Loved the detail in the piece, a lot of fun, especially about the EC school-to-Starfleet 'deserters' was fun.
You know Starfleet's seeing a lot of people balk at serving on those Keplers or Comets because of how comparatively 'hard' living they are?
But this made me double-take? Aside from anything else, the Comet and Kepler both have T2 Adaptive Life Support, capable of keeping an Andorian, a Risan, and a Vulcan all individually climate-comfortable in the same room.
They'd also be less crowded than a similarly-sized but 50% higher-crewed Rennie-A, say.
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Well that was, I my humble opinion a very nice piece of writing.

The names in the parts breakdown crack me up.

I would not mind seeing more of these if anyone was interested in writing them.

All the details an ic commentary is great.
I always have regretted we've never been able to make better use of that reliability for fed and related ships.

Uh, do you mean that our ships do have a chance to break down by a roll of the dice OoC, and we've just got the Reliability score so high it practically never happens which is a problem because you'd like to write some amusing scenes of it, or is our score unusually high and you wanted to comment on that IC, but we've barely interacted with a peer power in a non-hostile capacity since the Biophage so we haven't done a lot of blueprint comparison nevermind actually having people on each other's ships?

Because there's been plenty of comments that Starfleet does SCIENCE! madness all the time, but that's more of a sensors thing than a general reliability thing.
...that's not an Explorer. It's not even a battleship. It's not even a ship, it's a space hotel with engines and a monument to graft. What the fuck, how did this get approved.

And that name. It's an outright insult.

With how much hope and resources was riding on this project, this should have resulted in bankruptcy of many of the corporations responsible. PR is a thing.

Loved the bit about half the original crew just staying with Starfleet. Heh. Exploitation only works so long as the people don't have other options.

Orion federalization huh? Did not expect that, but it makes sense as them simply... giving up on navy, after this sort of complete disaster.

Impulse (at launch): 1x Wolmar and Porsecca FX-935 Heavy Impulse Drive
Impulse (After 2313 refit): 4x Union Aerodynamics FX-18 Impulse Drive
Already underwent a refit huh? One heavy Impulse drive for four smaller, presumably more tested and reliable ones. Makes sense.

Primary Computer Core at launch: Berasoft Information Technologies Smart Enhance
Primary Computer Core after 2313 refit: Deleros Intelligonics Dreambar-XI
Oof. Primary Computer Cores on Explorers/Capitals are not cheap. Or presumably easy to replace.

Targeting Computer: Shruug-Batta Corporation GSB-1200 with cryptocurrency mining capability
...what. is telling that this abomination was not refit.

At Launch: Berasoft Information Technologies SmartLern OS-V
After 2305 dockyard robotics incident: Monadore United Technologies Ultramark DSV
After 2313 refit: Deleros SmartOS Reliability Enhanced Edition
After 2318 refit: FLinux-based

Shields at launch: 12x Halliburton Technology Protector Deluxe shield generators
Shields after 2318 refit: 6x Union Graviton Workshop GV-4 [licence built SCE Mark-4-SH shield generators]
...second refit.

I can't read the rest. I just can't. What in name on Q is this madness, I have seen (read about) literal hell dimensions that scared me less! The sheer mindboggling incompetence...
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I can't read the rest. I just can't. What in name on Q is this madness, I have seen (read about) literal hell dimensions that scared me less! The sheer mindboggling incompetence...
To quote Kiarel on the discord:

actual rehabilitated Eternal Empire Orion Imperial Navy officers break down in tears boarding Xonothos over what has happened to their proud tradition of building the biggest and baddest capital ships on the block
The targeting computers spend most of their lifetime on standby, since they are specialised for such a niche task. Giving them some secondary abilities thus seems perfectly reasonable.
Yes it is, which is why Tactical Sensors on Starfleet ships also give Science and short ranged navigation (Reaction) capability.

Not mining cryptocurrency on a bloody warship.
Yes it is, which is why Tactical Sensors on Starfleet ships also give Science and short ranged navigation (Reaction) capability.

