Speculation update to Karak Ungor:

Goblin casualties on current floor: 20,000 (4 warbands) + ~31,000 (10,000 killed by Zhufbar Dwarves, they are still outnumbered 3:1 when Ostland arrives) + ~20,000 goblins (random guess at aggregate number of minor warbands that assaulted Ostland/Zhufbar forces during the retreat to the supply point)

Total: ~71,000 assorted goblins

Skaven casualties: 5,000 (only warband encountered)

Ostland casualties: negligible
Zhufbar casualties: negligible, out of ammo

Everpeak forces status: unknown but likely very good given 5 distinct victories in short succession of one another.

Enemy force casualties: Unknown, likely severe, 5 losses within a two week period.

Status of Stonehammer/Runelord army groups: Unknown

Enemy status: unknown

Current force strength:

Allied: unknown, likely 95%+ for Ostland/Zhufbar/Everpeak forces, other armies assumed full strength until informed otherwise

Goblin: Est. 130,000** living, ~70,000+* dead
Skaven: Est. 200,000+** living, ~5,000+* dead

*Casualties from conflicts with Everpeak forces likely high but unknown, nothing concrete is known about whose forces engaged who.
** Complete guess on my part, likely a low-ball estimate.
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Huh, didn't know that treaty was a thing.

Also, if Magnus the Pious dies within Freddy's lifetime, I'd advise against running for Emperor. We'd run humanity straight into the ground.
Yeah, the Treaty issue is another big thing that Frederick never made note of from his perspective because he didn't care.

So Marienburg got a little pissed at that, made some noise...

Then they got boned when Aurelion's diplomat brother came down with Finubar's party of ambassadors and managed to keep Ulthuan's hold on Geldern, Zeeburg, Oranjekoft, Rijksgebouw, Vlotshuis and Westerleer.

Though to be fair, House Alleria is not trading in New to Old or Old to New World goods specifically, rather they are trading through their own lands and goods produced there on Ulthuan into Salkalten's ports. The fact that some of those formerly Ulthuan goods are in actuality traded from elsewhere first was a major point of contention.

But, because the good that pass into Salkalten by Alleria ships are classified technically as coming from Ulthuan warehouses with some legal finagling, it was...


Suffice to say that Marienburg is not that happy about Ostland.

Portions of it, at least. Others...are taking a somewhat different approach. They can respect a business rival, appreciate the luck it took to get elf contracts at all, stuff like that. Kind of like an 'ah, man...well, I'm not even sure if I can be really that mad about it'.

Not to mention that the lesser houses are always clamoring to see The Ten go down so that they can be in charge.

So their ?/10 rating for how they perceive Ostland and the PC is always going to have to be taken with a few grains of salt for how 'accurate' it can be.
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Not actually true. There are 14 votes IIRC: 12 provinces (Westerland, Nordland, Middenland, Hochland, Ostland, Reikland, Talabecland, Ostermark, Stirland, Mootland, Averland, Wissenland) and the heads of two cults (Grand Theogonist, Ar-Ulric).
Nope. Currently there are 16 votes.
10 Elector Counts
1 Elder of the Moot
1 Staadtholder of Marienburg/Westerland
1 Ar-Ulric
1 Grand Theogonist
2 Arch Lectors
Huh, didn't know that treaty was a thing.
The fourth Anglo-Dutch war happened because the latter kept selling arms and naval supplies to the colonies(and France).

It's probably a shout-out to the somewhat understated relationship between the U.S. and the Netherlands.

Also, if Magnus the Pious dies within Freddy's lifetime, I'd advise against running for Emperor. We'd run humanity straight into the ground.
Cathay would survive.

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Might be easier than you think since most the Empire has lots of respect for the Dwarfs and have been allies with them since forever the real difficulty is getting the Dwarfs to agree to it since hey are stubborn and prideful.
We could find out which one they're going to go for next and then send The empires army there ahead of time
Yeah, the Treaty issue is another big thing that Frederick never made note of from his perspective because he didn't care.

So Marienburg got a little pissed at that, made some noise...

Then they got boned when Aurelion's diplomat brother came down with Finubar's party of ambassadors and managed to keep Ulthuan's hold on Geldern, Zeeburg, Oranjekoft, Rijksgebouw, Vlotshuis and Westerleer.

