I'm not super-salty over losing on every vote, but I do wish people would reconsider picking Eaton for Amarkia. It's a much more natural posting. She's already in the region, we know her and want her career to progress, it might help her with running the anti-Syndicate ships, and she gets a decent bonus.

Not picking her just so she continues to give the research bonus on a job she's not even really doing is kind of skeevy. I hope we don't get the research bonus this year, even if she isn't picked for duty as Amarkia commodore. She's not actually in San Francisco doing the work that would provide it.
[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
[X][RIGEL] Captain Yamaha Ichigo
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...oh wait I forgot to vote, didn't I?

[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
[X][RIGEL] Captain Maryam Ajam

IIRC the original reason we did the VA Chief of Staff billet was for Chen's benefit, by the by.
[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
[X][RIGEL] Captain Maryam Ajam

I'm convinced.
Not picking her just so she continues to give the research bonus on a job she's not even really doing is kind of skeevy. I hope we don't get the research bonus this year, even if she isn't picked for duty as Amarkia commodore. She's not actually in San Francisco doing the work that would provide it.

Eh you sure you aren't salty? Similar to how Spock could continue his xenopsychology research while he was helping out with diplomancing away the Caitain-Dawiar war, one could make the argument that Eaton's getting field research with sensor work done while trying to catch those sneaky Syndicate bastards.

I don't mind either Eaton or th'Marlaas winning this vote. Let's not be spiteful here.

Speaking of this vote, they're now tied at 12 votes each.

Anyone up for Omaking Chen more? She's going to be Admiral, so we might as well get to know her.

Way too soon to proclaim that Patricia Chen is gonna be Admiral in the future. There will be a lot potential candidates for that in the 2320s or so when (supposedly) Sulu retires. We all thought Nash was going to be a shoo-in for a third FYM and look how that turned out. Heck, let's not be complacent and just assume that Sulu will be our next Admiral.
[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
[X][RIGEL] Captain Maryam Ajam
Which is a reminder that most captains who lose their ship or take enough damage that it's nearly destroyed pretty much have their careers ended by it. Even if cleared by an investigations board, there are usually enough other talented people competing for the same jobs that it's easier to pick the one who didn't manage to have a ship shot out from under her. That's why Captain Revak's ability to have his career survive the explosion on the Cheron was so remarkable. Personal deflector shields indeed.

In other words, things don't look good for Mbeki....

Poor Mbeki; it'll take a miracle for him to get another command after this.
I'd be willing to sacrifice a bit for the sake of that miracle. Mbeki's a good captain, and this looks to have been the kind of event that it would have been really hard to figure out a way out of. Furthermore, he managed to save almost his entire crew even when his ship was being shot at by weapons that chewed it to pieces in a matter of, what... a minute, tops?

I'd like us to NOT throw this guy under the bus. Or, depending on when the consequences kick in, for Sulu to not throw him under the bus.

....Or the hundreds of highly trained Starfleet personnel on the ground walk over and disable them...
Mindful of the fact that you now know they're on the moon, not the planet, I gotta say...

That's going to be a long uphill walk, followed by a long downhill tumble.

Everybody gets we don't actually have to plan a 'rescue the crew of the Miracht' operation, right? That sort of thing happens well below the level of Fleet Admiral. In fact, I'm 90% sure it'll happen automatically without further rolls.
Yes, but it's really really fun to talk about, Briefvoice.


I mean come on, I bet that Kahurangi thinks about stuff like this in her spare time. "How would I handle this, when I was a captain back in the good old days?" And I know damn well Sulu would. Making up plans to save hundreds of people with their spaceship in the face of terrifying gigantic particle zorch cannons is how they relax!

IIRC the original reason we did the VA Chief of Staff billet was for Chen's benefit, by the by.
Chen can still benefit from there being five Vice Admiral slots rather than four, even if we don't immediately push her into the first such slot that opens up over the head of the guy who's been doing the job for six years.

