There's a bunch more on the following pages. But I think the most important point is that, well, these are frigates. The current fleet battle system means frigates usually don't stick around in the Heavy Metal phase, and it's there where most ships actually get blown up. We couldn't just order up a bunch of these and call it a day, we'd need to make a (much more complicated) complete build plan including capital-sized ships to also be completed for the emergency fleet.
Thanks for the quote.

Not sure where you got that from, frigates can, and often do, operate in the Heavy Metal phase.

Just, the ones used for Scouting and Skirmish would probably be spent by then.

Lots of fleets rely on Vanguard frigates to win Heavy Metal.

The only ships that we would need in addition to the war frigates are scouts and skirmishers. Scouts are one per fleet and almost never lost, and Skirmishers dont suffer great attrition either. We would probably need to build a few, but not many.

Capital ships are useful, but not necessary for a complete battlefleet.
I don't speculate on if we can use all the berths (where the heck is the post...? If I can't find I'll repost) because I don't know what our income will be like depending on degree of emergency and degree of income raiding. Other people did the calculation but I don't see it as reliable.

The point of the 200 berth strategy is to make it impossible to one-shot the Federation's industry, making any prospective war into a guaranteed grind as long as will to keep fighting exists. It uses reactivated old member world facilities for decentralized component manufacturing and the scattered 200 <1mt berths to make it impossible to kill our yard ability even if we lose UP or other major world shipyards like 40E to sabotage or raiding.

And yes, there are plenty of frigates aimed at vanguard and metal in the designs, along with scout and skirmish. It covers all three phases.
That makes logical sense, but from a narrative perspective I feel like it should be a Councillor who has gotten some screen time. I can't remember anything about the Gaeni Councillors.
Okaar: "Commander ch'Tharvasse. I take it you're here about the latest developments on Morshadd then. I must say, you're here sooner than expected."

Shey: "Under Article 3, section 8, clause 6 of the Constitution of the United Federation of Planets, you are under arrest, madam President."

Okaar: "Are you threatening me, Commander?"

Shey: "The Council will decide your fate."

Okaar: "I am the Council!"

Shey: "Not yet!"

Okaar: "It's treason, then."
So anyone else think that the Morshad decapitation strike was as much to insure no one could get a look at or duplicate Lugis's psionic shield as it was to let Rithe take control?
In regards to us losing Utopia Planitia. We can recover from that kind of a loss. Do remember that we have officially started on the process to build our second one on the opposite side of the federation. It will probably be at Amarkia or Alukk depending on what gets decided by the Politicians.
So anyone else think that the Morshad decapitation strike was as much to insure no one could get a look at or duplicate Lugis's psionic shield as it was to let Rithe take control?
Any interstellar government wants to hit as many metaphorical birds with a few stones as possible.
Mostly because they have to use starships instead of rocks, and so they cost a great deal more.
Daily Canon reminder: An alien parasite with an obvious externally visible tell once took over Starfleet command to the point that Starfleet vessels were being destroyed.
Daily Canon reminder: An alien parasite with an obvious externally visible tell once took over Starfleet command to the point that Starfleet vessels were being destroyed.
That was an interesting episode with an extremely cliffhanger that didn't get answered in Canon but instead got a crappy non canon ending where the creatures turned out to be a weird Trill symbiote something or other.
Omake - 200 Berth Plan - SWB
200 Berth Strategy Summary Briefing, Circa Late 2322 / Early 2323


[-] 1. Introduction

The 200 Berth Strategy is a Federation-scale strategic war plan designed by Starfleet Tactical Strategic Review Division in concert with Starfleet Tactical's Design Labs. First developed under Pathe Lathriss in 2315, it details how the Starfleet and the United Federation of Planets could fight an existential war in the event of massive enemy occupation of up to half its territory. The current plan accounts for destruction of the Utopia Plantia shipyard, for the destruction or occupation of the capitol in Sol, and for hostile occupation from any direction including Ashalla Pact thrusts from spinwards or rimwards, Klingon invasion into Ferasa and Andor, Romulan attack into Andor and Vulcan, Harmony occupation of Okatha and Rigel, or even the attack from inwards of various major systems by hostile extra-universal powers.

