Crazy thing to me, is that if I am doing the math correctly, Magnus has a full 29 diplomacy with the dawi. That's just impressive and a clear sign he's learned from more than just his father.
[X] Plan Nautical Caution
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X]Intensive Hunting
-[X]Ogre Archery
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
--[X]Helmut's Free Company
--[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos
--[X]The Smoking Manticores
-[X] Wolf Focus
-[X] Greatship 6
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] An Open Hand
-[X] Northern Soils – Cold
-[X] Lumbering Heat
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Equivalent Exchange
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Weighty Weiss
-[X] A Little More Conversation
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd

[X]Trofurt Estates
[X] Why Not?
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Go Down
Re: Plan Nautical Caution - why Wolf Focus? Our fleet is already disproportionately weighted towards Wolf Ships.

Oh, and regarding this:

I think Kattarin's more than a little better equipped than we are to evaluate Kislev's internal politics and her own place within them. If she thinks accepting Northern Soils - Warm would be a problem for her, she won't. And there's no basis to assume she'd make a big production out of it or turn against us for offering. I'd assume we're smart enough to make the offer to her directly rather than marching in with a parade carrying banners that say "we're here to give you seed drills unless Kattarin says no", so it's not like she'd even have to acknowledge the offer publicly if she didn't want to.

Or to look at it from another angle, we've worked with Kattarin personally and literally Kattarin's sister is our Diplo advisor who would be doing this. If there was an elevated chance we'd aggravate Kattarin or weaken her position by offering Northern Soils - Warm, I think it would say so in the vote option. It's not like Natasha's too shy to point it out if Freddy couldn't figure it out for himself.
Galleys try to focus on boarding the likes of Orcs, Norscan Marauders and Dark Elves. The first two are hulking bruisers that tend to suck at ranged warfare, whereas the latter tend to be more agile and skilled than our warriors. Boarding is not to our advantage.
The case for Galleys is that they're better in coastal waters. My rebuttal for Ostland's situation is that our coast has a line of fortresses within cannon range of one another, that our fishing vessels are equipped with cannons. Both of which reduce the need for Galleys.
Wolf Ships on the other hand? Are a general-purpose workhorse that better utilizes our gunpowder advantage and is able to range further from port. They are the most common ship type in the Empire, and with good reason.

Yes, Kattarin is probably well-equipped to evaluate Kislev's internal politics. Kattarin also told us to stay out of Kislev's affairs.
The difference between Cold and Warmth is that the former has us sell the Seeding Drills at a heavy family discount whereas the latter has us sell the Seed Drills at a family discount while secretly subsidizing the purchase.
It doesn't matter whether or not Kattarn would be making a big production out of it. What matters is whether or not her political opponents would catch wind of what we'd be doing.
Two 50%s?

One of which risks pissing off both sides of Kislev (and it doesn't need a crit fail to happen, look at the Fuerbach thing). @Qeqre, that was also 50% and it wasn't a crit fail and yet we still suffered more than just Failure because a vote was made that overextended us and we only had one DD. You're doing the same thing again.
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[CANON] Wulfenburg - Life on the Streets - Massgamer
Wulfenburg - Life on the Streets

Life was never truly easy, even if you lived your whole life behind tall walls and had the fortune of never coming face to face with the dark powers of the world somehow the darkness would still find you regardless, if in 'lesser' ways. This was most certainly true even in a city like Wulfenburg, the 'Jewel of the North', despite the fact under the leadership of the Count it had never fallen and had seen great deals of success and growth in nearly all aspects of life. There would always be the little things that slip through the cracks that grow off of that success in one way or another that would come to bite at the average folk of the city that were above the attention of the high nobility.

Like an unexplained murder of a bouncer from a popular brothel that had its madam coming to her for help.

"Dros was a good worker. Always kept the thugs and riffraff from ever hurting me or my girls, kept the bad elements away just being around, and was the sweetest man besides," Madam Kaja said as she hide part of her face behind a fan and wearing a large fur coat, one that was both stylish for her profession and practice for the colder months, a hired tough acting as a bodyguard standing a bit behind her. "So you and imagine me and the girls' shock when he goes home for the night and the next day the Watch come by telling us he was found dead in a dirty alley."

"Honestly not all that shocking all things considered," Adela Mayer said while she took a drag of her pipe and let out a cloud of smoke soon after. "Being a bouncer is not exactly a safe profession, especially since you just told me knocked more than a few asses out onto the street when your customers got rowdy."