I mean really, does it even make sense for Kahurangi to appoint a new chief of staff like a month or two before she retires? As far as I can tell, that's just an exercise in screwing over Sulu, because now he has to work with a chief of staff who he kinda-sorta-knows, instead of with the guy he's been interacting with in that professional capacity for years.

[Note: this objection matters less if Chen and Sulu have been working together closely at some point]

I mean we the players know, but does Admiral Kahurangi?
Firstly, Nash and Kahurangi (who have equal amounts of knowledge about what happened) are not acting like they think the crew of the Miracht is dead, in Oneiros's post(s).

Secondly, the saucer of an Excelsior is a large and very well equipped base of operations. It seems likely that the crew of the Miracht would be able to jury-rig a transmitter or two. Or for that matter, it's even possible that the ship still has working communications devices that survived the crash.
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I'd be willing to sacrifice a bit for the sake of that miracle. Mbeki's a good captain, and this looks to have been the kind of event that it would have been really hard to figure out a way out of. Furthermore, he managed to save almost his entire crew even when his ship was being shot at by weapons that chewed it to pieces in a matter of, what... a minute, tops?

I joked about Kahurangi taking the fall last time we had a disaster and this time it's even more practical, as we're about to resign anyway.
Chen can still benefit from there being five Vice Admiral slots rather than four, even if we don't immediately push her into the first such slot that opens up over the head of the guy who's been doing the job for six years.

I mean really, does it even make sense for Kahurangi to appoint a new chief of staff like a month or two before she retires? As far as I can tell, that's just an exercise in screwing over Sulu, because now he has to work with a chief of staff who he kinda-sorta-knows, instead of with the guy he's been having Meet The Vice Admirals dinners with for a few years and even got to have Zany Shuttlecraft HIjinks with last year. :)
...actually pretty fair.

[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
[X][RIGEL] Captain Maryam Ajam
@aeqnai, be advised that I had to edit the part of my post you replied to, as i had mis-remembered a rather obvious fact. I think my argument stands, though: that if anyone's going to appoint a new chief of staff, it should be Sulu, or whoever else winds up running Starfleet next.

I joked about Kahurangi taking the fall last time we had a disaster and this time it's even more practical, as we're about to resign anyway.
Eh, I feel like this time, there's no need for anyone to take the fall.

Yes, something went wrong, a ship was lost. But the loss was caused by an alien supertech ambush. It really, truly, was "nobody's fault." This was not the result of a failure of intelligence to know there were mines, or a failure of diplomats to know the locals resolve debates through ritual combat. It certainly wasn't negligence on the part of the captain or the Explorer Corps.

Although we do need to learn our lessons from the incident, and amend the Explorer Corps procedures to be more thorough about scanning planetary surfaces for potential weapons installations, and watching them closely so that we're ready if something happens. It might or might not have helped this time, but what if the automated defense system had launched something a bit tamer, like a spread of pre-warp five megaton surface to space missiles?
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Space is hazardous, doubly so for the Explorer Corps. Frankly I'm amazed we made it ten years without losing an Excelsior. Given how the Federation loses a starship every other episode in TOS and TNG, we've done pretty well.

Mbeki probably will go on sabbatical for a bit after the hearing, and then take some non-command position where he can start working up through the ranks again. I doubt we'll want to put him in charge of an Explorer again.
I'd be willing to sacrifice a bit for the sake of that miracle. Mbeki's a good captain, and this looks to have been the kind of event that it would have been really hard to figure out a way out of. Furthermore, he managed to save almost his entire crew even when his ship was being shot at by weapons that chewed it to pieces in a matter of, what... a minute, tops?

I'd like us to NOT throw this guy under the bus. Or, depending on when the consequences kick in, for Sulu to not throw him under the bus.

See, you view it as 'throwing under the bus' because you're looking at it like Mbeki would be denied something he deserves. But you know, lining up behind him are a dozen other potential captains each of whom is just as brave, just as competent, and has just as much talent and drive and love for the stars. I'm not so much saying that Mbkei is 'nothing special' He is special, but there are also other people who are equally special.

