The Singers do not, as a breed, seem to like things not going according to plan.

This naval action just went off-script rather forcefully.
Yeah, they don't deal well with setbacks.

Pinning them into their ships via taking out the comms is probably a priority in any engagement.
Iso (or Singer) Battle Core! Good to know.
Or something equivalent. Perhaps whatever computer core the Harmony use instead of our regular Duotronics provides an Evasion bonus (alongside possibly other benefits, though we can of course also use an RPF core that boosts evasion.)
not sure how true that statement is but there might be something of a speed track for those that do away missions because somebody on a higher level deems them compitent to do them?
but if you have ppl doing dangerous jobs. those that do them well and for a long time generally seem to know what they are doing and there for get noticed as well.
it might not be on the same level at "went into danger and then 'rank' "whats his name" saved my life by doing some thing" (brave/smart) but still.
Oh yeah, it's not the only way to the top - the 'fleet can't ignore any source of competence entirely - but it makes sense as a source of bias and a reason why Starfleet has a culture of senior people getting into things in a hands on sort of way instead of working through lower ranked officers and enlisted.
Oh yeah, it's not the only way to the top - the 'fleet can't ignore any source of competence entirely - but it makes sense as a source of bias and a reason why Starfleet has a culture of senior people getting into things in a hands on sort of way instead of working through lower ranked officers and enlisted.

ether i am too tired or not smart enuf too space that out and understand what ever it was you just said.

ether i am too tired or not smart enuf too space that out and understand what ever it was you just said.
I shall attempt to summarize.

I think you are correct - it is probably a contributing factor and not the only way to a promotion.
Side note: This being a factor helps explain the TV tendency for senior crew to beam down on an away mission as a matter of habit.
Yeah, they don't deal well with setbacks.

Pinning them into their ships via taking out the comms is probably a priority in any engagement.
Riala: "Fair's fair. If my captain's locked inside the hull, so is yours."

Harmony Tender: "What are you talking about, my captain is a perfectly nice Lintri- *urk*"

Riala, Eyes Flaring Red, Grabbing Larnyx: "Enough games. I speak of organ grinders, not monkeys."

Or something equivalent. Perhaps whatever computer core the Harmony use instead of our regular Duotronics provides an Evasion bonus (alongside possibly other benefits, though we can of course also use an RPF core that boosts evasion.)
I'm pretty sure the Harmony already had isolinear computers when we met them- it was one of the reasons they were able to corrupt our own isolinear research and force us to go over it carefully to remove all the back doors.
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I'm pretty sure the Harmony already had isolinear computers when we met them- it was one of the reasons they were able to corrupt our own isolinear research and force us to go over it carefully to remove all the back doors.
Point taken, but having Isolinear computing researched isn't the same as having it in-service on a line of ships that take years to build and have seemingly been flying for a while. It seemed fairly new for them at the time, too, if I recall.

Still, I imagine the ideal Singer Command and Control Computer has differences from a regular UFP Duotronic, or even Isolinear, core. These could possibly be reflected in the ship parts builder, too.
I shall attempt to summarize.

I think you are correct - it is probably a contributing factor and not the only way to a promotion.
Side note: This being a factor helps explain the TV tendency for senior crew to beam down on an away mission as a matter of habit.
Ah, got it now.

Well that and it cuts down on the budget if you only have too pay so many ppl of your show.

Still there is some kind of semi logic in that i am sure.
Ah, got it now.

Well that and it cuts down on the budget if you only have too pay so many ppl of your show.

Still there is some kind of semi logic in that i am sure.
Pay for actors is a Doyalist concern, and even then the more important thing is audience involvement. It takes time to develop interesting people in an interesting setting, and if you had to develop a whole additional seven crew members, plus specialists, I don't know that you could actually do it fast enough.

Besides, once you have 'em, then you have to look at making 'em change too these days. That's a lot to keep track of there, even setting aside things like writer burnout.
Some thoughts.

I really liked how the Comet update showed its SDB design. Two Burst Launchers, DamCon teams, small basic sickbay, etc. Also the stuff about quarters being on nearer to the surface and abandoned during combat, or people having secondary roles for when combat starts.

I am starting to suspect that all the HoH cruisers have Comms Array part... they might not because even without ships have some comms gear, but in universe stronger focus on them would make sense, Singers are sure to really want an exit available always.

The killing Comms Array tactic seems very interesting to me, and might be quite effective.

That was a lot of shield penetrations look like, and the tactics used seem to rely on them. Interesting, because they are actually really unlikely, Comets have +1% Pen chance over whatever the base is and there are techs that improve it I think, but anyway it's not much. I never wrapped my head around the value of this stat.

