As for agricultural economy? HAHAHAHA ST tech economies are going to be pure luxury/service/information because even pre-replicator modern automation tech + ST computers + functionally unlimited energy budgets means that feeding basically arbitrary numbers of people is fairly trivial, and mining is going to be done semi-automated waldo setups and or creative use of transporters (sensors to ID the positions of the stuff you want, then beam that and only that directly into processing).

I always figured it was a matter of mining and farming in more traditional ways being cheaper.

Just like how we still heat our houses by burning things, even though we have considerably more efficient ways to heat houses today.

Oh, for it to work it would need to involve change on the Vulcan side as well. They would have to find a way to let go of the crutch of Logic and be able to live peacefully without it. You get the sense that on some level they all understand that repressing their emotions isn't a great solution, merely better than everything else they ever tried.

It's questionable if this is possible without the Vulcans engineering away their telepathic abilities.

The Vulcanoid race nearly destroyed itself on what may have been its homeworld and nearly destroyed itself on Vulcan - both times because they struggled to handle their psionic abilities.

Are Romulans supposed to be telepathic? I'm not aware of any episodes where they show such abilities...

Edit: Actually it kind-of makes logical (lol) sense to assume, sans population control on the Vulcan's part, there might be similar numbers of Vulcans and Romulans running around in total. I mean, unless the Time of Awakening was more devastating than we thought, the initial Romulan settlers were probably at least an order of magnitude smaller than the Vulcan survivors. Maybe the Romulans benefited from continuing to have spaceflight, but on the other hand unlike the USA vs UK example they didn't have immigration.

Well, Vulcan did have a devastating planetary invasion after the Romulan's ancestors left the planet (probably Orion slavers).

Also, Romulus and Remus are both more hospitable planets than Vulcan.

Also, Romulans seem to have no Pon Farr (which would really hold back Vulcan expansion, since they need to go back to Vulcan to breed).

Also, if the Romulans have even a population growth rate of 0.5%/year faster than the Vulcans, well, over 2000 years that could seriously compound. Particularly if the Vulcans were only growing at 0.1% a year while the Romulans were managing 0.6% a year...

As to unification....

There's the philosophic/religious dimension as well. One can argue that S'Task's philosophy has proven itself to be better in utilitarian terms. I have a hard time seeing Romulans giving that up and I have a hard time seeing Vulcans giving up their religion of logic and since both races very much see themselves as being defined by their ideas...

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It's questionable if this is possible without the Vulcans engineering away their telepathic abilities.

The Vulcanoid race nearly destroyed itself on what may have been its homeworld and nearly destroyed itself on Vulcan - both times because they struggled to handle their psionic abilities.

And yet, the Betazoids.

I know they are different races with different psychologies, but still you have to look at it and wonder if there's some trick to Betazoid development, some pathway they explored in handling their psionic powers, that the Vulcans missed or could never find on their own. Now here they are part of the same Federation. Maybe, just maybe, Vulcans could take one more crack at an alternate method of handling their psionic powers with an actual example to follow this time.

Are Romulans supposed to be telepathic? I'm not aware of any episodes where they show such abilities...

Never stated one way or the other as far as I can recall.
I always figured it was a matter of mining and farming in more traditional ways being cheaper.

Just like how we still heat our houses by burning things, even though we have considerably more efficient ways to heat houses today.
But old-school farming ISN'T cheaper. There's a reason we automate the shit out of everything we can IRL.
*Gameyness is gamey snip.

that is pretty gamey, and not my intention.

that said, I do like the idea of older Explorers staying around and filling out 'lower end' roles as they get older...

Like if we can keep them reasonably updated and get a refit similar to the Connie-B refit for it, I would enjoy seeing the Excelsior as one of our Cruiser Classes. I already want them to be our Heavy Cruisers once the Ambassador can take over the Explorer Corps slots.

that said, do we have an idea on how to do that?

