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- Kentucky
Some more mercenary companies to throw at you @torroar
- The Line Shatterers – [Race: Ogre] [Origin: Mountains of Mourn] [Description: Mournfang Cavalry from the Mountains of the Mourn, these ogres have been making a killing ever since they reached Tilea through their stupendous killing power. Expensive but worth it.] [Numbers: 53 Mournfang Cavalry, 1 Crusher Daud Granitegazer]
- The Second Sons – [Race: Human] [Origin: Old World] [Description: A collection of second, third, fourth and so on sons of nobility from across the Old World, having left home with only their arms and armor that have joined together as a mercenary company] [Numbers: 500 assorted Heavy Cavalry]
- The Hvalstakkað Járn [Race: Human] [Origin: "Norsca"] [Description: A company of self-proclaimed Norscan Marauders armed with an assortment of spears, crossbows, and pikes, and armored in brigandine] [Numbers: 400 suspiciously short Norscan Spearmen, 200 oddly well-dressed Norscan Pikemen, 400 unusually well armored Crossbowmen, 1 Jarl-General "Eldskjaldbaka" [Warcry:hey þú, þú ert loksins vakandi]
- Perdición de Los Nórdicos [Race: Human] [Origin: Estalia] [Description: Veteran Estalian Almogavar light infantry hardened by the Chaos invasion of their country, excellent skirmishers, woodsmen and ambushers, armored only with helmets and shields and armed with javelins, slings and an assortment of hand weapons] [Numbers: 500 Almogavar light infantry]
- The White Company [Race: Human] [Origin: Bretonnia] [Description: Originally merely a collection of runaway peasants, this mercenary company has grown considerably in both size and status over the last 30 years, and is now ranked among the best company of sellswords the chivalry obsessed nation has produced] [Numbers: 400 armored Longbowmen, 500 armored Voulgiers, 100 mounted Sergeants-at-arms]
- Helmut's Free Company [Race:Human] [Origin: Empire] [Description: A company of adventurers armored in half plate, armed with crossbows or handguns, swords and bucklers and skilled both at range and in melee] [250 armored Crossbow-Swordsmen, 250 armored Handgunner-Swordsmen, 1 Company Commander Helmut Sepp]
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