Where was the vision of a knight with a defaced goddess on their armor? I saw some posters talking about it, and I seem to have missed it.
Lovely Laurelorn Epilogue part 1. It starts with the dream sequence.
This one, garbed in shattered panoply, the sigil of a Goddess slashed and disfigured as much as he is, flesh melted and blackened from the burning rain.
It apparently does not specifically use the word "defaced" though, in case you were going to cntrl+f for it like I did before trying for "goddess" instead.
Glad to see the twins are doing well on their world round travels. Chances are they won't return home in time, there's still probably a few human regions left to travel to. Maybe even Nipon of that's on the table. At least they were able to do good in their travels.
Glad to see the twins are doing well on their world round travels. Chances are they won't return home in time, there's still probably a few human regions left to travel to. Maybe even Nipon of that's on the table. At least they were able to do good in their travels.
The twins sorta got hit with "you haven't been home in a while", and I'm not sure they are explicitly doing a world tour, so they might head back to the empire after this. Figure they are overdue to become journeymen amethyst wizards, though I don't know how the Amethyst college goes about granting apprentices that title. Draken might want to report back about Genevieve and Johanna too.
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The twins sorta got hit with "you haven't been home in a while", and I'm not sure they are doing explicitly doing a world tour, so they might head back to the empire after this. Figure they are overdue to become journeymen amethyst wizards, though I don't know how the Amethyst college goes about granting apprentices that title. Draken might want to report back about Genevieve and Johanna too.
There's never been a Wizard that achieved Journeyman younger than their late 20s, so I wouldn't say they're overdue.
Glad to see the twins are doing well on their world round travels. Chances are they won't return home in time, there's still probably a few human regions left to travel to. Maybe even Nipon of that's on the table. At least they were able to do good in their travels.
While I am sure they would love to visit Nippon and understand death and undeath in country, it is super isolationist so getting into country super hard and is currently in major war with Cathay last we saw.

They would have an easier time getting into the Eastern Steppes or Khuresh. Map says so.
Speaking of the Twins, how is it that they have a higher Marshal score then Alexandra? Yeah they are death wizards but they are still just apprentices where as Alexandra is probably one of the most powerful Ice Witches in Kislev, extensively trained and tutored by both Tzarina Kattarin and even some of the Ice Hags.
Speaking of the Twins, how is it that they have a higher Marshal score then Alexandra? Yeah they are death wizards but they are still just apprentices where as Alexandra is probably one of the most powerful Ice Witches in Kislev, extensively trained and tutored by both Tzarina Kattarin and even some of the Ice Hags.
Well, several reasons but mostly because they've spent so much time roaming around the world killing all sorts of things, and that's a more focused education into murder than what Alexandra got. They were also born with slightly higher base martial and with the Tall and Strong traits.
Speaking of the Twins, how is it that they have a higher Marshal score then Alexandra? Yeah they are death wizards but they are still just apprentices where as Alexandra is probably one of the most powerful Ice Witches in Kislev, extensively trained and tutored by both Tzarina Kattarin and even some of the Ice Hags.
Maybe they're better physical fighters than Alexandra is? I'm not really sure how accurately Martial measures magical prowess in contrast to physical power.
I mean, they dueled against Ind Demigods for that final trial so statistics aside the twins are kind of monstrous murderblenders even without taking their usage of magic into account
Ah, somehow this made me sad all of a sudden. To forget something so important must have been grueling...even if they themselves did not know.

So far away from home with nothing to truly remind them of their beginnings. They are in for a surprise after they return once they see an Empire ravaged by Beastmen.

The ending of this chapter was somewhat lighthearted but now I'm interested to see a reunion between the Twins and the entire Hohenzollern Herd.
I don't know if they'll be quite a herd of Hohenzerns once the Beastmen are donw with us. Or at the very least, it'll be a small one.
Yes but Magnus was not feeble of body and mind one may be acceptable but both there should be no reason to put Wolfilla in charge of anything let him live out the rest of his days as an artist.
When Wolfila grows up, he may well be capable enough to be quite adequate in a subordinate role. And, hell, plenty of counties (what do you call the domain of an Elector Count again?) probably can, and have, done worse than Wolfila for Elector Count.
Or we could just chill and accept not everyone in our bloodline is gonna be super badass murder machines with perfect hair body genetics etcs....

Like...there while this is warhammer, dude is privileged enough to have been born into a rich family with plenty of competant members in front of him to rule.