While transferring crews over might help, I'm not sure, as the EC ships have doubtlessly gained a level of fame across the federation, and some of them can even outf-perform an Ambassador(and that is without the refit we'll be getting them at some point). I do know the the Ent-B will be the last to go, if Nash is still in her chair and the Ent-B is still in one piece, dat statline Is too amazing to give up easily...
If we need a pocket explorer, the Excelsior already fits the bill as soon as we have Ambassadors.
Heck, we just captured a Cardassian heavy cruiser with all the latest bells and whistles, largely intact. We know the Cardassians are already doing this; maybe we can learn some pointers by looking at their ship.

I like the idea of giving surplus bulk resources to the member worlds, too. Earlier I suggested that we straight-up treat United Earth to a couple of new ships, to replace the ones lost in the Sydraxian raid that slipped past during the Kadak-Tor crisis.

I don't like the thought of paying to replace the ships we couldn't save. I don't like the precedent it could set. If we do it only this time we re-enforce the human-centric impression of Starfleet that we've been fighting down. If we do it constantly we could end up losing a big chunk of our budget after a major conflict or war right when we need it most for repairing/rebuilding our fleet. If we do it sometimes but not others we'll end up with no-one happy and be accused of playing favorites or discrimination against some members but not others. I'd rather avoid this entirely by not even thinking about doing that.

Instead, what about offering to all the member worlds that have a Miranda that we will cover the BR cost of a refit for the next few years. It will encourage the 4 main worlds to move up their Miranda refits, is limited by berth space so we can't be charged much at once, isn't discriminatory because any member could have built a Miranda as soon as they joined the UFP (even though no-one did) and it would not be an issue again as we only plan to do refits as filler projects around designing a new ship (like filling in gaps around building Rennies) so they won't often come up.

Narrative wise we could announce it as the inaugural project of the MWCO to organize and disburse the resources and encourage co-operative shipbuilding throughout the UFP which could result in some kind of reward back to Starfleet. More pp, better/more MCWO options, something something.
So with these two new BR colonies we are way over-balanced on BR production right now, making far more than we need. There are two (not mutually exclusive) ways we can use this.

1. We can max out the SR fudge factor on our new ships designs. SR continues to be our most restrictive factor on ship production. Make our new designs SR cheaper and we can make far more of that model of ship.

2. Straight up give BR from Starfleet mining colonies to member world fleets. Check this out:
Generic Freighter 2260-Now [150m 300k t]
C0 S1 H1 L1 P1 D1
Cost[30br, 10sr, 2 years], Crew [O-0, E-2, T-1]

Freighters and cargo ships are much higher on the BR/SR ratio.

One thing that could potentially be neat would be if we could set up trades of some form or another, I'd think. I mean, if we have a surplus in BR but a shortage of SR, and we could find someone who has something like the opposite problem i.e. a shortage of BR and a surplus of SR, a nice little solution sort of suggests itself there. (Insert replacement terms for "BR" and "SR" as needed and viable - I mean, clearly we aren't going to be trading with a foreign nation(? Not entirely clear on the right terminology there) for, say, political power in our own government.)

In fact, a part of me would almost be tempted to suggest trying to sound out the Cardassians for such a deal. We know that they struggle for BR and their ships being relatively SR-cheap means that it isn't an impossibility that they have something of an SR surplus (although given the fact that their culture is so heavily influenced by research shortages, I'd not exactly hold my breath for that to be true). Plus it'd potentially deepen and improve diplomatic relations, and on a less friendly note would leave us with a very decisive non-military form of leverage over them.

Of course, all of that speculation is functionally worthless because it's not an option that we can functionally choose in a vote or act upon as such. Plus, between the whole deal with the resource shortages stuff and the mess that is our current diplomatic relations, it probably wouldn't go through even if it were given to us as an option.
As I already said when motivating my vote, we can effectively trade br for sr by researching only sr techs for the next decade or two. The higher our br income the less need there is to put the Institute of Mineral Science on br projects.
But old-school farming ISN'T cheaper. There's a reason we automate the shit out of everything we can IRL.

