I'm not sure it works that way on the doctrines, Briefvoice, though I love the idea. Plus, Combined Arms is ALL combat bonuses, and the Betazoids probably aren't going to be rushing to pick fights.
Should we consider building/designating a 3mt Starfleet berth to be explicitly a repair berth, kept open constantly unless needed for repairs?
In a word? Yes.
Actually, I
love the idea of making the Amarkia Yard a designated repair yard. It'll appeal to the Amarki if we pitch it right (we're putting it here because this is the strongest fortress system in the Federation), and there may be synergy with the auxiliary yards we're already planning to construct there.
The Amarki are welcome and indeed encouraged to keep building their own badass explorers, of course.
So I'm a little late to the vote and I doubt it will get much traction but on the off chance it does. Perhaps we should suggest that one of our member worlds designs a new Long-range Explorer ship. One of our constant worries with our current long rang explorers is if they ever run into anything that is not directly science related and they are alone they are pretty much toast. Which kind of makes using them in their intended purpose difficult. Perhaps some like the Vulcans who have a lot of experience with designing that kind of ship.
The big problem with this is that there is doubtful advantage in the eyes of the member world. They couldn't afford to build more than one or two such ships, and the ships would be doing deep space exploration that would not directly benefit the member world. Deep space exploration is our job, remember?
We could ask the Vulcans to design the ship while
we agree to build it, of course. But that would be pretty much the same as asking the Council to let us design the ship ourselves.
I doubt we can outsource design work to member worlds as a way of avoiding the political willpower cost of making new designs for ourselves.
I would also like to point out that
T'Mir has been operating in or near Cardassian space for something like five or six years by now. As far as we can tell, the Cardies don't even know the ship is there, let alone have much chance of catching it. Despite the fact that pretty much every ship in their fleet is faster and well armed enough to beat it in a straight fight.
It would seem that a science vessel can actually do very, very well at staying out of trouble, if it makes the effort, stays cautious, and doesn't just go charging into every dangerous anomaly or strange situation they find. If they can fly around under the Cardassians' noses for years, I figure they can do the same out in deep space. We don't assign them to that mission, but if we tried, I doubt it would go worse for them than it does for the
I'm not sure why people are calling science ships Long Range Explorers. Of the canon vessels that aren't full up capital ships only the Interpid is actually meant for that and even it's really more of a scout or science cruiser. You want long range exploration, send an actual cap ship.
Honestly, it just seems to be what Starfleet calls science-oriented ships. I'm not inclined to worry about it too much.
So I've had an idea for an Omake or few since I hit the Orion Syndicate Arc (as it were). But I'd need some help getting it in a state where it'd fit into everything else. I'm honestly a bit intimidated by how good some of the other Omakes have been, too! But I shall soldier on as shamelessly as possible.
I doubt I can help you, but I like the idea.
I have no issue what so ever with us doing that. Now I will admit that for the most part I stay out of that thread, so there may have been some discussion over there about it but I have seen little to no interest in this one of people being interested in prototyping a new any time in the near or even mid term future.
It's been discussed in this thread. Repeatedly.
The main reason nobody's talking about doing it is because we've spent the last few years getting a desperately needed pair of new cruiser designs, and a strongly desired next-generation explorer, ready. Once the
Ambassador is safely designed and work begins on the prototype, the logical next step is to work on improving our science vessel and escort design(s). You'll see more discussion of that in a few more years' game time. Frankly, the idea of doing it NOW is a non-starter, and it's doubtful that we'd derive much benefit from hurrying, because even if we designed a next-generation science vessel right now, we wouldn't have time to build a significant number of them for about, oh, five years or more.