Key to the 200 Berth Strategy are the member and ally berths, almost countless in number, which range from the 400kt berths at Risa to 750kt berths in Seyek space to the 3mt behemoths of the Amarkian Arsenal. A ship in every berth, claims the plan. Additionally, reactivated member fleet industrial assets are used as small-scale decentralized component production. Included in the file are updated ship designs for every berth size, which ensure that 150+ of the Federation's berths can be producing warships simultaneously.

[-] 2. History

The 200 Berth Strategy can trace its origins to the Federation's growing diversity, and to the Member World Coordination Office (now the Member World Coordination Division). Around the end of 2314, some MWCD representatives began inquiring as to if there were plans to reduce the now incredibly-diverse member fleets to a more standardized set. Standardization in Federation designs had long been a matter of course for the original four, but there was no official policy, just a natural inclination to centralization of starship technology and industrial resources from four species that had worked together for over a century. In addition, Starfleet Tactical had a sharp need to modify war plans to include both the extensive new territory and the emergence of new potential enemies. Any attack on the original four sectors would quickly threaten the other three, rending much of the old Federation under direct threat. With the accession of the Amarki, Betazoids, Caitians, Rigellians, Apiata, and Indorians in the short seven years between 2306 and 2313, the Federation had more than doubled in territorial size, and no longer would an occupation of any one sector threaten the bulk of the Federation.

Over the course of 2315, Vice Admiral Sulu was promoted out of Starfleet Tactical Command. With an opportunity to influence the Federation's strategic direction, a combination of MWCD coordinators from the Apiata, Indorian and Rigellian fleets, and Amarki, Orion and Caitian officers within Starfleet went to the newly promoted Vice Admiral Pathe Lathriss with questions over how and under what circumstances the newfound strategic depth of the Federation would be used. This led to the development of the first iteration of the 200 Berth Strategy, the 100 Berth Strategy, which outlined how the spinward and tailward halves of the Federation could operate if one half was under attack or occupation by a hostile power.

The 100 Berth Strategy was a direct development of the War Plan Glegch, which was the economic plan for total mobilization of the original four members of the United Federation of Planets and her affiliates in the face of total war with the Klingon or Romulan empires*. A second version of the plan was developed for the spinward half of the Federation, and Glegch was updated into the Tailward Strategy. Together, the Spinward Strategy and the Tailward Strategy represented the two halves of the 100 Berth Strategy, including plans to integrate the Amarki, Apiata, and Caitian component-producing assets to Starfleet-grade, and to integrate the Betazoids and Rigellians into the original four war economies in the event of total mobilization, with the Tellarite central position and flexible industrial base acting as a pivot. The 100 Berth Strategy's builds centered around two ship types, a 550kt frigate for the 500kt and 600kt berths of the original four, the Indorians, the Gaeni, the Apiata, and the Caitians, and a <1.1mt frigate (or the existing Renaissance, Kepler, and Comet projects) for the 1mt and 1.5mt berths of the original four, Amarki, Betazoids, Caitians, Rigellians, and Indorians.

*In fact, the late-2200s version of War Plan Glegch was nearly deployed twice, once under illegitimate orders of Admiral Cartwright during the Khitomer Crisis, and once in the lead-up to the Battle of Kadesh, where the final result was uncertain and total mobilization might have been necessary to stop a victorious Biophage.

[-] 3. Modern Implementation

As the Federation has introduced more members and allies, the 100 Berth Strategy has been updated, becoming the 200 Berth Strategy with three key economic areas, with an anticipated expansion into the Sydraxian Gulf as a fourth economic area as all four powers there are now Federation affiliates, and eventually rimwards as the STO, Risa, Ashidi, and Trill move towards greater integration as an economic area. Corewards, Spinwards, and Tailwards are the current groupings, with much work been done ahead of their delayed ascension to integrate the powerful Starkin economy, the fleets of the Starkin and Magen Chalal, and the remote location of the Ked Paddah major worlds into war plans. As the Federation has grown, critical shipbuilding infrastructure was positioned in Amarki and Apiata space, and programs upgrading member fleets to Starfleet-standard ships were strongly encouraged, the latest of which can be seen in the Sarqel Treaty Organization. Logistical routes were adjusted so that the bounty of the Gabriel Border Zone, the coreward colonies along the Horizon and Licori borders, and the rimward colonies in STO space are all serviced by different branches of the Federation shipping arteries. This has caused a distribution of shipbuilding infrastructure and auxiliary supply routes that is almost impossible to completely shut down in a single-front war.

