The Jade-Blooded are the descendants of Harakte, Chief Justice and High Executioner of Lahmia. Seven feet tall, super thin, used tincturs and drugs to try to extend his life? He went east with his courtiers/scribes/investigators/guard/torturers, and immediately tried to set up and take command by sending his followers to the various provinces after transforming them as well.
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The Jade-Blooded are the descendants of Harakte, Chief Justice and High Executioner of Lahmia. Seven feet tall, super thin, used tincturs and drugs to try to extend his life? He went east with his courtiers/scribes/investigators/guard/torturers, and immediately tried to set up and take command by sending his followers to the various provinces after transforming them as well.

Nah dude they retconned that origin for the Jade Blooded. The original backstory was only in the apocryphal bloodlines book. The Cathayans from the Nagash book are as follows:

  • Naaima; former Cathayan concubine, a vampire and first and most loyal of Queen Neferata's sisterhood.[1]
  • Prince Xian Ha Feng Scion of the Imperial Court, Queen Neferata sought to use him to gain a foothold in Cathay - apparently died in a civil war.[1]
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Contradictory canon strikes again.

My backup is the Additional Vampiric Bloodlines supplement created by Steve Darlington, who also co-designed and co-wrote the Night's Dark Masters info book on the main five bloodlines.

And, well, sorta my quest, my canon, you know? They retconned plenty of things, but at least within this thread I wield the Retconomicon. We're pretty much too deep in to back out now. I've been using the AVB supplement for years now, and I literally only just found out about stuff from the early Nagash books. I can't...really rewrite the Bhatriya or the way the Jade-Blooded are working atm due to characters already interacting/involving themselves in such matters.

Just think of it as the same thing with Stefan being from Mark of Chaos but me flipping the provinces around while retaining certain elements in Ostermark.
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Contradictory canon strikes again.

My backup is the Additional Vampiric Bloodlines supplement created by Steve Darlington, who also co-designed and co-wrote the Night's Dark Masters info book on the main five bloodlines.

And, well, sorta my quest, my canon, you know? They retconned plenty of things, but at least within this thread I wield the Retconomicon. We're pretty much too deep in to back out now.

*Shrugs* No big deal. I'm sure that manipulative vamp bitch has turned plenty of Ind people into vampires over the millennia.
Getting some good horse for logistical purposes would be a boon however, we dont have great terrain for heavy cavalry and best to use missile units more or rangers.
Not practical. We got the off-road tech in development that should take up the slack of good horses. Pair the tech with the equivalent of a motorcycle, and we don't need horses. There's also the wing scouts we already got.

Contradictory canon strikes again.

My backup is the Additional Vampiric Bloodlines supplement created by Steve Darlington, who also co-designed and co-wrote the Night's Dark Masters info book on the main five bloodlines.

And, well, sorta my quest, my canon, you know? They retconned plenty of things, but at least within this thread I wield the Retconomicon. We're pretty much too deep in to back out now. I've been using the AVB supplement for years now, and I literally only just found out about stuff from the early Nagash books. I can't...really rewrite the Bhatriya or the way the Jade-Blooded are working atm due to characters already interacting/involving themselves in such matters.

Just think of it as the same thing with Stefan being from Mark of Chaos but me flipping the provinces around while retaining certain elements in Ostermark.

Never put that into doubt. Besides, quite honestly, my faith in any GeeDubs canon, and about what right they had to it, plummeted after End Times. Your story, go wild.
Not practical. We got the off-road tech in development that should take up the slack of good horses. Pair the tech with the equivalent of a motorcycle, and we don't need horses. There's also the wing scouts we already got.
I mean, horses would be good, but certainly not for logistic purposes.
Not practical. We got the off-road tech in development that should take up the slack of good horses. Pair the tech with the equivalent of a motorcycle, and we don't need horses. There's also the wing scouts we already got.

Not really, even with "Steambikes" good horses are still extremely valuable, especially in a land full of forest and reough terrain like the Empire... There is a reason why even now special forces teams still use horses and mules when they are deployed in mountains or forests.

Contradictory canon strikes again.

My backup is the Additional Vampiric Bloodlines supplement created by Steve Darlington, who also co-designed and co-wrote the Night's Dark Masters info book on the main five bloodlines.

And, well, sorta my quest, my canon, you know? They retconned plenty of things, but at least within this thread I wield the Retconomicon. We're pretty much too deep in to back out now. I've been using the AVB supplement for years now, and I literally only just found out about stuff from the early Nagash books. I can't...really rewrite the Bhatriya or the way the Jade-Blooded are working atm due to characters already interacting/involving themselves in such matters.

Just think of it as the same thing with Stefan being from Mark of Chaos but me flipping the provinces around while retaining certain elements in Ostermark.
What's that supplement? My understanding had been that the bloodlines of the other two had never been defined.
It defines the Jade-Blooded and the Mahtmasi, the bloodlines of Cathay and Araby respectively. Origins, powers, etc. Short/small compared to the Night's Dark Masters, but it was written by the guy who co-wrote that, so I'm using it.
It defines the Jade-Blooded and the Mahtmasi, the bloodlines of Cathay and Araby respectively. Origins, powers, etc. Short/small compared to the Night's Dark Masters, but it was written by the guy who co-wrote that, so I'm using it.
Was that in a WD article or something? I hadn't heard of it.
Not really, even with "Steambikes" good horses are still extremely valuable, especially in a land full of forest and reough terrain like the Empire... There is a reason why even now special forces teams still use horses and mules when they are deployed in mountains or forests.