"Perhaps, but I was very confident in his ability to handle any ruffians in and out of work," was the confident reply.

"Look, Madam Kaja, even the toughest man in the world will go down if you stab or beat on him enough-" Adela tried to explain.

"Not when they are an ogre and their body is found with not even a scratch on them."

That made Adela pause.

"Yes, Dros was an ogre. Dros Pie-Eater Limbbreak to be specific. I was no joking when I said I had every confidence in his ability to handle most threats in this city in and out of work, but to drop dead for seemingly no reason? Surely even you agree that is odd."

No doubt, ogres were ridiculously hardy beings with exceptional examples of their kind shrugging off blows that would be mortal on normal humans. She even heard the story of an eastern ogre apparently surviving and quickly recovering from a cannonball shot to their guy, with the only complaint they give was their gut hurting for a few weeks and making it hard to eat. Therefore, when an ogre died outside of natural causes the hows and whys were usually self-evident, but this case...

Adela wasn't gonna lie, it had her interest. And as a private investigator who had taken on countless cases over the course of a decade this one was one of the few that held her interest right off the bat.

Of course, you should never be picky about the cases you get if they paid decently and weren't overly shady. Adela was perfectly happen to investigate cases of theft, fraud, disappearances, and other smaller jobs that paid the bills, but investigators like her lived for the odd jobs. Not just for usually good pay but also unravel mysteries that left others stumped. That part of her certainly hadn't changed from the days she used to run with the Cult of Verena.

"That it is," Adela side as she took another drag of her pipe. "Very well, I'll take the case since its caught my attention."

"Excellent. I do hope to hear back from you soon about the results."

"Will do, the first step is to figure out how Dros died and work my way from there. Pretty standard really."

And Adela knew exactly who to talk to.


"He drowned?" Adela asked in confusion as she stood before her contact.

"The water in his lungs would support that, yes," came the neutral response from her contact within the Order of the Garden, one of many of the priests of Morr who oversaw the ritual process of preparing a dead body before it was entombed within the Garden of Morr proper.

Wilhard was an odd sort, most priests of Morr were to be honest, but Adela counted on him a lot to send some light on hows of death when her case required it. Considering their duties the priests of Morr have they were, through experience alone, some of the best folk in the business in identifying causes of death when they weren't obvious. Which is what Wilhard had done for Dros himself, the ogre's large body laid down on one of the plus-sized stone tables beneath the Temple of Morr that all bodies went to be ritually prepared for burial.

Didn't matter if you were some noble or gutter trashed dragged from a garbage pile, the Cult of Morr treated everyone equally in death. Adela certainly slept better knowing that the chances of some undead popping up out of nowhere were drastically lower with them around.

"How is that possible? The largest body of water in the city is the river by the Smokelands and Dros was found in the New City as dry as a bone?" Adela asked in obvious confusion.

"That is not my job, but yours to figure out. I just tell you how it happened," Wilhard said with dry sarcasm and a small smirk. "You are good at it after all."

By Verena, do a few jobs that uncover some lowkey Khaine cultists and one barely starting out necromancer and the Cult of Morr thinks you can solve anything, at least it has earned him some favor and ability to ask about their newcome corpses at al.

"However, it may help to know that one can drown in less than two inches of water," Wilhard idly said as he worked on another body, this one human. "I've prepared more than a few drunkards who passed out in the street at night facedown in a puddle only for others to find them dead the following day after all, and for all their hardiness ogres still need to breath air like men."

"Huh, good to know," Adela said as she wrote that down in her notebook. "But last night there wasn't any rain and the Watch apparently found the victim sitting up in the alley they found him in, not face down in a puddle."

"I can't explain that, but I did find one other thing unusual about the body," Wilhard said. "Namely Dros' stomach was full of partly digested wolfsbane, hemlock, and a dozen other rather poisonous herbs along with the more standard meats, breads and more normal foods."

"Someone tried to poison him," Adela narrowed her eyes.

"If they did they must be quite ignorant of an ogre's strong stomach. The odds of poisoning an ogre to death via their stomach is next to impossible without some of the most foulest substances in the world."

"Your right about that, I swear some ogres eat poisonous things cause they like it... But given the amount and diversity of the herbs found would it have really done nothing to Dros?"

"Hmmm, I suppose if he ate all of it within a short time it would make him quite sleepy at most," Wilhard guessed. "However, you are better off asking those skilled in the healing arts about that than myself."

