[X] [DEPLOY] No Free Lunch for Inflictor
-[x] Recall USS Courageous & USS Sarek from Explorer Duties to the Romulan Border Zone
-[x] Sol - USS Excelsior to Transfer to Romulan Border Zone, 2 Constellations to Andoria
-[x] Vulcan - USS Charon to Transfer to Kingon Border Zone
-[X] Tellar - 1 Constellation to Klingon Border Zone, 1 Miranda to Andoria.
-[X] Klingon Border Zone - 1 Soyuz to Tellar
-[X] Andoria - 1 Soyuz to Sol

Soyuz are a liability in fights with the Inflictor because their shields go down with a single hit, so put them as far away as possible. The Klingon Border Zone needs at least one ship with decent science so deploying the Charon there.

[x][BOSS] Commodore T'Faer
[x][XO] From Medical
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At least we can score diplomacy points for working with the others to solve this crisis.
Anyone thought about contacting the Klingons?

They may be insulted not to be invited to the party to brutally murder an affront to sapient life.

I think we don't need them close to the Romulans.....

I wonder if we could request them to reinforce our rear areas as well as seal their section of the border?

Try to keep them from hunting and causing a friendly fire incident, but free up some of our units.

Explain it as something something weak Romulans something something Honour Honour
"Honor? Oh! Carry on, then."
Optimistic prediction of what a Klingon might say.

"You have no Honor!" *Batleth-to-da-FACE!*
Realistic Pessimistic prediction of what a Klingon might say.


As a Romulan. Do I look like someone that would understand those brutes?!?!

> : V

Seriously though I don't actually particularly understand Klinks.... just not my favorite Trek race
Anyone thought about contacting the Klingons?

They may be insulted not to be invited to the party to brutally murder an affront to sapient life.
The biophage research included coordinating with the Klingon Medical Service, and that part completed during the research turn so we have been talking with them, there just hasn't been a story post including that so far.
TBF I'd trust the Klingons before the Romulans Akuz.

Well yes.

Trust them to do something boneheaded > : V

But stick them in an environment where they are hunting /a/ Romulan ship. And expect them not to hunt /all/ Romulan ships? Even if they weren't Klingons I'd still be wary.

Letting them seal off their end of the Zone and killing anything that comes through is good. And if they could free up Starfleet ships that would be better, because Starfleet ships have better sensor tech, and are less like to start firing on Romulan vessels because reasons. Imagine if every officer was the one that wanted to start Shooting at Dunwhich. We'd rapidly add "Major War" to our existing existential threat.
"The Federation and the Romulans must both invade the Neutral Zone and destroy this threat before it grows too great. There are species and infrastructure within that zone, and if the Inflictor finds them before we can, then it will grow exponentially. The urgency needed to be impressed upon Starfleet. And we need the sensors of an E-type like your own to help us track down this mothership."
I note that this doesn't explain why they didn't just ask the Kumari to follow them. Also curious that they are calling it E-type, if they are aware that the class is called Excelsior, why not call it that, is that difficult to pronounce for Romulans? And if they aren't, what does the E stand for? Explorer? Enterprise? The fifth type of Starfleet vessel they encountered?
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I note that this doesn't explain why they didn't just ask the Kumari to follow them. Also curious that they are calling it E-type, if they are aware that the class is called Excelsior, why not call it that, is that difficult to pronounce for Romulans? And if they aren't, what does the E stand for? Explorer? Enterprise? The fifth type of Starfleet vessel they encountered?

E-Type is a reporting name, that I came up with for my fic. Doyalistly It exists entirely to differentiate them from the Federation, to highlight that they have a different viewpoint form Starfleet. A touch of alienness. It's not any more important than why the MiG-29 is called the Fulcrum

On the Watsonian level it's a convention so that you don't start confusing alien words, or start looking for meanings. You just add a Letter on the Front. Presumably the Klingon vessels get number designations

It stops confusion about like different ship names belong to different classes over time, or like Ending up calling the NX-Class Enterprise one, Constitution Enterprise two. It is also a small touch of dehumanization.
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Okay, not many people seem to have had a chance to vote so far. I might let this vote stand until tomorrow morning, give people the better part of a day, since you ship deployment is one of the more strategically important decisions you can make as a commander of Starfleet.