That's not entirely true. Expense depends on the relative expense of different resources...

In our world today, machines are cheap, so it makes sense to automate.

In Star Trek... Um... Maybe there is an over-supply of space hippies who want to go live on an agri world and it out-competes other ways of producing food?

So it's a pretty far out possibility. But I can never resist splitting a hair or two.

As I already said when motivating my vote, we can effectively trade br for sr by researching only sr techs for the next decade or two. The higher our br income the less need there is to put the Institute of Mineral Science on br projects.

Well, sure, but that's not "trading" so much as "finding a way to increase our resource intake in an area where we aren't getting as many resources as we'd like". The direct endpoint of getting more SR is the same, but the side effects - our BR levels are left at status quo, whereas in a proper trade we'd be giving up some BR we have no use for; there are no changes or potential changes in diplomatic stance in the research option proposed here, unlike in trading; and the researching will likely take longer than establishing trade routes would - are fairly different, and hold potentially interesting connotations and possibilities for us to explore. Or I think so, anyways.
Well, sure, but that's not "trading" so much as "finding a way to increase our resource intake in an area where we aren't getting as many resources as we'd like". The direct endpoint of getting more SR is the same, but the side effects - our BR levels are left at status quo, whereas in a proper trade we'd be giving up some BR we have no use for; there are no changes or potential changes in diplomatic stance in the research option proposed here, unlike in trading; and the researching will likely take longer than establishing trade routes would - are fairly different, and hold potentially interesting connotations and possibilities for us to explore. Or I think so, anyways.
I think you overestimate how far away from a balanced br:sr ratio we are? So far it's mostly just that we have been building a lot of sr heavy designs, our income was actually at exactly the same ratio as used by the Excelsior, similar to the ratio likely to be used by the next science escort and below the ratio likely to be used by our Ambassador design if we put even a little effort into keeping sr cost down. Increasing sr income AND reducing br income significantly would actually bring us to a br shortage.
I think you overestimate how far away from a balanced br:sr ratio we are? So far it's mostly just that we have been building a lot of sr heavy designs, our income was actually at exactly the same ratio as used by the Excelsior, similar to the ratio likely to be used by the next science escort and below the ratio likely to be used by our Ambassador design if we put even a little effort into keeping sr cost down. Increasing sr income AND reducing br income significantly would actually bring us to a br shortage.

Ah. I think we're talking past each other a little bit here. I didn't really look at the numbers before proposing the idea, I just saw Briefvoice saying that we had more BR than we need by a fair bit and remembered that we were complaining about not quite having enough/cutting it close on SR fairly recently (felt like it was recent, anyways) and I put the two together and went "hey, this'd be a kind of neat thing, wouldn't it?" Then my response to you was because it felt a little bit like you were dismissing the trade idea of having no possible benefits at all. You almost certainly know the solid numbers about such things much better than I do, and I'm not trying to phrase the idea as "we should definitely do this if we ever get the chance" so much as "hey, this's a neat little thought, isn't it?"; I was mostly just putting the idea out there.
One thing that could potentially be neat would be if we could set up trades of some form or another, I'd think. I mean, if we have a surplus in BR but a shortage of SR, and we could find someone who has something like the opposite problem i.e. a shortage of BR and a surplus of SR, a nice little solution sort of suggests itself there. (Insert replacement terms for "BR" and "SR" as needed and viable - I mean, clearly we aren't going to be trading with a foreign nation(? Not entirely clear on the right terminology there) for, say, political power in our own government.)

In fact, a part of me would almost be tempted to suggest trying to sound out the Cardassians for such a deal. We know that they struggle for BR and their ships being relatively SR-cheap means that it isn't an impossibility that they have something of an SR surplus (although given the fact that their culture is so heavily influenced by research shortages, I'd not exactly hold my breath for that to be true). Plus it'd potentially deepen and improve diplomatic relations, and on a less friendly note would leave us with a very decisive non-military form of leverage over them.