"I certainly will, thanks for the help Wilhard," Adela said as she turned to talk off.

"May Morr assist you in bringing the one who did this to justice."


After that Adela went to as many Physicians, Apothecaries, Herbalists, Alchemists, and anywhere else one could go to get access to enough poisonous herbs to drop an ogre, including the black market, and figure out who had bought that much recently. Adela also got confirmation that while it was true plenty of ogres bought and ate things that were incredibly poisonous to others, usually because they liked the 'kick' to it, it was also confirmed eating too much poisonous things at once could make an ogre fall into a 'food coma'.

From how several physicians described it it was basically ogres falling into a deep sleep as to more easily digest hard meals, something that would knock them out good for at least a few hours.

While Adela did not find any particularly large purchases at any one place, she did find that after some focused questioning one man matching a general description did buy small amounts from many of these places. And every time when asked for what he wanted it for the suspect had said it was to deal with some pest he didn't want to hire a ratcatcher to deal with. Adela had good reason to think this 'pest' in question was Dros himself.

So from all accounts this John Doe, would have been too easy to get a name, bought lots of poisonous herbs over several shops as to not be picked out easily. From there they drugged Dros to fall into a food coma and from there somehow drowned him. The question was how this man did that and who he was.


A quick stop at the brothel run by Madam Naja, a decent place with pretty enough girls, and a short talk with the woman in question confirmed that the man's description matched one with a no-named customer whom one day had gotten too possessive with one of the girls and Dros threw out into the street with one of two broken limbs. Certainly sounded like motive.

From there it was a stop at a Watch post that was run by a friend of Adela's who said the description matched that of man with a record. Namely lots of drunk and disorderlies (who hasn't in Ostland?), general disorder and fights, and a few other minor offences that he paid the fines for but still was on their sheets. A favor got her a name, address and place of work.

Hugo apparently worked as a cook at a local bar located not far from where Dros' body was found.


Hugo wasn't in work today, a quick stop and check with his boss confirmed that part. Apparently he was a quiet man for the most part who did his job, but was also no stranger to anger and rage when the emotion did hit him.

However, the night of Dros' death he had been unusually generous, paying for apparently all the meals one ogre that had just starting coming to the bar recently could want. Paying out of pocket and even excepting pay cuts for the ogre, who after questioning about his appearance was indeed Dros, to keep stuffing his face. Hugo's boss said its cause Hugo said the ogre was his friend and was gifting him free meals in exchange for something special Dros had given him.

From there it was a quick trip to Hugo's house, and after picking the lock after no one answered the door with a pistol drawn just in case, Adela investigated the house.

Small, only evidence of one person living there, pretty bare all things in general, until that is Adela opened up a trapdoor underneath a table and within lay some disturbing things. Namely a great deal of poisonous herbs of nearly all kinds and journal that sounded like the ravings of a madman. Obsessing over one of the working girls at the brothel, thinking she was trapped there and if he freed her she would love him and give him a family that he wanted, but the Madam and Dros were keeping her entrapped there against her will.

The journal goes on to describe his plans and how he pulled it off, how Dros came into the bar one day and his scheme set to work partly as revenge for his broken bones and partly for his plan to 'save' his love. How he bought the herbs over the course of weeks before cooking them into free meals he knew no ogre would turn down. From there he followed Dros from the bar before he passed out in an alley and apparently forced a small keg of water down his throat to drown him and through off any investigation.

And now with the 'brute guardian' dead he planned to 'save' her from that place... whether she liked it or not, judging from the iron chains attached to the wall next to a second bed.

Adela cursed when she realized that if Hugo wasn't at his job and not at home, and with busy business hours approaching most brothels this time of day approaching, Hugo must be making his move now!

With evidence in hand Adela rushed out of the murderer's home and back to the brothel, hoping she wouldn't be too late.


So it was Adela arrived just in time to see customers and girls rushing out of the brothel in a panic, pushing through the crowd inside to find Hugo standing off against Madam's Naja recently hired help while he held a knife to one of the girl's neck.

Hugo was a large bulky man with a noticeably crooked left leg that must have not healed right from a break, one most likely caused by Dros himself.

"Get the fuck back! We're leaving her or neither of us are leaving here at all! You hear me?!" Hugo screamed as he pressed the knife against his hostage's neck, drawing blood in the process.

Adela never argued with the mad and unreasonable, just acted.