The 200 Berth Strategy concludes that it should focus on three primary ship sizes, and that it must skew all its designs towards low-mineral and low-crew designs. A 480kt frigate, designed for the 400, 500, and 600kt shipyards, which service ships of 480kt, 600kt, and 720kt respectively. A 840kt frigate, which can be built in the 700kt, 750kt, and 800kt yards, servicing ships of 840, 900, and 960kt. And a 1.2mt frigate, which can be built in the 1mt and 1.2mt yards, serving ships of 1.2 and 1.44mt.

With the increase in standardization with members adopting Starfleet designs, and with some of the member fleet seeking new berth-suitable designs of Starfleet standard, Starfleet's Ship Design Bureau has engaged in a great deal of consultation with member world design teams in order to ensure parts and logistical commonality in upcoming designs. Thusfar, this cooperation and consultation have delivered a number of suitable designs at the 840kt level, including a science frigate that may be prototyped by the Sydraxians and a skirmish frigate that may or may not be produced by the STO**. On the 1.2mt level, there is a split between a 1.2 mt frigate and a 977kt Comet variant, but both designs require technology projected for 2325. In 2323, the best design available for 1.2 mt berths is listed as a proposed Renaissance-A and the Comet itself.

There is also some consideration to a <1.8mt cruiser for the 1.5mt, 2mt, and 2.5mt yards and a <3.6mt explorer for the 3mt, 3.1mt, and single 4mt yard, but these yards are of a much smaller concern as they are in total less numerous, are a larger target for raiders, the resources to service them under siege are comparatively greater, and such ships already exist in Starfleet use or existing expansion plans.

That the 200 Berth Strategy focuses on distributed production of cheap frigate-sized vessels has been pointed out as a doctrinal mistake by its detractors across Starfleet, including many flag-rank veterans of the Explorer Corps, who prefer relying on heavy ships and have done so to massive success in the campaigns they have commanded since the turn of the century. While it is true that existing Starfleet doctrine focuses on the production of heavy ships, as far down as long-build heavy frigates, the existing top-heavy Starfleet is a key component of the strategy. The 200 Berth Strategy presumes that Starfleet will be greatly reduced in repeated defense against a serious invasion, so it produces frigates that can easily be added to any remaining heavy ships in ad-hoc battlegroups. In this way, any remaining Starfleet cruiser or explorer can form the nucleus of a fleet along with the 200-berth frigates just rolling off the production lines. This is no accident, but deliberate planning for the state of the Federation's forces in the event of such a devastating war.

It has to be remembered that the 200 Berth Strategy is a contingency plan, allowing the Federation to continue to operate a formidable navy even through the destruction of our heavy forces, the loss of our largest concentration of berths, and the reduction of our incomes. Under ideal circumstances, production of heavy vessels could continue, but the 200 Berth Strategy is not designed for ideal circumstances, but for worst-case scenarios.

** 2324 Note: The STO decided against, but the design still exists.

[-] 4. Weaknesses

If the 200 Berth Strategy has a primary weakness, it is logistical. While it's possible the Federation or rump Federation could survive an invasion that occupies half its current territory, its merchant marine may not. By the time a war grinds its way through Sol or Amarkia and occupies multiple member states, it is almost certain that the merchant marine that services Starfleet's yards will have been ground into as much dust as Starfleet itself. However, the incredibly deep reserves of member state merchant marines may prove enough to continue a distributed shipbuilding program. The destruction of the logistical production net that services Starfleet's berths would also be felt, however in recent years the production of Starfleet critical starship components has been heavily decentralized for security reasons. Not to mention, member states each still operate their own starship-grade production plans. Coordinating these smaller-scale production facilities into a Federation-wide effort is a considerable focus of the 200 Berth Strategy's detailed planning, as is fast reactivation of decommissioned member fleet component production facilities.

Of course, a secondary weakness is political. Any Federation defeated enough to be relying on a distributed starship production network may be war-weary, on the verge of fracturing along member state lines, or ready to sue for a negotiated peace. But the 200 Berth Strategy is not a political strategy, simply a military-economic one. If the strength and threat it represents will give the Federation a stronger negotiating position despite the weakness of having lost a third of her territory, then it was well-used. There are also wars where negotiation is not an option, or where political will solidifies around a "no quarter, no step back" hard-line. If the Federation should ever need to fight to her last, the 200 Berth Strategy will provide to the last berth.