Unlikely. It seems much more probable that the Cardassians are having an SR shortage of their own, and are using BR-heavy builds to compensate.

I'd normally be down for buying SR from the Klingons or Romulans, but doing that right now would make it seem like we're favoring one side over the other in the coming war.
While I don't think we-as-Starfleet can realistically initiate trades with a foreign power, I do think the basic idea of finding a way to trade bulk for special resources is a good one. The flip side is that Nix makes an excellent point- we'll use those bulk resources eventually. Even if we had a thousand extra bulk resources that's the price of three Ambassadors, roughly speaking.

So it's not necessarily a bad idea to cultivate special and just wait for the stockpile to go down. Who knows? Maybe we'll luck out and the next three mining colony options in a row will be SR.

If we need a pocket explorer, the Excelsior already fits the bill as soon as we have Ambassadors.
The argument against this is mostly that the Excelsior is 'flabby' compared to the kinds of designs we could create from scratch in 2310-15. And remember that the biggest strike against the ships is their huge resource and (especially) crew cost. The 'pocket explorer' description is being applied to ships that are slightly more economical in those areas, which in turn makes them much more appealing as the bulk that makes up most of our fleet.

I don't like the thought of paying to replace the ships we couldn't save. I don't like the precedent it could set. If we do it only this time we re-enforce the human-centric impression of Starfleet that we've been fighting down. If we do it constantly we could end up losing a big chunk of our budget after a major conflict or war right when we need it most for repairing/rebuilding our fleet. If we do it sometimes but not others we'll end up with no-one happy and be accused of playing favorites or discrimination against some members but not others. I'd rather avoid this entirely by not even thinking about doing that.
I get your concern even if I don't fully share it. I think if we make it explicit that we're handing this over because they were the only ones who lost ships here and because our reserves are comparatively flush, that'd cover it... but I might be wrong.

You know what'd be nice? If we had an option that cost (a few) political points but enabled us to trade off BR income for SR income with the Council. @OneirosTheWriter, there is probably a good reason you don't want to let us have that, but I'm curious as to what it is.
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The argument against this is mostly that the Excelsior is 'flabby' compared to the kinds of designs we could create from scratch in 2310-15. And remember that the biggest strike against the ships is their huge resource and (especially) crew cost. The 'pocket explorer' description is being applied to ships that are slightly more economical in those areas, which in turn makes them much more appealing as the bulk that makes up most of our fleet.

It's true, the Excelsior is rather overpriced for our current tech. I don't even mean overtonnage (that too), just overpriced. It may even be worth a custom design just to knock the price and crew down. Flight-II Excelsior or whatever.
You know what'd be nice? If we had an option that cost (a few) political points but enabled us to trade off BR income for SR income with the Council. @OneirosTheWriter, there is probably a good reason you don't want to let us have that, but I'm curious as to what it is.
Again, we don't really have a significant br surplus. Right now we have less than a years worth of br stockpile. We could easily end up shorter on br than sr in a decade or so. Spending pp on permanently trading br income for sr income might just mean we need to trade in the other direction later. Why is not having a shortage of one resource in particular something people get worked up over and try to fix?
Captain's Log - 2310.Q2
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23740 .4 - Captain Nash ka'Sharren

Mr Zaardmani has detected exotic particle fields that have energised the rings of a gas giant in the Tellar sector, high above the galactic plane near Sar Alpha. It was nearly missed, until we passed through the decades old shockwave of the very active star in that system. We have laid in a course to investigate more closely these anomalous readings.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23740.7 - Captain Rosalee McAdams

I hadn't so much as finished my first cup of tea since clearing the berths at San Francisco after our inspection when we picked up a distress call out of Rigel territory. A minor colony world known as Kleda IV, tailward of Wellbeck, is reporting an epidemic that is swamping the capacity of local health care.

Well, no rest for the wicked, they say! We're ship-shape and on the way at high-warp.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23740.9 - Captain Straak

A curious request has arrived from the Federation Diplomatic Service.

