Ghosts and Whispers - Current Status
Starfleet Status: High Alert (Can travel 1 Sq Length per Week)
Federation Status: Normal
Member World Fleets: High Alert
Caitian: High Alert
Apiata: High Alert
Indoria: High Alert
Orion: State of Emergency
Rigel: Normal
Caldonia: Normal
Risa: High Alert
Gaen: Normal
Seyek: High Alert
W4 Changes - Caitian and Risa go to High Alert
Kahurangi's Opinion of Starfleet Intelligence: Annoyed
Known Details
The CDF Kadak-Tor departed on its shakedown cruise from Galundun shipyards a a week before the new year. It has sent a message back to Cardassia, after which a very large portion of the Cardassian fleet has departed their space, heading towards the Federation.
Starfleet Assets
First Fleet
-Stationed at Vega
--USS Endurance, Excelsior, NCC-2007
--USS Bull, Centaur-A, NCC-2107
--USS Lion, Miranda, NCC-1654
--USS Bon Vivant, Miranda, NCC-1621
Second Fleet
-Stationed at Tales Har
--USS Salnas, Excelsior, NCC-2009
--USS Vigour, Constellation, NCC-1804
--USS Dryad, Miranda, NCC-1631
Third Fleet
-Stationed at Ord Grind Duk
--USS Excelsior, Excelsior, NCC-2001
--USS Stalwart, Constellation, NCC-1807
--USS Sappho, Constellation, NCC-1812
--USS Lightning, Centaur-A, NCC-2105
--USS Gale, Centaur-A, NCC-2106
--USS Calypso, Miranda, NCC-1632
--USS Svai, Miranda, NCC-1658
Fourth Fleet
-En Route to 15 Themis Outpost
--USS Avandar, Excelsior, NCC-2010
--USS Docana, Constellation, NCC-1810
--USS Eketha, Miranda, NCC-1655
--USS Suvek, Oberth, NCC-1508
Sol Sector Fleet
-Stationed at Earth
--USS Fidelity, Miranda, NCC-1634
-Stationed at Betazed
--USS Selaya, Constellation, NCC-1803
Vulcan Sector Fleet
-Stationed at Vulcan
--USS T'Kumbra, Miranda, NCC-1659
Andor Sector Fleet
-Stationed at Andoria
Tellar Sector Fleet
-Stationed at Tellar Prime
Amarkia Sector Fleet
-Stationed at Amarkia
--USS Hawking, NCC-1509
Fifth Fleet
-Stationed at 21 Themis
--USS Kumari, Excelsior, NCC-2005
--USS Enterprise, Excelsior, NCC-1701-B
--USS S'harien, Excelsior, NCC-2008
--USS Cheron, Constitution, NCC-1720
--USS Challorn, Constellation, NCC-1809
--USS Zephyr, Centaur, NCC-2103
--USS Winterwind, Centaur-A, NCC-2104
Klingon Border Zone Fleet
-Stationed at Biroth
--USS Kearsage, Constellation, NCC-1811
--USS Thunderhead, Miranda, NCC-1656
--USS Intrepid, Miranda, NCC-1657
--USS Inspire, Oberth, NCC-1510
Romulan Border Zone Fleet
-Stationed at Beta Indi Starbase
--USS Shield, Miranda, NCC-1661
Explorer Corps
-USS Courageous (at Gaen, close to completion of repairs, available Q2.M1.W1)
-USS Sarek (-3d, heading core-ward)
-USS Miracht (4a)
Orion Operations
-Stationed at Alukk
--USS Yukikaze, Centaur-A, NCC-2101
Starfleet Sector Infrastructure
"Critical" - One of very few (or even only one) of its given type of infrastructure within Starfleet's control, the loss of which will cause major loss of function
"Key" - Important assets, the loss of which will impair functions for Starfleet
Sol Sector
-Sol (0a) - Starbase, 2 Shipyards, Critical Political Assets, Critical Research Assets [SDB teams], Critical Logistical/Industrial Assets [Main Academy, Warp Cores, Weapons Assembly]
-Alpha Centauri (0A) - Political Assets, Critical Industrial Assets[Dilithium Refurb Plant], Resource Assets
-Subiaco (0a) - Outpost, Critical Industrial Assets [Anti-Deuterium Plant]
-Lalande (1A) - Resource Assets, Industrial Assets [Deflector Emitters]
-Betazed System (1B) - Outpost, Key Political Assets
Vulcan Sector
-Vulcan (-2A) - Starbase, 1 Shipyard, Critical Political Assets, Key Research Assets, Critical Industrial Assets [Sensor Fabrication], Key Logistical Assets, Resource Assets
-Atatan (-1B) - Political Assets, Resource Assets, Key Industrial Assets [Deflector Fabrication]
-Meridia (-2A) - Research Assets
-P'Kanath (-2B) - Research Assets
Andor Sector