Therefore it was quite a shock to Hugo when she fired off her pistol, intentionally missing her target by aiming for the floor near the murder's left leg, causing him to flinch back unevenly. This allowed Adela to quickly close the distance and with her club smack the knife out of Hugo's hand hard, push his hostage away and finally knocking the madman to the ground with a second swing to his head.

"You alright?" she asked the working girl, who other than a slight cut nodded with tears in her eyes.

"Why did he do this? I slept with him cause it was just a job," she asked confused.

"Sometimes see it as more than that, and for lesser things besides," Adela said with a shake of her head, having seen more than her fair share of obsessed stalkers. What matter now however was this one would soon see justice done upon him.


As Adela watched the Watch slap irons on Hugo's wrists and drag him away, proof of his wrongdoings regarding Dros in hand, Madam Naja stood at her side.

"I say you have more than earned your pay, Ms. Mayer," she said in approval. "Thank you for not only getting justice for Dros but saving one of my own, not many would."

"You hired me to catch a killer, and that's exactly what I did. It was implied that I work hard to prevent anymore death," Adela easily said back.

"Indeed, here is hoping things get a little quieter with that madman behind bars and hopefully loses his head."

"This is Wulfenburg, Madam. Doesn't matter which part you live in, it will never be quiet."

But at least Adela and others like her could work to make it so its the good kind of not quiet, because just because darkness loved to slip through the cracks didn't mean people hard to grin and bare it. Not anymore.

After finding out PIs were a thing in WHF I had to make a story about it, I hope I did a alright job. :D
"Er…," the knight looked quizzical. "What do you want to know?"


So a few things, Karola will NOT make a good Heir she is not to be insulting a coward in the clinical sense terrified about damn near everything. Does the girl even WANT to be the Heir or does Magnus just assume? Is there any reason she can't just give up being the Heir and join Shallya as a Priestess like Arthur with Morr?

Did you mean for Magnus's son to come across as mentally disabled as well?

Can/will Fred be flying to the meeting with the head Priestess, if so can we send some of our people ahead to act as a bodyguard when we get there and borrow Stone Breaker while Magnus has the Rune Fang?

How far along is Magnus and Oskana's child in learning to fight/fly together?
"But how the fuck was I supposed to fucking know that my fucking troops would fucking break like that!?" Anna finally yelped. "We goddamn outnumbered the shit out of his pissant fucks!" She shouted while pointing her finger at Magnus.

Anna Before the Frosting... There aren't enough Skavens and Greenskins to kill in all of Malus to appease the Grugde born of her change...
[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Not Yet
[X] Go Down
[X]Trofurt Estates
I don't quite understand why others are willing to give up the runefang at a time where our best fighter may need it
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[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
[X] An unnamed area some 15 miles northeast of Dunkelstal
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Why Not?
[X] Go Down
Last edited:
[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
[X] An unnamed area some 15 miles northeast of Dunkelstal
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Why Not?
[X] Go Down
Did you mean for Magnus's son to come across as mentally disabled as well?
That's a little harsh man. Magnus just wants to teach his daughter how to defend herself and until she officially joins a cult she is still technically his heir and would look bad to others if he acted like she wasn't.

You are most likely right that Karola will join the cult of Shallya when she is older, but till then Magnus will still raise her with ideals he considers important.
[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
-[X] Gold Testing:
-[X] Intensive Hunting:
-[X] Ogre Archery:
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
--[X]Helmut's Free Company
--[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos

--[X] The Smoking Manticores
-[X] Galley Focus:
-[X] Checking For Yourself
-[X] Extra Careful:
-[X] An Open Hand:
-[X] Stirland Soils – By Handrich
-[X] Have Laws, Need Judges:
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians:
-[X] Debating Rhya:
-[X] Equivalent Exchange:
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Corporate Espionage - Geisen:
-[X] A Little More Conversation:
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd:

[X]Trofurt Estates
What is the reasoning for going for Ogre Archers instead of searching for more beast paths?
Pretty sure people want some basically rough terrain elite orge units who are basically fast firing bolt throwers, and that its counterproductive to investigate beast-paths at same time as doing a large purge since we want the armies all together.

On another note, do hope we can buy a few repeating crossbows from the south later, reverse-engineer them and then make our crossbowmen rapid fire units. We might sacrifice from stopping power doing so, but having rapid fire weapons helps against most massed enemies we face.
What is the reasoning for going for Ogre Archers instead of searching for more beast paths?
People are prejudiced against the beastpaths, that about sums the logic up.

