@torroar What would the other Elector Counts think of Frederick if he came to the Elector's meet without his Runefang? Would he even still be allowed into the meet without having it?
-[X] Northern Soils – Cold: Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Romanov Farmlands in Kislev gain access to seeding drill, vastly increasing farming production for Kattarin (and your daughter's) faction. If successful, will make back profit of +1,000 Chance of Success: 50%. CANNOT VOTE NORTHERN SOILS-WARMTH IF CHOSEN.

can you do Northern Soils – warm instead as it has a higher success chance and the situation in Kislev is tense enough as is that I don't consider the consequences of this failing
Holy shit that is gonna drain our money like water down the sink! I didn't notice before that they were that costly...

Wait a minute...We do have enough money to comfortable go one even though we are picking them right? Like is our income enough for all the stuff we are doing after this?
We can handle that cost. The Albion cost is about to be over with. The cyclers will be available to be sold next turn. The charcoal industry will make money. The farming income can be boosted through a piety action. The farming device we are selling can net us profit.

It'll be somewhat touch and go, but we can handle the cost. Assuming we do not fork over 10 000 gold to the cult of manaan.
Look at the map of Ostland. All Ostlander rivers flow into the river Talabec, which ends up in Marienburg. There's also a river in Erengrad, but that's Kislev.
We don't have a lot of notable coastal settlements either.
there is an argument that there might be lots of minor rivers at the coast that were too minor to bother placing on the map though I am not sure
Look at the map of Ostland. All Ostlander rivers flow into the river Talabec, which ends up in Marienburg. There's also a river in Erengrad, but that's Kislev.
We don't have a lot of notable coastal settlements either.

What we do have is a string of forts lining the coast that are within cannon range of one another(that have been upgraded into castles and handed to the nobility for further development) and a policy of putting cannons on our fishing ships.
Are you saying our navy should be composed of a majority of wolfships? If you are then you should have spoken up about this last turn. When we had a notable minority of galleys. Then you could have, what 71 Imperial Wolf Ships, and 19 wargalleys?

Yeesh. You are advocating to throw away wargalleys until we have 10 wargalleys?
Should I charge Stirland then do you think?
not sure , on one hand gaining more Stirland opinion would be great for one day expanding the northern trident though we might gain other chances in the future and Stirland can afford the drills but what I know for sure is that Kislev is powder keg one spark away from going boom so we should take options we the lowest chance of failure when dealing with them
Also, can't believe it slipped my mind but Aurelion is doing good! It is been so long since we even saw her and good to see her doing great work, more purified waystones is one step closer to a better world.
Can I get some context for why this is in most plans?
Weighty Weiss: House Weiss is a conglomerate which has essentially become the overarching trade group that one is forced to go to in some measure or another in the north. Furniture, clothing, vehicles, raw materials, these are just the start. They have fingers and controlling interests in the trading of basically all goods not included in the banner of the 'perishable' or 'soft' goods of House Geisen. As such, they technically make the most money out of the entire Tri-Claw Compact by dint of sheer control of so many separate categories. Even if certain things are not traded by their merchants directly, you can be assured that others selling things into the north are incredibly likely to, knowingly or not, aid in increasing House Weiss' coffers. Whether because the House commands the middlemen, are the middlemen, owns the parent company or has a controlling interest at the least, and so on. One cannot simply begin trying to prune out all of their traders, their storehouses, and so on. It would irreparably damage the economy not just for the Northern Trident, but likely could have knock on effects in Hochland, Middenland, hell, other parts of the Empire too. They are a giant too big to hack at the knees of. Sabine, however, has admitted that there is one way she can think of to challenge them – to make a giant of your own. It would not be easy, or fast, but if you give her the permission to do so, she can attempt to overtake them, starting in Ostland. Out of deference to you, and an effort to at least try and keep any potential blowback off of the Hohenzollerns, it would be under the name of the Nassau, already known to be a mercantile family that is growing more integrated into the north. On the positive side, she would be making use of House Nassau funds and resources rather than solely draining upon the Hohenzollern treasury. It wouldn't be, in the end, something that would suddenly make your own treasury explode. The point is to reduce Weiss, by challenging them in the markets directly and indirectly. Cost: 0. Time: Unknown. Reward: Nassau Family begins Mercantile War For Control of Northern Trident Markets, eradicating House Weiss Influence in Northern Trident.
Most plans have this and don't get why. The Rutgers and Geisen are both easier to topple and don't involve creating our own trade giant. One that we would not necessarily control. The Nassau would be creating it, operating and directing it. That's a lot of trust for anyone.
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Are you saying our navy should be composed of a majority of wolfships? If you are then you should have spoken up about this last turn. When we had a notable minority of galleys. Then you could have, what 71 Imperial Wolf Ships, and 19 wargalleys?

