Captain's Log - 2308.Q4
Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23090.3

We are parked in orbit around an uninhabited planet near Dawiar space, waiting for a go-ahead from the Federation Diplomatic Service to head to the Oriolis system in order to sort out exactly what happened to the Polaris. However, we're starting to suspect that this uninhabited planet may not be so uninhabited. We've detected some peculiar energy readings from below the surface.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23090.8

My sensor officer has picked up Cardassian warp signatures in the next system over. A careful reading of the long range sensors has revealed it to be the CDF Parok, a sceince ship. I'm not sure exactly what they're doing ... but I have a nasty suspicion she's bird-dogging for the Dawiar. We're running quiet and attempting to follow.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23090.9

We have arrived at the Arqueniou system, home of the Qloath. We have Ambassador Sarek aboard, and are endeavouring to arrange access for him to the Dawiar Embassy.

I had originally believed that the assignment of Ambassador Sarek to the Starship Sarek was an unusual coincidence. However, my non-Vulcan senior staff are informing me that this is Rear Admiral Sulu's ideal of a humorous 'gag'. It seems an illogical means of assigning missions.


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23091.4

The Miracht has been tapped to conduct the yearly check-ups for the Federation outposts on the core-ward side of the Sol Sector after the USS Bon Vivant was diverted to an urgent matter. Normally the USS Lion would take over, but she is in for her minor refit.

I have to say, something relaxing might not be the worst assignment right after the whole fracas with that ticking time bomb the Gaeni call a warp core.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23091.6

There is a lifeform down there, a peculiar and very old creature. I am taking an away team down to investigate and meet this lifeform.


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23091.9

While following the Parok, we have identified a Dawiar escort-grade vessel moving to intercept an Indorian cargo ship which is headed for Federation space. We cannot allow the Dawiar to prey on neutral affiliates, but we cannot unilaterally fire on the Cardassian ship, and destroying a Dawiar ship while we are attempting to conduct diplomacy would hardly work. I hope I have not just encountered the new century's take on the Kobayashi Maru.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Date Unknown

The creature was a sentient concentration of temporal energy! It just shot us across time and space! We are on a sea ship, built with pre-space age technology. I'm not sure what is going on, but the text here is in Andorian. We've scrounged up clothing for the away party and it's definitely old style Andorian clothing as well. I don't even know how I'm going to hide the humans in my party... At least Leaniss is somewhat blue.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Andorian Imperial Date 775

I'm on the original Kumari, the ice cutter that first circumnavigated Andor. During it's mission to circumnavigate!

A young Thalisar the Last is here as well. I can just see the timeline of Andor going completely awry if I'm not careful in getting back to the Enterprise.


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23092.3

Our twelfth stop on our tour of the frontier, and we are nearly to the end of this trip. Our next stop is the Gamma Hydrax system where an oceanography team are conducting experiments on the local seas, which contain 'unusual' life.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Andorial Imperial Date 775

I have officially met the woman who finally united all the competing clans of pre-space age Andor, Thalisar the Last. And it ... could have gone better.

Thalisar is completely suspicious of us. Worse, they are at a crucial part in the history of the circumnavigation, where the Andor Star Clan is confronted by the North Sea Clan. She needs to focus on those negotiations or we'll have blown up all Andorian history! Instead she is trying to catch us out.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23093.1

Commander Saavik has brought me a most irregular report.

My Science Officer, Commander Kwan has noticed unusual sensor readings from near the computer core. We have not yet been able to conclusively ... identify ... This is a thoron interference pattern masking a beam-in.

[Beep] Security, this is Captain Straak, security condition four. We have intruders at the computer core. Shields up.


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Andorian Imperial Date 775

We believe we have managed to find a way to get back home, there will be a temporal wave aftershock from our original arrival, and by generating a crude energy field within one of the cargo bays, we can hop our way back to the 24th Century...


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23093.5

One Thane Grundin of the Thrakashoun is sending me exceedingly irate hails as I continuously position the Courageous between his ship and the SS Purund. I suspect that he is probably feeling a little embarrassed at being outflown by a ship that outmasses it nearly ten-to-one. But it now looks like he is giving up the chase. Of course, if we don't do something to stop the Parok from following, they can just vector more ships this way.


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23093.7

Apparently, there is no such thing as a routine mission in the Explorer Corps. Good to know.

There are shapeshifters on this planet that have killed, at a guess, a good half of the outpost's scientists. Of course, being shapeshifters, we don't know which half.


Personal Log, Captain Nash ka'Sharren, Stardate 23093.8

She's on the ship, she came through with us, I've finally done it, I've blown up history, my mothers always said this would happen!


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23093.9

We have encountered a ... temporal ... incident. A person of ... some ... historical interest has travelled back through time with us and doesn't want to go back.


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23094.0

Security sweeps through the computer core have flushed out intruders. There are now running phaser battles through the corridors of the Sarek. This is obviously a less than ideal scenario.

At times like this I am reminded that geological features usually do not fire upon passer-bys.

[Faint aside] Lieutenant, hand me that phaser rifle.


Captain's Log, USS Miracht, Stardate 23094.2

To resolve the impasse, I ordered my First Officer to have every scientist and away party member, including myself, beamed directly to individual cells in the brig. While we cooled our heels there, the assistant medical officers ran molecular level scans to identify the distinctive patterns of the shapeshifters.

As dealing with the shapeshifters themselves is beyond my remit, we have sent the creatures back to the planet and will return the scientists to Rigel to reassess their mission and develop an approach .

