I sincerely HOPE that 40 impact is better for us than 6 cost is for them. Otherwise we need to figure out some ways to have more impact, pronto.

Yay! See, we're talking about our special resource shortage, and Nash literally strikes dilithium!

Also, Chekov... THERE he is! And here I'd figured he'd have made commodore by now. Poor guy.

Maybe his side career as a secret temporal agent is interfering with his promotion prospects? ;)
Two suspected Syndicate ships were likewise found and interned while passing through Andorian space and Amarkian space, one of which was carrying slaves captured from a minor Amarkian colony world. Some councillors are calling for an investigation into the tragic decompression accident suffered by the Hilindia while transporting the captured Syndicate crew that resulted in the venting of atmosphere in the brig. The CAS Fleet has apologised for the lapse and promised to review maintenance procedures.

oops. so who wants to bet at least one of the syndicate members was doing the whole taunting gloating thing we saw them do with nash? turns out that's a really bad idea when you're dealing with literally anyone but Starfleet. Still, we should make sure that doesn't happen too much, it's better for us if they know surrendering gets them put into a only somewhat unpleasant jail rather than a trip out the airlock.

[Year To Date: 40 Impact, 6 Cost, Cumulative: 40 Impact, 6 Cost]

oh thats nice, a better than six to one ratio. Though now that the syndicate has it's knives out I suspect they will start getting their own licks in. Hopefully, they get penalized for high impact so they spend the entire fight crippled.
Wow lots of events. Huge amount of pp rewards.

Comments in random order:

Some councillors are calling for an investigation into the tragic decompression accident suffered by the Hilindia while transporting the captured Syndicate crew that resulted in the venting of atmosphere in the brig. The CAS Fleet has apologised for the lapse and promised to review maintenance procedures.

Yes, a "lapse"... I suspect the Amarki we be reviewing maintenance procedures a couple more times in the future.

Further investigation has shown us that there is a very clear Orion Syndicate hand at play in this debacle.

[+4 Cost]


Amazing! Many of the rocks in these planetary rings have pure dilithium at their cores! In addition, there are recoverable traces of many other very difficult to acquire minerals, such as the woznium used in warp core reaction chambers. This could be quite the find.

[+20sr, +10sr/yr colony option in (-2b)]

Well, that's -9pp next snakepit, very happily offset by the huge catch we got this quarter.

The diplomatic team being sent to Orion was nearly destroyed by a passing ion storm. Thankfully, we were ahead of schedule, and were able to rush to their aid in time.

[+25 to relations with Orion, future obstacles cleared, +10pp]

"Future obstacles cleared"?

And ion storms again - are they...multiplying or something?

Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23743.8

All of our dignitaries have beamed aboard and we may now proceed to Qloath. I was suprised to note that there has been a late addition to the manifest. Among the dignitaries is an old friend of mine; Ambassador Spock.

I believe someone was recently asking where Spock was?

Curious to know how he'll get research done this year while on this ambassadorial trip.

Since they could find no way to repair their ship, and knew that their long-range exploration mission left them far beyond any hope of resuce from Vulcan, they instead worked to develop systems to preserve their memories and the products of their long voyage towards the Galactic Center and back.

That's a really really long trip then. If the TBG universe would still have Voyager taking 70 years to reach home from the Delta quadrant and at fairly decent warp speed, this sounds like at least a 100 year mission!

Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23740.7 - Captain Rosalee McAdams

I hadn't so much as finished my first cup of tea since clearing the berths at San Francisco after our inspection

San Francisco? I take it Starfleet engineers didn't trust doing their inspections at the Gaeni shipyards?

Captain's Log, USS Endurance, Stardate 23745.3 - Captain Pavel Chekov

A wild Chekov appears!

[Gain +25 Relations with Rigel, +5pp, +5rp]

Yeah, this is why I thought getting the Rigel diplo push may have been an inefficient use of our pp. I would have preferred a push on another nation.

edit: goddamn SV eating quotes

Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23742.5

I am compelled to note for the log that our task would be made considerably easier if our Risan hosts did not hold an illogical objection to the use of phasers for predator management. We are at something of an impasse with the Risan team leaders. I do not accept the level of risk they are asking my crew to take on in wrestling with the large feline predators. I do, however, believe that I have solved their mystery as to the number of casualties that their colony-preparation team has encountered.