Yeesh. You are advocating to throw away wargalleys until we have 10 wargalleys?
I have actually argued in the past that Wolf Ships should be the mainstay of our fleet. Especially when our opponents are the likes of the Dark Elves, Orcs and Norscans and when we have the infrastructure to produce decent cannons relatively cheaply.
And unlike the trees, Wolf vs Galley focus hasn't accumulated enough memetic potential to be used for comedic effect, so continuing to mention it at every possible opportunity would serve little purpose but to annoy my fellow questers.

Another reason I didn't raise a fuss about Galley last turn is because the Holders of the Shore torched 12 Galleys shortly before, so the Galley Focus of turn 37 was more about returning to the status quo than increasing the proportion of boarding vessels.

Galleys do fill a niche role, even if that niche is already partially filled by our fortifying the coastline and arming the fishing ships. And because Galleys have a niche, one could actually make the case for why having some Galleys is necessary and for why we should have >20% of our fleet consist of Galleys. Or that we should have a Galley for every 4 or so Wolf Ships. Or that we should have ten Galleys for every two Greatships.

Galleys not playing to our strength and having a narrow specialization when a more generalist alternative that takes better advantage of our advantages does mean we should build more of the generalist alternative than the Galley though.

Can I get some context for why this is in most plans?

Most plans have this and don't get why. The Rutgers and Geisen are both easier to topple and don't involve creating our own trade giant. One that we would not necessarily control. The Nassau would be creating it, operating and directing it. That's a lot of trust for anyone.
Corporate Espionage and Corporate Warfare cause a Trade Income reduction. And the more popular Corporate Espionage costs 1k/year in upkeep per target.
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I'm voting my concience, don't care 'bout the meta.
That said, I am willing to make changes if I find the reasoning sensible, and not rooted in projececting, assumptions and metagaming.
Votes I put * upon, I don't really care that much about am more willing to be flexible about

[X] Plan: Getting too old for this shit
-[X] Tracking Beast-Paths
-[X] Gold Testing
-[X] Ogre Archery
-[X] Extra Careful *
-[X] Checking For Yourself
-[X] Galley Focus *
-[X] Stirland Soils – By Morr
-[X] Northern Soils - Warmth
-[X] Lumbering Heat *
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] A Pilgrimage Of Cold Fire DD
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Corporate Warfare – Rutger
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger *
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage *
-[X] Tutoring The Herd
-[X] Studying The Past
[X] Dunkelstal *
[X] Why Not?: Let him wield it properly.
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn) *
[X] Go Down: Meet with Maghda Sprenger directly.
[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
[X] Middle Mountains
[X] Why Not?
[X] Yes
Cult of Manann Choice
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*edit* Format changed per request*
@torroar @kelgar04 @mmgaballah

Treasury Reserves: 26,708 Gold Crowns
Net Income: 18,500 Gold Crowns Per Year

Imperial Stipend Accounting:
+1900 Per Turn
Current Reserve: 1200

[X][Plan] Free Trade and Charity

(Choose 3):
-[X] Tracking Beast-Paths:Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: At Least One Major Beast-Path Located. Chance Of Success: 75%
-[X] Gold Testing: Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Armies of Ostland Suffers No Penalties From Unfamiliarity With Gold Wizards.
-[X] Intensive Hunting: Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Especially cunning beastmen warherds that made it through an Ostland-Talabeclander Beast-Path hunted down and killed. Chance of Success: 50%

Third Imperial Navy: (Choose 3)
-[X] Extra Careful: Cost: 250. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Assurance that even if Sea of Claw Rolls Fail, Albion Diplomacy Action Not Affected.
-[X] Checking For Yourself: Cost: 500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Southern Norscan Coastline scouted by Third Imperial Navy, in-depth, marking settlement sites past, possibly present, and likely future. Information. Chance of Success: 75%
-[X] Galley Focus: Cost: 1500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 10 Wargalleys.

