... Rather than hiring Azyr Wizards... Perhaps the Cult might be interested in having devout people becoming Wizards, and thus becoming highly devout Wizards.
... Or maybe all of this is none of Frederick's business. Or, well, at least the higher and more speculative and "What do?" parts. But at least sounding her out to see what she, and the Cult, and Manann himself, think of the Colleges of Magic...
... Well, I want to see that conversation happen! It'd be interesting to me.