I was completely expecting this, and I still facepalmed. :facepalm:
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That's a really really long trip then. If the TBG universe would still have Voyager taking 70 years to reach home from the Delta quadrant and at fairly decent warp speed, this sounds like at least a 100 year mission!
I believe that was a "voyage towards the Galactic Center and back" as in traveling in that direction for a significant distance, then turning around, not traveling all the way to the Galactic Center itself.
If we're going to ask "why wasn't Chekov available," we should be asking that question retroactively, too.

The events of the original series took place forty to forty-five years ago in-game. Chekov was executive officer aboard a Miranda in 2285, twenty-five years ago. Any character from TOS is roughly seventy years old by now, if not older. The two canon major characters closest to Chekov in age (Sulu and Uhura) have already reached the rank of vice and rear admiral, respectively. Hell, the 'redshirt' character Ensign Leslie has been canonized as a commodore.

The question isn't "why wasn't Chekov available this year as a captain?" It's "Why is Chekov even still a captain, rather than having been promoted to commodore or rear admiral by now?"

The explanation that Chekov is leading a double life or that Temporal Affairs has been subtly interfering in his promotion prospects (with or without his knowledge) is as good a hypothesis as any.
Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23744.5

Qloath's capital is in spring at present, and I have allowed most of the crew shore leave. In the interim, we are starting our talks with the Qloath, and endeavouring to learn more. Although they are explorers by nature, they have yet to have many opportunites to expand, and are always looking for more. They have expressed considerable interest in acquiring some of the system surveys performed in their area. In addition to their tailward colony of Harquere, and a new colony world far galatic north of them known as Arbiasis, their major off-world colony is in their home system, the fifth world known as Larcasis. Their technology level is up to Federation standard, although they are not progressing as fast as we are.
Not sure if "far galactic north" means right up to the federation border, somewhere above our space, on the other side of the Amarki, or really high up above the average plane rather than corewards (towards the "galactic north pole" as used in current day galactic coordinates).

What type of ship is the Endurance?
Excelsior class.
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If we're going to ask "why wasn't Chekov available," we should be asking that question retroactively, too.

The events of the original series took place forty to forty-five years ago in-game. Chekov was executive officer aboard a Miranda in 2285, twenty-five years ago. Any character from TOS is roughly seventy years old by now, if not older. The two canon major characters closest to Chekov in age (Sulu and Uhura) have already reached the rank of vice and rear admiral, respectively. Hell, the 'redshirt' character Ensign Leslie has been canonized as a commodore.

The question isn't "why wasn't Chekov available this year as a captain?" It's "Why is Chekov even still a captain, rather than having been promoted to commodore or rear admiral by now?"

The explanation that Chekov is leading a double life or that Temporal Affairs has been subtly interfering in his promotion prospects (with or without his knowledge) is as good a hypothesis as any.

"Let me tell you something. Don't. Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you, don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there, you can make a difference."
- James T. Kirk

Only Chekov & Picard listened.
Another plausible explanation, though it would beg the question of why we haven't heard from him before.

Chekov's ten year sabbatical, also plausible... but it raises the question, how do other captains feel about someone popping out of what must have seemed close to retirement, and being given a plum ship command?
...I could swear I tagged him in a post and referenced this question. I don't remember for sure.

The problem with asking the GM "would this be metagaming" is that almost by definition, metagaming can't be easily identified without the GM exercising judgment on the situation as it unfolds. You can't ask the GM to say thirty turns in advance "no, it wouldn't be metagaming if you did that," because you haven't done that. Any unforeseen consequences of that action will not yet have emerged.
"Let me tell you something. Don't. Don't let them promote you. Don't let them transfer you, don't let them do anything that takes you off the bridge of that ship, because while you're there, you can make a difference."
- James T. Kirk

Only Chekov & Picard listened.

And Nash! Though he never gave her that advice personally, she seems to have intuited it on her own!