[Gain +10 pp, the USS Miracht crew is now "Blooded", +1 Crew Rating]


Captain's Log, USS Courageous, Stardate 23094.3

A bit of clever thinking on the part of the science officers has given us our break. While still travelling at Warp Factor 5, the top speed of the Purund, we took a detour through an uninhabited system. Using the navigational deflector, we emitted a powerful burst of polaron radiation into upper atmosphere of a gas giant. The Parok followed just in time for the ionised atmosphere to feed out into the magnetic field of the gas giant, causing an enormous burst of energy. This blinded the Parok to our next course change, which has put us outside the Dawiar's intercept envelope.

[Gain +25 Relations with the Indorians, +5 pp]


Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 23094.5

We have eliminated the threat. The intruders were from the Lecarre, conducting an elaborate operation to raid the Computer Core of the Sarek to gain information about the Federation. I would have advised the surviviors that the information they sought was information we share freely, but my evaluation leads me to believe that would not have trusted it. Most unfortunate.

Two of the intruders were killed in the exchange, as were five of my security personnel and six other crewmembers. Unfortunately, before we could properly interview the four surviving Lecarre agents, they activated subdermal distintigration packs.

[Gain +10pp, -10 Relations with Lecarre, +10 relations with Qloath]


Captain's Log, USS Enterprise, Stardate 23094.7

Thalisar snuck her way into Stellar Cartography. I thought after seeing the stars there would be no way I could convince her to go back, but seeing all the Andorian worlds has apparently galvanised her. She has returned to Andoria more determined than ever to unite the planet and set the next phase of Andorian history into motion.


Personal Log, Captain Nash ka'Sharren, Stardate 23094.9


[Gain +10 rp, +5pp, do not irrevocably ruin Andorian history]

Computer, End Log
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I seem to recall the Cardassians and Romulans using plasma torpedos rather than photorps. Figured I'd give them a different color than the usual red.

Cardassian situation is over when the border zone is no longer contested, either because every race has become unshakable in its affiliations or because the big war happened and either we or the Cardies got pushed out entirely. Doesn't mean the Cardassians will never be an antagonist again, but this specific conflict has a clear endpoint.
Thing is, that's going to make for several more years of conflict.

I'd argue that, for purposes of turning this into a show divisible into seasons, we might want to write the first "Cardassian arc" as ending when we wrap up the Caitian-Dawiar War. That's our second season. There will, no doubt, be a third season still featuring the ongoing conflict... but then, it's not like DS9 wrapped up the Dominion War in one season either.

We're scrapping the constellations. There's some disagreement about the mirandas.
You don't QUITE have 100% agreement on the Constellations either; there are so many of them in the member fleets that increasing their capabilities a bit would really help. They're pretty good utility ships with refits, and it's going to be a long time before we're so comfortably above our Defense targets that we can afford to scrap a ship with Defense 3 or 4.

Although taking a few out of service to 'borrow' their crew is certainly an issue.
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...I think maybe she did? Who really knows? It's Schrödinger's Liaison, as is the case with many of Kirk's affairs with assorted space babes.

[catches up enough to read logs, breaks out laughing at ALL mission logs.]

Good to see Nash getting more temporal shenanigans. Honestly, based on my earlier analysis, 5-10% of Star Trek plots involve some kind of time travel (often a short-term temporal loop rather than "stuck in the distant past," granted). It's normal. No wonder they have a whole department that does literally nothing but deal with it.
I wonder what would have happened if Andorian history was irrevocably ruined.

Presumably the Vulcans/Romulan controlled High Command completely overshadows the region and Earth truly is a protectorate.

At some point the Romulans roll through and gloriously uplift these poor systems > : V
+30pp, nice. Indorians should be beginning integration as well. Still not much of a clue where the Lecarre are.
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I wonder what would have happened if Andorian history was irrevocably ruined.
I expect that the Andorians would be very confused and somewhat indignant, while one of our ships would suddenly have a different name. Also, we'd suddenly want to get a temporal-shenanigans department, because I'm not sure that exists yet.

Of course, there's a cchance it'll simply start existing all on it's own due to a temporal paradox, but they'ld probably have records on it, so that's allowable.
Three affiliates could be starting integration this quarter, Apiata, Caldonians and Indorians. I'm curious what's going to happen with the current CBZ when two of our sectors are on the other side of it. Maybe it will just be split between Indorian, Apiata, Amarki and Caitian sectors, with the CBZ moving to the other side?
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Captain's Log, USS Sarek, Stardate 22394.0

Security sweeps through the computer core have flushed out intruders. There are now running phaser battles through the corridors of the Sarek. This is obviously a less than ideal scenario.

At times like this I am reminded that geological features usually do not fire upon passer-bys.

[Faint aside] Lieutenant, hand me that phaser rifle.
Star Trek geology folks! More violent than they probably taught you at school.
We are parked in orbit around an uninhabited planet near Dawiar space, waiting for a go-ahead from the Federation Diplomatic Service to head to the Oriolis system in order to sort out exactly what happened to the Polaris.

I see the President pushed our suggestion through the Council. This plus the mission to the embassy on Arqueniou gives me some hope that we'll get this war resolved our way. Fingers crossed.

We have arrived at the Arqueniou system, home of the Qloath. We have Ambassador Sarek aboard, and are endeavouring to arrange access for him to the Dawiar Embassy.