What Andres says makes sense by ALOT. There woudn't be a civil war just a bunch of people favored by the Dawi and others that woudn't like us but can't do anything other than elect an Emperor who'd be less magic friendly.

lol valarian
Jesus. That'd be a full on mess.

Yeah way to totally break everything by getting the Dwarfs pulled into a civil war to secure assets important to them. That's turning fantasy Europe into fantasy Veitnam.
If Magnus the Pious died..

#1 Mages would be a better target to shoot at.

#2 is the Empire goes back to voting for Emperors and all us americans know how clean elections are. Which is bad. Intrigue, poloticking, assasination, duels, inquisitions, and all the other dirty tricks to one up rivals and claim control of an Empire. The south in this would win because frankly they have more votes. Period.

#3 Whoever the Emperor is may make or break the Empire. Mages need to be protected or the college is doomed to fall. Magically trained people would turn to chaos, become hedge mages, or just evacuate for friendlier places. The North would have to full on STOP using mages possibly if the Emperor decides to ban it. Which tbh is a concern to me. I guess it'll be done in degrees though like anything such as regulation, tighter control, and THEN banning.

#4 If he stays with keeping mages he probally won't be able to expand their use (unlike the current Emperor who even NOW is keeping quite about such affairs).
23rd? Why not kill 23 people mysterously and be done with it? *Sarcasm*

If it was North vs South then my money is on the north tbh. Magical support galore, technology is SUPER prevalent, awesome cannons, dwarven support (they'll remember which side supported them not so long ago in that one really IMPORTANT campaign) and what does the South have?

Good land and Good amount of wealth for mercs which would run out way to fast in the face of cannons eating you. Nom Nom.
The growing importance of Ostland in trade matters and with being given the chance to reduce the Nordland and Ostland navy again, Westerland has a decent chance to aligne with the South. Which would bring Ulthuan into the war on the southern side as per Treaty of Amity and Commerce. The Ulricans are distastefull of magic and could be pulled to the Southern side with the promise compensation in terms of some of their old Nordland claims, likewise with the Talabeclanders and Hochland/Ostermark. I'd put my money on the South in a confrontation like that.
#2 is the Empire goes back to voting for Emperors and all us americans know how clean elections are. Which is bad. Intrigue, poloticking, assasination, duels, inquisitions, and all the other dirty tricks to one up rivals and claim control of an Empire. The south in this would win because frankly they have more votes. Period.
Not actually true. There are 14 votes IIRC: 12 provinces (Westerland, Nordland, Middenland, Hochland, Ostland, Reikland, Talabecland, Ostermark, Stirland, Mootland, Averland, Wissenland) and the heads of two cults (Grand Theogonist, Ar-Ulric).

Westerland will vote for whichever candidate will make them wealthie- wait, hold up.

Staadtholder of Marienburg – Luise Kaufmann [3/10]
Why does the Staadtholder hate us?
I think the thing about accepting magic is that its going to be more or less a loss for this generation. But it really can't get any worse than it already is. Honestly I think the best thing we can do to further acceptance of magic is to profit immensely from it. When the next generation of leaders grows up noticing how those other guys are making giant piles of gold and glory by using magic they are going to be more open to doing so themselves. When the answer to "and what has consorting with magic done?" is bring prosperity those old hatreds will look just a bit less sensable. Two or three generations down the line we'll probably start seeing under the table acceptance among the ruling class.

the trident is probably going to end up using magic to create trade goods to sell to the dwarves and elves. Jade wizard boosted crops will mean we can sell a lot of food, and gold wizard crafted tools would probably be good enofgh that dwarves will admit they are worth buying(if only because there more plentiful than the superior dwarven equivalents).
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Why does the Staadtholder hate us?
We're rich, have our own navy and are friends with Nordland?
The growing importance of Ostland in trade matters and with being given the chance to reduce the Nordland and Ostland navy again, Westerland has a decent chance to aligne with the South. Which would bring Ulthuan into the war on the southern side as per Treaty of Amity and Commerce. The Ulricans are distastefull of magic and could be pulled to the Southern side with the promise compensation in terms of some of their old Nordland claims, likewise with the Talabeclanders and Hochland/Ostermark. I'd put my money on the South in a confrontation like that.
No chance of Talabecland and/or Middenland aligning with us?

I mean, Talabecland's ruler and people are receiving cash/weapons from us and are currently 5/10, i.e. neutral.

And most Ulricans live in the North anyway, which might sway Middenland to our side.

If we get Middenland we get most of Westerland's border.
Why does the Staadtholder hate us?
Westerland has been the traditional center of trade of the Empire, during the 3 Emperor days it utterly destroyed all other Navies in the area and was the Premier naval force in the northern part of the old world. Now, it's control is being diminished. Magnus is keeping them from striking at potential competitors, and with the Nordland, Ostland and Kislev fleets growing the Westerland fleet's importance and with it their bargaining position in weakening. We're also responsible for causing the elves to break two of the clauses of the Treaty of Amity and Commerce. They've lost their effective monopoly thanks to us.

"- Be it known among all peoples for all time: that the Merchant Houses of Westerland are named the exclusive agents of the Elfs of Ulthuan for all goods of the New World brought to the Old.
- that the Elfs of Ulthuan agree to provide aid both military and magical to this Barony of Westerland in time of war.
- that the Elfs of Ulthuan shall be Our exclusive agents for the sale of the goods of the Old World in the New.
- that, in return for such considerations, We, Baron Matteus van Hoogmans of Westerland, Baron of Marienburg, First Sea Lord of the Empire, etc., etc., do
grant to the High King of Ulthuan perpetual sovereignty over the islands of Geldern, Zeeburg, Oranjekoft, Rijksgebouw, Vlotshuis and Westerleer, there to build houses for His people and a harbour for His ships, for so long as the terms of this treaty are kept.
-All this is done on the 17th day of Erntezeit, I.C. 2150, under the benevolent witness of Manaan, Sigmar and Haendryk."
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