They're not violent lunatics either. Cardassia has not gone to war because it isn't in their interests to fight us and take heavy casualties regardless of outcome. Even if they win, they don't necessarily gain. This situation still pertains and is likely to for the foreseeable future.
They might however come to the conclusion that it is in the Bajorans best interest for them to fall under the protective aegis of the Cardassian fleet.
It wasn't in the Cardassians best interests to get into sucessive wars with most of the significant powers in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants either. That is still what ended up happening in the prime continuity.

Just because it is not a good idea doesn't mean they won't do it, they aren't stupid, but the aren't super rational about their own interests either.Their leadship's psychology and cultural biases heavily impact their decision making.
Hey, if we get into a war with the Cardies now, and they start it, we get the Klingons. This will delay the Klingon-Romulan war, since the Romulans don't want to annoy the Federation when we are actively conducting joint operations with the Klingons.

Also, going back to the Kadesh Escort, we should have Nash in command of a fleet composed of Enterprise, a Romulan ship, and a Klingon ship.

Everyone participated in Kadesh Orbit, so we should all join in on this fleet. It might also lead to peace, or a temporary armistice.
It wasn't in the Cardassians best interests to get into sucessive wars with most of the significant powers in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants either. That is still what ended up happening in the prime continuity.

Not of their own choice. The Klingons came after them without prompting. (Both times.) The Cardassians aren't stupid. They'll only fight if they think they can make gains from it, and all our interactions so far have confirmed this. At the moment a war would probably gut us both and they have demonstrated awareness of this fact. Unless they come out of their isolation convinced that we are an existential threat, they aren't going to accept a war under these terms. Losing Bajor would be bad, but it doesn't spell the end of the Union. They have whole other borders than ours.
Given we are having Intel monitoring Cardassian activity as a regular priority, if we push at their clients and potential clients, we should be able to tell if we are raising tension sharply, and hopefully back off if and when we hit that point.

I think from a Starfleet perspective, having bajor on our side of a possible neutral zone would be nice, but I think higher level/Federation council diplomacy to try to negotiate an official boundary where are expansions are intersecting is more important.
Going off of this post, Excelsior is NCC-2001, which solves your off by one error. NCC-2002 originally belonged to Enterprise, as @aeqnai mentioned, so that means Sarek must be NCC-2004.
...Excelsior was canonically NX-2000. Which honestly makes a great deal of sense with our current numbering scheme. I'd rather it not be renumbered.
This aside, there are several explanations for how "ship 2001" could be missing.

-It could be a separate prototype ship, a competitor to Excelsior that was designed, issued a registry number, maybe even laid down... but never completed.
-It could have been scrapped for one reason or another as part of treaty negotiations with the Klingons (unlikely since we haven't heard anything out of them about our massive Excelsior building program otherwise.
-It could, yes, have been lost in action.

Eh, I'm hopeful that it wouldn't go *straight* to war. If the Cardassians tell us to back off and not interfere with he Bajorans further and we comply then there should be no problem, right? The Council just needs an actual warning.

Anyway, vote for Nix's plan if staying away from the Bajorans is your preeminent concern. A new Computer team would certainly be useful.
Honestly, I really think the border zone is a good idea, and I really think trying to make Bajor an affiliate in the next year or two is a bad idea. I think I'm just going to go back and edit my vote out entirely; there are no longer any plans I want to endorse.

Yes, the Cardassians have been great about communicating through diplomatic channels in the past, haven't they?
This. There is little or no evidence of Cardassia caring in the slightest about communicating with us, except when they wanted to lie to us and make demands. It would hardly be out of character with their past actions if they decided to simply attack us without warning.

Or what if they don't attack us directly, and settle for attacking Bajor? What if they take Bajor crossing the 100 relations line with the Federation as evidence that the Bajorans have 'betrayed' them? What if they don't quietly accede to that, and demand that Bajor continue supplying Cardassia with resources?

We don't have nearly enough ships anywhere near Bajor to protect them from a Cardassian fleet. It would probably take us something like a month to assemble enough force to chase the Cardassians away, and by then they'd be quite well entrenched. Meanwhile the Sydraxians would have a golden opportunity to harass our flanks, and a few well-placed Syndicate attacks on our logistics could cause a lot of mayhem too.

This is why I keep talking about whether we have the force to commit to this. Making Bajor an affiliate is escalation. That doesn't make it morally wrong- quite the opposite- but it is an action that is very likely to have consequences. We are not prepared for those consequences.