They might reasonably ask why he gets two chances to captain a ship after his first one ended in disaster rather than them getting their shot. And you know, they'll have a point.
And I'd like to back up what other have said about this: The Miracht did not fail.
The purpose of every spaceframe is to get the crew back to ground safely and she did that admirably in a wildly unexpected failure mode.
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 870 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.6


[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Victoria Eaton
No. of Votes: 13

[X][AMARKIA] Commodore Thraan th'Marlaas
No. of Votes: 12

[X][AMARKIA] Captain Cergun ag Hugac
No. of Votes: 6


[X][RIGEL] Commodore T'Lam
No. of Votes: 16

[X][RIGEL] Captain Maryam Ajam
No. of Votes: 10

[X][RIGEL] Captain Yamada Ichigo
No. of Votes: 3

Task: VICE

[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Shey ch'Tharvasse
No. of Votes: 19

[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Patricia Chen
No. of Votes: 9

[X][VICE] Rear Admiral Sanik
No. of Votes: 3

Total No. of Voters: 31

If this stands, looks like Victoria will get to have an Excelsior flagship.

@OneirosTheWriter, could Eaton actually plant her flag on the USS Salnas, and effectively bring in Amarkia sector forces to help more directly with the anti-Syndicate campaign?

Although we do need to learn our lessons from the incident, and amend the Explorer Corps procedures to be more thorough about scanning planetary surfaces for potential weapons installations, and watching them closely so that we're ready if something happens. It might or might not have helped this time, but what if the automated defense system had launched something a bit tamer, like a spread of pre-warp five megaton surface to space missiles?

Showerthought: what if the Miracht's scans woke up whatever automated defense systems were on the planet even before the Miracht reached orbit? Something else to test out with whatever rescue mission is sent - or has been sent.
Let's test theories about what the planetary defense network will and will not shoot at AFTER we rescue the hundreds of stranded crew on the moon, shall we? Using the same ship to rescue the shot-down crew and test the defenses' willingness to fire on ships sounds a little too Gaeni for me.

See, you view it as 'throwing under the bus' because you're looking at it like Mbeki would be denied something he deserves. But you know, lining up behind him are a dozen other potential captains each of whom is just as brave, just as competent, and has just as much talent and drive and love for the stars. I'm not so much saying that Mbkei is 'nothing special' He is special, but there are also other people who are equally special.

They might reasonably ask why he gets two chances to captain a ship after his first one ended in disaster rather than them getting their shot. And you know, they'll have a point.
Bluntly, what matters to me is that he isn't left to have his career implode.

Honestly, promoting him to commodore and assigning him something that doesn't involve the captain's chair seems like a perfectly reasonable response. Do we have a job description like "guy who writes the go-to-hell plans in case something horrible happens to a ship and you have to try really hard to survive?"

Remember that Mbeki's been a captain ever since we moved Thuir into the explorer corps. I bet he's just about got enough seniority in grade now.


My position, in general, is this.

Flag officers should have to take the fall for disasters which occur in areas they're responsible for, if there is evidence that the flag officer in question could plausibly have avoided the incident.

If a captain, by contrast, does everything realistically in their power to save their crew and makes no obvious mistakes that could be identified without benefit of hindsight... their career should not be broken as a result. Especially not if they have a track record of successful, talented action that indicates they were simply the victims of bad luck.

Captains are responsible for doing their best to balance mission requirements and the safety of their crew, which means they are inevitably exposed directly to a greater amount of risk. Turning on them when that risk explodes in their face, after they did everything right to the best of their (or anyone's) ability, is grossly unfair and bad for the long-term interests of the service.

Because it encourages a degree of risk-aversion that translates into a mindset of "Why take the risk of surveying an unknown planet that could have dead-man's-switch weapons or super-diseases? Why even look, if looking could backfire?"

It translates into "why should we go out there?"
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