A group from Risa is attempting to establish a colony world at Gamma Lonager II are requesting aid. A breed of local wildlife is proving to be very dangerous, and Risa has given them relatively little preparation for dangerous animals.


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23741.2 - Captain Michel Thuir

We have picked up a very faint distress call, a Vulcan signal of all things. I didn't think they had any explorers out here? We are well beyond Rigellian space.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23741.8 - Captain Saavik

With the entry of the Qloath into the Federation as an affiliate, the Federation is sending emissaries to help guide the initial integration.

We will pass through the Caitian world of Ollasa IV on our way through.


Captain's Log, USS Avandar, Stardate 23742.2 - Captain

The diplomatic team being sent to Orion was nearly destroyed by a passing ion storm. Thankfully, we were ahead of schedule, and were able to rush to their aid in time.

[+25 to relations with Orion, future obstacles cleared, +10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23742.5

I am compelled to note for the log that our task would be made considerably easier if our Risan hosts did not hold an illogical objection to the use of phasers for predator management. We are at something of an impasse with the Risan team leaders. I do not accept the level of risk they are asking my crew to take on in wrestling with the large feline predators. I do, however, believe that I have solved their mystery as to the number of casualties that their colony-preparation team has encountered.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23742.9

I actually know this disease. It was one that I dealt with while captain of the Endurance.

It seems the Cartilidge Blight has been continuing to cause mayhem around Rigel. Their sole overworked hospital ship is having trouble keeping up. It isn't a lethal disease unless left entirely untreated, but it is making a lot of Rigellians very miserable. I've called in reinforcements from Starfleet Medical Command, and the Grace should arrive in two weeks. Until then, we're trying to come up with a new counter-agent to address this new mutation.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23743.3

Our science officers have managed to put together an analysis that shows that the stun settings of our phasers will do the creatures no harm. They are now allowing us to retrieve the beasts and study them, allowing us to study them and determine an EM field repellent system.

[+25 with Risa, +20sr, +10pp]


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23743.6

The star is small but has a tremendous rotational speed, which when combined with the gases of the local nebula, generates a tetryonic field, which we believe is sparking nucleosythesis, expelling exotic heavy particles out into its stellar wind. Much of these are being caught by the gravitational field of the gas giant and infusing into the rings.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23743.8

All of our dignitaries have beamed aboard and we may now proceed to Qloath. I was suprised to note that there has been a late addition to the manifest. Among the dignitaries is an old friend of mine; Ambassador Spock.


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23743.9

We have found the 150 year old wreck of the Suurok-class starship Ke'Luur! And the ship had survivors, though they could never repair the ship. Since they could find no way to repair their ship, and knew that their long-range exploration mission left them far beyond any hope of resuce from Vulcan, they instead worked to develop systems to preserve their memories and the products of their long voyage towards the Galactic Center and back. Starfleet and Vulcan research teams are en route already.

[+10pp, gain research colony option (4B)]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23744.2

This organism has mutated once more. I regret to report that two of my medical personnel, Ensign Munroe and Medical Specialist Sotak are infected. Both of them died quickly as the rot in the nasal structures created toxins that caused irreparable brain damage in very short order.

We are instituting quarantine protocols for research that are little short of that used for the Biophage. When it jumps to other species, this organisim is deadly.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23744.5

Qloath's capital is in spring at present, and I have allowed most of the crew shore leave. In the interim, we are starting our talks with the Qloath, and endeavouring to learn more. Although they are explorers by nature, they have yet to have many opportunites to expand, and are always looking for more. They have expressed considerable interest in acquiring some of the system surveys performed in their area. In addition to their tailward colony of Harquere, and a new colony world far galatic north of them known as Arbiasis, their major off-world colony is in their home system, the fifth world known as Larcasis. Their technology level is up to Federation standard, although they are not progressing as fast as we are.