[+] 5. Conclusion

[+] 6. Further Reading

Author's Notes: I actually don't think I ever posted this outside of the draft on Discord. This is a document from a few in-game years ago, so the designs are actually significantly out-of-date. Notably, we anticipate a different set of 2325+ designs and also a different set of 1.2mt frigates, plus the Renaissance-A.
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Daily Canon reminder: An alien parasite with an obvious externally visible tell once took over Starfleet command to the point that Starfleet vessels were being destroyed.
I'd almost managed to forget how disgraceful that was, and how nothing was actually done with it to follow up where there damn well should have been at least an arc of a couple episodes and some serious in-universe consequences.

Thanks? I think?
200 Berth Strategy Addendum, 2325-2328 design updates.

In the 840kt Frigate Class, Project Unity Escort Variant Frigate, though perhaps sacrificing some speed and durability for lower build times may be required.

And the Yrillians are proceeding with this 849kt Export Skirmish Frigate

In the 1.2Mt Frigate Class, several variations on Project Spectral are possible to meet multiple roles. However, in the event of 200-berth activation, it is likely a more durable Vanguard-Heavy Metal frigate would be bulk-produced instead.
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Doing a detailed in-thread response.

Though sealed against the the vastness of space, Courageous' auxiliary information security laboratory hums with the faintest brushes with a vast, dark, all consuming void. Yellow lights gently flash across the darkened bulkheads of the sealed compartment.

Four figures in crimson crowd around a low table covered entirely in computer displays. The screens are covered not only with Starfleet's familiar rounded Majel family of UI design, but both the smoothly minimalist Automated Information Recovery System used by the Harmony and raw data as interpreted by Courageous' systems featured prominently on the screens.

I am sure AIRS is a reference I'm missing. Four figures, eh? That would be Counselor Noir, Doctor L'Amour, Lt. Commander Ash Clark, and Petty Officer Someguy.

Aw, it's a shame that Wolfe is still in too critical a condition to bear witness to this stuff he's been trying to find out since forever.

"That's the comm logs of an internal report from this base to Antaria Valley," Noir says distractedly, her attention returning to Zara, "Someone on the Council has been under Singer influence for months now."

Months is actually not that long. This would be relatively recent, as in just the last quarter or two. No real clues who it is, though I speculated in the thread that it would be easier to conceal an active implant among all that the cybernetic implants a Gaeni (or maybe an Orion) would have.

Distrust of transhumanism and cyber-augmentation intensifies.

Yeah, pro-transhumanist posters, that's something else you can thank the Harmony for. This will only intensify the Federation's prejudice against such things.

Underway Intelligence Officer's Log, Stardate 23871.6, USS Courageous, Lieutenant Commander Ash Clark
(Excelsior-A, EC-Trailing/Rimward)

Been a while since we got a Stardate. The most recent one I could find was the Wargames, Stardate 23843.6. This would be roughly a month later. Well, these logs have one from 23858.9.

With that said, we've pulled enough out of the datasets so far that we can begin labelling them with summaries of the contents:

SKC7/1: The Singers appear to have been having more success with the Bolians than the Galactic Outreach Directorate has. Absent a major diplomatic push from the Federation, the Singers appear to be settling in to their endgame plans.

I'll take these in SKC chunks, which appear to denote topic areas. SKC7 is Bolians. The Singers have had more success than GOD, and GOD already had a lot of success. Looks like the Bolians are ready to fall right into the Harmony's grasp. Truthfully I don't even know if a major diplomatic push from the Federation could do anything. No word if this has enough actionable intelligence to do anything for the Bolians.

SKC8/1: Appears to contain a great deal of information about the specifications of Daystrom Rigel Campus at Rigel, and the Amash Kadan Production Branch at Kleda IV. Lieutenant Brailor isn't sure, but she thinks that this dataset also shows Harmony influence on our existing Isolinear design work. There appears to be an ongoing effort to gain access to the production facilities.

SKC8/3: This block is actually a Public Security Report. After a brief skim it appears that this block is almost entirely complaints about the Honiani religion, but also a list of Ni-Lakhept affiliated orders and monasteries. It appears that Harmony influence with those organizations is fairly hands off and appears to be conducted entirely with an eye to spreading internal dissent and possibly to topple the Honiani Government by force in the event of war with the Federation.

