Okay, where to stick it then? Non-border zone sectors that don't have either an Excelsior, an Oberth, or both a Connie-B and a Centaur-A:

Hard to know how to pick among those three.
Might as well keep her in the Sol sector, many other ships being there means minimizing the risk of being the sole responder to a combat event or the like.
2312.Q2.M1 - Master of Orion
Times of Amarkia

Following on from intelligence tip-offs, Admiral Galen Toor's task force tracked down the vessel that was responsible for the raid on the colony of Nahan Lor. Although the captive Amarkians were not retrieved, hopes are strong that by analysing the captured vessel will reveal the paths it has taken and lead to the holding bays of the Syndicate. The vessel, which had taken on the pseudonym SS Temple, was a hijacked starship of the Orion Union government, who are petitioning for its return, under pressure from nationalists within their government. However, a Confederacy spokeperson has said that the interest of justice in this case must be held paramount, and the vessel will be retained until all leads can be attained from it.


Celos Daily News

...making it seven indictments of senior ISSU and SSD officials since the opening of the inquest into the deadly battle that took place two months ago. This is proving to be a humiliation for the ISSU, who have a long and chequered history, but have rarely been called to account. However, with the death toll on Celos now believed to exceed fifteen hundred, at least half of whom were civilian bystanders, the government has had to concede to public pressure.

In the aftermath of the violence, the Union government is offering disaster relief at considerable discount, and are even extending credit and payment plans for many essentials, a gesture widely appreciated on the ground. However, there are reports that this aid is being tampered with by the Syndicate, attempting to re-route aid through Syndicate sympathising areas primarily.

[+4 Cost, +4 Impact]


Anti-Slavery Task Force Progress Report

A mix of information sources from Starfleet Intelligence managed to turn up the whereabouts of the SS Temple. Better, signals intercepts are believed to have obtained the Syndicate's invitations to an upcoming slave auction, potentially allowing the Amarkian task force a chance to land a devastating blow to free captives, capture the Syndicate, and also round up many financial backers.

Celos is, and please forgive the colloquialism in my report Admiral, a bloody forsaken mess. Casualty numbers from Celos need to be taken with the understanding that the Union government is suppressing casualty statistics internally and externally. Death sentences are likely for many of the commanders who survived the fight. All reports are that in terms of raw damage, Syndicate combatant forces on Celos suffered worse than the ISSU, but this is very much a pyrrhic victory. Another such lapse in ISSU discipline could very easily spell the end of the Orion Union administration, potentially bringing to power a strongly Syndicate-friendly government that would undo our efforts thus far.

To turn to a brighter topic, however, the Frontier Police reinforcements have arrived on New Rigel. The Syndicate appears to have given up efforts on the world, with any remaining assets having gone deep underground. Rear Admiral Uhura is assembling another convoy to take our assets to the next item on our agenda, the planet Freedom. The USS Lexington has arrived to bolster the task force in the absence of the Kearsage, a welcome development.

[Total +4 Cost, +4 Impact]
My money's on Andor. That means it's well-placed to reinforce either of the Romulan or Klingon border zones if we suddenly need ALL THE COUNTER-CLOAK. Plus, Vulcan Sector has its own all-Vulcan science vessel that probably does a lot of sciencing, and Sol Sector has so many Federation ships that sheer numbers of low-science vessels can make up for deficiencies. Andor is more lightly garrisoned.

That's an excellent idea. And with just a little shuffling I can switch out a Centaur-A and a Miranda to give Sol a Constitution-B/Centaur-A combination. I put the Oberth in Andor, and that leaves only Vulcan without a "science" combination.
I honestly don't see the Pacifist faction disapproving using the T'Mir to spy on the Cardassians. While the common person in 2017 may find spying distasteful the simple facts are that good intelligence helps keep the peace and prevent wars.

Look at our early interactions with the Cardassians. They thought the Federation was a collection of weak hedonists who would just roll over before the mighty Cardassian Union. It was this bad intelligence that lead to a lot of the early conflict as they were trying to push us into surrendering. If they had realized the Federation was actually an industrial juggernaut that grows exponentially stronger with each species it incorporates they'd have used very different tactics. I'd place my bet on them coming to the negotiation table and claiming huge swaths of space, something like saying everything spinwards of column "g" is theirs, and asking that the Federation stay our of their territory, and we would have!

Another example of how good intelligence prevents wars is the whole Grey October incident. If we hadn't had the T'Mir feeding us data... well we'd likely have assumed that was the Cardassians moving to war footing and the fleet heading towards us was an invasion force.

