I've done the math, and for the lore purposes of this quest the Empire doesn't have pretty much any of its experimental tech.
The College of Engineers (canoncically Nuln having the only major one) got officially chartered by Magnus within this generation.
Individually their engineers are going to be of higher quality over your own, while their Great Cannons and Handguns are usually going to be superior to yours. That is due to them more tightly sticking to quality over quantity, holding as closely as possible to their traditions as they can as a direct reaction to the Wulfenburg school. They are far more dwarf like in their meticulousness than Wulfenburg.
(Side Note: This is an 'average' situation, there are likely still to be those who excel regardless, like with Anna and some of her peers)
But yeah.
No Helstorms (because Boris Todbringer isn't around to get almost get shot by one yet so that they can be 'dubbed' thus over his ranting to the crew...and considering his time of running around them not getting named for more than a century of service is ridiculous thus they can't have been invented yet.)
The various deranged engineers like the ones who made the Helblaster Volley Gun, mechanical horse mount, Long Rifle, etc. aren't around. I don't mean that they have just been born, but that they aren't to be born until the late 2400's at the least.
Contrast that Anna managed to create Bird Bomber flocks regardless. The information, the principles behind most of the 'experimental tech' of the Empire in 2520 are still there. It just takes something to spark the idea to get to that point.
Now then, if you'll excuse me, I got breakfast to do.