Ok, I've reach a conclusion that we need to make this quest even more liberal than the cannon federation to counteract reality, now the question is how to achieve this goal. Ideas?
Lobbying and influencing Fed politics to extend more rights and protections to artificial or artificially altered sapiences, is the first thing that comes to mind.

a Federation Day of Remembrance for those who died during the opening of Earth's Third World War in early 2017 wouldn't be amiss either
A reexamination of the prime directive? This early enough that they haven't made it the TNG dogma?
Sorry, but my Federation politics here keep getting hung up on a Federation group trying to (legally!) buy the Orion election by founding a corporation backed by crowdfunding and the story keeps ending with, 'And that's how the Prime Directive got extended to keeping out of basically everyone's politics unless invited.'
@OneirosTheWriter a few questions on various Research technologies.

[T3] Automated Ship Systems
0 / 40 Barret-V System Automation (Crew Saving I) (Reduce Enlisted Crew Requiments)

Does that apply only to new ship designs, or will it reduce the Enlisted crew requirements of all active ships? If the latter, does it require some kind of refit or does it just happen?

[T4] 2330s Automated Ship Systems
0 / 40 Barret-VI Analysis Automation (Crew Saving II) (Reduce Tech Crew Requiments)
[T5] 2330s Automated Ship Systems
0 / 60 Barret-V Control Automation (Crew Saving III) (Reduce Offier Crew Requiments)

Same question.

I've noticed that some of top-tier technologies actually reduce reliability, presumably because they're so cutting edge but then some don't. Like:
0 / 60 Type-VII Reactor Chamber Design (Warp Core Power Generation III) (+1% to Warp Core output)
0 / 40 Advanced Anti-Dueterium Sublimator (Warp Core Anti Matter Injector II) (+0.5% to Warp Core output, -0.5 Warp Core Reliability)
0 / 40 Fused Dueterium Gas Compressor (Warp Core Matter Injector II) (+0.5% to Warp Core output, -0.5 Warp Core Reliability)

I'm not sure what my question is, other than, that sure is a thing, huh? I wonder if some of the ship design guys will baulk at that research.

[T4] 2330s EPS Safety
0 / 60 Principal Corridor Manifolds (EPS Console Taps II) (+0.2 all crew types due to reduced operational injuries)

Another one where are these assumed to be installed on all this in service and start saving crew immediately?

When a Weapons technology gives:
"+X% chance of inflicting shield burn-through" is there any base value it's calculating from, or is there no chance of Shield burn-through until the first technology that does so is developed?

Early 24th Century Starbase Design
0 / 40 Deep Space I (Allow creation of Deep Space I stations)

What exactly is a Deep Space station, how is it different from a regular Starbase, and under what circumstances would we want to build one?
0 / 90 Starbase II (Allow creation of Starbase II stations)
0 / 90 Outpost II (Allow creation of Outpost II stations)

Speaking of ship upgradability wrt tech, if we research the above, can we upgrade our existing starbases and outposts?

In general, do any the researched starbase techs (like improving repair capabilities, improving stats, etc.) require a project to upgrade, or do we get the upgrades for free, or do we need to construct completely new starbases/outposts?

Do the incremental ship techs make a difference for researching the canon ship designs?

Yes, we can bring resource costs, crew costs, and even weight cost (tonnage) of a ship design down with more research along as we retain the canon stat line. It also allows us to design the ship with less fudge factors, which translate to more reliability and faster design time. Some techs are also required to introduce new berth sizes, module types, and increase the scale brackets between escort/cruiser/explorer. (We could probably technically create a Galaxy class right now, but it would require insane fudge factors and absolutely shit reliability, and we couldn't fit it in any berth.)
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By the way, if we can't use Romulan/Klingon-style cloaking devices, we could probably go for sensor stealth instead, similar to real life stealth fighters/ships.
Speaking of ship upgradability wrt tech, if we research the above, can we upgrade our existing starbases and outposts?

In general, do any the researched starbase techs (like improving repair capabilities, improving stats, etc.) require a project to upgrade, or do we get the upgrades for free, or do we need to construct completely new starbases/outposts?

