[X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm

I like theses two plans. Is it alright to have multiple votes mates or should I only pick one?

Also, I think it might be better for us to hold on to Frederick's Rune Fang right now, and Magnus is better at wielding his Stone Hammer no? besides, Brain Wounder is our badge and symbol as an Elector Count.
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I like theses two plans. Is it alright to have multiple votes mates or should I only pick one?
Only pick one, it's the QM preference.

@torroar Sory to bother you, but could you please clarify for all the knuckleheads (me included) what would 'curing' Wolfila involve and would the procedure be risky?
This got answered already. torroar cannot tell us until we ask the Jade Wizards about the procedure. As in-character Freddy does not know if they can do anything beyond what some Jade Wizards broke their code to reveal.

Internal Jade Wizard politics are likely invloved if Freddy asks the Jade Wizards. And we don't need to use magic to fix Wolfila, he can function without the Jade Wizard magic.
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[X] Plan: Ten Seconds

Going with this for now. Since it seems to be the only one that does not have us scouting out Norsca because why the hell should we open up that Pandora's Box now of all times when we have more then enough to deal with.

Only thing I'm iffy on is the Intrigue options, don't really agree with them but I can live with it if it means not going for Norsca.
Only pick one, it's the QM preference.

This got answered already. torroar cannot tell us until we ask the Jade Wizards about the procedure. As in-character Freddy does not know if they can do anything beyond what some Jade Wizards broke their code to reveal.

Internal Jade Wizard politics are likely invloved if Freddy asks the Jade Wizards. And we don't need to use magic to fix Wolfila, he can function without the Jade Wizard magic.
Oh, I'm very aware.
And I'm championing NOT going that route.
I just don't intend to descend into nasty fighting with all those arguing that going the 'magic fix' way is what should be done and that I am wrong to oppose it.
I feel like the leading plan is defeating the spirit of the GM asking us not to use metaknowledge from interludes to influence our decisions, since I'm nearly certain if we weren't aware of the scale of the build up people would want to focus on gathering more info on beast-paths first over doing a purge with even more mercs (the amount of them which we have already an army of its own). However, I can't prove that only point it out and give an opinion on the matter so up to others to decide whether right or not.

On another note, @CuriousRaptor there a reason you are choosing Trofurt Estates for Urgdug's land grant? Its one of my top two picks so not complaining just curious on reasoning.

It is only the name.

TBH I would have votes the same plan even without the meta knowledge because i have been also advocating beast path and that the last time we checked, we got the blood fane event.

Now, with rumor mill and scouting knowledge that there are beastman movement in our area, I would advocate we investigate it anyways.
Only thing I'm iffy on is the Intrigue options, don't really agree with them but I can live with it if it means not going for Norsca.
Yeah, I know the risk is higher on espionage over warfare.

I just would prefer the result from espionage, that is creating competition for the traders, over outright removing the large trade conglomerates that have a stranglehold on the economy(warfare). That's how I see it anyway.
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Before we get too deep into voting I thought I would point this out as a reminder. The Espionage options are 1000 gold PER TURN each for an undisclosed amount of time possibly permanently.

Corporate Espionage - Geisen: House Geisen runs generally perishable goods, which is an eminently profitable endeavor. Things that don't last long can easily become incredibly valuable. They are also major producers and traders of various apothecarial and herbalist goods, including medicinal items and cosmetics. They've managed to essentially dominate the trade of all such goods throughout the north of the Empire, from Middenland to Ostermark, but it is time for that to end. They have been poking at you for far too long. This, then, is a battlefield that you may not know, but Sabine does intimately. If you wish to be subtle about it, especially so, you could begin propping up competitors. The thing about monopolies, Sabine notes, is that if one does not take care, the establishment of one can often step on quite a few hands. She would prefer taking those hands and pulling them up with – but always beneath – her own companies and trade concerns, but the issue with that method is that it cuts into net profits for the person at the top. Something House Geisen clearly did not care for. Begin propping up the little folk crushed down, and trouble for House Geisen will follow. Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Goods Producers/Traders. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Geisen dominance of markets begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 50%