HoH Tender Doctrine is very powerful, but also very fragile I think. In character for Singers really...

Those Strike Corvettes can punch very hard and win cheaply, but if they start losing they start losing hard. This is because of two things, attrition and the Tenders.

Attrition because, those Strike Corvettes? Fragile. Now, they have big guns and there are many of them so they hit hard and their total combined HP is not necessarily low either, but the same amount of firepower that an Explorer could walk off and fight again he next day would not just send those corvettes into berths for a year of repair work, but outright hulk them. Multiple of them in fact. And that results in a major weakness during a sustained conflict... which UFP would be very good at thanks to our industry.

Tenders because Tender doctrine is based on a simple idea: take as much stuff out of warships as you can and put them elsewhere, less likely to be destroyed, so that the warships are cheap and easily replaceable. This works great until you start losing Tenders, whereupon it doesn't. Much less with HoH absurdly massive 5mt Sanctuary Tenders, they put a lot of their eggs in those baskets.

So, against HoH fleets the answer seems to lie in withstanding their first devastating blows, going slow and steady, and hunting down Tenders whenever possible.
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Problem: HoH will have done a similar evaluation; so - in case of war, kill Federation production abilities (hello stealth ships), hit existing fleets hard, trap with tenders as bait.
Oh, and the whole disinformation and sabotage not to forget, but that isn't fleet tactics.
Problem: HoH will have done a similar evaluation; so - in case of war, kill Federation production abilities (hello stealth ships), hit existing fleets hard, trap with tenders as bait.
Oh, and the whole disinformation and sabotage not to forget, but that isn't fleet tactics.
Well yes, but they'd be doing all of that anyway.

"Just kill Federation production abilities lol" is easier said than done in their case, because the Federation has such a ridiculous amount of strategic depth. Using tenders as bait is a risky strategy though not entirely out of the plausible for them given just how much in the way of resources they're prepared to write off to set something up.
If you are going tender hunting, remember every tender anywhere near Fed space will have at least one Liberator class heavy cruiser escorting, plus the swarms. And likely more.
Comet 5 first sentence.

"Utopia Planitia spontaneously exploding was quite the shock, but then they got the rest of the Sol System shipyards too. Looks like the Comet will remain unique for a while longer."
Comet 5 first sentence.

"Utopia Planitia spontaneously exploding was quite the shock, but then they got the rest of the Sol System shipyards too. Looks like the Comet will remain unique for a while longer."
I would LIKE to think we're out of the phase of the quest where the QMs, out of an earnest but mistaken belief that we needed more incentive to hate and fear the Harmony, kept blowing our stuff up with no recourse on our part during what were, in effect, cutscenes.

I'm actually fairly sure of that, come to think of it.
That was a lot of shield penetrations look like, and the tactics used seem to rely on them. Interesting, because they are actually really unlikely, Comets have +1% Pen chance over whatever the base is and there are techs that improve it I think, but anyway it's not much. I never wrapped my head around the value of this stat.
We've got +6% Pen from techs.

Shield penetration is valuable because: Shields regenerate in combat, whereas Hull generally doesn't; Hull damage decreases combat effectiveness, while Shield damage does not; Reducing Hull to 0 ends the threat of a ship, while reducing Shields to 0 does not; Ships generally have higher Shield stats than they do Hull stats.

Shields as a function of the ship exist to make it so you're not taking damage on the Hull, so Shield Penetration is making all of the resources and parts invested in the stat utterly irrelevant <Shield Pen>% of the time.

I am going to name things after you guys so I can blow them up :mad:
The Godwinson needs to take a torpedo in the primary sensor array, if you're being maximally accurate. :V
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We've got +6% Pen from techs.
Neat, I didn't know the tech percentage.
While a frigate like the Comet indeed only adds +1% from the limited sets of phasers, and a Centaur or Rennie 2%, when you get to larger ships it adds up- the many phaser banks of the Excelsior-A and Ambassador give +5% Shield penetration, meaning around 1 in 9 shots could potentially cut right through. (Or more, if there is a baseline penetration chance.)

(The humble Miri, mobile phaser platform that it is, has +3%. Of course, the Ambassador backs up the penetration with the full force of C10, quite a different proposition as theViera nas Berrnoy experienced.)
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I wonder how many Singers they even have that are good at and ready for combat. Singers specialise in different fields after all. If we make targetting the comms arrays a standard tactic, they might soon start to run out or have to pull 'noncombat' singers that spent the last century playing simcity and dating simulators with harmony citizens.