It wasn't in the Cardassians best interests to get into sucessive wars with most of the significant powers in the Alpha and Beta Quadrants either. That is still what ended up happening in the prime continuity.

Just because it is not a good idea doesn't mean they won't do it, they aren't stupid, but the aren't super rational about their own interests either.Their leadship's psychology and cultural biases heavily impact their decision making.
This. I mean seriously, the TNG-era Federation had just got done fighting a war with Cardassia. Does anyone here really think that happened because the Federation attacked them?

Hey, if we get into a war with the Cardies now, and they start it, we get the Klingons. This will delay the Klingon-Romulan war, since the Romulans don't want to annoy the Federation when we are actively conducting joint operations with the Klingons.
Are you SURE it works that way? Because I'm not.

Especially if the Klingons have an excuse like "well yeah, but the Cardassians wouldn't have attacked you if you weren't messing around in their backyard." Or if the Cardassians attack Bajor (due to its new status as a Federation affiliate) and we decide to go in to rescue the Bajorans. The Klingons will definitely say we started it then.

Not of their own choice. The Klingons came after them without prompting. (Both times.) The Cardassians aren't stupid. They'll only fight if they think they can make gains from it, and all our interactions so far have confirmed this. At the moment a war would probably gut us both and they have demonstrated awareness of this fact. Unless they come out of their isolation convinced that we are an existential threat, they aren't going to accept a war under these terms. Losing Bajor would be bad, but it doesn't spell the end of the Union. They have whole other borders than ours.
Then why did the Cardassians end up fighting the Federation in canon?

I'm pretty sure it isn't because the Federation that taught Picard how to idealist somehow posed an existential threat to Cardassia.

Given we are having Intel monitoring Cardassian activity as a regular priority, if we push at their clients and potential clients, we should be able to tell if we are raising tension sharply, and hopefully back off if and when we hit that point.
It'd be nice to think so- but it may well be that the first warning we get that the Cardassians have decided to resort to force is when they mass an invasion fleet and throw it at Bajor.
...I think a lot of people are being reckless.
Welcome to the wonderful world of risk-management. Ain't it grand? making a step in the direction of denying the Cardassians Bajor really worth giving them a damn good reason to start actively trying to mess us up?
Once the Cardassians calm down and ease up on the political purges, they're likely to go right back to 'actively trying to mess us up,' as you say. Anything we do or don't do will constitute valid justification in their eyes for continuing their shenanigans.

Would you like them to start running weapons to the Syndicate? Providing active support to the Dawiar and trying to turn them against us again? Helping the Sydraxians re-arm themselves with more cruisers? Turning the Yrillians into some kind of demented Mini-Me version of Cardassia?
Unfortunately, we can expect the Cardassians to do all these things anyways. Right now, however, their ability to act outside their own borders is curtailed by a state-wide panic and witch-hunt. Once that ends, their ability to contest Federation influence will only increase, especially as their shipbuilding program will not simply sit back on its heels. And make no mistake, it will end, given time.*

We are never going to get a better opportunity to make up lost diplomatic ground on the Cardassian border than right now, when the Cardassians aren't even answering phone calls from their affiliates and allies. If we can't afford to risk a diplomatic push on Bajor now, while the Cardassians are clearly on the back foot, then we certainly won't be able to risk such in the future.

Much like the Kadeshi, this is a case of 'now or never.'

We should pick fights now, when we are weak, because we will be too afraid to do it when we are strong?
"Now paging Commodore T'Lorel!" :V

* Or, the Cardassian Union will fracture under the stress into warlordism, becoming a failed state - the Yrillians writ large. However, that particular scenario is a little too dreadful for me to contemplate.
Then why did the Cardassians end up fighting the Federation in canon?

Do I need to go back and quote the idea that the Cardassians don't like us because we are their polar opposites? And that the TNG-era Federation's war was after a few generations of getting to know and contempt for the Federation, and fully underestimate its willingness to fight as a nation of pacifists? (It's also worth pointing out that the Cardassian War as described then doesn't seem to have been prosecuted particularly vigorously; neither side risked or lost everything and the war ended with a slightly altered status quo ante.)

