Maybe a job for Miran? You can't be further out of Cardassian sight and reach than that and I feel bad for every year we don't use a captain of her caliber.
o: D

In seriousness, she isn't Starfleet-trained, and the captain of the Stargazer is going to be a prominent figure - I am sure their story will be all over the media. What's "Penelope's" story? How did she earn such a prestigious command?

(This does make me a bit nervous about sending Ajam, too).

Now, slipping Miran in among the crew... that could work.

I think I like the idea, actually!
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[x][KADESH] Pick a ship to send along with the Kadesh: USS Stargazer

Yeah I'm not sure where this push for overcrewing is coming from either. We already have a crunch on available hands. Fail safe options should already be in place.
If we rely on the Kadash to carry our extra crew out, how do we get them home?

[X][KADESH] Pick a ship to send along with the Kadesh: USS Stargazer
o: D

In seriousness, she isn't Starfleet-trained, and the captain of the Stargazer is going to be a prominent figure - I am sure their story will be all over the media. What's "Penelope's" story? How did she earn such a prestigious command?

(This does make me a bit nervous about sending Ajam, too).

Now, slipping Miran in among the crew... that could work.

I think I like the idea, actually!

Miran (and possibly her officers), plus Nash, on the Kadesh explorer?

I am running this quest. I will MAKE TIME to run this quest.
o: D

In seriousness, she isn't Starfleet-trained, and the captain of the Stargazer is going to be a prominent figure - I am sure their story will be all over the media. What's "Penelope's" story? How did she earn such a prestigious command?

(This does make me a bit nervous about sending Ajam, too).

Now, slipping Miran in among the crew... that could work.

I think I like the idea, actually!
That sounds like it could work.
Can we offer her a job on the ship that accompanies the Kadeshi or is Miran to busy enjoying life in our wonderful post-scarcity society?
Put this way.

It's probably a lot easier to find room for extra crew on an Excelsior than it is to operate the ship at full efficiency with a bunch of people missing.

Also, the return trip is a lot shorter than the voyage out ("only" a couple of years). A bit of crowding on the outbound leg isn't such a bad thing.
or is Miran to busy enjoying life in our wonderful post-scarcity society?
"Can't right now, busy working my way through all your food alphabetically. Almost halfway through bread."
It's probably a lot easier to find room for extra crew on an Excelsior than it is to operate the ship at full efficiency with a bunch of people missing.
The default vote can't just not account for that. I figured any shortfall would be made up for with Kadeshi.
[x][KADESH] Pick a ship to send along with the Kadesh: USS Stargazer

I wish this had happened one year later; then we could have sent the Odyssey.

Oh and for those wondering the rewards/costs are massive. By sending a ship we gain 50pp directly, 180pp indirectly (3 militarization -> 0 at 60pp per pt), and assuming the Stargazer survives a minimum of another 240pp over 24 years. Meanwhile not sending a ship would cost 30pp directly and 60pp indirectly (3 militarization -> 4). So bare minimum we're looking at a difference of 320pp and more likely, I believe the Stargazer will make it home, 560pp.

I'm not factoring in Sulu's bonus or any mission pp rewards since we'd get that either way since the Stargazer is an EC ship.
We should go the extra mile light-year

[X][KADESH] Plan Extra Light-Year
-[X] Send the Stargazer and overcrew her.
-[X] Send a colony ship (as a write off if necessary) with industrial equipment, etc.
-[X] Request volunteer Betazoid counselors, etc
-[X] Request volunteers from the FBS
-[X] Request volunteer drive
-[X] Ask for a volunteer Admiral/commodore to lead the Starfleet mini-fleet
[x][KADESH] Pick a ship to send along with the Kadesh: USS Stargazer

I don't see a reason to overcrew. Crew losses are incredibly rare, if they happen its likely the Stargazer will be damaged enough that it won't make it back home anyways. And if they do loose someone, they can probably recruit amongst the Kadeshi, we are bound to get incredibly friendly with them over the course of this journey. A Starfleet Excelsior is definitely going to pull its weight, if you consider our higher techbase Stargazer is probably going to prove crucial if they want to reach the end of their journey.

Also, i wonder how much Presence the Pride of Kadesh has. Considering the reaction to it appearing above Earth, probably significantly more than a Galaxy.
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[X][KADESH] USS Stargazer

I'm assuming that the smart people in the EC office will know by how much (if necessary) they should over-crew her.
[X][KADESH] Plan Extra Light-Year
-[X] Send the Stargazer and overcrew her.
-[X] Send a colony ship (as a write off if necessary) with industrial equipment, etc.
-[X] Request volunteer Betazoid counselors, etc
-[X] Request volunteers from the FBS
-[X] Request volunteer drive
-[X] Ask for a volunteer Admiral/commodore to lead the Starfleet mini-fleet
We should treat this as what it is, creating a tiny colony of the federation off in the distance. It might not be the same polity as the federation, but another non-trivial group who shares the same values is important.

This is not just a weirdly long escort mission, it is creating an off-site backup for the values that matter so much to us.
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[X][KADESH] Pick a ship to send along with the Kadesh: USS Stargazer


Bandwagon ho!

Seriously though other people've already given good reasons, so I have nothing.
For physical loot, maybe send along a non-expendable long-range freighter on the first leg, to turn around when it needs to or is full and bring home whatever stuff the Kadeshi have no need for?

[X][KADESH] Pick a ship to send along with the Kadesh: USS Stargazer
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*pokes @AKuz who remembers these things* :V

Okay, first, this is literally Maryam Ajam's greatest dream and Fantasy. She was born for this sort of mission. Any bias of creation aside, I can think of no character introduced so far in this quest more tempermentally suited for this mission.

As to the other thing, I haven't finished it yet because I've been either working, or sick lately (And because I've got a couple other projects) But Maryam Ajam is going to come back to a very young child. Which is the only thing that would hold her back.

On the other hand, the Kadeshi are taking an entire civilization along her child and Husbando (Ralin isnt quite as filled with wanderlust as Maryam, but he is the exemplar of Amarki curiosity and xenophilia) could possibly stay on the mothership along with whatever other... "replacements" are conceived along the way.

Which actually brings me to another point. "Overloading" on Starfleet EC crew doesn't necessarily mean that they will have to pile onto Stargazer. They can serve and live on the Kadeshi ships as transfer officers and advisors. Starfleet has a deep and intricate institutional knowledge of exploration and deepspace survival. If we can provide that to the Kadeshi and help them to survive and thrive; that is a clear win. That they will also serve as a reserve for Stargazer is a clear bonus.
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