Corporate Espionage – Rutger: If House Rutger falls, a vital pillar to House Geisen and House Weiss collapses underneath them. It is Rutger that transports their various goods, by wagon and boat, with merchant trains bearing the Rutger name or at least being subordinate to it present all across the North of the Empire. Rutger itself does not actually make its money on anything other than transport. But oh, do they transport. They transport all over the place, and have crushed numerous smaller coaching and wagon companies, on other occasions simply appearing soon after their competition 'suffered numerous unforeseen accidents'. Things like the wagons just never arriving. They are brutal and thuggish, on the face of it at least, and have to be in order to organize transport through the deadly world that you all live in, facing off not just against corporate competitors but beastmen, bandits, greenskins, and all sorts of other things as well. Still. They crushed a lot of companies to get their way, to make their brand, forcing independent ship captains off their beloved vessels, tearing down smaller coach companies, mysteriously showing up after a fire has destroyed the warehouse where the transport wagons were being stored to offer to buy them out, and so on. Many of those people, or their very angry children, are still alive. If someone were to fund these smaller groups, and help protect them, the utter dominance of Rutger would be thoroughly shaken. Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Transport Companies That Will Begin Damaging House Rutger Dominance. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Rutger dominance of northern transportation begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 65%
The Espionage options are 1000 gold PER TURN each for an undisclosed amount of time possibly permanently.

Holy shit that is gonna drain our money like water down the sink! I didn't notice before that they were that costly...

Wait a minute...We do have enough money to comfortable go one even though we are picking them right? Like is our income enough for all the stuff we are doing after this?
Kind of a meta question. @torroar how do characters generate new traits? I know you roll for some events, and that certain roll thresholds can lead to traits, but beyond that how do make traits for characters?

I'm mostly just curious and wondering If I could coopt your method for a game I'm running for my buds.
@torroar, quick question.

Will Freddy going South without the badge of office that confirms him as Elector Count of Ostland, be a problem? Or will that have no affect at all? Going to Marienburg without the runefang for diplomatic talks as an Elector Count, without the symbol of an Elector Count, sounds like a bad idea to me, but nobody else brought it up, so is there no problem?

Edit: Not sure you'll see this torroar, but I don't wanna make another post. Trudi (Arthur+Serhild's daughter) is missing a +1 to Diplomacy she should have 21 diplomacy total.
Tall (+1 Diplomacy) + Kind (+1 Diplomacy) + Daughter of apreacher (+1 Diplomacy) + Undaunted by the Strange (+1 Diplomacy) + Quietly Insightful (+1 Diplomacy)
16 + 5 = 21 Diplomacy

1. Not sure what you mean here. I roll for certain events, and that certain roll threshholds can lead to traits, and that's usually it? As a rule, I don't give them out like hot cakes, they have to have done/had something done to them which would make narrative sense for them to have gained a trait for it. Agatha+Alisa gained a trait most recently from gaining the Noose Tattoo which is magical and engraved into their soul by the hands of Yemaraja Himself. Then you need to consider the consequences of such a thing, and what stats it could affect, such as martial/piety. Then you need to decide the magnitude of those changes. Decide the reasonable upper limit and the lower limit, then roll successive 1d6 for achieving each, like getting a 6, 6, 4 would mean of the three potentials (+1/+2/+3) that they get (+2). Self-accountability, yeah? The thing is, is that for many traits, its the characters themselves pursuing it. Like deliberately working at achieving mastery of, say, blacksmithing. Or indulging in scholastic study of herbalism, or poisons. It's a bit of a cognitive issue, yes, of me running NPCs working on self-improvement, because why wouldn't people who are driven try to do something like that? But you have to keep in mind not to go insane with it too, you can't just 'boost' everyone like using console commands, it has to be organically done, and sometimes they fail to achieve that next level. No matter what, it has to make sense narratively. Like how characters who spend multiple actions per turn on a single thing, i.e. Alexandra and Ledstali Project, could rightfully gain the Obsessed/Obsessive Trait in relation to it.
2. Marienburg/Westerland doesn't have a Runefang either, heh. It should be all right, especially if everyone knows that the Runefang is still in use by the provincial heir. I'll fix her sheet.