The Cardassians of now in this quest have plenty of evidence to suggest the exact opposite, most of it coming in the form of Nash and the Enterprise having proved that despite titling them "explorers" the Excelsiors make no mean combatants and Starfleet is willing to use them that way. Ten years down the line they may decide we are nation of weaklings whose ideology is contaminating their way of life dangerously. Right now, we are an equal power, something they have no experience with, and they are cautious because we look strong enough to fight them.

You're not this naive. You've actually read the intel briefings we get. You've seen the same Captain's Logs.
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I'm mostly gambling that A. Bajor isn't as important to Cardassia as people seem to think and B. that the Cardassians are too busy assigning blame for the Kadek-Tor to actually maintain a solid front. Last we saw of the Cardassian government they were happily purging and settling grudges, plus the usual tensions between the military and Obsidian Order.

Moving now is like moving against the Soviet Union right after they finished the Great Purge. They won't like it, but they've got more than enough problems at home to deal with.
Welcome to the wonderful world of risk-management. Ain't it grand?

Once the Cardassians calm down and ease up on the political purges, they're likely to go right back to 'actively trying to mess us up,' as you say. Anything we do or don't do will constitute valid justification in their eyes for continuing their shenanigans.

Unfortunately, we can expect the Cardassians to do all these things anyways. Right now, however, their ability to act outside their own borders is curtailed by a state-wide panic and witch-hunt. Once that ends, their ability to contest Federation influence will only increase, especially as their shipbuilding program will not simply sit back on its heels. And make no mistake, it will end, given time.*
Basically, my perception is this:

An undistracted Federation can handle anything Cardassia throws at it. Right now, we are distracted by the Syndicate and to an extent by the Sydraxians. IF the Cardassians stay at least as distracted as we are, then find, we can cope with whatever they do. But then I have to consider what happens if they aren't that badly distracted, if their political purges wind down a bit, or if some charismatic and powerful new figure takes charge using the "external threat" of the Federation borders as a justification to crack down on the chaos.

Then we're in trouble.

I would MUCH rather put our internal affairs in order and clear minor threats from our flanks (far from Cardassia, but near to us). As opposed to stirring up a whole new hornet's nest that may very well be just the thing that jogs the Cardassians into thinking of us as an external threat they need to unite in order to oppose.

We are never going to get a better opportunity to make up lost diplomatic ground on the Cardassian border than right now, when the Cardassians aren't even answering phone calls from their affiliates and allies.
Which is why I favor using this time to roll up the Cardassian-dominated threats on our flanks, the Sydraxians and the Dawiar, using as much diplomacy and if need be a little firepower, as possible.

With our flanks clear, we have less reason to worry about getting nutcrackered in the event of a war, should the Cardassians decide they'd like one.

If we can't afford to risk a diplomatic push on Bajor now, while the Cardassians are clearly on the back foot, then we certainly won't be able to risk such in the future.
On the contrary. In a few years I suspect we'll be able to afford just about anything the Cardassians can throw at us, whereas right now I don't think we can.

Much like the Kadeshi, this is a case of 'now or never.'
The Kadeshi are now or never because their entire species is leaving our space within a year or two.

Did the Prophets show up to tow Bajor through the wormhole or something?

"Now paging Commodore T'Lorel!" :V
To be fair, that's a good one. If you're talking about the idea of seeking out conflict when one is week, only to evade it when one has reinforcements.

Do I need to go back and quote the idea that the Cardassians don't like us because we are their polar opposites? And that the TNG-era Federation's war was after a few generations of getting to know and contempt for the Federation, and fully underestimate its willingness to fight as a nation of pacifists? (It's also worth pointing out that the Cardassian War as described then doesn't seem to have been prosecuted particularly vigorously; neither side risked or lost everything and the war ended with a slightly altered status quo ante.)
Most Alpha Quadrant wars not involving the Dominion seem to end with a slightly altered status quo ante, actually...

More generally, I don't think we can assume "the Cardassians only attacked because they decided the pre-TNG Federation was PACIFIST WEAK, not STRONG LIKE US." That smacks of wishful thinking.

The Cardassians of now in this quest have plenty of evidence to suggest the exact opposite, most of it coming in the form of Nash and the Enterprise having proved that despite titling them "explorers" the Excelsiors make no mean combatants and Starfleet is willing to use them that way. Ten years down the line they may decide we are nation of weaklings whose ideology is contaminating their way of life dangerously. Right now, we are an equal power, something they have no experience with, and they are cautious because we look strong enough to fight them.