Qloathian theatre is ... expansive. But I am afraid there are many subtleties that I did not acquire. Humour has always been difficult for me. Spock tells me that next time he will suggest they try something other than a comedy to show Vulcan guests. Seyek travellers are plentiful in their theatre districts, who seemingly prize the performances as well.

Political turmoil continues here, however, which may become an obstacle to further integration.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23744.8

Amazing! Many of the rocks in these planetary rings have pure dilithium at their cores! In addition, there are recoverable traces of many other very difficult to acquire minerals, such as the woznium used in warp core reaction chambers. This could be quite the find.

[+20sr, +10sr/yr colony option in (-2b)]


Captain's Log, USS Kumari, Stardate 23745.1 - Captain Erzath zh'Darlyth

I believe we have narrowly averted a calamity. Thankfully, we were able to turn the matter around.

One of my young ensigns is very much a firebrand, and he unfortunately decided to start preaching about how wrong it was to have a caste system, genetic or otherwise. It nearly started a riot on Burrizz, where we were stopping by on one of our patrol routes. Thankfully I was able to speak to the Queens and then the workers and calm the matter down. Young Ensign ch'Talyk is now being put directly under my wing where I can keep an eye on him.

And hopefully knock some of those rough edges off what is otherwise a very promising officer.

[+25 relations with Apiata, +5pp]


Captain's Log, USS Endurance, Stardate 23745.3 - Captain Pavel Chekov

While working with the rest of the Sol Sector fleet, we started to pick up some anomalies in our sensor readings. Working with our fellow starships, the Bull, Lion, Bon Vivant, and Fidelity, we tracked it down to minerals in the Oort cloud of a star system near the edge of our claimed space. These comets appear to be rich with Latraxide, a key component to the Duranium hull alloys.

[+30 br]


Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 23745.6 - Captain T'Mina

Together with the USS Winterwind we have located and explored a number of fascinating ruins on the edge of Indorian space. It appears to date from the time of the Tkon Empire, several hundred thousand years ago.

Naturally after so long a period of time the dig site has left little of concrete value, but anything from such incredible times has the archaeological community very energised.

[+5pp, +5rp, +10 relations with Indoria]


Captain's Log, USS Kearsage, Stardate 23745.9 - Captain Constance Lecras

While leading patrols near Biroth and Shrantet, we received a call from Thiak V, a major Andorian Colony World in the Klingon Border Zone. A political scandal on the planet had been threatening to boil over into something far uglier. Unfortunately, given our patrol patterns, the situation had already erupted into full-fledged violence by time we arrived. The planetary administrator was killed in his home, and their government scattered. Upon arriving we have done our best to restore order, and immediately called for reinforcements, and I am told the USS Docana is proceeding to my position at all possible speed. However, the situation is continuing to deteriorate, as the rebellious factions appear to have no leaders willing to treat in good faith, and there is a limit to what I can do with only a few dozen security officers and several million colonists.

Under my authority as a Starfleet Captain, I have declared a local State of Emergency in order to allow Andorian vessels to respond. There is rioting on the streets and many casualties. Andorian Constellations and Miranda are coming en masse, along with hospital ships and passenger liners with constables.

Further investigation has shown us that there is a very clear Orion Syndicate hand at play in this debacle.

[+4 Cost]


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23746.3

Two of my officers have gone missing. I am working with Spock to examine the scene of their disappearance and deduce what has happened. As of yet, the Qloathi authorities are unable to solve this matter. However, I am confident that between myself and Ambassador Spock, we will be able to resolve this matter.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23746.8

There is one community near the north pole that has not been reporting any illness, despite the fact that they have clearly been exposed repeatedly. I am leading a science team to the surface with my Chief Medical Officer, Lieutenant-Command T'Pirit and Science Officer Commander Deveraux.


Federation Anti-Slavery Sub-Committee Report

A key Syndicate outpost has been destroyed in the Ferasa Sector, in an previously-thought to be uninhabited system out Celos. Though Yukikaze sustained a number of hits, their shields mostly held, and they were able to demolish the station's defences, allowing Starfleet Intelligence to sweep in and clear up. Casualties were happily minor.