Holy shit that is gonna drain our money like water down the sink! I didn't notice before that they were that costly...

Wait a minute...We do have enough money to comfortable go one even though we are picking them right? Like is our income enough for all the stuff we are doing after this?

Disrupting the Tri-Claw Compact = Disrupting Northern Trade.

So choose. Do you let them be, or not?


For voting stuff, sure, we'll try it the not-the-usual-way.

Plan Votes for everything proper, and then I guess we'll do the additional voting stuff as separate votes. Could have sworn we've managed it in the past, but I suppose these decisions, or at least one of them in Urgdug, are reasonably momentous.

[] Plan so-and-so
-[] martial 1
-[] martial 2
-[] diplomacy 1
-[] diplomacy 2
-[] personal
[] Urgdug: place A/b/c
[] Runefang: keep it/loan to magnus
[] Jade wizards: yes/no
[] Manann: go south/just pay money

So that, I guess.
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Holy shit that is gonna drain our money like water down the sink! I didn't notice before that they were that costly...

Wait a minute...We do have enough money to comfortable go one even though we are picking them right? Like is our income enough for all the stuff we are doing after this?

Uh, guys and planners? We might want to reconsider doing the espionage.

Or at least for some plans, not 2 of them at once.
[X] Plan All Corners
Changed plans due to the cost of the Corporate Espionage Actions.
Adhoc vote count started by NCRTrooper on Jan 8, 2021 at 6:18 AM, finished with 281 posts and 19 votes.

