This is just my quick take on the situation and random thoughts, not a plan comparison...
I was under impression that Tipperary already was the KBZ's HQ, since it's basically the end of the supply route. So I think it would make more sense to build a Starbase to protect the Sector's HQ than to protect a not-as-important colony world. The Caldonian homeworld is a different story.
I dunno. Even ignoring the Dawiar, Shrantet is very exposed due to the sheer length of the KBZ. The colony might very well be closer to the nearest Klingon base than it is to Tipperary. They merit at least an outpost for their defense.
[looks at new Council structure]
Whoa. Diplomatic pushes are now
expensive. The
Constellation refits are now dirt cheap. New shipyards are cheap, to the point where the double-one-megaton yard at Betazed is actually starting to look
good... but shipyard expansions are still expensive.
More influence for Orion is cheap at the price, we should totally go for it. Sessions for dealing with our border problems are... pretty well priced, IMO. I'd like to see that hang around, it's a great idea.
The problem is, it's so expensive we can't afford to put it anywhere we aren't building jillions of ships, and the only place that qualifies is Sol. I feel like that's not exactly what Development wants.
So there are 28 pp left over. I would like new 1m berths to refit the Mirandas and the Constellations. (At 18pp the Constellation refit is a good deal, just not right now as we aren't finished with the Miranda refit.). The Betazed berths seem to be the cheapest, so:
[] Request new Shipyard at Betazed, 20pp (8 turns, 2 1mt Berths)
176 pp spent.
At the moment, Briefvoice HAS all the refits scheduled. And frankly, we
need refits in our existing berths, because we don't have the crew (or the resources) to keep up with what happens when Patricia Chen supercharges our existing berths to build ships at maximum rate. Having our small berths take a year of downtime to build something else is a much-needed rest.
So at the moment we really, really do not need more berths. Sooner or later Chen will either get the top slot, or retire, but that's a long way down the road. The same goes for that delicious but expensive heavy industrial complex.
1) Anti-Syndicate Legislation influence - the Syndicate is our highest priority to address, as not only are they directly a risk to our ships and infrastructure like the Sydraxians, they're also reducing our pp income (41pp last year!) edit: but looks like this costs 50pp rather than just 20pp
Still worth it. Even going off our best estimates of Syndicate strength, this conflict is going to last for something like five more years.
Especially with the latest election results, breaking the Syndicate's back is likely to become the defining achievement of Valentina Sousa's admiralty. If she doesn't succeed in doing so, it's going to break hers.
We already have a bit of an idea what the amended Syndicate legislation would do, something like an extra 10 impact per year with some running pp cost. So about a months worth of impact at the current rate. By going for it this year rather than next we might accelerate reaching the next threshold by a month. Ignoring the Sydraxians for another year could easily result in a lost explorer or worse. Given that the Syndicate legislation is also more expensive and would require a painful cult somewhere else and given that we already have an alternate means of applying more pressure (assigning more ships to the task force/the relevant sector fleets) I don't see why it should be anywhere near as urgent, let alone more urgent.
You're forgetting something.
Right now we're racking up something like 10 Impact/month, but the evidence suggests that a lot of our Impact is going 'splat' against Syndicate resilience. That significantly increases the payoff associated with having more Impact, because it brings us higher above the threshold imposed by their, ah... damage resistance.
And now I have to go probably, unless I'm much mistaken. So I won't have time to run a plan comparison or figure out in detail what I support until an hour or three from now, by which point things may look different or a very clear bandwagon fait accompli may have emerged.