Yes, we can bring resource costs, crew costs, and even weight cost (tonnage) of a ship design down with more research along as we retain the canon stat line. It also allows us to design the ship with less fudge factors, which translate to more reliability and faster design time. Some techs are also required to introduce new berth sizes, module types, and increase the scale brackets between escort/cruiser/explorer. (We could probably technically create a Galaxy class right now, but it would require insane fudge factors and absolutely shit reliability, and we couldn't fit it in any berth.)
It's actually impossible to make a Galaxy Class right now, even if we had berths that could fit. Fudge Factors aren't allowed above L5 in a legal design, and with all the possible weight savers cranked to 5 we're still 138kt too heavy.
So we paint our ships black?
There's a lot more to stealth. The shape and arrangement of parts, for instance. Ways to reduce heat/plasma/whatever emissions. Materials and electronics that could minimize the sensor/warp signature of a ship. Sensors and shields that are more discreet. Holograms and the like that could deceive enemy sensors such as them seeing a disguise or multiple ghost/decoy ships, etc.
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The big problem with making ships stealthy is that ships underway have to actively generate a variety of 'field' effects: impulse, warp, navigational deflector, possibly shields, structural integrity field. If you don't have some kind of active cloaking system capable of masking those emissions, it's far from obvious that you CAN make ships reliably stealthy.
It's actually impossible to make a Galaxy Class right now, even if we had berths that could fit. Fudge Factors aren't allowed above L5 in a legal design, and with all the possible weight savers cranked to 5 we're still 138kt too heavy.

Yeah I just tried. I managed to get a Galaxy with 81% reliability and tier 6 fudge factors.

But with about a decade more research, and we can get a Galaxy with 85% reliability with tier 5 fudge factors :D
In Trek there is ample precedent for even Federation ships being able to fool primitive sensors (the kinds pre-warp civilizations have), and otherwise being able to mask or conceal themselves at times, even from peer-level opponents. However, this is not a reliable operational capability, and it isn't always there when you need it at the push of a button, the way a cloaking device is.

[I will also note that the "ain't no stealth" conclusion is drawn a little too strongly. Much depends on exactly what you're trying to conceal, and how]
[X][INTEL] Accept the Resignation (+5pp)
[X][REPAIR] Gaeni Manufacturing Coop (+5pp, Gaeni closely study the Excelsior design)
[X] Border Diplomacy

I look forward to the over teched abomination the Gaeni will spawn.

The admiral thing sucks, but the pp, and the option of slotting Sulu or someone else in really cuts the sting out for me.

Finaly, no real concerns with any of the leading plans, but the Qloarths have been pretty cool.
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Does this work better? I guess I could also use different colors for replaced/replacing, completed projects and newly started ones, do you think that would help?

  • Daystorm Institute [Skill 4 Computing/Shields]: 2310s Computing Installations [complete] -> 2320s Mainframe [new] (rushing Colony Cores and +pp tech)
  • Generic Team 1: [new] -> 2310s Shipboard Computing [replacing] (assuming at least 2 points can be earned, finishes off project)
  • Starfleet Science Academy [Skill 3 Computing/Communciation]: 2310s Shipboard Computing [replaced] -> 2310s Message Security [replacing] (information security, unlocks good techs)
  • Federation Broadcast Service [Skill 2 Communication/Xenopsychology]: 2310s Message Security [replaced] -> 2310s Communications [new](+1 to distress and diplo missions)
Warp Tech:
  • Yoyodyne [Skill 4 Warp Tech/Starship Construction] : 2310s WarpCores [replaced] -> 2310s Warp Core Safety [replacing] (chance to finish Warp Core Damage Failsafe Design II this turn, unlike 40EA team)
  • 40 Eridani A [Skill 3 Escort Design/Warp Tech]: Warp Core Safety [replaced] -> 2310s WarpCores [replacing] (will finish weight reduction tech)
Why these projects and not warp propulsion? They have a lot of progress towards them already (i. e. much closer to completion) and offer more in the short term, particularly safety allows much more power output at the same reliability and/or reducing the size and cost of the warp core a lot. Nacelles are usually less critical in designs.