  • [X]Plan: Prelude to the Beast Storm
    -[X] Gold Testing:
    -[X] Intensive Hunting:
    -[X] Ogre Archery:
    -[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
    --[X]Helmut's Free Company
    --[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos
    --[X] The Smoking Manticores
    -[X] Galley Focus:
    -[X] Checking For Yourself:
    -[X] Extra Careful:
    -[X] An Open Hand:
    -[X] Northern Soils – Cold
    -[X] Have Laws, Need Judges:
    -[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians:
    -[X] Debating Rhya:
    -[X] Equivalent Exchange:
    -[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger:
    -[X] Corporate Espionage - Geisen:
    -[X] A Little More Conversation:
    -[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
    -[X] Tutoring The Herd:
    -[X]Trofurt Estates
    -[X] Why Not?
    -[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
    -[X] Go Down:
    [X] Plan: Ten Seconds
    -[X] Tracking Beast-Paths:
    -[X] Gold Testing:
    -[X] Intensive Hunting:
    -[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries: You have the money to pay, and you have the need. Mercenaries are omni-present in this world, and you could use some extra bodies. Or expertise, or training, or any other number of things. Send out the call, see who responds, and set up the contracts. Depending on what is being done and who is being hired, they would arrive some time into the year, with an absolute guarantee of arrival by end of the year. Cost: Depends. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Choose Which Mercenary Band To Hire, and For What.
    --[X] The Great Wind
    --[X] The Silver Lions
    --[X] The Sunburst Spear
    --[X] The Smoking Manticores
    -[X] Extra Careful:
    -[X] Greatship 6:
    -[X] Galley Focus:
    -[X] An Open Hand:
    -[X] Stirland Soils – By Morr:
    -[X] Have Laws, Need Judges:
    -[X] Seek Out Myrmidian Priests:
    -[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians:
    -[X] Debating Rhya:
    -[X] Corporate Espionage - Geisen:
    -[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger:
    -[X] Engineering Aid
    -[X] Tutoring The Herd:
    -[X] Studying The Past:
    -[X] Choose from the linked post [catalogue] in the above section for where Urgdug gets to have his home as befitting a knight. Further development can be done later.
    --[X] The Oftstein Corridor
    -[X] Not Yet
    -[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
    -[X] Go Down:
    [X] Plan: Free Trade and Charity
    -[X] Tracking Beast-Paths:Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: At Least One Major Beast-Path Located. Chance Of Success: 75%
    -[X] Gold Testing: Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Armies of Ostland Suffers No Penalties From Unfamiliarity With Gold Wizards.
    -[X] Intensive Hunting: Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Especially cunning beastmen warherds that made it through an Ostland-Talabeclander Beast-Path hunted down and killed. Chance of Success: 50%
    -[X] Extra Careful: Cost: 250. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Assurance that even if Sea of Claw Rolls Fail, Albion Diplomacy Action Not Affected.
    -[X] Checking For Yourself: Cost: 500. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Southern Norscan Coastline scouted by Third Imperial Navy, in-depth, marking settlement sites past, possibly present, and likely future. Information. Chance of Success: 75%
    -[X] Galley Focus: Cost: 1500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: 10 Wargalleys.
    -[X] Stirland Soils – By Morr: Cost: 2,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Stirland granted many seeding drills for usage across their province, vastly increasing agricultural production. CANNOT SELECT STIRLAND SOILS – BY HANDRICH IF THIS OPTION IS CHOSEN
    -[X] Northern Soils – Cold: Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Romanov Farmlands in Kislev gain access to seeding drill, vastly increasing farming production for Kattarin (and your daughter's) faction. If successful, will make back profit of +1,000 Chance of Success: 50%. CANNOT VOTE NORTHERN SOILS-WARMTH IF CHOSEN.
    -[X] Have Laws, Need Judges: Cost: 1,000 Now, An Annual Fee To Maintain Traveling Judges Of Ostland Network Afterwards. Time: 2 Years. Reward: Traveling Judge Network set up with regular fair pay, who will work to utilize the Revised Law Code, thus making it more normalized. Also reduces corruption of Traveling Judges. Increases general Law and Order for province.
    -[X] Seek Out Myrmidian Priests: Cost: 1,000. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Myrmidian clergy not purely focused around War arrive in Ostland, further Myrmidian options. Chance of Success: 75%
    -[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians: Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: New Detachment of White Wolves Dedicated To Defending Iceborn Flame Sent To Ostland. Chance of Success: 80%