Diplomacy: (Choose 2):
-[X] Stirland Soils – By Handrich: Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Stirland granted many seeding drills for usage across their province, vastly increasing agricultural production. Will make back costs by selling, i.e. +1000 To Treasury.
-[X] Northern Soils - Warmth: Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Romanov Farmlands in Kislev gain access to seeding drill, vastly increasing farming production for Kattarin (and your daughter's) faction. Greater speed of introduction/usage. Chance of Success: 60% CANNOT VOTE NORTHERN SOILS-COLD IF CHOSEN.

: (Choose 1):
-[X] Have Laws, Need Judges: Cost: 1,000 Now, An Annual Fee To Maintain Traveling Judges Of Ostland Network Afterwards. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Traveling Judge Network set up with regular fair pay, who will work to utilize the Revised Law Code, thus making it more normalized. Also reduces corruption of Traveling Judges. Increases general Law and Order for province.

Piety: (Choose 3):
-[X] Seek Out Myrmidian Priests: Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Myrmidian clergy not purely focused around War arrive in Ostland, further Myrmidian options. Chance of Success: 75%
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians: Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: New Detachment of White Wolves Dedicated To Defending Iceborn Flame Sent To Ostland. Chance of Success: 80%
-[X] Debating Rhya: Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Cultists of Rhya relent on seeding drill as a 'work of science'. Increased Farming Income. Other Options In Future.

Intrigue: (Choose 2):
-[X] Corporate Espionage - Geisen: Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Goods Producers/Traders. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Geisen dominance of markets begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 50%
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger: Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Transport Companies That Will Begin Damaging House Rutger Dominance. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Rutger dominance of northern transportation begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 65%

Personal: (Choose 3):
-[X] A Little More Conversation:Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Exceedingly Rudimentary Foundation Of Eltharin, Language of the Elves, Positive Opinion On Part of Sadrina.
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage: Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Considerable legitimacy given to Imperial Fighting League, increased IFL income.
-[X] Tutoring The Herd: Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Chance for younger Hohenzollern Herd members to gain Martial Traits. Chance of Success: 65%

Urgdug Choice
[X][Urgdug] An unnamed area some 15 miles northeast of Dunkelstal

Runefang Choice
[X][Runefang] Why Not?: Cost: Frederick will not have Brain Wounder for a year. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Magnus wields Brain Wounder for the entire year, potent symbol of trust in your son as your heir, potent weapon for him to wield in battle.

Jade Magister Choice
[X][Jade] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)

Cult of Manann Choice
[X][Manann] Go Down: Meet with Maghda Sprenger directly. Deal with this problem once and for all, lest the tension end up utterly ruining your water-based economics and the lives of tens of thousands in Ostland who rely directly on it. This needs to be solved, one way or the other, definitively. Cost: N/A. Reward: Marienburg Interlude(s)
@kelgar04 @mmgaballah

Okay. At @mmgaballah 's suggestion, I have taken the chance of success into consideration for the seed drills and have decided to flip so Stirland pays and Kislev gets charity.

I also decided to give Urgdug the undeveloped area as its forested nature will be more in line with his religious leanings and he can have an unique home built.
@iggyfan Torroar wants us to separate the last four options from the plans.
Can I get some context for why this is in most plans?

Most plans have this and don't get why. The Rutgers and Geisen are both easier to topple and don't involve creating our own trade giant. One that we would not necessarily control. The Nassau would be creating it, operating and directing it. That's a lot of trust for a family that won't always be bound to us.
It's free and doesn't have ehh to ugh success chance.
[X]The Trofurt Estates
[X] Why Not?: Let him wield it properly. Cost: Frederick will not have Brain Wounder for a year. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Magnus wields Brain Wounder for the entire year, potent symbol of trust in your son as your heir, potent weapon for him to wield in battle.
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Go Down: Meet with Maghda Sprenger directly. Deal with this problem once and for all, lest the tension end up utterly ruining your water-based economics and the lives of tens of thousands in Ostland who rely directly on it. This needs to be solved, one way or the other, definitively. Cost: N/A. Reward: Marienburg Interlude(s)
I... Where does it say this anywhere? I want to bring up a precedent with the Jade Wizards healing poor health. Evangeline Hertwig! It's heavily implied that their Jade Magister friend gave Evangeline the Robust trait. She's not seen as a creature of magic.