Starship Construction/Design:
  • New Team [Skill ? Starbase Design/Starship Construction] : [new] -> ToC Starship Frames [replacing] (assumes skill 2 or greater, finishes off project, team will probably be switched to Starbase Design within the next 5 years, quite possibly next year)
  • San Francisco Fleetyards [Skill 3 Explorer Design/Starship Construction]: ToC Explorer [complete] -> Early 24th Century Explorer - Engineering [new] (vital hull reliability if not using test version of the sheet)
  • Utopia Planitia [Skill 5 Cruiser/Explorer Design]: Renaissance [unchanged]
  • Spock [Skill 5 Xenopsychology/Sensors]: 2300s Xenopsychology [complete] -> Early 24th Century External Diplomacy [new] (free non-affiliate roll)
  • University of Betazed [Skill 3 Xenopsychology/Personal]: Basic ToC Equipment [replaced] -> Early 24th Century Affiliates Research [new](+crew, +diplo rolls)
  • Vulcan Science Academy [Skill 4 Xenopsychology/Sensors] : 2310s Long -Range Sensors [finished priority tech]-> 2310s Short-Range Sensors [new](got +mapping rolls tech from long range sensors last year, anti-cloaking vital now that the Cardassians got into that game)
Other Normal Tech:
  • Starfleet Medical [Skill 4 Medical/Personal]: Early 24th Century Trauma Medicine [finished priority tech] ->Basic ToC Equipment [replacing](finishes off project, UoBetazed team needed for Xenopsych, team will probably be switched back to medical next year)
  • Weapons Fabrication Division [Skill 2 Weapons/Starship Design]: ToC Starship Frames [replaced] -> Early ToC Weapons [new](starter tech)
  • Andorian Academy [Skill 3 Shields/Communication]: 2310s Deflector Shields [unchanged]
  • Tellar Prime Academy of Mineral Science [Skill 3 Minerals/Personal]: ToC Mineral Technology [complete] -> Early 24th Century Special Resources [new](shortage)

Doctrine/Foreign Analysis:
  • Lt-Cdr Kuznetsova's Tiger Team [Skill 3 Fleet Design/Foreign Analysis]: Lone Ranger Way of the Elephant [unchanged]
  • Admiral Lathriss [Skill 3 Fleet Design/Defensive]: Lone Ranger Way of the Giant [unchanged]
  • Office of Naval Architecture [Skill 3 Fleet Design/Starship Construction]: Lone Ranger Way of the Anchor [unchanged]
  • Games & Theory Division [Skill 2 Foreign Analysis/Offensive] : Cardassian Research [unchanged]
  • Generic Team 2: [new] -> Klingon Research [new](admiral bonus, will grant free report)
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Captain's Log - 2309.Q2
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23287.1

We are helping out the scientists who are a little reluctant to travel in the contested frontier without support. Earlier scans revealed a pre-industrial age civilisation residing on a Class M world not far rim-ward of Indoria. Our sensor crews have accomplished much of the work, but there are some areas the scientist are very keen to explore that are emitting naturally sensor-resistant waves. When they requested use of a shuttle to access these areas, I decided I could do with a good wilderness stroll myself, and will be joining them.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23287.4

Our assignment to map out the wide array of mineral bearing worlds between Qloath and Lecarre has stumbled across an unexpected find in the form of an abandoned Yrillian Escort. This is, of course, very far from Ethur II or any Yrillian colony world, raising many questions about how and why this ship has come to arrive here.


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23288.3

The Rigellian mining colony of Calcis Minor, a barren and lifeless world, is reporting a number of missing workers deep in their mining tunnels, where their sensors are having trouble penetrating. It is an old and well-developed mine that has recently opened a number of new winds. The map is bewildering.

My plan is to use our spares to set up a much more advanced ground-based sensor amplifier rather than actually beam an away team into that mess, even though the foreman is furiously screaming to get him back on schedule.


Captain's Log, USS Kumari, Stardate 23288.4 - Captain Erzath zh'Darlyth

I have encountered and confronted a Cardassian ship that was tracing along the edge of Federation space. After a brief stalemate, it apparently has picked up the Challorn en route to reinforce us and turned to flee. To be thorough, we pursued it out of the local area.

[+5 pp, no escalation occurs]

Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23288.7

The foreman continues to argue with me about the time it is taken.

I'll admit that I probably shouldn't have lost my temper, but in the end, I took one of my security officers' phaser rifle, handed it to the foreman and then shoved him into the elevator basket that leads down into the mines. Not only have I not heard any further complaints, I haven't even seen the foreman since he ran back out of the elevator screaming.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23289.4

While leading an away party to a Class M potential colony world we entered a deep jungle area via light vehicle. While collecting samples, we were happened upon by a reptillian, bipedal megafaunus. It attacked and killed Ensign Calloway before we realised the danger, using enormous jaws and teeth. My best estimate of size was six meters in height, twelve in length.