Two suspected Syndicate ships were likewise found and interned while passing through Andorian space and Amarkian space, one of which was carrying slaves captured from a minor Amarkian colony world. Some councillors are calling for an investigation into the tragic decompression accident suffered by the Hilindia while transporting the captured Syndicate crew that resulted in the venting of atmosphere in the brig. The CAS Fleet has apologised for the lapse and promised to review maintenance procedures.

[Year To Date: 40 Impact, 6 Cost, Cumulative: 40 Impact, 6 Cost]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23747.1

There is a heavily highly biologically-active flower that is native to this in this region, whose pollen serves to disrupt the RNA of the blight. After taking a sample back to the lab, we have managed to isolate the protein chains involved and synthesise them.

We may have the first step to a longer-term solution to this problem!

[Gain +25 Relations with Rigel, +5pp, +5rp]


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23747.2

I must confess, I had expected Lecarre intervention rather than a Qloath powerplay. The faction in opposition in the Arqueniou Senate led an operation to abduct my officers and stymie the police investigation in order to make the ruling faction appear ineffectual. However, by careful logical deductions, and one moment that I still believe was an act of random guessing on the part of Spock, we have retrieved our officers and foiled the plot.

[Gain +25 Relation with Qloath, +10pp]

Computer, End Log
I get your concern even if I don't fully share it. I think if we make it explicit that we're handing this over because they were the only ones who lost ships here and because our reserves are comparatively flush, that'd cover it... but I might be wrong.

You know what'd be nice? If we had an option that cost (a few) political points but enabled us to trade off BR income for SR income with the Council. @OneirosTheWriter, there is probably a good reason you don't want to let us have that, but I'm curious as to what it is.

I agree that my concern could be unfounded and the gift could be very helpful in getting the ships UE lost rebuilt. I just see a lot of ways it could backfire. I think if we want to do something like that we could try my BR for Mirandas idea or see if we can get an option to do something in the MWCO.

It's true, the Excelsior is rather overpriced for our current tech. I don't even mean overtonnage (that too), just overpriced. It may even be worth a custom design just to knock the price and crew down. Flight-II Excelsior or whatever.

I think the research time and investment to get a custom design and prototype out for something that isn't a pretty big need might outweigh the benefits of a slightly better ship.

Edit: Update just as I posted this. Argh.. I mean yay?
@Nix, I suppose I was thinking in terms of "this would be a cool game feature" rather than "this is a thing we absolutely must have right the heck now."


Yeah. Then again, I'm not comfortable presenting a ship as being a new version of the same class unless it has (almost exactly) the same tonnage.

We should get at least one iteration of refits on the Excelsior some time in the near future. There might even be a second eventually ("First Excelsior-B, I dub thee... the Lakota!") Conversely, if we want a new ship that performs like the Excelsior does now, but on the minimum feasible tonnage to reduce costs (say, a scale 6.33 explorer), we'll probably want a new design for that.
Annoying that the Syndicate was able to stir up so much trouble on that colony, but destroying that key outpost and catching those ships far more than make up for it :evil:

Some councillors are calling for an investigation into the tragic decompression accident suffered by the Hilindia while transporting the captured Syndicate crew that resulted in the venting of atmosphere in the brig. The CAS Fleet has apologised for the lapse and promised to review maintenance procedures.
Quite the tragic 'malfunction' there ;):D
Thoughts: Risa needs to embrace the way of the phaser, or at least sub contract it out.
I believe that research colony option is technically way-the-hell-and-gone away.
Diplomacy. Diplomacy everywhere.
Also, apparently, Syndicate retaliation.
Speaking of which, the Amarkians appear to believe in the Cherwell Convention. Right down to the equipment clause and penalties.
Enterprise continues to find the nicest star systems. Dilithium rings. *head shake*
There you are Checkov!
And remember, sometimes guessing is logical. Just have a good excuse in case you are wrong.