-Andor (-3A) - Starbase, 1 Shipyard, Critical Political Assets, Logistical Assets, Critical Research Assets, Key Industrial Assets [Deflector, Warp Drive Fabrication], Resource Assets
-Machado (-3B) - Outpost, Logistical Assets
-Josephine (-3a) - Resource Assets
-Ranford (-4A) - Logistical Assets, Industrial Assets [Deflector, Sensor Fabrication]
-Sardry (-3a) - Industrial Assets [Transporter Fabrication]
Tellar Sector
-Tellar (-2a) - Starbase, 1 Shipyard, Critical Political Assets, Logistical Assets, Resource Assets, Research Assets, Key Industrial Assets [Transporter, Weapon Fabrication]
-Lagh Cheg (-1b) - Critical Industrial Assets [Dilithium Refurb]
-Sar Alpha (-3a) - Key Industrial Assets [Warp Core Fab]
-Ord Grind Duk (-3b) - Logistical Assets, Critical Industrial Assets [Anti-Deuterium Plant]
Amarkia Sector
-Amarkia (-2d) - Starbase, Critical Political Assets, Critical Logistical Assets, Research Assets, Resource Assets
-Tales Har (-1c) - Resource Assets, Industrial Assets [Transporter, Weapon Fabrication]
-Hophos (-2c) - Resource Assets
-Leas Akaam (-2d) - Outpost, Political Assets, Key Logistical Assets
-Beta Indi (-3C) - Starbase, Key Logistical Assets
-Solitude (-4C) - Outpost
-Claystock (0C) - Outpost
-Tipperary (-5A) - Outpost, Key Logistical Assets
-Biroth (-5a) - Resource Assets, Research Assets
-21 Themis (-4e) - Outpost, Resource Assets
Apinae Sector
-Vintus (-2e) - Outpost, Key Logistical Assets
-Aelin (-2f) - Outpost, Research Assets
-Beta Corridan (-1e) - Outpost, Resource Assets
-Galus V (-3e) - Resource Assets
-15 Themis (-3e) - Outpost
Ferasa Sector
-Pygmalion (-4b) - Resource Assets
Unclaimed Space
-Yel'usulausu (-6b) - Research Assets)
Member World Assets
United Earth
-Stationed at Earth
--2 Miranda
-Stationed at Vega
--1 Constellation
--1 Centaur-A
-Stationed at Joburg
--1 Constellation
--1 Miranda
-Stationed at Alukk
--1 Centaur-A
--2 Miranda
-Stationed at Vulcan
--3 Constellation
--5 Miranda
--2 Soyuz
--1 Oberth
Andor Guard
-Stationed at Andoria
--1 Constellation
--2 Miranda
--1 Soyuz
-Stationed at Landle IV
--1 Constellation
--2 Centaur-A
--1 Miranda
-Stationed at Alukk
--1 Constellation
--1 Centaur-A
--2 Miranda
-Stationed at Klivvar Proxima
--1 Constellations
--3 Miranda
--1 Soyuz
-Stationed at Ord Grind Duk
--2 Constellations
--1 Centaur-A
--3 Miranda
Amarki Confederacy Fleet
-Stationed at Selindra
--CAS Riala, Riala-class
--CAS Friec, Riala-class
--CAS Hebrinda, Hebrinda-class Cruiser
--CAS Hilindia, Hebrinda-class Cruiser
--CAS Odala, Hebrinda-class Cruiser
--CAS Perciar, Perciar-class Cruiser
-4 Light Escorts
-4 Heavy Escorts
Betazoid Defence Force
-Stationed at Betazed
--3 Cruisers
--6 Patrollers
Member World Sector Infrastructure
UE = United Earth
V = Vulcans
A = Andorian Empire
T = Tellarites
M = Amarkian Confederacy
B = Betazoids
Sol Sector
-Sol (0a) UE - Outpost, 1 Shipyard, Critical Political Assets, Critical Industrial Assets [UE Warp Core, Drives, Weapons]
-Alpha Centauri (0A) UE- Critical Political Assets, Agricultural Assets
-Subiaco (0a) UE - Research Assets
-Lalande (1A) UE - Resource Assets, Agricultural Assets
-Vega (0b) UE - Political Assets, Agricultural Assets
-New Seoul (0B) UE - Political Assets, Key Industrial Assets [UE Deflectors, Transporters]
-Joburg (1a) UE - Key Industrial Assets [UE Sensors]
-Motara (0A) UE - Mining Colony - Resource Assets
Various Minor Colony Worlds, including on Moons and Satellites
-Betazed System (1B) B - Outpost, Key Political Assets, Agricultural Assets
-Onos (1B) B -Major Colony, Agricultural Assets
-Tawxa (1B) B - Mining Colony - Resource Assets
-Costaun (1C) B - Minor Colony - Research Assets
Vulcan Sector
-Vulcan (-2A) - Shipyard, Homeworld
-Atatan (-1B) - Political Assets, Resource Assets, Key Industrial Assets [Deflector Fabrication]
-Meridia (-2A) - Research Assets
-P'Kanath (-2B) - Research Assets