We were unable to beam-out due to the metallic nature of the foliage and had to use tricorders to confuse it with sonic waves to make our escape after it shrugged off repeated phaser blasts.


Captain's Log, USS Cheron, Stardate 23289.6

We have conducted a diplomatic mission to an Apiatan colony world that is in a dispute with the high queens on Apinae. The colony seemed to be embracing some manner of ascetic way of life, and using this to justify not paying mandated contributions to the homeworld. With tensions beginning to boil, we were asked to step in and help resolve the matter. In doing so, we discovered the technology-free way of life was a total sham, with the planet liberally featuring modern technology, and a number of very spoiled Queens.

[+10 rp]


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23289.8





You see, this is why I use sensors rather than my face when it comes to finding out what is in the dark and unwholesome places of the galaxy. There is one large nest in this mine site, and we are working on a safe orbital firing solution that will allow us to bore through the nest without damaging much else.

[Gain +20 br, +10 rp]


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23289.9

Massive EM storms, the same ones that give our orbit-based investigations so much trouble, have disabled our shuttle on approach. Our pilot brought us in as gracefully as he could, and we are all intact. Unfortunately, we have now been found by the locals.

Initial reactions are mixed. I'm not sure if I'm to be crowned as a goddess or burned as a witch. It may be both.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23290.1

We are being hunted through the jungle. Our vehicle has been unfortunately disabled, leaving us facing a jungle with many such reptiles in it on foot. We are attempting to coordinate with the S'harien in orbit, but need to reach high-ground to do so. High-ground that we believe may be the nesting ground of this reptile.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23290.6

A number of Yrillian raiders were waiting in their ship's transport buffer for us to come alongside and lower shields. They beamed aboard the moment shields lowered and began to head for critical systems. The security officer on the bridge and myself subdued three, however, the Yrillians have captured main engineering. My chief engineer exhibited considerable initiative, bringing up force field barriers around the core and re-routing controls. Security is preparing to take back engineering. I would have used transporters to send them back to a point in space approximately around their ship, however after arriving they have activated transport inhibitors.

If nothing else, the crew is becoming proficient at anti-intruder drills.


Captain's Log, USS S'harien, Stardate 23290.8

I hold grave concerns regarding this world's suitability for colonisation.

This reptilian megafauna would pose a grave threat to any colonist. Thankfully, we have been able to return to our ship. After coordinating with the S'harien, they have used diffuse phaser blasts to clear-fell a section of jungle. After reaching this area, we have been able to beam out, though not being the great beast made one last attempt at eating us.



Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23290.9

Engineering is back in our hands, and we have captured an Yrillian vessel. Interrogation of the leader of this group of pirates leads me to believe that they are associated with the Orion Syndicate. Apparently this ruse was intended to work on cargo ships plying the routes near Dawiar, where losses may be excused as Dawiar action. The idea that they would encounter an Excelsior had not been accounted for.

I have used this as an object lesson to the crew on the importance to a Starfleet officer of not just a sound base of geological knowledge, but of thorough planning and anticipation.

[+5 pp, ship not captured]


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23291.1

That was a narrow escape. We were to be sacrificed to appease the "gods" who send the Ion Storms. Thankfully, a beautiful priestess helped us escape, giving us the chance to prove that their "gods" were, in fact, renegade Orions!

Which, incidentally, saves me from an awkward Prime Directive talk.

[+10 rp]

Computer, End Log
Vote Tally : Sci-Fi - To Boldly Go... (a Starfleet quest) | Page 464 | Sufficient Velocity
##### NetTally 1.7.4


[X][COUNCIL] Plan Rid Ourselves of the Syndicate
No. of Votes: 21

[X][COUNCIL] Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 20pp [Starbase Design/Starship Construction]
No. of Votes: 12

[X][COUNCIL] Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
No. of Votes: 8

[X][COUNCIL] Request Academy Expansion, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
No. of Votes: 6

[X][COUNCIL] Request Ongoing Budget increase 25pp (Roll for success)
No. of Votes: 5

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on Bajorans, 10pp
No. of Votes: 5

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on Dawiar, 10pp
No. of Votes: 5

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on Qloath, 10pp
No. of Votes: 5