SKC8/4: The Singers have instructed the Public Safety Department to obtain all the data on Yan-Ros biology as they can, as the unique robustness of the Yan-ros appears to increase the difficulty of Singer cybernetic operations.

SKC8 appears to be discussing Harmony infiltration of Federation institutions in the coreward area. The stuff about their attempts to infiltrate our computer core manufacturing facilities is not good. It's an especial failure that we didn't detect their attempts. Thankfully we haven't yet begun installing isolinear chips, so it's not too late on that front.

Per Akuz in Discord chat, picture TNG Season One aggrieved speechifying about the very concept of a spacefaring civilization still indulging in "primitive religious practices" as regards to that Public Security Report. Their desire to leverage Ni-Lakhept is understandable, but I think the Honiani themselves have virtually dead-lettered that with the Yan-Ros and Obar assimiliation. While those species might take to the religion, they likely have little patience for the extremist version and would make a Honani-only Ni-Lakhept revolt very difficult to pull off.

As for the Yan-Ros, I guess the cybernetic implants keep popping out!

SKC9/6: This is one of the datasets that I'd like translated first as it appears to show major Singer influence with House Rithe and not only Ikeigenite Corp assets, but with OSA influencers and to a more limited extent, government officials.

SKC9/7: An internal Peacekeeper Directorate plan for intervenining in the OSA-Arcadian war if requested, annotated by several Singers who appear to be discussing the intervention request as if it was already a done deal.

SKC9/8: The logs of a Singer vote in response to the surprise uprising by the Morshadd Commune. The result of the vote seems to be permanently detaching the missing corporate wolfpack and its Singer commander to Rithe control until the Commune is destroyed.

SK9 is Arcadian Empire stuff. Nothing we didn't already expect, though one wonders why the OSA-Arcadian war intervention never happened. I suspect it was partially the massive Federation intervention, which we were more easily able to justify due to the Laio... but also a very fortunate stalemate after the battle of Ioji caused both sides to be willing to sue for peace early.

Confirmation they are backing Rithe and are not backing the Commune, though I am disappoint they so swiftly decided to eliminate the Commune rather than try and subvert it.

SKC10/1: Internal Singer communications about how to influence high ranking Federation officials, elected and otherwise, to prevent military mobilization. Methods discussed are both conventional and non-conventional, and entirely cynical.

SKC10/2: Annotated Public Security Directorate reports bemoaning the lack of remaining intelligence assets amongst the Tauni. The Singer discussion appears to have a similar tone of frustration as the PSD officers drafting the initial report, as they'd anticipated having at least another two generations to rebuild their networks.

Not sure why these SKC10 items were paired together; they appear to be discussing very different subjects?

Looks like the Tauni have been unexpectedly successful in clearing out Harmony intelligence assets. I suspect extreme ruthlessness during the rebellion helped.

SKC11/1: Internal Singer directive to be delivered to key member of the Felis Parliament of Corporations to cut off trade with the Federation. They appear to be using fear of Federation anti-capitalist tendencies as a cover for their actions while in influence over key Harmony aligned Felis executives. The Harmony appears to have convinced the Felis that their unique economic system will remain intact while both the Singers and the Public Security Directorate plan to break it over their knee within the next decade.

SKC11/2: Internal medical statistics show large numbers of the Felis elite have been suborned by Harmony cybernetics. It seems that the Singers have infiltrated an existing nascent plutocrat augment ideology, ostensibly run by former Syndicate shodars passing on the secrets of the ancient Orion Hypercorporations that once ruled the galaxy using cybernetic augmentation.

SKC11 is Felis stuff, and of course the HoH are lying liars who lie. Also another confirmation that you don't dare use cybernetic augments with the Harmony around, because they're only too eager to use it as a conduit to suborn people. Still, if there's actually evidence of this we can really explode their influence among the Felis. It'll be difficult to deny too. A thorough examination of some of these implants should show all is not well.

SKC13/4: Appears to detail a long term plan by the Singers to stoke the fires of reactionary elements within the Federation itself. Though conventional Harmony elements do not appear to be involved in the efforts, the Singers appear to be looking for ways to grow anti-unity groups within the Federation including silently funding Neo-Transcendentalist groups within United Earth, and artificially growing the viewcount for agitators like Mora Feyliss.

