Now, while we are all very eager to make use of our new intelligence goldmine I have to advise in the strongest possible terms that all of these sources are adjudged Class 1-AA Federation Secrets, between Temporal Affairs and Dilithium/Anti-Deuterium operations. Failures to maintain data security here could quite literally lead to a war, such as if the former Gul Miran is spotted on Federation streets during the next decade. The major thing keeping Cardassian focus inward, rather than on us, is the belief that whoever's agent "Kolor Galov" was, she saved the day. Thankfully, with the amount of purges that have occurred in the Obsidian Order lately, there's no way for any of them to truthfully say just whether Galov was one of theirs or not!

Rear Admiral Scott Linderley, Director

I know Scott means well, and he's every right to bring such things up, important as they are, and this is hardly a reason to judge him unworthy of his job or any such thing...

I miss Nash.
Sorry you seem to be wanting to play as part of a quest where we aren't in partial control of the UFOP which ends up with over a 150 member worlds by the time of TNG, if anything we aren't adding member races fast enough.

In the official timeline, the Federation already had a lot more than 4 member species by 2301. Adding too many species too fast when we don't have that many to begin with would realistically cause a lot of political and social upheaval.

I'm not sure if @OneirosTheWriter is going to have things work like that or not, but I personally still find it more realistic if we wait a few years between ratifications.
It does take some time for each species to be assimilated adapt to being part of the Federation.
[X][REPORT] Base Plan Peace and Sydraxians
-[X] Write-in: Reasons for war with Klingons from the perspective of the Romulans
-[X] Write-in: Reasons for war with Romulans from the perspective of the Klingons
-[X] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
-[X] Write-in: Cardassian view of the Federation and prospect of long term peace
-[X] Sydarxian Diplomatic Posture Report
-[X] Sydraxian Fleet Strength Report

Might edit Fleet strength report and Cardassian write-in if there are better suggestions, or slight improvements to wording.
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[X][BUDGET] Rihra Thaar of Klivvar Proxima-D (Her party will choose 50pp of actions for you next Snakepit)

Costly and annoying, but, well. I don't want to support the Pacifists, or the Hawks. I would in fact like to avoid any action that could possibly lead to either of the two ever dominating the Council.
[X][BUDGET] Rihra Thaar of Klivvar Proxima-D (Her party will choose 50pp of actions for you next Snakepit)
[X][REPORT] Peace and Sydraxians

I don't see any bad options 50 pp could be wasted on. And with our event rate and the boni for Caitians and Rigellians joining we should have enough pp for our priorities.
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[X][BUDGET] T'Torah of 82 Eridani-P

Either of the targets set by the pacifists seem doable.

Handing over part of the political agenda to the development faction seems like an awful idea, and we seem to be already squeezed by our minimum defence requirements.

This is not an action to provide power to a faction, (apart from the development one) its asking a faction's support for what we want to do.
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[X][REPORT] Base Plan Y U So Mad Sydraxians?
-[X] Romulan Diplomatic Posture Report
-[X] Cardassian Diplomatic Posture Report
-[X] Cardassian Shipyard Report
-[X] Causes of Klingon/Romulan conflict
-[X] Sydraxian Motives
-[X] Sydraxian Fleet Strength Report

[X][BUDGET] Rihra Thaar of Klivvar Proxima-D (Her party will choose 50pp of actions for you next Snakepit)
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[X][BUDGET] T'Torah of 82 Eridani-P (Starfleet's Science Target changes to 250 by 2321 -or- the next Explorer design has Science+Presence at least 17)
[X][REPORT] Peace and Sydraxians

Supporting the pacifists, as their targets are more or less what we want to do anyway.
[x][BUDGET] T'Torah of 82 Eridani-P (Starfleet's Science Target changes to 250 by 2321 -or- the next Explorer design has Science+Presence at least 17)

I'm not sure about the Intelligence Steering, but in regards to the budget, this strikes me as the best choice. It takes no agency away from us like the PP-thing would, and it should avoid Starfleet from being seen too militant.
Not to mention that we already have a lot of Science incoming in the form of vessels to be completed, and the Miranda Refit would add another 11.
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What does "Sydraxian Snakepit" mean? Is it a special conference about how to deal with them?

I'm not sure about the Intelligence Steering, but in regards to the budget, this strikes me as the best choice. It takes no agency away from us like the PP-thing would, and it should avoid Starfleet from being seen too militant.
Not to mention that we already have a lot of Science incoming in the form of vessels to be completed, and the Miranda Refit would add another 11.

The way I see it, they both take agency away from us. Development takes 50 PP, Pacifists forces us to divert resources into science ships.

However, with the Development path its all over with quickly. We bite the bullet in the next snakepit, and then we can do whatever we want. With Pacifists, we're going to have the sword of Damacles hanging over us for as long as it takes to reach their goal.
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-[X] Cardassian Fleet Strength Report)
We just got exact figures on their fleet strength from Gul Miran, we know everything there is to know. This is just a waste of a slot this year. If you want to know more about their fleet strength going forward pick the shipyard report instead, or a report on a specific class (only one that might make sense is the Lorgot because we already know the stats of their other classes) to get it's exact stats (other than combat defence and science, which we already know).
Stat wise the only thing we don't already know about their classes is the presence of the Lorgot and I don't think we need to care a lot about that.
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We just got exact figures on their fleet strength from Gul Miran, we know everything there is to know. This is just a waste of a slot this year. If you want to know more about their fleet strength going forward pick the shipyard report instead, or a report on a specific class (only one that might make sense is the Lorgot because we already know the stats of their other classes) to get it's exact stats (other than combat and science, which we already know).

I meant to write "Shipyard Report." Thanks.

Speaking of Gul Miran, has she told us what the Cardassians were planning to do with the Kadak-Tor before she liberated it? We've been told it would have caused the deaths of millions, but what was the plan exactly?
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I'm not sure about the Intelligence Steering, but in regards to the budget, this strikes me as the best choice. It takes no agency away from us like the PP-thing would, and it should avoid Starfleet from being seen too militant.
Not to mention that we already have a lot of Science incoming in the form of vessels to be completed, and the Miranda Refit would add another 11.
The problem with that is that we lose out on the rewards for a step of council objectives, effectively. It will delay reaching the science objective for a few years, and also make the next objective harder to reach. I'd estimate the value of keeping the current objective at 25pp in 6 years, short term vs long term options imply an effective interest rate of about 10%, so the discounted value next snakepit would be about 15.5pp. So basically the question is, is spending dictated by the development faction more than 2/3 as good as spending chosen by us, or less than 2/3 as good?

Or we could go for a 8S 9P Ambassador, but that doesn't exactly look easy (at least if the other stats are supposed to not lag behind too far) and will probably need to be delayed past the point where would have reached the original science objective anyway.
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Actually, @Nix, I think I'd rather just vote for your plan if you reword "Sydraxian Diplomatic Posture" to something like "Sydraxian Motives for Attacking Us" or "How to Appease the Sydraxians." In the past, Diplomatic Posture has mostly just told us which other races the target is trying to build relations with, which isn't quite the most pressing question with the Sydraxians.
NB: Not currently available for Romulans or Klingons
Question: I assume 'NB' is an acronym; what does it mean?


I know Scott means well, and he's every right to bring such things up, important as they are, and this is hardly a reason to judge him unworthy of his job or any such thing...

I miss Nash.
We fired regretfully accepted the resignation of his predecessor in the post of Intelligence Director for daring to cost Starfleet numerous lives and considerable embarrassment; I imagine we should be pleased that Linderly received our message loud and clear: no more clever games with intelligence operations.