    -[X] Debating Rhya: Cost: 500. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Cultists of Rhya relent on seeding drill as a 'work of science'. Increased Farming Income. Other Options In Future.
    -[X] Corporate Espionage - Geisen: Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Goods Producers/Traders. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Geisen dominance of markets begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 50%
    -[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger: Cost: 1,000 A Turn To Fund/Protect Lesser Transport Companies That Will Begin Damaging House Rutger Dominance. Time: N/A. Reward: Corporate Brushfire War for challengers to House Rutger dominance of northern transportation begun. Independents funded/aided by Hohenzollern/Nassau funding. Trade Income Reduction, As Harming Geisen Assets Does Affect Trade. Chance of Discovery: 65%
    -[X] A Little More Conversation:Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Exceedingly Rudimentary Foundation Of Eltharin, Language of the Elves, Positive Opinion On Part of Sadrina.
    -[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage: Cost: 0. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Considerable legitimacy given to Imperial Fighting League, increased IFL income.
    -[X] Tutoring The Herd: Cost: 100. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Chance for younger Hohenzollern Herd members to gain Martial Traits. Chance of Success: 65%
    -[x] The Oftstein Corridor
    -[X] Why Not?: Cost: Frederick will not have Brain Wounder for a year. Time: 1 Year. Reward: Magnus wields Brain Wounder for the entire year, potent symbol of trust in your son as your heir, potent weapon for him to wield in battle.
    -[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
    -[X] Go Down: Meet with Maghda Sprenger directly. Deal with this problem once and for all, lest the tension end up utterly ruining your water-based economics and the lives of tens of thousands in Ostland who rely directly on it. This needs to be solved, one way or the other, definitively. Cost: N/A. Reward: Marienburg Interlude(s)
    [X] Plan All Corners
    -[X] Gold Testing:
    -[X] Intensive Hunting:
    -[X] Ogre Archery:
    -[X] Stirland Soils – By Handrich:
    -[x] Guarding Ships
    -[X] Galley Focus:
    -[X] Checking For Yourself:
    -[X] Extra Careful:
    -[X] An Open Hand:
    -[X] Northern Soils – Cold
    -[X] Have Laws, Need Judges:
    -[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians:
    -[X] Debating Rhya:
    -[X] Equivalent Exchange:
    -[x] Corporate Warfare – Rutger
    -[X] Weighty Weiss:
    -[X] A Little More Conversation:
    -[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
    -[X] Tutoring The Herd:
    -[x] The Oftstein Corridor
    -[X] Why Not?
    -[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
    -[X] Go Down:
    [X] Plan: Defense on all sides
    -[X] Gold Testing:
    -[X] Intensive Hunting:
    -[X] Ogre Archery:
    -[X] Extra Careful:
    -[X] Checking For Yourself:
    -[X] Galley Focus:
    -[X] Stirland Soils – By Handrich:
    -[X] Northern Soils - Warmth:
    -[X] Lumbering Heat:
    -[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians:
    -[X] A Pilgrimage Of Cold Fire:
    -[X] Equivalent Exchange:
    -[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger:
    -[X] Weighty Weiss:
    -[X] A Little More Conversation:
    -[X] Engineering Aid
    --[X] The Vapor tank
    -[X] Studying The Past:
    -[X] The Trofurt Estates
    -[X] Why Not?
    -[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
    -[X] Go Down:
    [X] Plan: I Added the Mercs Because I Thought They Looked Cool
    -[X] Gold Testing:
    -[X] Intensive Hunting (Double Down)
    -[X] Ogre Archery:
    -[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
    --[X] The Great Wind
    --[X] The Sunburst Spear
    --[X] The Painted Ladies
    -[X] Extra Careful:
    -[X] Checking For Yourself:
    -[X] Galley Focus:
    -[X] An Open Hand:
    -[X] Northern Soils - Warmth:
    -[X] Have Laws, Need Judges:
    -[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians:
    -[X] Standing Taal
    -[X] Equivalent Exchange:
    -[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger:
    -[X] Weighty Weiss:
    -[X] A Little More Conversation:
    -[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
    -[X] Tutoring The Herd:
    -[X] The Trofurt Estates
    -[X] Why Not?
    -[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
    -[X] Go Down:
[X] Plan Nautical Caution
-[X]Gold Testing
-[X]Intensive Hunting
-[X]Ogre Archery
-[X] Purchase Additional Mercenaries
--[X]Helmut's Free Company
--[X]Perdición de Los Nórdicos
--[X]The Smoking Manticores
-[X] Wolf Focus
-[X] Greatship 6
-[X] Extra Careful
-[X] An Open Hand
-[X] Northern Soils – Cold
-[X] Lumbering Heat
-[X] Iceborn Flame Guardians
-[X] Debating Rhya
-[X] Equivalent Exchange
-[X] Corporate Espionage – Rutger
-[X] Weighty Weiss
-[X] A Little More Conversation
-[X] Imperial Fighting Patronage
-[X] Tutoring The Herd