If he wants to be an artist, a merchant, a priest, literally anything he wants to outside martial capability he can persue it and have the funds and connection to do so.
But he will always be a target, since he's of a powerful family. The material traditions of the family should probably be encouraged so if he ever happens to run into some weak enemy he doesn't die.

I certainly agree he doesn't need to be a hero unit level of skilled, perhaps an ordinary soldier's level?
I mean, they dueled against Ind Demigods for that final trial so statistics aside the twins are kind of monstrous murderblenders even without taking their usage of magic into account
I suspect that those 'demigods' are basically on the same level as, uh... picture a more wholesome equivalent of a Warrior of Chaos. A human(oid) permanently transformed by the touch of an entity of the Aethyr, enhanced and 'blessed' well beyond the human baseline to be more effective at achieving that entity's goals... But not a 'god' in any normal sense of the word, and not even close.

But he will always be a target, since he's of a powerful family. The material traditions of the family should probably be encouraged so if he ever happens to run into some weak enemy he doesn't die.

I certainly agree he doesn't need to be a hero unit level of skilled, perhaps an ordinary soldier's level?
I am sure he will receive whatever level of military training his physique allows; he's a Hohenzollern. It's just that we should maybe revise our expectations for military skill down.

Worst case, picture Tyrion Lannister, with merely average intelligence.
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Yes but Magnus was not feeble of body and mind one may be acceptable but both there should be no reason to put Wolfilla in charge of anything let him live out the rest of his days as an artist.

It's not like there isn't precedence for a Hohenzollern being shuffled out of the way to do as they please while the rest of the family gets on with actually ruling. It's what happened to Freddy prior to this quest, after all.
It's not like there isn't precedence for a Hohenzollern being shuffled out of the way to do as they please while the rest of the family gets on with actually ruling. It's what happened to Freddy prior to this quest, after all.
And he has 3 elder sisters, and as Mena and Ortrud have already proven there is no law about Elector Counts having to be the exclusively male heirs.
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I believe the Vampire was the one that came from Nehekhara and was hunted down by Yema when Yema was still a man. Maybe it was 'just' an old Vampire, or the first Vampire to make it from Nehekhara and to Ind and to make an open and big nuisance of themselves, maybe it was one of the equals or kin to W'soran and Neferata. Who knows.

I figure Yema probably knew what he was in for, for this. That is -- he probably guessed that after he became a Daeva, he was probably going to be in just as many tough fights as he was as a man. Because, well. As a man, he fought for the sanctity of souls. As a God, did he expect it to get easier? No. I think at some point he probably realized and understood that, as a God, he was just broadening the scope and depths of the fights for the sake of souls that he was going to be getting in for.

Correct. The Indi Vampire Bloodline is known as the Brahtriya, as referring to the highest caste of the system devised by an Indi...prince, I believe, who was turned into a vampire by Neferata and sent back home. Somewhat canon, too, according to the Nagash Time of Legends books, books I really need to get ahold of myself at some point. Last they heard, by the novel, was massive wars being started and then all contact being lost with Ind. The name, the nature, etc. is all me, but it does have a bit of a root in real WHFB novels.

As for Yemaraja, uh...yeah. He was a guy of such will and titanic conviction that he basically ascended to becoming one of the most poweful Deva in all of Ind without any Deva as his patron right up until the end. He forged his path alone save for a few companions, and only needed the slightest push to fully make the next step with basically the Deva of Life after he debated her and got the Deva to agree with the mortal. Ten years and a day, but he did it. He convinced her to help him. That, especially, is part of the legend, and a major one too. Not just because it was the last step, but because of what a last step it was - not some insane battle, not some trickery and theft, or anything like that...but debate. Scholarly, deep, purposeful debate. And he won.

Against a Deva.

Also, he managed to take down the progenitor of the Brahtriya, but by then the system was in place already.

Or was the lantern bit a typo or error in the text?

Naw, straight up a mistake on my part. Corrected to Holder of the Scythe instead.
Correct. The Indi Vampire Bloodline is known as the Brahtriya, as referring to the highest caste of the system devised by an Indi...prince, I believe, who was turned into a vampire by Neferata and sent back home. Somewhat canon, too, according to the Nagash Time of Legends books, books I really need to get ahold of myself at some point.

Actually that was a Cathayan prince. He became the ancestor of the jade blood vampires.