Whenever there are more actions than 3 available, not counting "Not This Time", Beastpaths has been skipped after it's first appearance.

"Beastpaths is useless for us when an army of beastmen will attack. We cannot profit from the beastpaths, so we must create more bodies and units over the beastpaths. Because the beastpaths has us searching for paths that will be created by more beastmen. Beastmen that will never stop existing no matter what we do. Thus even trying is uselesss when we can and must build up our defences as high as possible, as the beastmen grow in number. We cannot attack the forest, we cannot even try to do anything to slow down the inevitable beastman tide."

Not as harsh as that, a bit more polite really, but thats the logic I've been hit with, on not taking the beastpaths over more defences and units. Someone even said that we have taken the "Beastpaths more often than not", which is a lie. We have not taken the beastpaths for three turns and we have taken the beastpaths a total of three turns.

People just don't want the beastpaths taken because...... What's the reason matter, we are unlikely to take it.
People are prejudiced against the beastpaths, that about sums the logic up.

Whenever there are more actions than 3 available, not counting "Not This Time", Beastpaths has been skipped after it's first appearance.

"Beastpaths is useless for us when an army of beastmen will attack. We cannot profit from the beastpaths, so we must create more bodies and units over the beastpaths. Because the beastpaths has us searching for paths that will be created by more beastmen. Beastmen that will never stop existing no matter what we do. Thus even trying is uselesss when we can and must build up our defences as high as possible, as the beastmen grow in number. We cannot attack the forest, we cannot even try to do anything to slow down the inevitable beastman tide."

Not as harsh as that, a bit more polite really, but thats the logic I've been hit with, on not taking the beastpaths over more defences and units. Someone even said that we have taken the "Beastpaths more often than not", which is a lie. We have not taken the beastpaths for three turns and we have taken the beastpaths a total of three turns.

People just don't want the beastpaths taken because...... What's the reason matter, we are unlikely to take it.

First of all that is DEFINTELY salty. Secondly since we're going to be purging the woods which may well turn up more paths on it's own i didn't feel it necessary. If we miss them this turn i'll put it back on. We've been smashing the forest's face in all but 2 of the turns, yes one of the year we hit the forest the beast paths were not taken, but that was when we did a hard push into the forest to clear it. We have not been leaving the forest alone, we've not been leaving the beastmen alone. I chose the options i chose because when we get into a fight i want our gold combat oriented wizards good to go with our army, and ogre archers are going to be VERY helpful against the hordes.
Last edited:
That's a little harsh man. Magnus just wants to teach his daughter how to defend herself and until she officially joins a cult she is still technically his heir and would look bad to others if he acted like she wasn't.

You are most likely right that Karola will join the cult of Shallya when she is older, but till then Magnus will still raise her with ideals he considers important.

I'm not saying he shouldn't, but at this point he should seriously be having a heart to heart with her that she doesn't HAVE TO rule. That as long as she doesn't go chaos he won't be disappointed and he'll love her just as much if not more. This is right around the same age that Arthur decided he wanted to join Morr.

The problem is he isn't teaching Karola to defend herself. Anytime he tries she cries or panics her way out of it. She refuses to learn while lying to people around her because she fears to disappoint them. Directly after hearing what he did from her sister he should be immediately taking Karola aside and have a VERY long talk with her.

Because from the sound of it I doubt she'd be able to even THINK of taking a hostile action against anyone even beastmen and undead.

People just don't want the beastpaths taken because...... What's the reason matter, we are unlikely to take it.

Maybe if we had some way to research destroying them, or even have an option for asking the Wood elves if they can fuck them up so they can't be traveled on. But we don't have that, it does make it easier to find the Beastmen so we should have picked it more often even more so now when we're about to be hit with the mother of all hordes.
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first of all that is DEFINTELY salty. Secondly since we're going to be purging the woods which may well turn up more paths on it's own i didn't feel it necesary. If we miss them this turn i'll put it back on.
That's not salt, it's the answers I've been given.

From my perspective, the priority of taking the beastpaths is always below everything else. Regardless of what can be delayed, beastpaths is the first to be skipped. You yourself are incredibly sensitive whenever I make a post that even mentions the beastpaths.

You took one look at my post, and declared it worthless. With nothing substantial or logical. Yet these are the answers used in an argument against me for why beastpaths is not a priority.
People are prejudiced against the beastpaths, that about sums the logic up.