More Federation infiltration, but this is some pretty weak-sauce stuff. The entry calls it a "plan" but the Singers are going it along without even conventional Harmony backing and also admits they're "looking for ways". Seems like more an intention and a goal than anything they've got much momentum with.

SKC14/2: Internal Progress reports showing that the Sei-Farie planets led by Nessic are close to admission to the Harmony.

That's unfortunate, but no more than we've been warned. I believe the Nessic are the Athens equivalent?

SKC15/4: Details their suspicions that Tal Shiar cells have pulled apart multiple Harmony citizens using mind probes and molecular disassembly.

When the Tal Shiar have questions, they get answers even if it involves something called a "mind ripper". And for everyone clapping hands, they probably tortured a bunch of perfectly innocent Harmony citizens to death and you shouldn't feel any better about it then when the Arcadians were doing it.

SKC16/2: The Singers have been conducting only limited interactions with the Padani, apparently wary of the fact that the Padani killed at least a small number of Singers during their initial confrontations. Both Singer and Public Security Directorate operations appear to be oriented entirely towards information gathering and observation, with a focus on keeping their pulse on the pace of Padani mobilization as they are concerned by the possibility of a uncontrolled bolt from the black attack by the ISC.

SKC16/3: Details a plan to deliberately mislead the Commonwealth's intelligence community into tricking the Commonwealth Navy into launching a pre-emptive strike on the Felis League and the Harmony. In the event of this attack, Singer military planners are working tirelessly to ensure that the blow will fall disproportionately on civilian infrastructure. They hope that the resulting "surprise attack" will result in a high death toll among civilian populations if their misdirection pays off.

SKC16/4: This file appears to detail proposal from a Singer pre-analyst to cynically allow the Commonwealth's continued independence to act as a managed threat. They propose that the Singers use Padani "paranoia" and "cynical militarism" as a long term excuse to justify a large Peacekeeper fleet for interstellar audiences, and provide convenient crises and distractions for a closer control of the Harmony's projected greatly expanded population.

Of these proposals, the last seems the most likely to work. The Commonwealth would make a convenient threat to justify all sorts of things, especially if they can be baited into an attack.

This entire data block are a collection of logs from the Explorer Corps, the Sector Squadrons, and the trailing detached Task Force commands.

Someone is reading our mail.

Well damn. Now I know how the Ashalla Pact felt when we kept cracking their codes with regularity. Clearly we need to up our information security game.
Failing that, maybe Zara can convince the Singers of the error of their ways? Her memetic skill at befriending might just be up to the challenge.
People who are willing to intentionally sacrifice own civilians for a justification are not someone you're going to convince. If nothing else the `we've gone too far to turn back now` will prevent it.

Distrust of transhumanism and cyber-augmentation intensifies.

Yeah, pro-transhumanist posters, that's something else you can thank the Harmony for. This will only intensify the Federation's prejudice against such things.

EDIT: Seriously I can not hate this fact enough. Hate. HATE. HATE!
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More Federation infiltration, but this is some pretty weak-sauce stuff. The entry calls it a "plan" but the Singers are going it along without even conventional Harmony backing and also admits they're "looking for ways". Seems like more an intention and a goal than anything they've got much momentum with.

Wasn't there some weird Tellar terrorist organisation that caused an event recently? Could be the HoH has caused us events using methods like these.
And the HoH cant stop this, because our berths are heavily decentralized. No few production centers to destroy.
The Harmony knows where many of our most critical military component production nodes are located, and may have software or even personnel penetration of their security.

It doesn't do much good for us to have 200 berths if we can't produce 200 warp cores to put in 200 ships in a timely manner.

And they have many months in which they could exploit their intel advantage over us before our first wave of production comes out. I'm not saying they could win, but they could be far, FAR more troublesome to defeat than we'd expect given the industrial advantage. Especially given that the public relations front will be... tricky. Proving the authenticity of our claims will be rough.

(I almost said 'the authenticity of our clams.' ;P )

So anyone else think that the Morshad decapitation strike was as much to insure no one could get a look at or duplicate Lugis's psionic shield as it was to let Rithe take control?
Possibly Cyborg Zombie Pirate Refugee Revolutionary Halkh:

[raises hand]

Daily Canon reminder: An alien parasite with an obvious externally visible tell once took over Starfleet command to the point that Starfleet vessels were being destroyed.
I actually had some rough plans for a fic featuring that incident and a superannuated Admiral Leslie. Only rough plans, though.