I strongly recommend Spying for Peace: Explaining the Absence of the Formal Regulation of Peacetime Espionage as in it's justification for the lack of regulation it goes heavily into the importance of espionage in maintaining peace.
To turn to a brighter topic, however, the Frontier Police reinforcements have arrived on New Rigel. The Syndicate appears to have given up efforts on the world, with any remaining assets having gone deep underground. Rear Admiral Uhura is assembling another convoy to take our assets to the next item on our agenda, the planet Freedom. The USS Lexington has arrived to bolster the task force in the absence of the Kearsage, a welcome development.

Per the Syndicate Campaign Status Post, Freedom is a planet very similar to New Rigel:

Orion Union Worlds
World - Population - Level of Corruption
Alukk - 20 - Extreme
Celos - 10 - High
Akola - 8 - Medium
Duaba - 7 - Extreme
Broken Chains - 6 - Low
Bradia - 4 - Extreme
Freedom - 4 - High
New Rigel - 4 - High
Nor'Orion - 3 - Medium
Qinal - 3 - High
Yavacia - 3 - Medium
Jagrava - 2 - Medium
Amepa - 2 - High
Shirjat - 2 - Medium
Hamilton - 2 - Medium
Xav - 2 - High

It seems like Uhura is trying to sweep through the Population 4 worlds with High or Extreme Corruption, making a sweep through Bradia, then New Rigel, and now on to Freedom. The question is, after that will she turn to the lower population worlds and try to clean up Qinal and Amepa and Xav? Or will she move in to try to work directly with the Orion Union on one of the high population worlds?

(I am sure the Syndicate would like very much to know the answer to this question.)
Rigellan Cutter and Caitian Swarmer were started and would finish this quarter, was the spreadsheet you shared up to date for 2312.Q2 or 2312.Q1 (need to know if I need to add these to their total)
2 Patrol Escorts started by Orion, are these Molhane Patrol Ships or a different class of escort
Risa Corvette was started, was this a light or heavy?
Orion Light Cruiser started is it the Onaya Reliable Intercept Orbiter or a different cruiser?
Risa Corvette was started was this a light or heavy?

For member worlds:
4 Escorts under construction and 6 being refitted
0 Cruisers under construction
4 Explorers under construction
Does that match what you have?
Up to date as of 2312.Q2 - that particular sheet is probably my most religiously updated.

Risan Heavy Corvettes are always explicitly stated as such.

Yes and Yes for the Orions.

And yes for the 4/6/0/4 totals.
Spreadsheet is up to date, pending clarification on numbers for affiliates (only tracking those over 300). With the provision that not all ships are included (for example none of the Apiata escorts since the last number we had was 19 but no breakdown of class).

Interesting numbers:
Federation (Starfleet, Members and Affiliates over 300) have 203 ships (222 with the 19 Apiata escorts)
578 Combat (missing the 19 Apiata escorts and 3 affiliate races have no stats for their ships).

Starfleet has 162 Combat (not including bonuses from experienced crew and explorer captains) and our member worlds have 331 Combat. Those totals do not include the 8 Mirandas under refit (2 Starfleet, 6 member worlds, 24 more combat total). Starfleet has 150 Science and our members have 273.
Starfleet has 12 explorers, our members 9 and affiliates 1. Escorts Starfleet has 21 and our members 71. Those numbers do not include ships under refit or under construction.

Edit: Changed to track all affiliates (only Seyek are under 300)
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Starfleet has 162 Combat (not including bonuses from experienced crew and explorer captains) and our member worlds have 331 Combat. Those totals do not include the 8 Mirandas under refit (2 Starfleet, 6 member worlds, 24 more combat total). Starfleet has 150 Science and our members have 273.
Starfleet has 12 explorers, our members 9 and affiliates 1. Escorts Starfleet has 21 and our members 71. Those numbers do not include ships under refit or under construction.

I would subtract on Excelsior from Starfleet's total. I mean, techncially the Stargazer is still here, but it's going to be leaving soon enough and be effectively gone from our fleet. Also, we have 6 Oberths rather than 4. You probably forgot the T'Mir and the new Oberth that just launched (the Torbriel). Also we have two Mirandas in refit, which means maybe we shouldn't 'count' them to our stats total. Do you count ships that member worlds have in refit?
Note I don't oppose using Oberths for intel duty, it's just... peak euphemism in a way I find really funny. Also really funny because I never pictured the Oberths being this badass.