Completely different situation. Odelia's son is a mage, and Odelia wasn't trying to fix his physical disabilites. Correct me if I'm wrong.

It is the common thought of most people in this era, Freddie only got away with so much magic used on him because he was a daemon slaying hero and got so royally messed up magic was the only alternative. This isn't "healing" aka restoring what was lost through the act of an enemy. It is "fixing" aka using magic, which is still regarded with suspicion at best, to give the boy what he would never have naturally. It's shaping his life and future with magic in an unnatural way. Many will consider him to as tainted and as suspect as anyone who grew into magic powers because of that. As for Evangeline? Again she has the clout for it, and many could brush it off as she getting tougher because of spending time fighting and with the dwarves, and most who despise magic will look at it at that light, because it's not proven, only slightly implied. Here Wolfilia would have NO such shield of plausible deniability, and he would suffer for it.

...What? Where the heck are you getting that from?
Let me try to parse this into more understandable terms since i wrote that when i was tired. We have only a 60% chance of giving them away, where as in every other case it's been a 100% chance. Now why IS that? That's simple, because Kattarin has a 40% chance of viewing it as us doing what we promised our daughter not to do, interfere. So i suspect that botching the give away not only makes the Bohka like us less, which is fair since they'd do that under the buy option anyways, but has a STUPID high chance of turning the rumor mill against Kattarin even more from it being seen as interference since we did not give this away to our close allies in the trident. It also is likely to piss Kattarin off at us to the point she'd never want them at all due to us breaking our word. It is my conclusion that a failure on the selling would be less catastrophic than that on the giving away.

I feel like the leading plan is defeating the spirit of the GM asking us not to use metaknowledge from interludes to influence our decisions, since I'm nearly certain if we weren't aware of the scale of the build up people would want to focus on gathering more info on beast-paths first over doing a purge with even more mercs (the amount of them which we have already an army of its own). However, I can't prove that only point it out and give an opinion on the matter so up to others to decide whether right or not.

On another note, @CuriousRaptor there a reason you are choosing Trofurt Estates for Urgdug's land grant? Its one of my top two picks so not complaining just curious on reasoning.

Mostly because it's Close to Wulffenburg so our brother can visit more regularly and have his family fallback to Wulfenburg if things go pear shaped. Yet still close enough to the woods he can honor Taal.

As far as the plan goes? A group of beastmenn, likely centigor from the rumor mills, just crossed our border from Talabecland, and are being sneaky. This indicates planning on thier part. Planning means if they get momentum they could Gorthor us. Given that beastmen are more feared than even Greenskins because of that one name, It was, at least to me pretty clear cut that they NEED TO FREAKING GO. I want to nip this in the bud, cut the centigor crusade we've seen coming from rumor mills off at the knees, and hunting them down would at least, not hurt that. I bought extra mercs because the last larger scale battle we had involving beastmen killed 2 companies outright in the fighting, and crippled one other if memory serves.
In this case the seed drills should probably be given to fellow Imperials first. @CuriousRaptor certainly, it is too risky to do TWO 50% options with potentially nasty consequences in failure.
Then what would you propose?
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Either of the Stirland Seed Drill options.

Edit: Oh, and you probably noticed but just in case, Torroar wants the last four votes, the non-traditional CKII ones, separated from the plans.
Yeah just fixed it for that. I could see the appeal of taking off the Kisleiv drills in favor of Stirland. I might edit it assuming my voters agree as i was not entirely sold on it myself.
[X] Plan Nautical Caution
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X]Intensive Hunting
-[X]Ogre Archery
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
--[X]Helmut's Free Company
--[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos
--[X]The Smoking Manticores
-[X] Wolf Focus
-[X] Greatship 6
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] An Open Hand
-[X] Northern Soils – Cold
-[X] Lumbering Heat
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Equivalent Exchange
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Weighty Weiss
-[X] A Little More Conversation
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd

[X]Trofurt Estates
[X] Why Not?
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Go Down