Not mining cryptocurrency on a bloody warship.
Considering the upkeep problems and how often the ship is deployed, I'd say people who installed those computers were visionaries and they are one of the more useful components on board.
You know this kind of mismatched nightmare of a ship is what you should expect from a committee designed project where each committee member is trying to advance their own priorities at all cost. All the while ignoring the advice of the technical experts who are on the committee effectively in name only, oh and cannot forget that once the project is finalized the main members no longer give a rat's ass about it beyond keeping anyone else from changing it and so able to claim credit for it.
...I hate how this makes perfect sense.
Honestly, if I knew what the naming convention for Orions was, I'd be tempted to write a small omake about the person who represented the Shrug-Batta Corporation being technically aware enough to realize that the Xanathos was going to wind up a trainwreck, and so decided to make sure that, even if the project crashed and burned spectacularly the way they expected it to, the SBC would come out with something at all to show for it - so they negotiated a deal that meant that the SBC would get at least a portion of all cryptocurrency mined aboard the Xanathos if the SBC provided a computer system rated for mining, and then made sure that whatever computer systems they provided that won the bid still had that capability. They lost out on everything other than the FCS, but hey, at least they still got a cut of any cryptocurrency that gets mined while the Xanathos is sitting around trying to be Hotel Yamato II, Orion Union Boogaloo.
They might be brought up to the surface faster than they think. Elite assignment or not, the Xanathos' days are numbered. And so too might be the days of an independent Orion Navy. Federalization is coming.
That's very interesting, given that I recall past discussion of integrating the Orions into the Sarqel Treaty Organization. Did that not work out?
...that's not an Explorer. It's not even a battleship. It's not even a ship, it's a space hotel with engines and a monument to graft. What the fuck, how did this get approved.
I'll do you one notch higher on the horror scale: It works. This monstrosity wasn't just approved, it actually flew. Approved, built, tested, flew, refit, fought, diplomanced, explored, scienced, inspired, merchandised, ect. On paper, the only major flaw of the ship was that its maintenance issues kept it from going on missions more frequently. For every individual aspect of it that is a failure, the Felicity Xanathos overall is a success. And from that one can see why so many Orions are proud of him.

Isn't that wonderful? :V
That's very interesting, given that I recall past discussion of integrating the Orions into the Sarqel Treaty Organization. Did that not work out?
We are building UP2 in their space. It's hard to justify having your own in-house ship designs and maintenance logistics when you're also going to be hosting a mega-structure with two dozen busy shipyards. (Sidenote: I totally can't find the vote where we named it.)
Pictured: Genie giving something infinitely more capable if not exactly what was asked for.

-1x Yata-Volan AlwaysRight SureCombine Safety Plus Buffer - Transporter Room E [closed since 2315]
I wonder in horrified awe about what caused this.
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...that's not an Explorer. It's not even a battleship. It's not even a ship, it's a space hotel with engines and a monument to graft.
Eddie Leslie: "Ayup."

What the fuck, how did this get approved.
Eddie Leslie: "...You said it yourself. Magic word. 'Graft.' "

[looks philosophical]

"In my lifetime at least, Orions were always at their best with smaller ships that actually went out and did things; it cuts the nonsense and they stick to a design that makes sense. Some of those little ships could be pretty impressive back in the day, especially when they still had bits and bobs of old Empire tech working. Mostly tried-and-true variations on very, very old designs, if you look under the hood."

"But this? This was them trying and failing to make something new, not based off anything older. Fell apart because all those contractors don't have what it takes anymore, really."
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"In my lifetime at least, Orions were always at their best with smaller ships that actually went out and did things; it cuts the nonsense and they stick to a design that makes sense. Some of those little ships could be pretty impressive back in the day, especially when they still had bits and bobs of old Empire tech working. Mostly tried-and-true variations on very, very old designs, if you look under the hood."
Leslie would know, since he used to be around back in the Eternal Empire days.
Leslie would know, since he used to be around back in the Eternal Empire days.
He's mainly thinking of incident like that Orion frigate that attacked the Enterprise during Journey to Babel... and was clocked at Warp 10 when Warp 8 was fast.

Look, we don't talk about weird, weird things that happened when people succeeded at making Guardian of Forever drunk, ok?
Eddie Leslie:

"Look, taking an entity immune to logical and causal paradoxes, one that can by all appearances remain functional and stable when the universe itself and all of time has been rewritten, and seeing if it could make sense of a copy of my retirement paperwork seemed like a good idea at the time, dammit! How were we supposed to know it'd get the thing stoned?"