You're not this naive. You've actually read the intel briefings we get. You've seen the same Captain's Logs.
See, in this argument we're gambling way too much on the Cardassians' intentions, is my point.

If you're right, and the Cardassians are afraid to fight us because Nash has them terrified of what our explorers are capable of, great. But what if they're not afraid? What if the Obsidian Order is about to come out on top of an internal political struggle and put commissars aboard ships who will kill anyone who acts on this fear, forcing them to fight us whether they think they can win or not? What if the Cardassians look at the Caitian-Dawiar War, note that we didn't interfere directly to help an affiliate even when our own ships had been attacked and wrecked, and decide that they can safely just attack Bajor to prevent us from getting access to its resources?

If we're not prepared to deal with what happens after one of those "what ifs," we are not prepared to deal with the potential consequences of Bajor becoming an affiliate.
A major part of my objection to pushing Bajor is that the Cardassians are inward focused right now. We should be exploiting this to secure our position not taking actions that strongly risk encouraging them to start messing with us again.

Take advantage of this opportunity to peel away the Daiwar/Yrillians and make progress with the Syndicate. After that we can start with actions that have a higher risk of focusing the Cardassians on us again.

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This debate is going around in circles and arguments are being repeated. There's just too many unknowns to conclusively calculate the risk of provoking Cardassia, or the present and future strength of Cardassia, or when Cardassia will resolve internal struggles, or the Federation's ability to handle the Sydraxian and Syndicate threats (intel reports would be helpful here!). On top of that, everyone has their own risk aversion thresholds.
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Basically, my perception is this:

An undistracted Federation can handle anything Cardassia throws at it.

You assume that an undistracted Federation will ever exist; I think we can agree that will never come to pass.

But then I have to consider what happens if they aren't that badly distracted, if their political purges wind down a bit, or if some charismatic and powerful new figure takes charge using the "external threat" of the Federation borders as a justification to crack down on the chaos.

It's not a question of if, but rather when. The answer is, not immediately. They're going to get their act together, sooner or later. Do we want to capitalize on this opportunity, or let it pass by and allow the Cardassians to resume their diplomatic campaign without even making our pitch?

I would MUCH rather put our internal affairs in order and clear minor threats from our flanks (far from Cardassia, but near to us). As opposed to stirring up a whole new hornet's nest that may very well be just the thing that jogs the Cardassians into thinking of us as an external threat they need to unite in order to oppose.
The Syndicate, as internal problems go, isn't going away any time soon. The Dawiar and Sydraxians are also not going to be resolved overnight, discussions of interstellar political borders notwithstanding. When, not if, the Cardassians start messing around again, I would much rather they be in our current position of having too much to do, and not enough to do it with.

In a few years I suspect we'll be able to afford just about anything the Cardassians can throw at us, whereas right now I don't think we can.
That sword cuts both ways; we haven't gotten a good handle for what's on the far side of the Cardassian Union yet, but there simply had to be reasons they didn't mobilize even more ships than they actually did when they were trying to track down Kadak-Tor.

They can't risk open war any more than we can; that's why they've been using every trick in the book to avoid war while still taking steps to check us.

The Kadeshi are now or never because their entire species is leaving our space within a year or two.
And in a year or two, the Cardassians will have gotten their act together and cemented relations with Bajor. Trying to pry away an affiliate is going to provoke them considerably more than trying to pry away a star nation with undecided leanings. The only reason that people aren't flipping out at the prospect of flipping the Dawiar to the Federation sphere of influence is that we and our affiliates will box them in with our borders.

Did the Prophets show up to tow Bajor through the wormhole or something?
That's a hilarious image; thank you!

What if the Cardassians look at the Caitian-Dawiar War, note that we didn't interfere directly to help an affiliate even when our own ships had been attacked and wrecked, and decide that they can safely just attack Bajor to prevent us from getting access to its resources?
I wouldn't say we didn't interfere; we simply acted deliberately, sending a heavy asset to back up our negotiator. We refused to panic; we did not refuse to act, and I'm reasonably sure the Cardassians recognize gunboat diplomacy when they see it.
Have a current (and I believe accurate) tally:
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 776 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4