"Hell yes I know when some of my coworkers have been replaced by their evil opposites thank you very much!"

As for the Yan-Ros, I guess the cybernetic implants keep popping out!
That, or their immune systems keep walking up to the nanotech IN the implants, calling it a wuss, and kicking sand in its face. :p

Confirmation they are backing Rithe and are not backing the Commune, though I am disappoint they so swiftly decided to eliminate the Commune rather than try and subvert it.
Probably because:

1) Given the behavior Dearre Nixa reported in her, uh 'Morshadd Noir' reports, Harmony residents on Morshadd don't really have a good grasp of how to deal with some of the problems with that society, so engaging with it was difficult or distasteful for the Singers.

2) Their key asset on-station, the big computer core under the Harmony embassy basement that may or may not have housed an active Singer, was destroyed in the aftermath of the bombing. I don't know if that was an accident after they'd tried to prepare for the impact of the torpedo attack they knew was coming, or if Rithe just accidentally blue-on-blued them, or what, but in any case the Harmony's ability to control the Commune or subvert it is probably very limited.

Not sure why these SKC10 items were paired together; they appear to be discussing very different subjects?
SKC10 may be "general discussion of penetration of foreign societies by intelligence assets," with that topic also arising naturally in some of the species-specific topics. That's the only guess I have.

More Federation infiltration, but this is some pretty weak-sauce stuff. The entry calls it a "plan" but the Singers are going it along without even conventional Harmony backing and also admits they're "looking for ways". Seems like more an intention and a goal than anything they've got much momentum with.
In all fairness, they've only known we existed for like eight to ten years. We're probably looking at the opening stages of a long term cultural subversion plan. I'm a lot more worried about the technical advantages they have gained over us with penetration of our computer networks, and the further advantages they would have gained if they were able to engineer even more backdoors into our isolinear hardware.

When the Tal Shiar have questions, they get answers even if it involves something called a "mind ripper". And for everyone clapping hands, they probably tortured a bunch of perfectly innocent Harmony citizens to death and you shouldn't feel any better about it then when the Arcadians were doing it.
I don't feel good about it, but in hindsight the Tal Shiar had a much stronger "we did what we had to do" defense here than the Licori did during the war with the OSA.

They were innocent people, but they were also infiltration vectors being used by a cabal of transhuman semi-eldritch intelligences who had the long term goal of conquering and assimilating the Romulan species.
The Harmony knows where many of our most critical military component production nodes are located, and may have software or even personnel penetration of their security.

It doesn't do much good for us to have 200 berths if we can't produce 200 warp cores to put in 200 ships in a timely manner.
Out of our current members, every single one of them except the Original Four and maybe the Liao have had the capability to independently build starship components within the last decade. There were FIFTEEN independent space programs of our current members (and at least 5 of our allies), all of which had within the last decade pre-contact factories with ability to produce the full array of starship-grade components. Many are still in production. Yeah, there would be a lot of difficulty integrating these smaller facilities, bringing them up to spec if they're older, or reactivating them if they moved to larger Federation facilities, but that's why it's a full on plan rather than just a statement of intent. It's not like the Original Four where the facilities have likely been lost or totally discarded.

Yes, the loss of centralized Starfleet facilities would hurt a lot. A hell of a lot. But that's the entire point: we can limp along even after being hurt badly. The point isn't that we can just brush off losing UP or the Venus warp core facility or anything, it's how to function so that they aren't crippling blows that enemies intended them to be.
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SKC8/1: Appears to contain a great deal of information about the specifications of Daystrom Rigel Campus at Rigel, and the Amash Kadan Production Branch at Kleda IV. Lieutenant Brailor isn't sure, but she thinks that this dataset also shows Harmony influence on our existing Isolinear design work. There appears to be an ongoing effort to gain access to the production facilities.
Does anyone recall if we got any now-possibly-suspicious or unexpected bonuses to Isolinear research progress along the way?
People who are willing to intentionally sacrifice own civilians for a justification are not someone you're going to convince. If nothing else the `we've gone too far to turn back now` will prevent it.

EDIT: Seriously I can not hate this fact enough. Hate. HATE. HATE!

The Sigma Virus is still an option, just saying.