Our "science ships" are going to "survey" the "shit" out of your ship movements.
I would subtract on Excelsior from Starfleet's total. I mean, techncially the Stargazer is still here, but it's going to be leaving soon enough and be effectively gone from our fleet. Also, we have 6 Oberths rather than 4. You probably forgot the T'Mir and the new Oberth that just launched (the Torbriel). Also we have two Mirandas in refit, which means maybe we shouldn't 'count' them to our stats total. Do you count ships that member worlds have in refit?
Ships under refit, construction and repair do not count to stat totals. I will add the oberths but prefer to keep the Stargazer included, we still have the ship even if it is not available and this also provides us a rough idea of where we stand in terms of combat score, science goals and defense goals

Edit: Though I just realized I forgot to take the Starfleet mirandas out of active status, had 10 when it should be 8. Member worlds I remembered that though
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Assign it to Intelligence, then put it in the SBZ. Tracking ship movement is crucial to defense of the region. It won't be doing event response in Intel but it will be doing very useful things.

I think we send an Oberth to Intelligence when Intelligence requests it. People keep framing it as we should "assign" an Oberth, but that's not how it worked with the T'Mir. Intelligence requested an Oberth from us and we sent them one. If Intelligence thinks they can use an Oberth in the Sydraxian Border Zone I would be happy to send them one, but they haven't asked. Possibly that means they don't think it would do anything useful, being able to get all the signals interception they want from the Starbase and existing ships.
Bodly Goes-Member and Affiliate Fleets

Above is a link to the Meber and Affilate Fleet spreadsheet, it also includes Starfleet.
I am missing a few things from the Affiliates
Indorians, Orions, Qolathi and Seyek need the ship stats.
For all the affiliates need the breakdown of ships, currently I took the numbers from the front page under the sector for their active ships. Ships under construction are from the MWCO reports you provide each quarter, which would not include any cruisers or explorers started before 2310.Q2.
For member worlds any cruisers or explorers started before 2310.Q2 are not included in the under construction numbers.
I think we send an Oberth to Intelligence when Intelligence requests it. People keep framing it as we should "assign" an Oberth, but that's not how it worked with the T'Mir. Intelligence requested an Oberth from us and we sent them one. If Intelligence thinks they can use an Oberth in the Sydraxian Border Zone I would be happy to send them one, but they haven't asked. Possibly that means they don't think it would do anything useful, being able to get all the signals interception they want from the Starbase and existing ships.

I see no reason why we shouldn't assign one. Frankly, if Intelligence isn't continually pestering the Admiral for more assets they aren't doing their job. In what situation do they say no to a dedicated ship? Every report we've gotten has basically said "we don't know" and dressed up their speculation in fancy prose.

@OneirosTheWriter, in a situation like this, are we permitted to make an Intelligence assignment?
I guess I was right, Syndicate has less actions, so that means they can spend more resources on each one.
Doesn't seem that way to me. Really it looks like the Syndicate did nothing important this turn. All notable events were consequences of previous turns or else the efforts of a different group, such as ourselves.
Starfleet and Members posses:
92 Active Escorts, 6 Under Construction and 8 Under refits
38 Active Cruisers, 7 Under Construction
21 Active Explorers, 10 Under Construction

Yes, between Starfleet and our Members we have 23 ships under construction and 8 refits, by comparison the Cardassians have 8 to 10 warships under construction . For affiliate worlds I have 8 escorts, 4 cruisers and 1 explorer that have started construction and not finished since we gained the MWCO.
Was referring to the whole Syndicate thing. The actual quest is great.

But like, oh my god the Syndicate's a black hole.

In-universe. It's not bad from a quest perspective because it's interspersed with all sorts of things going on elsewhere and other decisions to make. In fact, we rarely have any decisions to make on the Syndicate campaign itself. All we need do is witness in horror. But hey, at least we did something nice and are trying to get a relief caravan organized.

Still, what can you expect, right? I wouldn't be surprised if it's the work of at least a decade in quest, and even that is probably cutting things a little short from what would be 'realistic'. (Not that Star Trek cares a lot about realism.)
Speaking of intel, wasn't this going to be in the last Snakepit? I forgot about it myself, not that I was that active.

Starfleet Science Academy: 2310s Message Security

40 / 40 Centi-Cochrane Band Antenna (Subspace Communications Intercepts II) (Allow deployment of Improved Listening Posts)
20 / 20 Subspace Communications Encryption I (Improve Information Security)
20 / 20 Subspace Communications Decryption I (Improve Intelligence Phase Information)

[Allow deployment of Improved Listening Posts (Option for Snakepit)]
...Who gave Commodore Eaton tricobalt? YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!

Also, Oneiros, a question- are the Andorian and Earth ships still in Orion space participating in the campaign against the Syndicate? I don't think we've heard from them in a while.
...Who gave Commodore Eaton tricobalt? YOU KNEW THIS WOULD HAPPEN!

Also, Oneiros, a question- are the Andorian and Earth ships still in Orion space participating in the campaign against the Syndicate? I don't think we've heard from them in a while.
They both put in an appearance offering first-responder aid to the Celos situation, plus a few other things.