It seems like you're way over-complicating things when we could send the Stargazer with them right now. All this "we can better prepare the Odyssey" is just after the fact justification, isn't it? You really just like the name.

Pretty much.

But I don't think there is any downside to it, unless Oneiros says so of course.
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Kind of hoping for more smaller ships to tag along.

A Centaur or Oberth would be a one-way trip. It would be almost impossible for a sub-megaton ship to return through several thousand lightyears unaided; only an explorer could manage. But which? Someone suggests one of the new Connie-Bs but that is shot down by Vice Admiral Chen and Vice Admiral ch'Vohlet. The Connie-Bs are not explorers, and aren't configured for it, especially not for long-haul missions. The Cheron could do it, as could any of the Excelsiors. Soon you thank everyone for coming and set out for your shuttle, lost in your thoughts as you walk.

That seems to explicitly put the kibosh on any idea of sending smaller ships along.
[x][KADESH] Pick a ship to send along with the Kadesh: USS Stargazer

Because the vote isn't over yet and I don't know if the Overcrew plan has any real advantages.
[x][KADESH] Pick a ship to send along with the Kadesh: USS Stargazer

Wouldn't overcrewing Stargazer pull people from the surviving Miracht crew? And thus guarantee that Odyssey can't possibly start out Blooded?
very common for junior officers to get night shift (or other shift) duty as the officer in charge on the bridge of a ship as part of a rotating cycle; it gives them some command experience
Miran is hilariously overqualified to be a junior officer... except that all her command experience came in the wrong uniform. She doesn't really know the Starfleet way of doing things, so.

Maybe intelligence officer? Not her specialty, but she is paranoid enough.

Leila had the best idea so far, though.
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Miran is hilariously overqualified to be a junior officer... except that all her command experience came in the wrong uniform. She doesn't really know the Starfleet way of doing things, so.
She's hilariously overqualified- but by that same token, she is supremely competent to serve her turn on the bridge as, say, "Lieutenant Commander Miranda, the assistant tactical officer." And of course, being very good at her job makes her a prime candidate to move up into any of the ship's senior officer slots (tactical, security, and operations being the big three) if anything happens along the journey.

Just saying. :)

EDIT: If she needs a backstory, we could say she's been serving on the T'Mir. That's a known Starfleet vessel, but all its operations for the past several years have been classified, so the odds are good that:

1) Nobody aboard the Stargazer has actually served recently on the T'Mir, and
2) Nobody's going to question her experience as a watch-standing officer. Plus,
3) An Oberth is probably fairly cramped and spartan, so any culture shock 'Miranda' experiences can be explained away by, oh... That, plus her being a transfer into Starfleet from some obscure colony world with weird religious views. :D

That's if we go through on this, which we don't have to obviously, I just wanted to be helpful and supportive of what other people might want to do.
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She's hilariously overqualified- but by that same token, she is supremely competent to serve her turn on the bridge as, say, "Lieutenant Commander Miranda, the assistant tactical officer." And of course, being very good at her job makes her a prime candidate to move up into any of the ship's senior officer slots (tactical, security, and operations being the big three) if anything happens along the journey.

Just saying. :)

On the other hand it'd probably give Linderly a heart attack. Maybe this was the plan all along! Something something infiltrator, something something steal a ship. I expect that if Miran and her crew do show up, it would be as civilians of some sort. And I also suspect that a lot of them just want to settle down somewhere and build a home free of the Union.
Given the way Linderly handled the whole affair toward Starfleet Command, I think Starfleet Command is entitled to give him a little heart attack in retaliation.
If we really wanted to punish Linderley, we'd put him in charge of media relations. Make distributing and publishing information his job.
[][KADESH] Plan Extra Light-Year (Cheron flavored)
edit vote changed... still doesnt change my feelings on the connie tho
I know mechanically sending an excelcior is the better option for the numbers provided but i absolutely have to vote for The Last Constitution

There was an earlier omake about the power of the Connie. It is The icon of Star Fleet. The andiorians who'd never seen space asked to draw a space ship drew a Connie. Connies are on many a Star Fleet unit patch. The chance to go face the unknown in an alley and make it run from us again and not use The Last Constitution would make Enterprise A roll in her moorings.

In another earlier omake where we got the ConnieBs, people were asking why we couldnt dust off the old As and dress them up for one more dance. Well this time we can, and a whole new section of the galaxy will think of the Constitution when they think of Star Fleet for a damn good reason, just like our people do.
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Commodore Leslie: "You know, I'm torn. My actual job description has me busy working on a project to help make this work... and at the same time, I've got to get the RSPS handbook updated for these poor bastards!"
...wait I am an idiot.

Odyssey already drew her crews, didn't she? All of Miracht's old crew should already be dedicated to her, and wouldn't be drawn away by overcrewing Stargazer.

[X][KADESH] Send the Stargazer and overcrew her. Add two extra units of every type of Explorer Corps crew, working to allow them to rotate living on the Pride of Kadesh. There's no replacement for casualties out in space, and it's inevitable that some crew will be lost or want to stay with the Kadesh at trip's end. This will give them the resources to make it home.