That and at this time and tech level, a bike is expensive, a vaporcycle is something only nobles can afford and only the elector count can afford in any numbers. horses might not be as good as a vaporcycle but they are a lot cheaper with 60% to 90% usefulness even in ideal conditions for vaporcycles. on top of that, give any idiot a stud and a few mares and in a few years you'll have more horses that can mostly take care of themselves. Each vaporcycle takes an engineering team to build, and atleast one engineer for every 10 or so vaporcycles to keep them running during garrison, that will go up during war time. give almost anyone in Ostland a horse and they will know the basics of riding it. Vaporcycle operators will have to be trained just to start them.

vaporcycles are a niche weapon, where horses are generalist.
I mean, they dueled against Ind Demigods for that final trial so statistics aside the twins are kind of monstrous murderblenders even without taking their usage of magic into account
Just to be incredibly pedantic, I'd like to point out that Desai aren't actually demigods a la the pandavas (or whatever equivalent exists here). They're champions of the Deva, more like warrior priests than anything else, so I'm more picturing some of the worshippers of Ulric as their equivalent.
Oh, no, Desai are pretty explicitly the Deva version of Chaos Warriors. I've mentioned such things before, they are imbued with the favor/essence/power of the Deva and become something beyond merely mortal. Swani, for instance, is over five centuries old. His soul is bound to Yemaraja intimately, but he is empowered as a result.

The Desai of Ind are not as numerous as the whole swathes of black iron plated Chaos Warriors and Chosen of the Chaos Gods, but their natures as being quasi-mortals favored by their warp deity of choice are somewhat similar. On the other hand, the Desai aren't, like, fused with their armor and stuff like that.

Was that in a WD article or something? I hadn't heard of it.

If you google 'additional vampire bloodlines pdf warhammer steve darlington' you should be able to find it pretty quick :)
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Oh, no, Desai are pretty explicitly the Deva version of Chaos Warriors. I've mentioned such things before, they are imbued with the favor/essence/power of the Deva and become something beyond merely mortal. Swani, for instance, is over five centuries old. His soul is bound to Yemaraja intimately, but he is empowered as a result.

The Desai of Ind are not as numerous as the whole swathes of black iron plated Chaos Warriors and Chosen of the Chaos Gods, but their natures as being quasi-mortals favored by their warp deity of choice are somewhat similar. On the other hand, the Desai aren't, like, fused with their armor and stuff like that.

If you google 'additional vampire bloodlines pdf warhammer steve darlington' you should be able to find it pretty quick :)
Looks like I was wrong then
I don't suppose you have a few neat examples of the upper end of said Desai?
Beyond swami I mean (who, just as an aside, has an absolutely hilarious name, the chosen of a God being literally called 'religious teacher' made my day, so thanks for that torroar).

Itd be neat to see what cool ass powers they get
Not really, even with "Steambikes" good horses are still extremely valuable, especially in a land full of forest and reough terrain like the Empire... There is a reason why even now special forces teams still use horses and mules when they are deployed in mountains or forests.
The offroad tech means offroad, as in able to go into forest terrain, or dirt paths with minimum fuss for the wooden cyclers (which of course can be applied later onto the vaporcycler, probably during development). The issues expected with a land full of forest and rough terrain should also apply to the vapor tank, but that's been iffy for some people.

Point being that the reason to use horses in forest and mountain terrain is going to be defeated by the offroad tech.
As sometimes seems to be the case, the engineers have been tinkering on the side without you actually telling them to do so. They've done it before, or at least Anna did with…well, a lot of things in fact. But the Cyclers are something that has been, essentially, a side project for the engineers, sharing designs and prototypes around. It is for that reason alone that their progress this year is so abrupt and startling. They've got an ingenious springing coil system connected to spaced-layered slats of shaped and hardened wood with treatment and leather which apply to the wheels, letting the cycler trundle along the roads and off of them simultaneously, absorbing the shock and letting the wood of the wheels weather harder terrain with far greater durability and survivability. It is intensely complex, but not to the point that an average soldier could not figure out how to do field repairs if needed. Literally, that is one of the tests they ran. More work remains, however, equalizing weight strains and the like, but a vast amount of work has been done. Will Complete Next Year.

who strong is DDA empire of man compared to OTL empire of man?
OTL empire of man is weak compared to DDA empire of man. End of story.

-We are not in Karl Franz's time. During the OTL age of Magnus the pious, Magnus did little noteworthy of his rule (GW!). In DDA, Magnus the Pious has restored the empire, was there for the war against Zacharias, did not need to deal with the third parravon war early in his reign, Sylvania was cleansed of undead, assassination attempts on Magnus the Pious have happened, Magnus the Pious ruled a province for a few years, Magnus the Pious obtained a griffon. All that, the DDA Magnus the pious did in addition to the OTL actions he notably did.
- The empire aided the dwarves in reclaiming a hold. During the time of Magnus the Pious in OTL this didn't happen. Thus OTL Empire of man is weak.
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Point being that the reason to use horses in forest and mountain terrain is going to be defeated by the offroad tech.
No they aren't. Until Torroar weights into it, i am going to assume that the motorcycles are lighter than a warhorse and are kinda crap at a cavalry charge. As far as i understand it, the cyclers are a logistics improvement and maybe quick reallocation of infantry across the battlefield in a pinch, but ultimately, it won't be able to substitute for heavy cavalry.