[X]Trofurt Estates
[X] Why Not?
[X] Yes (250 Gold For Each, Recurring Retainer Cost Total = 500 Gold Per Turn)
[X] Go Down

I'd rather finish the Albion Diplomacy before spreading our navy more thinly across the Norscan coast. Better we wait a year, get our issues with the Cult of Manann sorted out etc...
Galleys can't range as far as Wolf Ships. Going Wolf Focus to prepare for our scouting out the Norscan coast and/or for future Albion expeditions.

I'm fine with having a grace period before we get strict about enforcing the new Law system. Getting back to pruning the treeline is more important than ensuring the Nobles are 100% compliant from the word go.
Give our people the opportunity to dig a hole for themselves(or to prove themselves).

Weighty Weiss to offset some of the reduced trade income. We should be able to afford the 2k upkeep cost of both, but the unknown additional lost income makes it a dicier proposition.
Some might call it a risk to try setting up a competing merchant conglomerate, but we do have a marriage alliance with the Nassau, and the alternative is a Marienburger merchant family.
I'm seeing a few people saying things like this. One, the thing about having enemies is that they don't need your permission to fight you. If somebody wants to pick a fight with us, they will. Two, and definitely more importantly, there seems to be this assumption that showing favoritism for our friends/allies/whoever it seems like it might advantage us to favor isn't "legit". But this is medieval-era politics, "conflict of interest" basically doesn't exist as a concept and favor-trading is the foundation of politics. Nobody will bat an eye at us showing favoritism, at least not unless they're dead set on ginning up some bullshit to be mad about (see my first point), but bc there isn't really the same cultural basis for it as in modern-day that won't win them much traction even if they tried, which they probably wouldn't bother to.
It's not about conflicts of interest. It's about Kislevites being of the opinion that Kislev is Stronk because Kislev stands alone and don't need no help from outsiders.

I feel like the leading plan is defeating the spirit of the GM asking us not to use metaknowledge from interludes to influence our decisions, since I'm nearly certain if we weren't aware of the scale of the build up people would want to focus on gathering more info on beast-paths first over doing a purge with even more mercs (the amount of them which we have already an army of its own). However, I can't prove that only point it out and give an opinion on the matter so up to others to decide whether right or not.

On another note, @CuriousRaptor there a reason you are choosing Trofurt Estates for Urgdug's land grant? Its one of my top two picks so not complaining just curious on reasoning.
Eh, I think I've been expressing my opposition to the idea that building isolated garrisons in the deeper parts of the woods are an effective way to prep against the Centigor crusade before the interludes.
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Yeah, I know the risk is higher on espionage over warfare.

I just would prefer the result from espionage, that is creating competition for the traders, over outright removing the large trade conglomerates that have a stranglehold on the economy(warfare). That's how I see it anyway.
Well yeah, it would create a vacuum for a small time but it would be filled again rather quickly I would think, especially when it comes to trade. Not to mention that it could potentially lead to more favourable conglomerates taking the place of those that we know actively work against our interests.
@Qeqre we don't know if we'll even have a year before we lose the opportunity to scout the Norscan coast.
In-depth scouting is a 2-year project. During which part of our fleet is pulled away from their regular patrols and the Albion project.

If we're at risk of losing the opportunity to scout the Norscan coast next year? We should avoid the option until we have a stronger fleet period.
*Looks at Ori*
*Looks at the tales of what I did when I was 5 years old*
Nah, Ori will be fine.
She just needs more human contact to see people as more than bags of flesh.

Yeah, I literally toed that damn line by having high simpathy (ability to perceive people sentiments) and extremely low empathy (ability to put myself on their shoes)
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-[X] Wolf Focus
-[X] Greatship 6

we have plenty of great ships and enough wolf ships to screen them we don't need any more of them , what we need is more patrol craft for the coast meaning galleys as wolf ships and great ships suck at patrolling shallow waters like those of the coast and can't follow a longships that slip past them going up rivers but galleys can and this will free up the wolf ships and great ships to do what the do best and intercept raiding forces before they reach the coast instead of having them do patrols
we have plenty of great ships and enough wolf ships to screen them we don't need any more of them , what we need is more patrol craft for the coast meaning galleys as wolf ships and great ships suck at patrolling shallow waters like those of the coast and can't follow a longships that slip past them going up rivers but galleys can and this will free up the wolf ships and great ships to do what the do best and intercept raiding forces before they reach the coast instead of having them do patrols
Look at the map of Ostland. All Ostlander rivers flow into the river Talabec, which ends up in Marienburg. There's also a river in Erengrad, but that's Kislev.
We don't have a lot of notable coastal settlements either.

What we do have is a string of forts lining the coast that are within cannon range of one another(that have been upgraded into castles and handed to the nobility for further development) and a policy of putting cannons on our fishing ships.