I don't recall anything of the Southern Chaos Wastes being ferried over. The North, sure, but not the Frostlords.
They're here too.
The excerpt you quoted describes Felfang, the Ravager of the Chaos Wastes, the Tireless Hound of Darkness, Boneripper and Fleshrender, Scourge of the Hung, He Who Grinds Souls To Dust. He bears the armor of dead Chaos Warriors, outright plate, seared to his frame by the evil flames summoned forth by the beastmen shamans who follow him.

His counterpart, the Frostlord who arrived from the Southern Chaos Wastes, arrives on the scene just after him.
I... really want to get Malagor dead, we've already cost the beastmen a legendary lord/hero through Warhoof, getting Malagor on top of that would be an insane blow to their faction as a whole.

I don't think we've hurt any faction as much tbh, other than maybe the vampires in the long run? (though zacharious was somewhat of an unlinked splinter anyway) or the skaven with a messing with the councils numbers? (infighting would be huge from that which could potentially spiral)
I... really want to get Malagor dead, we've already cost the beastmen a legendary lord/hero through Warhoof, getting Malagor on top of that would be an insane blow to their faction as a whole.

I don't think we've hurt any faction as much tbh, other than maybe the vampires in the long run? (though zacharious was somewhat of an unlinked splinter anyway) or the skaven with a messing with the councils numbers? (infighting would be huge from that which could potentially spiral)
didn't we kill one of the skaven council of 13
Horrible Beasts Beached: The Wasteland is exactly that, yet the power of Westerland's central city of Marienburg is essentially enough to qualify it for a province. But the Wasteland yet remains inhabited, though largely only through sparse but hardy settlements pepper throughout the wastes and swamps. Utter nonsense of course. In any case, a great mass of horribly mutated monsters emerged from the sea this year upon the coats of the Wasteland, enormous leviathan-esque monstrosities, no one alike the other. Some even had the beginnings of limbs that they used to crawl forth as far onto the beach as possible before death. All were mutilated by what looks like multiple ship carcasses brutally implanted into their frames, the purpose of which is unknown. Either way, their accursed existence is over now, their bloated rotting frames leaving the area flooded with diseased animals and plant-life, what little there is. The Cult of Shallya has cordoned off the area with aid from the Cult of Manann. The Wasteland seems impassible, but the very nature of the place has made it difficult to discern anything more. Worse, the fimir were agitated, making initial cordoning difficult in the area. Though on the brighter side, the resulting fighting involve the slaughter of all the fimir involved. Though the number of the damned beasts was worrying. Perhaps it is time for another purge through the Wasteland? There were some signs of fighting between the beastmen of the Drakwald and the fimir, the latter clearly having brought about the former through their agitated state, with the reptilian abominations slaughtered in turn.



The Dark Omen growled in agreement before new noises reached their ears, causing shaman and beastlord to look towards the other caves, where yet more beastmen were emerging. An odd beaked creature thumped out of one, fists forward like one of the great apes of the Southlands, teeth lining the yellow beak as it shuffled back and forth. Dark ice had long-formed over the white and black fur, yet bereft of the cold and instead surrounded by the cloying heat it began to melt for the first time. Other beastmen, similarly mutated but in different ways from the horrific mutations born by Felfang's warherd, joined them. Many of them bore nothing more than weapons of bone, but a chosen select few possessed weapons that were of foreign yet obviously uncloven make. Claws, pincers, stingers, and more completed the arsenal. These were, in fact, not even beastmen, but beastfiends. Half-creature, half-daemon, mutated and monstrous in a manner that most beastmen only dreamed off. These had been born with a rich allotment of blessings, yet their bloodgrounds were barren of all but each other. A blessing and a curse, a prize and a price both.

What emerged from the Frostlord's fang-riddled beak was a bellowed sound that tore at the ears, its words delivered in an accented and hideously warped version of Beast Tongue, closer to the Dark Tongue than most others.

Rrrngrar had come.

"Good," Malagor snarled softly. "Good."

Rrngrar's been here for a bit, but I've just made an edit to outright identify him which was oddly missing from the Foes Near And Far thing.
Oh come off it, as much as five sixths of Prussia's budget was spent on the Army, and if they can do it, so can we.
That's Prussia(and the real world and this is a game) and last I checked a large portion of our Budget already goes to the military as it is so we can't spend anymore or else we'll be in the red financially. And the GM has given his opinion on OOC info so we won't be using this either way.
....So are we going to be blindsided again? Even after the Vampire war?
Not really? we're aware that the beastpaths have been severly used and we've been working at discovering them all for quite a while though.
The centigors Hating our fucking guts has been known since we murdered the shit out of 'ol warhoofy.
And terroar's been hinting at malagor being working against us since we captured the iceflame.
Problem is though that there's very little we can really do against malagor recruiting from all over the world to build up a force against us other than build up our own forces and get all the beast paths...both of which we've already been doing.
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I don't think we've hurt any faction as much tbh, other than maybe the vampires in the long run?
Definitely Vampires, though mostly indirectly. The experience gained from the Ostland Vampire War is what allowed Magnus to (mostly) purge Sylvania, which lead to, among other things, Mannfred's death and the complete destruction of Castle Drakenhof.

At this point, the only major concentrations of Vampires in the world should be the Silver Pinnacle and the Vampire Coast.

(Well, there could be others in Cathay and such, but I can't comment there)
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Well, Thorgrim helped a lot and dealt the killing blow.
true but my point was we helped kill 1 of the council of 13 which if I recall was the leader of clan Ritus who along with Clan Morrs is in the top 4 strongest clans if I recall
Definitely Vampires, though mostly indirectly. The experience gained from the Ostland Vampire War is what allowed Magnus to (mostly) purge Sylvania, which lead to, among other things, Mannfred's death and the comeplete destruction of Castle Drakenhof.

At this point, the only major concentrations of Vampires in the world should be the Silver Pinnacle and the Vampire Coast.

(Well, there could be others in Cathay and such, but I can't comment there)
Also if I recall Manfred Von Carstian is dead and his ashes were thrown into the river and Mangus has the ring of Vlad
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true but my point was we helped kill 1 of the council of 13 which if I recall was the leader of clan Ritus who along with Clan Morrs is in the top 4 strongest clans if I recall
Not quite- the Four Great Clans are Skryre, Moulder, Eshin, and Pestilens. Mors and Rictus are "only" the strongest of the next tier, the Warlord Clans.

(Though, in-quest, Rictus was wiped out in the aftermath of Karak Ungor)
I wonder if there's anything stopping Malagor from just using the portal as a siren to the beastfiends of the south? I imagine a way to where the soft skins and uncloven ones resided across the ocean would draw them like flies to a corpse.