Whenever there are more actions than 3 available, not counting "Not This Time", Beastpaths has been skipped after it's first appearance.

"Beastpaths is useless for us when an army of beastmen will attack. We cannot profit from the beastpaths, so we must create more bodies and units over the beastpaths. Because the beastpaths has us searching for paths that will be created by more beastmen. Beastmen that will never stop existing no matter what we do. Thus even trying is uselesss when we can and must build up our defences as high as possible, as the beastmen grow in number. We cannot attack the forest, we cannot even try to do anything to slow down the inevitable beastman tide."

Not as harsh as that, a bit more polite really, but thats the logic I've been hit with, on not taking the beastpaths over more defences and units. Someone even said that we have taken the "Beastpaths more often than not", which is a lie. We have not taken the beastpaths for three turns and we have taken the beastpaths a total of three turns.

People just don't want the beastpaths taken because...... What's the reason matter, we are unlikely to take it.
You're being overly confrontational over a negative view of past decisions again.

And you're totally discounting people who are voting for the Beast-paths, while not attempting to persuade people on it who aren't. And if your response is that "it didn't work before" that happens. That doesn't mean one mopes and complains in the thread, they just keep trying. All one can do is keep trying. You think others haven't run into similar situations in quests?

For example, you could try saying how the last time the Beast-path action was taken in conjucntion with a military exercise against Beastmen in the province, it provided a bonus. And then list other reasons why (non-meta, in this case.)

But this attitude of yours is just, hard to deal with. For all you say it's not salt, this is not the first time you've done this thing.
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That's not salt, it's the answers I've been given.

From my perspective, the priority of taking the beastpaths is always below everything else. Regardless of what can be delayed, beastpaths is the first to be skipped. You yourself are incredibly sensitive whenever I make a post that even mentions the beastpaths.

You took one look at my post, and declared it worthless. With nothing substantial or logical. Yet these are the answers used in an argument against me for why beastpaths is not a priority.

I agree beast paths are worth doing, HOWEVER since we have an option that is in my opinion the beast paths but even more useful because we know we have a Gorthor in the waiting, I prefer to do that. Doubly so because the last time we found a major Beastman site it gave us areas to start tracking their paths from guaranteed. I further explicated myself later on.

The paths are not going to stop the beastmen, as they can create new ones in an appallingly short amount of time. They are at best, a means to track how many are around, which they are not even that good as the beastmen travel light, and to limit movement as they make news ones.

I keep saying you are salty because, to my views, you ARE. You continuously fling insults at people who do not follow your thinking denigrating them and their views while simultaneously don't even bother to try and address the issues of why their views are different. You have frequently argued in bad faith, denigrating those who tried to argue against your viewpoint by taking things out of context in a spike of bitter vitriol. If your take on the Beast paths are anything like the Manaan issue, if you get started you'll make the quest miserable for days as you start up another flame war. I don't want that so i am overly critical of you when i think you may be starting up. I am sorry if that offends, but frankly it's my reaction tailored to how you've been acting.

So, if there is a bonus to taking beast paths and the purges, why are we not taking both?
Because Gold wizards not used to our army and vice versa means they could end up messing up our entire order of battle, and Ogre archer and woodsmen are going to be super useful in any forest fight? My logic at least.
since we're going to be purging the woods which may well turn up more paths on it's own

It undoubtedly will not. No chance. The beast paths are only found when specifically looking for them, and there's no chance we get the benefit of both actions simply by choosing one.

The argument is intel or manpower. The intel we get will make our current manpower more effective, the manpower we add will not make us proportionally less vulnerable to this specific threat. Think about it like specialization. Ogre Archers are 1 unit of effectiveness against all threats. They seem like bait to me this turn tbh. Beast paths will be 2 units of effectiveness specifically against beastmen, 0 units of effectiveness against all other threats. Numbers purely for example, obviously

IC, we know that the beast men are doing something unusual, and behaving in an unusual pattern. IC, we know about a vaguely ominous prophecy which hints at a future conflict. IC, we know every time we look into beastmen we find more. There is IC reason to take both anti-beastman actions.

OOC, we know the full scope of the bray herd. OOC, we know that the prophecy likely suggests the simultaneous assault of three factions (beastmen, druchii, orcs).

Violating ooc character knowledge would involve spending every potential action strategically to prepare for this, which we aren't doing.

I really think we should be taking both beastman specific martial actions.