-82 Eridani (-1B) - Political Assets, Industrial Assets
Various Minor Colony Worlds, including on Moons and Satellites
Andor Sector
-Andor (-3A) - Shipyard, Homeworld, Critical Industrial Assets [A All Items]
-Machado (-3B) - Industrial Assets, Logistical Assets
-Ranford (-4A) - Key Resource Assets, Industrial Assets
-Sardry (-3a) - Political Assets, Key Agriculatural Assets
-Jhaylyk (-3A) - Mining Colony, Industrial Assets, Resource Assets
-Mu Proxima (4a) - Agricultural Assets
Various Minor Colony Worlds, including on Moons and Satellites
Tellar Sector
-Tellar (-2a) - 1 Shipyard, Homeworld, Critical Industrial Assets [T, All Items]
-Lagh Cheg (-1b) - Outpost, Key Logistical Hub
-Klivvar Proxima - Outpost, Shipyard, Key Agrilcultural Assets, Political Assets
-Sar Alpha (-3a) - Shipyard, Agricultural Assets
-Ord Grind Duk (-3b) - Outpost, Shipyard, Key Industrial Assets, Key Political Assets
-Vurglurk (-2b) - Mining Colony - Key Resource Assets
-Tag Kut Mork (-1a) - Mining Colony
-Certunn Epsilon (-1b) - Mining Colony
Various Minor Colony Worlds, Moons, Satellites
Amarkia Sector
-Amarkia (-2d) - Homeworld, Shipyard, Critical Industrial Assets
-Tales Har (-1c) - Outpost Shipyard, Political Assets, Resource Assets, Key Industrial Assets
-Leas Akaam (-2d) - Shipyard, Logistical Assets,
-Selindra (-2c) - Outpost Shipyard, Political Assets, Key Agricultural Assets
-Delfriebh (-1d) - Mining Colony, Resource Assets
-Gaiar Har (-2d) - Outpost, Key Resource Assets
-Tiankaria (-1c) - Research Assets
Various Minor Colony Worlds, Moons, Satellites
Affiliate Worlds
-Rethelia (-5f) - Starbase, Shipyard, Critical Political Assets, Critical Industrial Assets, Critical Resource Assets, Critical Research Assets
-Fiiral (-5e) - Outpost, Key Political Assets, Resource Assets, Research Assets, Key Industrial Assets
-Celepisos (-6d) - Outpost
-Saritcos (-6f) - Resource, Research Assets
-Hacitorus (-5f) - Shipyard, Resource Assets, Key Industrial Assets, Political Assets
-Hassonus (-5e) - Outpost, Shipyard, Research Assets, Key Industrial Assets
Affiliate Fleets
-Caitian Fleet @ Ferasa
--3 Fatherships, 8 Modern Swarmers, 3 Old Swarmers
-Caldonian Fleet @ Caldonia
--4 Science Cruisers, 6 Escorts
-Indoria @ Indoria
--1 Ship-of-the-Line, 2 Frigate, 2 Heavy Escorts, 4 Patrol Escorts
-Apiata Fleet @ Apinae
--1 Queenship, 1 Little Queenship, 2 Stingers, 2 Old Stingers, 1 Forager
-Apiata Fleet @ Alrizzine
--2 Little Queenship, 3 Stingers, 2 Old Stingers, 2 Foragers
-Apiata Fleet @ Burrizz
--2 Little Queenship, 3 Stingers, 2 Old Stingers, 2 Foragers
-Rigellian Fleet @ Rigel
--1 Megatortoise, 5 Turtleships, 5 Cutters, 3 Old Cutters
-Orion Union @ Alukk
--2 Cruisers, 8 Escorts
-Risan Hedony Fleet @ Risa
--4 Heavy Corvettes, 4 Corvettes
Starfleet/Federation Supply Lines
Amarkia <-> Tellar Prime
Tellar Prime <-> Sol
Sol <-> Vulcan
Vulcan <-> Andor
Andor <-> Tellar Prime
Andor <-> Ranford <-> Tipperary -> KBZ
Andor <-> Machado <-> Beta Indi -> RBZ
Amarkia <-> Leas Akaam <-> Vintus -> CBZ
Cardassian Assets (Known)
Group A
Kadak-Tor, Modified Kaldar
Suspected to be in -3c
Group B
'Frontier Group'
3 Jaldun (Trager, Karnack, Ronagot)
1 Science Escort (Parok)
Apprx -5c
Group C + D
2 Kaldar
2 Jaldun
3 Escort-grade
Apprx -4d
Group E + F
3 Jaldun
1 Kaldar
1 Lorgot
2 Escort-grade
Apprx -4e
Group G
~4 Warp Signatures
Apprx -4g
Group H
~2 Warp Signatures
Apprx 1d
Known Cardassian Worlds
Cardassia (?) - Homeworld
Karadoc (0i) - Starbase, Shipyard, Sector Lead
Vedarot (-1i) - Outpost
Trangot (-2i) - Outpost
Balogot (-3h) - Outpost
Galundun (-4h) - Starbase, Shipyard, Sector Lead
Kamey Prime (-1h) - Mining Colony
Logistics Routes
All Unknown
However, Starfleet Tactical presumes with strong confidence that a line runs from Karadoc through to Galundun.
Known Cardassian AFfiliates
Sydraxian Hierarchy
Suspected: Yrillians, Bajor