QM/N: This is the first proper MWCO Turn, the mechanics of which are still a work in progress and may be subject to change. To put things in simple terms, Starfleet is backed up by a number of smaller fleets that belong directly to member worlds. These are the fleets that pad out your numbers during a crisis and hold down the home sectors when you have to deploy across the Quadrant. These turns are how you get to influence what the member worlds build to make sure it works hand-in-hand with Starfleet. Eventually, you will also be able to use this as a sort of market to support shipbuilding on both sides, and to send ships to as an alternative to mothballing. It will also keep you up to date on ship numbers when you are considering Refits (as you may notice, there are a
lot of Mirandas running around, and considerably more than just your seven Constellations).
Member World Coordination Office Report
Probably the most noteworthy news is that the Confederacy of Amarkia is inviting delegates from across the Federation to attend the upcoming launch of their third Riala-class explorer. Not dissimilar from our own Excelsiors, except with more of an influence on hardiness and less on science, this ship represents a considerable chunk of firepower. Aside from this and the two Excelsiors under production in Starfleet shipyards, the only explorer-grade construction going on among member worlds is a Vigilant-class explorer being produced in Alukk that is half-complete. However, we do have word that the Apiata may be commencing a new full-size Queenship at the Grand Hive of the Apiata.
Of fleet assets, most of the production among the original four members amounts to a set of Constitution-B-class builds that are half complete, plus a Centaur-A at Xurch Melloch in Tellar. Beyond that, Amarkia and Betazed are halfway through Centaur-A builds, which will mark the first time Starfleet designs have been built outside of the original four. The Caitians are still completing their war-time builds, with three more Modern Swarmers a year from completion. Rigel has two starfaring builds to complete, one Turtleship and one Cutter.
With the lengthening of logistics chains and trade in goods between powers, there is still a continuing pace of transport construction in member world shipyards. Currently there are ten Cargo Ships, four Freighters, and one Super-Freighter under construction. A number of Auxiliary ships are also in production.
An ongoing sore point is that the constant expansion of Starfleet aligned resources has seen us have to draw down on member world ships for over half of our shipping requirements, making up a shortfall of 16 Cargo Ships and three Freighters.
End Report
Current Priorities
Raise Excelsior Resources
Prep for Miranda-A Refits
Prep for Miranda-A
Build-up D
Inc Civ Shipping
Cargo Ships
Prep for Miranda-A
Prep for Renaissance
Miranda-A Refits
Prep for Renaissance
Increase Civilian Shipping
Mod Cruiser or Centaur-A?
Design new Amarki Escort
Have Core/Rimward Fleet Nuclei
Miranda-A or Centaur-As?
Expand Shipyards
Improve Budget
Recover Shipping Losses
Expand Shipyards
Excelsior or Fathership?
Recruitment Drive
Improve Tech Recruitment
2nd Megatortoise
Name - BR - SR - Off - Enl - Tech
Andor - 185 - 185 - 6 - 5.5 - 5.5
Vulcan - 135 - 130 - 0.5 - 0 - 0
Tellar - 205 - 115 - 1.35 - 0 - 0
Earth - 165 - 195 - 2.6 - 1.8 - 1.8
Amarki - 180 - 220 - 3.5 - 2 - 4
Betazoids - 125 - 135 - 1.6 - 2.4 - 1.6
Caitain - 276 - 260 - 8.6 - 8.6 - 6.4 [Only now coming down from wartime budgets]
Rigel - 295 - 145 - 2.25 - 6 - 1.75
Andor - 50 - 40 - 1.2 - 2 - 2
Vulcan - 35 - 30 - 1 - 1.75 - 1.5
Tellarites - 90 - 45 - 1.25 - 1.75 - 1.75
Humans - 100 - 50 - 1.8 - 2 - 2
Amarki - 90 - 65 - 2 - 2.5 - 1.5
Betazoids - 30 - 30 - 1.15 - 1.45 - 1.15
Caitian - 80 - 80 - 2.2 - 2.2 - 0.8
Rigel - 80 - 40 - 1.5 - 4 - 3.5
Free Berths
Andor - 1x2.5mt, 3x1mt
Vulcan - 1x1mt, 1x500kt
Tellar - 1x1mt, 1x500kt
Human - 2x1mt
Amarki - 1x2.5mt, 2x1mt, 1x700kt
Betazoids - 1x400kt
Caitian - 1x2.5mt
Rigel - 1x750kt
Current Fleets
[ ][PRIORITY] Pick One Member World Priority to change
Suggested possible priorities can be things such as:
Focus on building a particular ship type/class
Focus on more cargo shipping
Focus on increasing resources/recruitment
Focus on developing more of a particular stat
Start designing a new ship
Some member worlds are also looking for guidance on which way to turn on key decisions. With your role overseeing Starfleet, you are well-placed to offer this guidance.
The Betazoids are trying to decide as to whether it would be better to build cheap Miranda-As when they become available, and use a single Renaissance to handle other tasks in their space, or to build multi-purpose Centaur-As?
[ ][BETA] Miranda-A Focus
[ ][BETA] Centaur-A Focus
The Amarki are trying to decide where to go next for their shipbuilding. With a fairly balanced fleet, they have free reign to push out in different directions from here.
[ ][AMARKI] Focus on building Centaur-As
Build escorts, push back the new escort design process, wait for the Renaissance to complete before building cruisers.
[ ][AMARKI] Focus on building Amarkian Modern Cruisers
Build modern cruisers, push up the new escort design process, switch to Renaissance when it becomes available.
The Caitian Grand Fleet has four Fatherships that operate as hubs for their Swarmers. Currently they are deciding if their next explorer-grade build at S'Naranya Shipyard at Ferasa should be another Fathership, or an Excelsior for front-line backing up of their many Swarmers.
[ ][CATS] Fathership
[ ][CATS] Excelsior