Ok, could someone post the map with the new information on the probable path of the Kadak-Tor and it's current location on the grid. I would like to have an idea on it's current trajectory, as well as potential interception points. Also, is there any way to set up that warp disruptor of the type made back in 2303.Q3 in the path of the Kadak-Tor to stop the vessel in its tracks?
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I can't help but feel that the response to all of this would have been a lot different if it was Sulu telling us 'no' instead of Linderly.

I believe that some of the arguments presented are nothing more than biased assumptions built on other biased assumptions, and even fabricated beliefs.

Mark my words, if this gambit with giving up our Cardassian sources to the Klingons doesn't work, (And I don't think it will), then I believe that there will be serious consequences, both mechanical and narratively.

As for plans, I'm split between Alpha and Delta, leaning towards Delta. I really think that this is some kind of 'rogue sub' scenario, and not a prelude to war. Now, whether it's the Red October, Ambush, or Kamikaze is up for debate, but most likely the Explorers (almost certainly Enterpise) are going to be the ones to resolve it in the end.
I believe case Beta and case Gamma are too politically risky based on the current information. Of the remaining two, I'd prefer Delta over Alpha but can live with either.

[X] Case Delta - Insuffiicent information, don't commit yet.
[X] Case Alpha - Push up to the Border

From what we know of Cardassian technology, the Kadak-Tor almost certainly isn't faster than our own ships. If enough time passes for Miran to have gotten past our borders, we can recall those ships to defend the core systems as fast as she can get there herself. I also don't want to concentrate too many of our ships in one spot, or the Cardassians might use the opportunity.
Well, I don't want to anger the Dawiar or abandon the CBZ and Apinae Sector, so Beta and Gamma are out. Delta isn't really bad, but if we have to redeploy our ships, it's better to have them closer than having to wait another week before they arrive. So I'll vote:

[X] Case Alpha - Push up to the Border

I think this closes our borders pretty well.
Considering where the standard border ships are going, I think we may be seeing an operation to restart the Catian/Dawair war or punish the Dawiar for going for peace terms.

[x] Case Alpha - Push up to the Border

Because I don't have the energy for a write-in, I don't like sacrificing the Apinae Sector with Beta, Gamma is asking for trouble, and I absolutely want Vulcan/Andor/RBZ/KBZ ships redeployed.

Ideally I'd prefer a Gamma variant that shifts the Ferasa deployments of Gamma to Themis and Pygmalion, but I haven't the energy to write that up in detail.
The problem is that our trained NPC staff is in fact OneirosTheWriter, who while undoubtedly a fine strategist isn't necessarily a better strategist than, say, Briefvoice. It's not obvious that letting Oneiros write three plans and hand them to us leads to better outcomes than soliciting write-ins from the players. Furthermore, then it's Oneiros moving all the chess-pieces on both sides of the board, which can detract from the fun a bit in my opinion.

It doesn't matter how good an strategist Oneiros is since he as GM is the one responsible for evaluating any possible strategy anyhow. He is the one that defines the outcome of any strategy and who has the best idea of how the whole world work and its characters work and what makes sense from a narrative standpoint and what not. I have seen far too many cases where write-in's failed because player and GM interpreted situations and tactics differently or because player's ignored something that GM thought was obvious.

Going with more general options does away with that complication (and allows for higher player participation (because nothing kills that more quickly than (complicated) write-in's) and give Oneiros the greatest amount of freedom to fit things into something that makes (narrative) sense and is interesting/fun to read about (and doesn't require the GM hours to play out/solve).

[X] Case Beta - Consolidate

I am still unsure if the Cardassians really plan to attack us or not ( though all the OC effort going into this certainly suggests so) so a more defensive approach that doesn't make them to nervous seems like a good idea. I am also willing to trade space to give our ships the opportunity to meet up and counter-attack in overwhelming force should it become necessary.
[wut] Case Epsilon
-Assemble the entire Explorer Corps at -3f.
-Send them to Balogot while the Cardassian fleet is distracted.
-Park in orbit and tell the Cardassian government that we've been having issues with some unscrupulous pirates that claim to be acting in their name.
[wut] Case Epsilon
-Assemble the entire Explorer Corps at -3f.
-Send them to Balogot while the Cardassian fleet is distracted.
-Park in orbit and tell the Cardassian government that we've been having issues with some unscrupulous pirates that claim to be acting in their name.
The entire Explorer Corps is a bit much, and some are too far away, but the Sarek could be there in about 2 weeks.
The entire Explorer Corps is a bit much, and some are too far away, but the Sarek could be there in about 2 weeks.

It was a joke.

That said, if we DO end up coming to blows with the Cardassian fleet during this crisis...I think pushing back into their core territories might just be the thing to do, assuming we don't take too many losses against said fleet. The bulk of our forces will have already been mobilized along the border, and they'll be down a lot of ships.

I doubt that we will come to blows, but if we do...
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Not sure why you think that would help, but sure:
... It's going after Teller prime. If you draw a line from it's current location, it would pass Gamma Candae V, 21 Thermis VII, and 15 Thermis before passing into Orion space for resupply, from there, going north would be Hophos III-2, and then a straight shot to Teller Prime, the nexus of our trade routes. Destroy Teller Prime, and game over for the Federation as the entire logistics system collapses.
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[x] Case Alpha - Push up to the Border

Abandoning a sector would have major ramifications unless this is a full fledged invasion. so like a lot of people here beta and Gamma are out