[X][COUNCIL] Plan Betazoids Plus One
-[X] Establish Betazoid Counsellors in Starfleet vessels, starting with Explorer Corps, 8 turns, 40pp (Increased Retention nets +.25 Officer/Crew/Technician in Explorer Corps)
-[X] NEW Request Mining Colony at Tagh Pakot, 8pp (4 turns, gain +15 sr / year)
-[X] NEW Request Mining Colony at Lapycorias XIII, 8pp (4 turns, gain +25 br/year)
-[X] NEW Request Research Colony at Ke'Luur, 8pp (6 turns, gain +7rp/year)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Yrillians) [Can be taken up to four times]
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Dawiar) [Can be taken up to four times]
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Kadeshi) [Can be taken up to four times]
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Bajorans) [Can be taken up to four times]
-[X] Establish a Sydraxian Border Zone north of Apinae and Amarkia Sectors, 20pp
-[X] Reorganise a Starfleet Command from a Rear Admiral position to a Vice Admiral position. Pick one: 10pp for your Chief of Staff.
No. of Votes: 19
Plan: ◈Betazoids Plus One

Mr Tebbs
Nervos Belli
Yorick's Skull

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Counsellors, Kadeshi and Computing
-[X] Establish Betazoid Counsellors in Starfleet vessels, starting with Explorer Corps, 8 turns, 40pp (Increased Retention nets +.25 Officer/Crew/Technician in Explorer Corps)
-[X] NEW Request Mining Colony at Tagh Pakot, 8pp (4 turns, gain +15 sr / year)
-[X] NEW Request Mining Colony at Lapycorias XIII, 8pp (4 turns, gain +25 br/year)
-[X] NEW Request Research Colony at Ke'Luur, 8pp (6 turns, gain +7rp/year)
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Yrillians) [Can be taken up to four times]
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Dawiar) [Can be taken up to four times]
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Kadeshi) [Can be taken up to four times]
-[X] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (Gretarians) [Can be taken up to four times]
-[X] Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 25pp [Computing/Personal]
No. of Votes: 15
Plan: ◈Counsellors, Kadeshi and Computing

Interested Party
Leila Hann

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Kadesh and Old Guard
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Kadesh and Old Guard
No. of Votes: 3
Plan: ◈Kadesh and Old Guard

Void Stalker

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Bajorans and Old Guard
No. of Votes: 2
Plan: ◈Bajorans and Old Guard


[X][COUNCIL] Plan Finally the Betazoids
[X][SHIPYARD] Tellar Prime
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Finally the Betazoids


[X][COUNCIL] Plan Think of the Bajorans!
No. of Votes: 1
Plan: ◈Think of the Bajorans!


[X][COUNCIL] Basebuilding
No. of Votes: 1

[X][COUNCIL] Plan SBZ, Kadeshi, Dawiar, Yrillians, Bajorians
No. of Votes: 0
Plan: ◈SBZ, Kadeshi, Dawiar, Yrillians, Bajorians


[X][SHIPYARD] Amarkia
No. of Votes: 32
Interested Party
Leila Hann
Mr Tebbs
Nervos Belli
Yorick's Skull

[X][SHIPYARD] Tellar Prime
No. of Votes: 2

[X][SHIPYARD] Ferasa
No. of Votes: 2


[X][STARFLEET] Get Ambassador prototype into production.
No. of Votes: 28
Interested Party
Leila Hann
Mr Tebbs
Nervos Belli
Yorick's Skull

[X][STARFLEET] New Explorer and science ship ready for production.
No. of Votes: 1

Total No. of Voters: 43

The shipyard location and new goal are pretty clear, Betazoids Plus One has a small lead over Counsellors, Kadeshi, and Computing.
[X][COUNCIL] Plan Counsellors, Kadeshi and Computing

I think pushing the bajorians might risk pulling the Cardassians out of their internal bloodletting early, and I think we should avoid doing that.
I'm in the Bajorans is too aggressive party sorry.

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Counsellors, Kadeshi and Computing
One thing I do like about the front placed Amarkia shipyard location is that it puts development construction right in the center of Hawk territory.
You know what I'm thinking?
Field trips. Everyone wants to see a new Explorer class ship being put together, sure, but the clearances to see a freighter are so much easier to get. You have no idea.
It's at times like these I wish we could have multiple rounds of voting, if it didn't require so much more effort for the QM or additional time. Voters are being forced to choose between 2 options that vary in 2 different ways: SBZ+RADM vs tech team, Bajor vs Gretaria. And right now we practically only have voter-competitive plans for SBZ+RADM+Bajor and tech team+Gretaria, when I know for sure that some would rather have SBZ+RADM+Gretaria and tech team+Bajor plans.