Though to be fair, House Alleria is not trading in New to Old or Old to New World goods specifically, rather they are trading through their own lands and goods produced there on Ulthuan into Salkalten's ports. The fact that some of those formerly Ulthuan goods are in actuality traded from elsewhere first was a major point of contention.

But, because the good that pass into Salkalten by Alleria ships are classified technically as coming from Ulthuan warehouses with some legal finagling, it was...


Suffice to say that Marienburg is not that happy about Ostland.

Portions of it, at least. Others...are taking a somewhat different approach. They can respect a business rival, appreciate the luck it took to get elf contracts at all, stuff like that. Kind of like an 'ah, man...well, I'm not even sure if I can be really that mad about it'.

Not to mention that the lesser houses are always clamoring to see The Ten go down so that they can be in charge.

So their ?/10 rating for how they perceive Ostland and the PC is always going to have to be taken with a few grains of salt for how 'accurate' it can be.

Is it wrong that I'm glad Freddy doesn't care about stuff like this?
Say wasn't their a proposal at some point in this thread to get Empire Dwarves a seat that was actually somewhat plausible, or was I mistaken?
Nope. Currently there are 16 votes.
10 Elector Counts
1 Elder of the Moot
1 Staadtholder of Marienburg/Westerland
1 Ar-Ulric
1 Grand Theogonist
2 Arch Lectors
I was wondering why the two Arch Lectors were on the opinions list.

I think Middenland is still salty about the three Sigmarite votes. Honestly, that's what killed there ever being an Ulrican emperor.
That's still more votes than the cults of Taal, Morr, and Shallya get.

@torroar What would it take for Sylvania to be re-elevated back to full provincehood, beyond the place being completely cleansed and repopulated? A Stirland count going full Gruber?
Which would bring Ulthuan into the war on the southern side as per Treaty of Amity and Commerce.
The southern side hates the magic-using elves kind of a lot. Also, destroying the giant magic thingy that Ostland has up there is something they would do if they won, so Ulthuan would definitely join our side. Also Aurelion likes us more than them.

The Ulricans are distastefull of magic and could be pulled to the Southern side with the promise compensation in terms of some of their old Nordland claims
I thought we made a pretty good showing with the Ar-Ulric in the Vampire War. We also helped their crusade in Sylvania by sending supplies which earned some goodwill. Ultimately, they see magic in the same way Bretonnians see guns: disgusting, cowardly, and something to be despised, but not hateful like how Sigmarites think of magic. I think that's how it is, at least. I could be wrong.
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We should be able to mount cannon on wagons considering the word howitzer comes from houfnice which seems to refer to wagon mounted cannons that the Hussites used in their wagon forts to resist the Catholic crusaders. Would be more specific but I'm on the phone.
We should be able to mount cannon on wagons considering the word howitzer comes from houfnice which seems to refer to wagon mounted cannons that the Hussites used in their wagon forts to resist the Catholic crusaders. Would be more specific but I'm on the phone.
While full cannons on wagons not be in the cards since we already have cannons on wheels I mainly want swivel cannons on chariots/war wagons since it would give a good level of firepower on a pretty mobile platform which could be killer if used right.

Also still want to invent the chain-shot at some point for both sea and land combat.
While full cannons on wagons not be in the cards since we already have cannons on wheels I mainly want swivel cannons on chariots/war wagons since it would give a good level of firepower on a pretty mobile platform which could be killer if used right.

Also still want to invent the chain-shot at some point for both sea and land combat.

I doubt we can put swivel cannons on chariots, as to putting it on wagons, we already have one. It is called the dash cannon.

But yeah, hopefully we can get the chain shot research one oft these days.

Yea, they despise the Beastmen, so that's enough to put up with them for me.

They also wage a secret war in the forest and is quite responsible for a hefty amount of forest and territory which is why beastmen aren't overflowing.

The wood elves are hard dicks who hunts people but compared to the alternative, they are much more pleasant than beastmen.
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I doubt we can put swivel cannons on chariots, as to putting it on wagons, we already have one. It is called the dash cannon.
Well I'm sure a war wagon with a half a dozen or so swivel canons is much more mobile being pulled by a horse or two and doesn't need to stop moving while shooting enemies.