[X][COUNCIL] Request expansion of Ana Font Shipyard, 10pp (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth) [Can take multiple times, +5pp per subsequent build]
No. of Votes: 5

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Seyek
No. of Votes: 3

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Bajorans
No. of Votes: 3

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Dawiar
No. of Votes: 3

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on Seyek, 10pp
No. of Votes: 3

[X][COUNCIL] Request a Starbase in the CBZ, 20pp (18 with discount)
No. of Votes: 3

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on Sayek, 10pp
No. of Votes: 2

[X][COUNCIL] Attempt to muster support for large scale action against the Orion Syndicate, 35pp (Anti-Syndicate actions will occur each turn in Amarkia, Caitian, and Andor Sectors)
No. of Votes: 2

[X][COUNCIL] NEW Attempt to muster support for large scale action against the Orion Syndicate, 35pp (Anti-Syndicate actions will occur each turn in Amarkia, Caitian, and Andor Sectors)
No. of Votes: 2

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Qloath
No. of Votes: 2

[X][COUNCIL] NEW Attempt to muster support for large scale action against the Orion Syndicate, 35pp (Anti-Syndicate actions will occur each turn in Amarkia, Caitian, and Andor Sectors)
-[X] The Yukikaze to be assigned to anti-Syndicate actions for the duration in whatever sector they happen in.
No. of Votes: 1

[X][COUNCIL] Add a Member World Coordination Office under Shipyard Ops, 30pp (allow cooperation with member worlds on ship-building priorities as part of Shipyard Ops turn phase)
No. of Votes: 1

[X][COUNCIL] Request focused Diplomacy on a potential member species, 10pp (One affiliate or prospective race will undergo accelerate diplomacy) : Yrillians
No. of Votes: 1

[X][COUNCIL] Expansion and diplomacy
No. of Votes: 1

[X][COUNCIL] Keep Our Admiral
No. of Votes: 1


[X][INTEL] Accept the Resignation (+5pp)
No. of Votes: 31

[X][INTEL] Decline the Resignation (-25pp)
No. of Votes: 7


[X][REPAIR] Gaeni Manufacturing Coop (+5pp, Gaeni closely study the Excelsior design)
-[X] Delay/cancel a Connie-B in Q4 as necessary to avoid a resource shortfall
No. of Votes: 19

[X][REPAIR] Cancel the planned Constitution-B Build in Utopia Planitia Berth-C (3mt berth) and repair the Courageous there.
No. of Votes: 11

[X][REPAIR] Gaeni Manufacturing Coop (+5pp, Gaeni closely study the Excelsior design)
No. of Votes: 5

[X][REPAIR] Utopia Planitia
-[X] Cancel a Constitution-B
No. of Votes: 2

Total No. of Voters: 41
Briefvoice's vote wins:

[X][INTEL] Accept the Resignation (+5pp)

[X][REPAIR] Gaeni Manufacturing Coop (+5pp, Gaeni closely study the Excelsior design)
-[X] Delay/cancel a Connie-B in Q4 as necessary to avoid a resource shortfall

[X][COUNCIL] Plan Rid Ourselves of the Syndicate
-Request Allocation for an Excelsior's resources, one-off-infusion of an Excelsior's cost, 20pp
-Request Academy Expansion, 35pp (Gain +.5 Officers/Enlisted/Techs throughput)
-Attempt to muster support for large scale action against the Orion Syndicate, 35pp (Anti-Syndicate actions will occur each turn in Amarkia, Caitian, and Andor Sectors)
--The Yukikaze to be assigned to anti-Syndicate actions for the duration in whatever sector they happen in.
-Request expansion of Ana Font Shipyard, 10pp (9 with discount) (4 turns, gain 1 new 1m t berth)
-Request focused Diplomacy on Sayek, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Bajorans, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Yrillians, 10pp
-Request focused Diplomacy on Dawiar, 10pp
- Request new Tech Team to be added to your Ship Design Bureau, 20pp [Starbase Design/Starship Construction]
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Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23291.1

That was a narrow escape. We were to be sacrificed to appease the "gods" who send the Ion Storms. Thankfully, a beautiful priestess helped us escape, giving us the chance to prove that their "gods" were, in fact, renegade Orions!

Which, incidentally, saves me from an awkward Prime Directive talk.

[+10 rp]

Oh Nash, Never change! :rofl:
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